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Remember Chad Pennington..


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Chad Pennington had zero athleticism. For him to get a D 1 scholarship let alone go rd1 was a miracle of brains over brawn. But in the end the NFL chewed him up.

lesson learned? can't fake the funk on a nasty dunk. it's a bunch of world class athletes a regular dude like Chad gets killed.


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Chad Pennington had zero athleticism. For him to get a D 1 scholarship let alone go rd1 was a miracle of brains over brawn. But in the end the NFL chewed him up.


lesson learned? can't fake the funk on a nasty dunk. it's a bunch of world class athletes a regular dude like Chad gets killed.


Cute little post but not really based in reality.


A 10+ year career with a few playoff appearances and close to 100 mil doesn't really constitute getting "chewed up". 


I will concede it's unlikely Chad can dunk -- nasty or otherwise.

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Rhodes scholar is not purely academic achievement, which I know you've been told.  I'm sure pennington's gift for relentless ass kissing was what was rewarded by being one of the top losers of the award. The wonderlic however, is much closer to an intelligence test, and on that he scored a 25.. lower then Ryan leaf and tied with the brain surgeon known as Big Ben


Ryan Leaf cheated and Big Ben was smart enough to avoid jail time for sexual assault. 


I'm starting to wonder if you hatred for Chad is based in some kind of closeted homoism.  It's 2013..  if you want to come out go ahead. 

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Ryan Leaf cheated and Big Ben was smart enough to avoid jail time for sexual assault. 


I'm starting to wonder if you hatred for Chad is based in some kind of closeted homoism.  It's 2013..  if you want to come out go ahead. 



Nope, he just made me sit through the most disgraceful display of football every time he stepped on the field, and patronized and manipulated everyone off it with the skill of a politician. I wouldn't be surprised if Pussington ends up in politics

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remember when noodle arm won the division for the dolphins vs the jets ?


yeah, that guy sucked, lol

Never mind that the Dolphins' division win came off of tiebreakers while two division rivals suffered injuries to their (far superior) starting QBs, all while the team put in place a previously unseen to the NFL offensive strategy based around the concept of minimizing the importance of their QB as much as possible.  While we're at it, let's not forget to dismiss the fact that it was immediately followed by Rex Ryan making Pennyboy his personal bitch in the playoffs.


But yeah, other than all of that, the team's overall performance that one season totally proves something about that one player's entire career.  I'm sure Mark Sanchez will be absolutely thrilled to hear the news.

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So not being as dumb as Vince Young is suddenly the measurement for smart?  Surely you jest.  As an FYI, Pennington got a 25 on the Wonderlic, about as average as you can get.  Keep in mind I never said the guy was dumb, but his supposed brilliance is massively overstated for no particular reason at all.

 Thats fine and we can agree to disagree over this point but when I watched Chad, and the way he played the position of QB, he seemed as cerebral as any QB ecrtainly that the Jets have had, and compared favorably to most who played in the NFL during his tenure.

By the way, of course Vince Young is not the measuring stick, and I know that you understood that I was simply bringing up the FAR end of the spectrum.

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Wrong. Rex's Jets LOST twice to Miami in 2009, Rex's first year and Penny wasn't around for 2010 when the Jets split. It has been a split ever since. But Rex is 3-5 vs the Fins. Look it up.



Actually, you're the wrong one, considering the point of discussion was Chad's 2008 playoff pants-sh*tting against Rex's Ravens D.  Rex's time with the Jets is kind of irrelevant considering Pennington didn't play in either of the 2009 Jets/Miami games (or any of the games thereafter).  Henne was their QB both of those games.


Lol... Dumbass.

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Bleedin Green has an obsession with hating Chad like I used to have with Richard Todd. (the difference is, Richard Todd really did s*uck)


At least Chad gave us that 2002 season with an inexplicable 41-0 blowout over Peyton's Colts, a game I attended.  But other than that, yeah, Pennington sucked pretty badly.  The hate is justified because we handed him $64 million and set the franchise back at least 5 years.

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Bleedin Green has an obsession with hating Chad like I used to have with Richard Todd. (the difference is, Richard Todd really did s*uck)


While I freely admit that I certainly have absolutely no love for ole Chadwick whatsoever (or his tendency to be at his worst in many of the most important games of his career), when it comes to a thread like this or my posts within it, it has just as much to do with the completely fabricated nonsense that is constantly spewed from the Chad loverboys that is devoid of any sort of factual basis or logical support whatsoever.  For example, there is nothing but constant repetition by the same group of people that is used as the basis for his alleged unmatched class or sheer brilliance.  The point isn't that I think he's either a complete dirtbag or an absolute moron, but simply that there is not a single shred of evidence which suggests he is superior to the average NFL player in any of these (or any other) completely subjective, immeasurable classifications that ultimately have no bearing on his limitations, inadequacies, and failures as a player.  Keep in mind, it's been pretty well established that, for at least the last 5 years (and really before that as well), it is the Chad lovers who are the ones who are starting these threads about their hero 99.9% of the time.  The rest of us are simply pointing out why it's all just as unfounded now as it was when he was actually with the Jets.


