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Boycott Jets Day?


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I call on fellow Jets fans to actively engage in a series of aggressive boycotts and other protest moves in order to remove Woody Johnson as owner of this franchise.

With all due respect to many of the great players and coaches who have been part of the Jets family, I propose that Sunday October 12 (the home game against Denver) be designated as Dump Woody day.

The Jets franchise, set in the biggest market in New York, is owned by a deeply incompetent owner whose crass tabloid personal family history, shady past business dealings, propensity for loading the Jets front office with equally incompetent yes men, failure to provide the Jets with their own stadium, and repeated use of the Jets franchise as a platform to further his ego-driven, personal right wing agenda have proven to be catastrophic.

For these reasons, it is incumbent on Jets fans to drive him out of MetLife Stadium, His presence has cast an ongoing moral and professional pall over the team for far too long. He is an embarrassment, and has repeatedly shown himself to be a deeply incompetent owner.

Mr. Johnson must therefore be compelled to divest himself of this team such that a professional management team be found, and that the organization of the team itself be restructured, possibly along the lines of a public company that is owned by a loyal base of stockholding fans to whom a new management team would be directly accountable.

Mr. Johnson is possibly the dimmest bulb to feebly shine in the history of New York sports - his questionable business decisions over the years speak for themselves -- which is not unsurprising, given that his ownership of the team is based on inherited wealth, not through any personal accomplishment.

In 14 years, Mr. Johnson has rarely demonstrated that he has the requisite brainpower or business savvy to own a storied franchise that almost single handedly put the AFL on the map and forced a league merger with the NFL. The fact that the Jets today are worth double what he paid for them is function of the rising tide that lifts all boats in the NFL, not through anything he has done to turn this franchise into a winner.

Instead, Mr. Johnson has only succeeded in proving to the Jets fan base, as well as the NFL at large, that his deep and total incompetence as the owner of a major sports franchise has failed to produce a winning football culture (other than two outlier years) in the Jets locker room during his tenure. What he has repeatedly been able to produce is a laughing stock, typically drowning in a sea of bombastic failure -- as opposed to putting in place the measures necessary to field a championship team.

I therefore call on Jet fans to consider moves such as boycotting Jets home games for the remainder of the season, demanding through class action lawsuits against the Jets and the NFL that PSL fees be returned for putting a defective product on the field, and engaging in a loud and active DUMP WOODY campaign in the NY media as well as at the stadium.

The Woody Johnson era must end. As Jets fans, we deserve better.



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I call on fellow Jets fans to actively engage in a series of aggressive boycotts and other protest moves in order to remove Woody Johnson as owner of this franchise.

With all due respect to many of the great players and coaches who have been part of the Jets family, I propose that Sunday October 12 (the home game against Denver) be designated as Dump Woody day.

The Jets franchise, set in the biggest market in New York, is owned by a deeply incompetent owner whose crass tabloid personal family history, shady past business dealings, propensity for loading the Jets front office with equally incompetent yes men, failure to provide the Jets with their own stadium, and repeated use of the Jets franchise as a platform to further his ego-driven, personal right wing agenda have proven to be catastrophic.

For these reasons, it is incumbent on Jets fans to drive him out of MetLife Stadium, His presence has cast an ongoing moral and professional pall over the team for far too long. He is an embarrassment, and has repeatedly shown himself to be a deeply incompetent owner.

Mr. Johnson must therefore be compelled to divest himself of this team such that a professional management team be found, and that the organization of the team itself be restructured, possibly along the lines of a public company that is owned by a loyal base of stockholding fans to whom a new management team would be directly accountable.

Mr. Johnson is possibly the dimmest bulb to feebly shine in the history of New York sports - his questionable business decisions over the years speak for themselves -- which is not unsurprising, given that his ownership of the team is based on inherited wealth, not through any personal accomplishment.

In 14 years, Mr. Johnson has rarely demonstrated that he has the requisite brainpower or business savvy to own a storied franchise that almost single handedly put the AFL on the map and forced a league merger with the NFL. The fact that the Jets today are worth double what he paid for them is function of the rising tide that lifts all boats in the NFL, not through anything he has done to turn this franchise into a winner.

Instead, Mr. Johnson has only succeeded in proving to the Jets fan base, as well as the NFL at large, that his deep and total incompetence as the owner of a major sports franchise has failed to produce a winning football culture (other than two outlier years) in the Jets locker room during his tenure. What he has repeatedly been able to produce is a laughing stock, typically drowning in a sea of bombastic failure -- as opposed to putting in place the measures necessary to field a championship team.

I therefore call on Jet fans to consider moves such as boycotting Jets home games for the remainder of the season, demanding through class action lawsuits against the Jets and the NFL that PSL fees be returned for putting a defective product on the field, and engaging in a loud and active DUMP WOODY campaign in the NY media as well as at the stadium.

The Woody Johnson era must end. As Jets fans, we deserve better.



I call on fellow Jets fans to actively engage in a series of aggressive boycotts and other protest moves in order to remove Woody Johnson as owner of this franchise.

