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Was it a was a mistake to let Schottenheimer go? ☺


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Contrary to the popular belief held by many posters here that Brian Schottenheimer was ruining / ruined the developement of Sanchez, the truth may actually be that he was handcuffed by Marks lack of ability so had to formulate simple game plans, designed to mask the limited passing skills of Mark Sanchez. The slant, dump off and wide receiver screens that were hated during his tenure as OC were made the staple of game plans out of necessity, not preference.

While Sparano certainly hasnt been terrific in his short tenure, (see Tebow run for 2 yds) he has more frequently tried to stretch the field with longer pass plays but quickly found out what most of us already knew. Mark Sanchez simply isnt up to the task.

Cue the team has no receivers mob.

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There is a push and a pull to everything.

My opinion is and always has been that Mark, along with the offense, was being ruined by a bad OC. I think they waited too long to do anything about it. I think Sanchez is shot, and Sparano is hamstrung by the realities of having a QB who has been in the league 4 years and hasn't been developed at all. We've seen almost zero maturation from Sanchez, and most of that has to be put on him and the coaches he was surrounded with during the years that were going to make or break him at the NFL level.

It's not all on Schotty though, Sanchez is partially to blame. He doesn't seem to have the mental toughness to rebound from his mistakes and is all too prone to repeating them routinely.

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What everyone says.. Cowher or Gruden.

Nah, there were guys like Haley and Arians out there that went from one OC job to another. Those were the guys I wanted to see here, and Sherman. That said, I saw Sparano as a positive and still would like to see what he can do with a QB other than Sanchez.

I am beginning to see the Schotty-to-Sparano move as a lateral move though.

Sucks too, because Rex is the one that made the call on Sparano. I would hope he evaluated his options more than what he did for the John Connor pick. "Oh, I saw that guy make one big hit in college, let's draft him!"

How can a life-long football guy be this shallow in his ability to evaluate and address players/coaches/situations?

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Nah, there were guys like Haley and Arians out there that went from one OC job to another. Those were the guys I wanted to see here, and Sherman. That said, I saw Sparano as a positive and still would like to see what he can do with a QB other than Sanchez.

I am beginning to see the Schotty-to-Sparano move as a lateral move though.

Sucks too, because Rex is the one that made the call on Sparano. I would hope he evaluated his options more than what he did for the John Connor pick. "Oh, I saw that guy make one big hit in college, let's draft him!"

How can a life-long football guy be this shallow in his ability to evaluate and address players/coaches/situations?

You shut your ape mouth!!!

Rex is a cool guy. Players like him. He knows defense. He isn't the answer at Head Coach.

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Contrary to the popular belief held by many posters here that Brian Schottenheimer was ruining / ruined the developement of Sanchez, the truth may actually be that he was handcuffed by Marks lack of ability so had to formulate simple game plans, designed to mask the limited passing skills of Mark Sanchez. The slant, dump off and wide receiver screens that were hated during his tenure as OC were made the staple of game plans out of necessity, not preference.

While Sparano certainly hasnt been terrific in his short tenure, (see Tebow run for 2 yds) he has more frequently tried to stretch the field with longer pass plays but quickly found out what most of us already knew. Mark Sanchez simply isnt up to the task.

Cue the team has no receivers mob.


He sucks as a coach.

He needed to go.

But that doesnt change the fact we have crappy players


The inability of so many on this board to grasp the concept of more than one person sucking at their job at the same time is absolutely baffling. The Jets could have had one of us playing QB, and it still wouldn't have justified the great many mind-bogglingly idiotic things Schotty did over the course of his 6 years here.

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Its not the play calling as much as the execution. A play caller cannot help if the RB leaves yards on the field. A play caller cannot help when he a calls a play that could have resulted in a TD on a screen pass if only the QB could get the ball to his RB!

I would shudder to think what our record be with Schotty calling the plays!

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Yes, it was a huge mistake letting Schotty go.

I really wish we had kept him.

He was a genius.

I particularly loved how his routes were designed so that there were 3 receiving options in one spot, so you would have 4 defenders around each of the route.

It was brilliant.

Get him back, draft a new QB, and keep Rexy around.

I love being a Jets fan!

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My only regret is that we can't neg rep a post more than once.

In what universe does it make any sense to claim it was a mistake to let go of an OC who did a crappy job with 4 different QBs?

Plus, Schitty had a better receiving corps and RBs than now, so how is today's struggles any relevance to Schitty's prior poor job performance?

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I particularly loved how his routes were designed so that there were 3 receiving options in one spot, so you would have 4 defenders around each of the route.

It was brilliant.

I openly wept over this exact maneuver many times .... we have a multitude of problems this season and in general .... having that sphincter call our offense is no longer one of them.

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My only regret is that we can't neg rep a post more than once.

In what universe does it make any sense to claim it was a mistake to let go of an OC who did a crappy job with 4 different QBs?

Plus, Schitty had a better receiving corps and RBs than now, so how is today's struggles any relevance to Schitty's prior poor job performance?

What is this neg rep thing you refer to and why would anyone more than 16 yrs old care about such a thing?

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no, Schottenheimer was terrible. Sparano may or may not also be terrible (we'll see, his game plans haven't impressed me since Buffalo, but it's only been 3 games). The Jets failed with developing Sanchez, Schottenheimer didn't help.

Plus, we've seen Schottenheimer fail with multiple QBs, including Brett Favre, who IIRC, stopped listening to Schottenheimer and just made sh*t up that worked better.

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no, Schottenheimer was terrible. Sparano may or may not also be terrible (we'll see, his game plans haven't impressed me since Buffalo, but it's only been 3 games). The Jets failed with developing Sanchez, Schottenheimer didn't help.

Plus, we've seen Schottenheimer fail with multiple QBs, including Brett Favre, who IIRC, stopped listening to Schottenheimer and just made sh*t up that worked better.

Oh Please Favre didnt even know playbook and tore up his arm after an 8-3 start

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no, Schottenheimer was terrible. Sparano may or may not also be terrible (we'll see, his game plans haven't impressed me since Buffalo, but it's only been 3 games). The Jets failed with developing Sanchez, Schottenheimer didn't help.

Plus, we've seen Schottenheimer fail with multiple QBs, including Brett Favre, who IIRC, stopped listening to Schottenheimer and just made sh*t up that worked better.

What are you talking about? Favre ran all the plays him self and changed them anyway in the huddle thats a fact....thats favre....besides we were 8-3 and best in back to back weeks the Titans and the Pats.....give me a break.

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