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Is it fair to judge Geno Smith on this one game?


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Jets/Raiders was yesterday, and the post in which you went full retard was 6 hours ago, but I can understand your confusion. Like Geno, you probably can't handle all the time adjustments between daylight savings and the trip out west. Here, I'll show you your post below. Notice the timestamp:  

So wait, when Geno came in yesterday with a 1st and 10 near midfield with the score 0-0 and our defense having not even seen the field yet, just how unfair was that to Geno? 

Also, what does "halfway down the toilet bowl" mean and how does it compare to 5/8ths or 3/4ths of the way down in a 0-0 game with 55 minutes left to play?

Lastly, just how badly had our defense already put us in a hole? 



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No, you clearly do not see. 

First, I said he is not excused. Then your counter-response is to argue that he can't be excused, as though I hadn't just said the same thing.

Next, what on earth does this have to do with Herm Edwards? The Jets are painted in a corner with Geno Smith as - in their opinion - the only option they have. They can either say "Not my fault" as they watch him fail on the field, or if they are going to put him out there, then do anything they can to see if they can get less dumbassness out of him when game situations are crucial. 

What fan would argue they should do nothing and watch him fail on his own, and rationalize that they shouldn't have to give him this extra help. He is the QB. Until such time as he is no longer the QB, they should do whatever they can to help him perform better. If he still fails, he still fails. But if this little bit of extra could make a difference I don't see why anyone would argue that he shouldn't.

If Gailey is not whispering in his ear, knowing what we all know about Geno's lack of situational awareness, then yes he bears some blame.

But you're making this out as if Gailey isn't whispering, or screaming for that matter, in the guy's ear.  Here's your quote bud:

That said, we were in the situation we were in, and Gailey can't stand there with his arms crossed and say, "Nope it's not my job. If Geno still doesn't understand the game situation on every single play then it's his problem not mine, and I absolve myself of helping him out." You do/say that as an adversary, or even as an (understandably) impatient fan; not as the OC. You give him all the help he needs, and if you're not going to then don't put him out there. But what you do NOT do is throw him out there, knowing this is a critical weakness of his, and pretend he doesn't have this flaw so one can say, "His fault, not my fault."

Hell, isn't that half the "genius" of Chip Kelly? That he minimizes the judgment calls of his dumb QBs by making them get to the line ultra-fast so he can have the eye in the sky tell him what to do? 

I don't care how it happens. If Geno's too stupid to be aware of the situation then tell him every single play while he's out there (or while such help is critical based on the scenario). He doesn't get extra points for doing it without this help. All that matters is putting points on the board and winning, not the style of winning.

Who said Chan is standing there crossarmed?  Who said he's not telling him not to do that?  Who says he hasn't done that all year?  It's his job to do what he can to get his QB ready to the best of his abilities, but in the end it's the QB who walks out on the field and makes the decisions.  Gailey doesn't have Geno hooked up to a madden controller.  It's Occum's razor dude.  Gailey is a well respected OC.  Part of a well respected OC's job is to explain situational awareness.  So what's more logical, Chan not doing his job or Geno not comprehending his?  Because Geno's notorious for the mistakes he makes.  There's a clear pattern for them.  In year one it's one thing.  Even in year 2 you expect to see some.  But in year 3 in the NFL to be running out of bounds and giving up forward progress in  the process, while lingering on the sideline completely unaware the clock is running.... that's just completely unacceptable.  I would have felt much more comfortable if he had poise and awareness and was just rusty with his accuracy on his throws and threw a couple picks because of that.  There are a lot of QB's with all the physical talent in the world and a 10 cent brain.  All the coaching in the world doesn't change that.  Look, we're stuck with him at this point.  That's not gonna change.  But when he makes dumbass simple mistakes like he did don't try passing that on Chan.  It's Geno's fault, just like it was his fault he got a bad reputation pre-draft for texting during an interview, wanting to walk out of the draft for not being drafted in the first round, getting kicked off a plane, texting dick picks, oversleeping for a meeting, getting punched in the jaw, and all the stupid mistakes he makes on the field.  He's a young, immature dumbass right now on and off the field.  Until he really makes strides to show he wants to change that image that won't change.  And only he can change it.  Coaches can beat him over the head with the academics of football and life, but until he actually starts really seeking to change himself and put the effort in this is what he's going to come to bear. 