With all due respect to many of the great players and coaches who have been part of the Jets family, I propose that Sunday October 12 (the home game against Denver) be designated as Dump Woody day.

The Jets franchise, set in the biggest market in New York, is owned by a deeply incompetent owner whose crass tabloid personal family history, shady past business dealings, propensity for loading the Jets front office with equally incompetent yes men, failure to provide the Jets with their own stadium, and repeated use of the Jets franchise as a platform to further his ego-driven, personal right wing agenda have proven to be catastrophic.

For these reasons, it is incumbent on Jets fans to drive him out of MetLife Stadium, His presence has cast an ongoing moral and professional pall over the team for far too long. He is an embarrassment, and has repeatedly shown himself to be a deeply incompetent owner.

Mr. Johnson must therefore be compelled to divest himself of this team such that a professional management team be found, and that the organization of the team itself be restructured, possibly along the lines of a public company that is owned by a loyal base of stockholding fans to whom a new management team would be directly accountable.

Mr. Johnson is possibly the dimmest bulb to feebly shine in the history of New York sports - his questionable business decisions over the years speak for themselves -- which is not unsurprising, given that his ownership of the team is based on inherited wealth, not through any personal accomplishment.

In 14 years, Mr. Johnson has rarely demonstrated that he has the requisite brainpower or business savvy to own a storied franchise that almost single handedly put the AFL on the map and forced a league merger with the NFL. The fact that the Jets today are worth double what he paid for them is function of the rising tide that lifts all boats in the NFL, not through anything he has done to turn this franchise into a winner.

Instead, Mr. Johnson has only succeeded in proving to the Jets fan base, as well as the NFL at large, that his deep and total incompetence as the owner of a major sports franchise has failed to produce a winning football culture (other than two outlier years) in the Jets locker room during his tenure. What he has repeatedly been able to produce is a laughing stock, typically drowning in a sea of bombastic failure -- as opposed to putting in place the measures necessary to field a championship team.

I therefore call on Jet fans to consider moves such as boycotting Jets home games for the remainder of the season, demanding through class action lawsuits against the Jets and the NFL that PSL fees be returned for putting a defective product on the field, and engaging in a loud and active DUMP WOODY campaign in the NY media as well as at the stadium.

The Woody Johnson era must end. As Jets fans, we deserve better.


I am with you. The only language that owners understand is loss of revenue.

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you can start by not posting on message boards anymore. 

Disagree the guy has valid points to fans its about winning to owners its about $$$ Woody Johnson has demonstrated he's not a good owner Idzik is not a good GM results the Jets aren't a good football team.


Season ticket holders have a lot invested and get nothing in return.

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Disagree the guy has valid points to fans its about winning to owners its about $$$ Woody Johnson has demonstrated he's not a good owner Idzik is not a good GM results the Jets aren't a good football team.


Season ticket holders have a lot invested and get nothing in return.

Agreed! But hey, we have Geno Effing Smith!

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why don't you just wear paper bags on your head that will be more resonable and if woody sees a bunch of paper bags on peoples heads at the games maybe he will change his tune.


I would if I was able to go to the games but being way down here I don't have the money unless they come to carolina or redskins.

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I feel your pain, but you're wasting your time with talk of boycotts.

I'm from Michigan so I kinda like both teams and this one is always tough for me to watch.  Lions fans have been down the boycott road long before we jets fans have.  What percentage of Woody's NFL income really comes directly from his own consumers?  If He bolts the doors at Metlife, and plays all 8 home games in an empty stadium, the leauge still pays him ~50 million.


Seriously, what is a boycott going to accomplish?

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Disagree the guy has valid points to fans its about winning to owners its about $$$ Woody Johnson has demonstrated he's not a good owner Idzik is not a good GM results the Jets aren't a good football team.


Season ticket holders have a lot invested and get nothing in return.


It's an "investment" just like your tickets to see "Starlight Express" were, :sucks:  

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I think he has a very valid point-Jets PLAYERS are even complaining to Schefter about the lack of talent being there and Woody and Idzik not spending the money to bring more in. That 20-21-22 million is 4 better than average starters 2 on D and 2 on O which = a big difference and possibly a game or two already. 

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I call on fellow Jets fans to actively engage in a series of aggressive boycotts and other protest moves in order to remove Woody Johnson as owner of this franchise.

With all due respect to many of the great players and coaches who have been part of the Jets family, I propose that Sunday October 12 (the home game against Denver) be designated as Dump Woody day.

The Jets franchise, set in the biggest market in New York, is owned by a deeply incompetent owner whose crass tabloid personal family history, shady past business dealings, propensity for loading the Jets front office with equally incompetent yes men, failure to provide the Jets with their own stadium, and repeated use of the Jets franchise as a platform to further his ego-driven, personal right wing agenda have proven to be catastrophic.

For these reasons, it is incumbent on Jets fans to drive him out of MetLife Stadium, His presence has cast an ongoing moral and professional pall over the team for far too long. He is an embarrassment, and has repeatedly shown himself to be a deeply incompetent owner.

Mr. Johnson must therefore be compelled to divest himself of this team such that a professional management team be found, and that the organization of the team itself be restructured, possibly along the lines of a public company that is owned by a loyal base of stockholding fans to whom a new management team would be directly accountable.

