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Lots of hate for Idzik today on a national level


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What's funny is Terry Bradway is still in charge of the personnel process. Swapping Mike T for Idzik was just window dressing for a rebuild being put together by Bradway. Idzik isnt a scout- he's a cap guy who's basically taking the opposite of approach of Tannenbaum. Tannenbaum had to go just to give the fans something...when in reality he could have done the same thing Idzik did with clearing cap space(anyone basically can clear space as long as you have the owners blessing; see Dolan, James). The scouting reports are still coming from Bradway.

If Woody starts getting in Idzik's ear to start making splash moves, we'll see Idzik start over spending. Its basically what happened when Mangini came off the 4-12 year. Favre, big money FA's...that's when Tanny went from Parcells' methodical bitch boy to reality TV star.

I worry about this too. The fact that Terry Bradway still has a job is not a good sign for the direction of the franchise.

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Why would anyone here want Idzik to start spending money next offseason? Can anyone really say with a straight face that they trust him selecting more players through the draft and free agency?


No more sacrificing seasons to see if a guy will learn on the job. Enough. Enough of this nonsense. This has been the philosophy of the Jets for almost 15 years now. No more giving guys time. The Jets need to be in ****-you-pay-me mode every single season from here on out. Produce or you are gone.

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What's funny is Terry Bradway is still in charge of the personnel process. Swapping Mike T for Idzik was just window dressing for a rebuild being put together by Bradway. Idzik isnt a scout- he's a cap guy who's basically taking the opposite of approach of Tannenbaum. Tannenbaum had to go just to give the fans something...when in reality he could have done the same thing Idzik did with clearing cap space(anyone basically can clear space as long as you have the owners blessing; see Dolan, James). The scouting reports are still coming from Bradway.

If Woody starts getting in Idzik's ear to start making splash moves, we'll see Idzik start over spending. Its basically what happened when Mangini came off the 4-12 year. Favre, big money FA's...that's when Tanny went from Parcells' methodical bitch boy to reality TV star.

Some info on the Jets FO and the various people / roles.


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Why would anyone here want Idzik to start spending money next offseason? Can anyone really say with a straight face that they trust him selecting more players through the draft and free agency?

No more sacrificing seasons to see if a guy will learn on the job. Enough. Enough of this nonsense. This has been the philosophy of the Jets for almost 15 years now. No more giving guys time. The Jets need to be in ****-you-pay-me mode every single season from here on out. Produce or you are gone.

Seriously, though. What's the alternative?

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Rex is to blame for a lot and should probably be shown the door at the end of the season, IMO. While there is a lot to like about him as a HC, the blowout loss to SD wasn't the first. Remember rlast year's games against Tenessee and Cincy? Remember the Thanskgiving fiasco the year before? The fact is that the players are still getting dumb penalties (i.e., a team should get flagged for 12 men once, maybe a twice a season, but the Jets have been flagged for it every game this year). Players are still running their mouths without much response from Rex, and his overall philosophy simply isn't working. Seriously, even on defense, when it's obvious your CBs are mediocre at best, how about going with a cover 2 or 3 defense against a team that has so many talented receivers like SD?

The offense is woeful. I don't even know if Geno is the guy, because he has zero talent around him save for Crhis Ivory.

Idzik's plan to build the Jets is going to be a slow burn, we all knew that when he got hired. But when us fans are spending the hard earned money that we are to root for the Jets, he has no right to put a team on the field that he knows will suck.

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Absolutely I do. A better coach with a different system, more balance between O and D, and the entire 2014 Offseason goes differently IMO, starting with demands an alternative to Geno Smith in camp, a veteran alternative who beats out Smith in camp outright, and makes us at least average/competitive of Offense.

Think Testeverde, not amazing (generally) but adequate. Which would be a massive upgrade.

The D, as built, would be the same with Rex as without. It's a massive fantasy that only Rex Ryan can coach Defense.


So you would retain Rex into Year 7.

I am without words.


I didn't say the new coach gets a new roster. Same roster, different coach. 