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true but it can happen.  I think we will win as long as the D plays like they are capable of.

100% it can definitely happen.

Looking at the upcoming schedule and assuming the defense bounces back and plays like they have every week prior to the Raiders, the Jets can win a lot more games. All the quarterbacks need to do is make good decisions with the football.

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100% it can definitely happen.

Looking at the upcoming schedule and assuming the defense bounces back and plays like they have every week prior to the Raiders, the Jets can win a lot more games. All the quarterbacks need to do is make good decisions with the football.

I just want to win Sunday, get this D back on track, get back to running the ball effectively and our QB will be fine.  if we are counting on him(or Fitz) to win shootouts we won't be a playoff team.

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The problem is that we're not judging him off of one game. We have had 2 seasons and one game this season of embarrassment to base our opinions on. The guy is the definition of a bad quarterback.

My views on Geno are well known, but i'm a Jets fan first and foremost, and i have to give credit where its due: Geno played a good game on Sunday. He wasn't the problem.

What i liked about him was that he didn't let that ugly INT affect his game. He bounced back, led the team down the field and consistently hit Marshall and Decker. You couldn't ask for much more. Yes, he was a complete imbecile for taking that hit from Amerson, he should have known better.

I didn't like the way Bowles coached the last 6 minutes of the game, they could have taken it down to the wire, but the team had no faith in the offense. That was more disheartening than anything I saw from Geno, who played about as well as he could have. It's a bit more impressive when you consider that he barely had any real preparation with the starters. 


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I thought (just like everyone else) that his decision making during the game was horrendous and that he had no situational awareness. He actually did alright throwing the ball. When are they going to come up with a surgery to take Fitz head and put it on Genos body that QB would get my vote...sure it would still be mostly short passes but those passes would all be bullets and the occasional ones down the field will actually make it there.

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the signature geno play for me was where he was scrambling to his right, couldn't find anyone, didn't scramble for a gain, didn't throw it away, just ran out of bounds for a 4 yard loss.

wtf dude

Stupidity is embedded in his DNA. You don't throw 34 INT in 30 starts if you aren't mistake prone.

The question is whether he can make enough positive plays to offset the occasional brain-fart. We'll see what the coaches can do with him. One thing is for sure, you can't fix stupid. Hopefully we get the run game going so it makes things a little easier for him.

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Stupidity is embedded in his DNA. You don't throw 34 INT in 30 starts if you aren't mistake prone.

The question is whether he can make enough positive plays to offset the occasional brain-fart. We'll see what the coaches can do with him. One thing is for sure, you can't fix stupid. Hopefully we get the run game going so it makes things a little easier for him.

just a note:

Geno has thrown 34 INts in 30 starts, 1.1 per start

Fitz has thrown 108 in 96 starts, 1.1 per start


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possibly.  As much as the media is piling on him right now he was not bad yesterday

It's amazing how bad the media is right now.  Like it was his fault the defense didn't show up.  I thought he was pretty good.  Sure, he made some mistakes, but it's his first game back with little reps.  He threw the ball nicely, moved the chains often.  Threw a couple of TD's...

So many people couldn't wait for this guy to fail...and even though he played well, he's getting hammered.  The entire team was horrid yesterday...

From what I saw, I see reason for optimism about Geno.  I'm excited!!!!

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Who cares what's "fair" welcome to the big boy league. That said he didn't play as bad as I would've expected. still some inexcusable decisions like running out of bounds for 6 yard loss rather than throwing it away but all things considered he exceeded my very low expectations. problem is i still think he is a dunce and you can't fix noodle brain.

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OK and Fitz has 134 tds and Geno 27 so when it comes to throwing td's Fitz has the better percentage..

this was about mistakes and decision making, they turn it over at a similar rate.  Fitz has more TDs but I would venture a guess many have come in meaningless moments of games(like Geno's 2 yesterday).  the 2 guys are similar on the field.

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Sorry I hurt your feelings last week and forgot. 








So you're not actually inherently stupid- you're just a kid who deflects when proven wrong and can't discern twitter from a message board. It's coming together now. 