Besides, given that a great deal of the same group of posters in this thread have been having this debate with each other since at least back to the 2005, it's still amusing to jump into this every now and again, just like the old times.


P.S.  Chad really did suck too. :tongue:

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At least Chad gave us that 2002 season with an inexplicable 41-0 blowout over Peyton's Colts, a game I attended.  But other than that, yeah, Pennington sucked pretty badly.  The hate is justified because we handed him $64 million and set the franchise back at least 5 years.


As nice as that was, it doesn't really change much of anything, as you already alluded to.  After all, Sanchez gave us an 11-5 season that included playoff wins over the Colts and Pats, yet he still sucked too.

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Never mind that the Dolphins' division win came off of tiebreakers while two division rivals suffered injuries to their (far superior) starting QBs, all while the team put in place a previously unseen to the NFL offensive strategy based around the concept of minimizing the importance of their QB as much as possible.  While we're at it, let's not forget to dismiss the fact that it was immediately followed by Rex Ryan making Pennyboy his personal bitch in the playoffs.


But yeah, other than all of that, the team's overall performance that one season totally proves something about that one player's entire career.  I'm sure Mark Sanchez will be absolutely thrilled to hear the news.


nevermind the dolphins were 1-15 the year before, , nevermind the jets had farvuh at QB, nevermind pennington threw 2 TD's in the game, and mr big arm tough guy threw a pick 6, all that matters is we tell ourselves we waived a starting QB to make room for a 1 year rental that didn't work out and then traded up for a dumb ass but its ok because the guy we cut sucks



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nevermind the dolphins were 1-15 the year before, , nevermind the jets had farvuh at QB, nevermind pennington threw 2 TD's in the game, and mr big arm tough guy threw a pick 6, all that matters is we tell ourselves we waived a starting QB to make room for a 1 year rental that didn't work out and then traded up for a dumb ass but its ok because the guy we cut sucks




What does any of this have to do with how good of a player Chad was or wasn't?  I'll answer that for you, nothing.  Not Favre, not a trade that was made nearly a year later, not Sanchez's subsequent level of play; none of it.


So really, all that leaves of your argument is that Chad had one win over the Jets with an average performance while they were sporting an injured starting QB and in the midst of a complete collapse under Mangini's stupid ass (you know, the one that got him fired).  So now it is this one and only game out of his entire career, which wasn't even played for the Jets, that you believe somehow proves something about his time with the Jets?  Jeez, and people really wonder why some of us can't take these Pro-Chad arguments seriously?

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At least Chad gave us that 2002 season with an inexplicable 41-0 blowout over Peyton's Colts, a game I attended.  But other than that, yeah, Pennington sucked pretty badly.  The hate is justified because we handed him $64 million and set the franchise back at least 5 years.


We handed him 64 million when all we had to hand him was some players to throw the ******* ball too

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While I freely admit that I certainly have absolutely no love for ole Chadwick whatsoever (or his tendency to be at his worst in many of the most important games of his career), when it comes to a thread like this or my posts within it, it has just as much to do with the completely fabricated nonsense that is constantly spewed from the Chad loverboys that is devoid of any sort of factual basis or logical support whatsoever.  For example, there is nothing but constant repetition by the same group of people that is used as the basis for his alleged unmatched class or sheer brilliance.  The point isn't that I think he's either a complete dirtbag or an absolute moron, but simply that there is not a single shred of evidence which suggests he is superior to the average NFL player in any of these (or any other) completely subjective, immeasurable classifications that ultimately have no bearing on his limitations, inadequacies, and failures as a player.  Keep in mind, it's been pretty well established that, for at least the last 5 years (and really before that as well), it is the Chad lovers who are the ones who are starting these threads about their hero 99.9% of the time.  The rest of us are simply pointing out why it's all just as unfounded now as it was when he was actually with the Jets.


Besides, given that a great deal of the same group of posters in this thread have been having this debate with each other since at least back to the 2005, it's still amusing to jump into this every now and again, just like the old times.


P.S.  Chad really did suck too. :tongue:


You simply refuse to acknowledge the fact that an inferior offensive team got their asses handed to them by superior defenses in Chads so called "biggest games" as if he was the only reason the Jets lost. You also forget to mention the Jets had NO TE to speak of the entire time Chad was here NONE. His Receivers were all small and we never had a true possession guy for Chad to rely on when he was under pressure  at either the TE or WR position which forced him to constantly check down to backs. Even with all the crap around him Pennington still got the ball to his playmakers who never really made plays.


Chad was the perfect WCO QB and a little more talent would have gone a very long way since he always got the ball to his receivers but when said receivers had no explosiveness at all our offense never really amounted to anything. In your world the QB is everything. Even though we are seeing once Elite QB's struggle this year, which proves even the best struggle with no talent I know you will refuse to acknowledge that. But I guess Brady Ryan and Flacco just suck ass certainly after all those QB's lost big time playmakers they should have taken their teams on their backs and made it all happen with nothing Just like you expected Pennington to do.


Chad Had Coles Early was his favorite receiver ...... Lets let him go to the skins


Chad Had Santana Moss who was just starting to break out so we just trade him to the Skins to get back an often injured Coles.