Mr. Johnson is possibly the dimmest bulb to feebly shine in the history of New York sports - his questionable business decisions over the years speak for themselves -- which is not unsurprising, given that his ownership of the team is based on inherited wealth, not through any personal accomplishment.

In 14 years, Mr. Johnson has rarely demonstrated that he has the requisite brainpower or business savvy to own a storied franchise that almost single handedly put the AFL on the map and forced a league merger with the NFL. The fact that the Jets today are worth double what he paid for them is function of the rising tide that lifts all boats in the NFL, not through anything he has done to turn this franchise into a winner.

Instead, Mr. Johnson has only succeeded in proving to the Jets fan base, as well as the NFL at large, that his deep and total incompetence as the owner of a major sports franchise has failed to produce a winning football culture (other than two outlier years) in the Jets locker room during his tenure. What he has repeatedly been able to produce is a laughing stock, typically drowning in a sea of bombastic failure -- as opposed to putting in place the measures necessary to field a championship team.

I therefore call on Jet fans to consider moves such as boycotting Jets home games for the remainder of the season, demanding through class action lawsuits against the Jets and the NFL that PSL fees be returned for putting a defective product on the field, and engaging in a loud and active DUMP WOODY campaign in the NY media as well as at the stadium.

The Woody Johnson era must end. As Jets fans, we deserve better.




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Sadly being a fan means in good times and bad, i couldnt look away if i tried

give it a few more years John, and I guarantee you will have NO PROBLEM. Sports loses it's importance the older you get. Had I not broken down and spent the $ on DTV for the apt here, I would be doing something else on Sunday afternoons-and not missing it one single bit.

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give it a few more years John, and I guarantee you will have NO PROBLEM. Sports loses it's importance the older you get. Had I not broken down and spent the $ on DTV for the apt here, I would be doing something else on Sunday afternoons-and not missing it one single bit.

Been a fan a long time and an avid fan watching every game for 20 years now. Being a jets fan is an important thing between my dad and brother and i, i do "care less" in the sense that the losses dont break my heart anymore, but i always watch and probably always will.

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Sadly being a fan means in good times and bad, i couldnt look away if i tried

yep paper bag it then you can still see the game while the press and other notables at the stadium see the frustration for the fans. Maybe that will light a fire under woody to get rid of most of our crap uh team.

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I am with you. The only language that owners understand is loss of revenue.

I agree. Problem is even a complete tool like Woody Johnson cannot lose money owning an NFL team.


He can however be embarrassed. to get real football people in here to do the jobs.  And the best way to do that is to stop buying tickets and stop going to games. Empty seats over the rest of the season can change things. It did when Kotite made a mess. It can happen again.

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I'm already autotuned on Direct TV to the 10:30PM EST Thursday night game -- Ducks (the underdogs) vs Arizona. If Marcus Mariota has a strong game, and shows us once again what a real QB looks like, the Jets will need to do what it takes to get him. This season -- 2014/15 -- is already behind us. Geno/Vick, it matters not. We are reduced to acting like a bunch of hens in some sewing circle and arguing about whether Rex or Idzik will win the coming backstabbing battle. Neither will. One or the other will be gone soon, Whoever goes first, will be followed within a year by the other -- unless, as everyone knows, they get a real QB. I say that's Mariota. Start Geno every game and win the tank battle, if that is what it takes to win. Explain -- you Mr Johnosn, not one of your lackeys -- to the decent players on the team that there is a strategy to acquire a real QB and ensure the health of their future bank accounts, per Gary Myers' article in yesterday's DN. Let pretty much everyone else go; they are mostly replaceable journeymen anyway, thanks to the combined incompetence of your current GM and HC. After next week, which shall be a loss, even though the Jets have split the last two games, since '11, NY Jets fans, at each home game, should brown paper bag it, or, better yet, boycott the games, or even better, engage in loud protests outside and inside the stadium -- none of these things will actually compel Woody to sell, but they will deeply embarrass him. But, like any other billionaire, his weakness is his giant ego -- if he is made to look like a clueless tool, week in, week out, it will not be the blackout-induced loss of revenue, or any other piddling financial threat, that will force him to make a total change, it will being called an idiot with a silver spoon up his rectum, week in, week out, that shall do the trick. Faced with this -- to paraphrase the Godfather -- the refusal by NY Jets fans to be fools dancing on the strings held by all of those big shots, Woody will clean house, including the front office, the hangers on, the buffoon coach and his assistants, the current snake-in-the-grass GM, and put in a new regime that actually knows something about winning football. Mr Johnson, just remember to get Mariota by any means necessary, NFL legal or not. That's my two cents. Make him an offer he can't refuse!



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I agree. Problem is even a complete tool like Woody Johnson cannot lose money owning an NFL team.


He can however be embarrassed. to get real football people in here to do the jobs.  And the best way to do that is to stop buying tickets and stop going to games. Empty seats over the rest of the season can change things. It did when Kotite made a mess. It can happen again.

But I also believe there may be a loss in concessions, parking and NFL memorabilia....

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