Here, I can speak your language: #WhatWasTheScoreWhenGenoCameIntoTheGame #zlolzzzz #mikeglennonthingz #bercoviciismylife #kerleyisthereasonthejetslosttothepatriots 

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Is it fair to judge Geno on this one game? I don't know? Is it fair to judge Pamela Anderson on just Baywatch? What about her other work? I'd say that's a fair comparison.

Yes, let's add Geno's other work to the discussion, that'll really sway the tide in his favor!

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Good Lord. I didn't say he was literally standing with his arms crossed. I'm speaking figuratively.

Yes it is my assumption he isn't. It was also your assumption, until you bought up this new argument to be argumentative, and it's why you took the 'he shouldn't have to' stance from the start. If you want me to counter in kind, how do you know he is?

Gailey is a generally good OC. He isn't a great one, though, beyond reproach. 

Geno has some bad instincts. So Gailey should give him as many reminders as he can. Clearly he isn't, or at least he wasn't at the end of the game yesterday. He has to work with what he has, not with what you think he should have to do and no more. 

That doesn't at all absolve Geno of all responsibility or make all Geno's shortcomings really Gailey's shortcomings. All it means is, independent of what Geno does/doesn't do, or can/can't do, Gailey has to do more than he's used to with his in-game communication with his QB. 

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Good Lord. I didn't say he was literally standing with his arms crossed. I'm speaking figuratively.

Yes it is my assumption he isn't. It was also your assumption, until you bought up this new argument to be argumentative, and it's why you took the 'he shouldn't have to' stance from the start. If you want me to counter in kind, how do you know he is?

Gailey is a generally good OC. He isn't a great one, though, beyond reproach. 

Geno has some bad instincts. So Gailey should give him as many reminders as he can. Clearly he isn't, or at least he wasn't at the end of the game yesterday. He has to work with what he has, not with what you think he should have to do and no more. 

That doesn't at all absolve Geno of all responsibility or make all Geno's shortcomings really Gailey's shortcomings. All it means is, independent of what Geno does/doesn't do, or can/can't do, Gailey has to do more than he's used to with his in-game communication with his QB. 

Ok friend, let me put this in very basic terms. The issue you present is the idea that Chan may not be instructing Geno well based on Geno's dumbfounding mistakes yesterday. That's the issue and allegation.

So on one side of the argument is a well respected coach with a history of success and a history of having QB's play above their average. That's established. On the other side is Geno, with a history of dumbfounding mistakes both on and off the field. And you wanna make a hypothetical argument that it's Chan's fault he's making dumbfounding mistakes still?

I think you need to come to the realization that if Geno continues to make dumbfounding mistakes like he always has, it's because he's a boneheaded ******* idiot, not because Gailey doesn't hold his hand enough.

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Certain things yes, most things no.  If he continues to have issues that have plagued him in the past (some of which we saw yesterday) in games where has ample time with the starters then I'll officialy be done with him.  That being said, he made some throws yesterday that we wouldn't ever attempt with Fitz under center and that alone makes me somewhat excited.

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Ok friend, let me put this in very basic terms. The issue you present is the idea that Chan may not be instructing Geno well based on Geno's dumbfounding mistakes yesterday. That's the issue and allegation.


So on one side of the argument is a well respected coach with a history of success and a history of having QB's play above their average. That's established. On the other side is Geno, with a history of dumbfounding mistakes both on and off the field. And you wanna make a hypothetical argument that it's Chan's fault he's making dumbfounding mistakes still?


I think you need to come to the realization that if Geno continues to make dumbfounding mistakes like he always has, it's because he's a boneheaded ******* idiot, not because Gailey doesn't hold his hand enough.



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Personally, I blame society. :)


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Geno has been wronged by Idzik, Rex, IK, western time zones, awful WRs in 2013, awful stewardesses in 2014, awful defenses in 2015, and wronged by the incompetence of Bowles.  

It is not fair to judge Geno.


Exactly. It's Gailey's fault next, if only he could pack brains into an empty skull.

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It's also a huge indictment of Gailey 

More likely, Gailey is assuming Geno knows it because he told him a few minutes ago.


It's not on Chan Gailey to work miracles. He's an NFL OC not JC.  



The original title is a farce.

Unless EM has never seen Geno Smith before this week 

that might make sense 

"this one game" is flat out lying to yourself.  

Talk to the man in the mirror. Make that change. 


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