What a freakin Joke.  We did have Chrebet for a while who was moved from his Slot position to play WR where he was out matched. But hey the Jets didn't need a big WR to complement Coles and send Chrebet to the slot where he excelled. We're the ****in Jets we **** QB's in the ass.


Hopefully with Idzik this all changes that is unless a team wants Mornhinwig to be there HC next season

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What does any of this have to do with how good of a player Chad was or wasn't?  I'll answer that for you, nothing.  Not Favre, not a trade that was made nearly a year later, not Sanchez's subsequent level of play; none of it.


So really, all that leaves of your argument is that Chad had one win over the Jets with an average performance while they were sporting an injured starting QB and in the midst of a complete collapse under Mangini's stupid ass (you know, the one that got him fired).  So now it is this one and only game out of his entire career, which wasn't even played for the Jets, that you believe somehow proves something about his time with the Jets?  Jeez, and people really wonder why some of us can't take these Pro-Chad arguments seriously?


I'm not pro chad.  I'm not anti chad.  I just think it's lazy thinking to just paint him with the broad brush of "he sucks"  so if he sucks, how did he beat the jets that day ?


I usually stay out of the chad/QB threads because it eventually boils down to posters who have taken a side arguing that side and ignoring facts or reason


the truth is usually a little bit of both sides


sure he had weaknesses, but he had strengths as well.  


unless you are so far down the rabbit hole you can't even admit that 

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I'm not pro chad.  I'm not anti chad.  I just think it's lazy thinking to just paint him with the broad brush of "he sucks"  so if he sucks, how did he beat the jets that day ?


I usually stay out of the chad/QB threads because it eventually boils down to posters who have taken a side arguing that side and ignoring facts or reason


the truth is usually a little bit of both sides


sure he had weaknesses, but he had strengths as well.  


unless you are so far down the rabbit hole you can't even admit that 


Actually, unlike the Chad apologists, I've repeatedly gone out of my way to acknowledge the realities of some of the things that may oppose my general opinions on him.  The issue is simply the fact that those who support him have nothing but a list of excuses and baseless, unsupportable, subjective statements as the basis for their positions, and nothing more, while also refusing to acknowledge his numerous flaws.  I'm sorry, but one game proves absolutely nothing, especially when it was for a different team.  It's no different than how the Sanchez-led Jets picked up a road playoff win over Brady's Pats; it doesn't change how awful he is/was, and that was a far more impressive accomplishment.


Nobody ever argued that Chad was completely incapable of ever winning a single football game in the entirety of his career.  Nobody even argued that he was the worst QB in the league.  The point is and always was that Chad's greatest weaknesses were amongst the most important traits of an NFL QB, which is why he would be forever incapable of leading this team to that next level, instead limiting the potential of his team's accomplishments as long as he was their QB.  With a horrible QB, the team knows to move on and keep trying to find their solution.  With a guy like Chad, you have some teams (like the Jets did for many years) foolishly willing to commit themselves (and laughable amounts of money) to him, ultimately ensuring that they have a QB who not only can't get the job done himself, but will keep them from looking for another one who can.  In some ways, I think that might be even worse.

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Actually, unlike the Chad apologists, I've repeatedly gone out of my way to acknowledge the realities of some of the things that may oppose my general opinions on him.  The issue is simply the fact that those who support him have nothing but a list of excuses and baseless, unsupportable, subjective statements as the basis for their positions, and nothing more, while also refusing to acknowledge his numerous flaws.  I'm sorry, but one game proves absolutely nothing, especially when it was for a different team.  It's no different than how the Sanchez-led Jets picked up a road playoff win over Brady's Pats; it doesn't change how awful he is/was, and that was a far more impressive accomplishment.


Nobody ever argued that Chad was completely incapable of ever winning a single football game in the entirety of his career.  Nobody even argued that he was the worst QB in the league.  The point is and always was that Chad's greatest weaknesses were amongst the most important traits of an NFL QB, which is why he would be forever incapable of leading this team to that next level, instead limiting the potential of his team's accomplishments as long as he was their QB.  With a horrible QB, the team knows to move on and keep trying to find their solution.  With a guy like Chad, you have some teams (like the Jets did for many years) foolishly willing to commit themselves (and laughable amounts of money) to him, ultimately ensuring that they have a QB who can not only get the job done himself, but will keep them from looking for another one who can.  In some ways, I think that might be even worse.


hows the view from down there ?



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We handed him 64 million when all we had to hand him was some players to throw the ******* ball too

couldn't do it.. we spent all our cap space on the poorest excuse for an nfl qb in the history of the league. The guy was awful

she was so physically outmatched and so brittle that all he could do was dink and dunk like a little girl to a league leading completion % but league worst production. It was pathetic

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Why all the Chad hate? I actually thought that he was a hell of a QB. If he'd never gotten hurt, he'd probably still be our QB.


Extremely intelligent, ridiculously accurate, I liked him. He did more for the Jets than any QB since Namath, IMO.

Strictly going on stats, Ken OBrien better than both Joe or Chad.

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