I would keep Rex for year 7 btw just like how Pittsburgh kept Cowher for 13 years. There are 31 losers in this league every year, contrary to popular belief firing the HC every 5 doesn't get you closer. 

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Idzik blew the 2014 draft no ifs ands or buts

He blew everything. How do you just decide you'RE gonna come in that far under the cap? Unless Woody was a weasel and instructed him on the low OR he made it clear were rebuilding.......in which case he crapz on rex ryan.

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Idzik is completely incompetent, and in way over his head. That does not make Rex any more competent. They both are a complete joke and need to go.


Problem is Woody won't fire both of them, and even if he did, I don't trust him at all to hire a real GM. So basically, we are Fd.

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I didn't say the new coach gets a new roster. Same roster, different coach.

I would keep Rex for year 7 btw just like how Pittsburgh kept Cowher for 13 years. There are 31 losers in this league every year, contrary to popular belief firing the HC every 5 doesn't get you closer.

Doesn't matter now Rex is 100% gone regardless of what anyone here wants
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It's better to let a guy go a year too early than a year too late. We fire John Idzik tomorrow, and he's back to filing some team's tax returns next year. Nobody else in this league is letting him anywhere near a draft room, that's for sure.

But we got a safety!

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Oh. Well. Stephen A and Steve Beurlein. If there are two guys I'd want to confer with about the construction of my football team, it's those two.

I get what you're saying, but I've not seen a single media outlet that hasn't said Idzik is to blame here. When has any exec faced this level of criticism nationally and locally so quickly?

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serious question fish do you believe a better coach gets more out of this roster? Im not talking about hiring Harbaugh and hope that he has enough influence to draft a good QB. This exact roster, with a different coach. 


Coaches should be fired when they underperform with a decent roster. Or when the team gives up on them.


Rex has a garbage roster, firing him is just a spite move.

Ryan has not done a good job coaching - forget the offense for a moment. Let's look at his strong point - defense. Ryan coaches without flexibilty. He has thrown his exotic blitzes (that every team picks up) like he has Revis and Cromartie back there in their prime. He has made no obvious adjustments despite inexperienced defensive backfield. The Jets defense has played very well on 1st and 2nd downs only to blow a 3rd and long because he left CBs high and dry with his incessant blitzing. A good coach adjusts his defensive strategy based on his talent he has. Just not seeing it.

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Ryan has not done a good job coaching - forget the offense for a moment. Let's look at his strong point - defense. Ryan coaches without flexibilty. He has thrown his exotic blitzes (that every team picks up) like he has Revis and Cromartie back there in their prime. He has made no obvious adjustments despite inexperienced defensive backfield. The Jets defense has played very well on 1st and 2nd downs only to blow a 3rd and long because he left CBs high and dry with his incessant blitzing. A good coach adjusts his defensive strategy based on his talent he has. Just not seeing it.

No consequences for geno for missing that meeting is what did it for me. What a joke of a leader.

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It's an easy target and a lazy story, really.

Bingo - to blame Idzik is the lazy way out. How do you call for firing a GM in the beginning of his second year. There is something very wrong with the culture of Rex Ryan and i love Ryan but it's over. Davis' comments say it all.

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the whole "plan" is bullsh*t cause it's based around Geno Smith being decent. 


They could have drafted Johnny Football or Teddy Bridgewater in 1. They could have drafted Jimmy G in 2. 


All this talk about WRs and CBs (and HC's) are side discussions. 


and by the way I don't buy this Idzik is tanking the season theory because it assumes he can execute a plan. If Idzik was really trying to tank the season, they'd be great. 

We keep hearing about Seattle because Idzik worked there. But we fail to recall is he didn't make the final decision there, he was a bean counter. But remember they didn't let signing matt Flynn stop them from drafting Wilson. This has to be priority #1 and instead the jets are taking guys at positions they already have some if limited depth. And they're reaching. Millner and McDougal were injury prone in college. Why do you go there instead of a QB?  

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