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Ryan Fitzpatrick: MERGED


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1 hour ago, Irish Jet said:

Some people were picking Philadelphia for the Superbowl!

The Bills were definitely highly touted. Their Defense was supposed to be incredible, although I agree that was always pretty hypothetical and they still had huge question marks. I don't think many thought they'd be as bad as they were though, same for Miami. 

The schedule definitely looked easier than this one. Not debating that, just that it's difficult to project in May what any team will look like in October, including the Jets.



The Bills' defense was highly touted. Their QBs were Manuel, Matt Cassel, and Tyrod Taylor (with the latter being the least likely projected to start). They had to bring in Incognito to help the NFL's worst offensive line (a move that was heavily mocked here). After losing Orton, Buffalo was expected to win roughly the same # of games as the prior year, and that held true (1 game difference). 

The Eagles were going to go as Chip Kelly went: genius or idiot. A good amount more people picked bust than were predicting Superbowl with Sam Bradford who, again, few fans here wanted if he was CUT by the Rams. There were some absolutely smitten with Chip Kelly, and then there was everyone else.

And I agree things can change, but even though it was predicted to be harder than it was, it was never viewed as a brutal schedule the way this one is. 

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

The Bills' defense was highly touted. Their QBs were Manuel, Matt Cassel, and Tyrod Taylor (with the latter being the least likely projected to start). They had to bring in Incognito to help the NFL's worst offensive line (a move that was heavily mocked here). After losing Orton, Buffalo was expected to win roughly the same # of games as the prior year, and that held true (1 game difference). 

The Eagles were going to go as Chip Kelly went: genius or idiot. A good amount more people picked bust than were predicting Superbowl with Sam Bradford who, again, few fans here wanted if he was CUT by the Rams. There were some absolutely smitten with Chip Kelly, and then there was everyone else.

And I agree things can change, but even though it was predicted to be harder than it was, it was never viewed as a brutal schedule the way this one is. 


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threatening ? 

I called this weeks ago.  he wants a starter job, starter money, and to be the man, and to have a "home".  He has every right to desire that.  if nobody gives him that, he calls one of his harvard buddies and gets into a start up or venture capital or whatever the hell he feels like


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13 hours ago, Warfish said:

You're personal inability to come up with reasons does not make it any less a possibility.

As stated, it inflates the value of Pick #20 should Lynch fall to us, for one.  Teams not knowing we have Fitz locked up (in principle) could be gouged for more due to our own apparent "need", when that need is being artificially inflated by holding back on Fitz.

There are other reasons, some obvious, but I'll let you slow burn on them till you figure it out.  

Also absolutely a possibility.  We'll know soon enough if you're right when we don't sign him.


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10 hours ago, BroadwayJoe12 said:

Apparently Fitz is threatening to not play, instead of accept our "lowball" $8 million offer... Gift horse. Mouth. 

Sometimes I wonder if most people on this board never negotiated in their life

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2 hours ago, Mike135 said:

So with the 1st round in the books, still no cap space, Mo not traded and no Lynch...  where do we stand with Fitz?  

I think at this point we are actually sitting.

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Jets pass on Paxton Lynch ... and ripples could reach Ryan Fitzpatrick


 -- The New York Jets gave Paxton Lynch the cold shoulder. The 6-foot-6 prospect from Memphis, with a big arm and fast wheels, was on the board for the Jets with the 20th pick. Instead of taking the quarterback plunge, they opted for linebacker Darron Lee, sparking a Paxton Pursuit by at least two other teams.The Denver Broncos and Dallas Cowboys engaged in a trade-up war, targeting the talented but raw quarterback. The Broncos prevailed, trading two draft picks to move up five spots for the right to draft Lynch at 26.

My, my, wasn't that interesting ?

It's one of the reasons why we love the NFL draft so much. Teams look at the same player and form completely different opinions.

Does Broncos football czar John Elway know something the Jets don't ?

The Hall of Fame quarterback knows the position better than just about everybody on the planet, and he felt compelled to make a bold move for Lynch. If Elway is right -- if Lynch develops into a Pro Bowl player -- it'll be another infamous what-if in Jets history, right up there with Ken O'Brien-Dan Marino and Browning Nagle-Brett Favre.In this case, the Jets made the wise choice by passing on Lynch. Oh, they were intrigued by his skill set -- he may have the highest ceiling of any quarterback in the draft -- but there were concerns about his mental make-up. He scored an 18 on his Wonderlic test, below average for a quarterback, and he didn't impress in his pre-draft interview. He projects a boom-or-bust vibe. Frankly, Elways comes out of this looking desperate.

There was a lot of outside speculation about the Jets taking Lynch. Inside the organization, the sentiment was strongly against him. The Jets already have a project in Bryce Petty, and they didn't want to make a major investment in another college spread quarterback.We'll see how it plays out. If Lynch flourishes in Denver and Lee plays like the Jets' last first-round linebacker from Ohio State -- draft bust Vernon Gholston -- well ... you know how that song will sound.

The Jets' decision to pass on Lynch may have an immediate impact on their current quarterback situation -- i.e., the Ryan Fitzpatrick contract impasse.

Here's how :

Shortly after the pick, Elway said the team's pursuit of Colin Kaepernick is "probably over." Elway said he still could add another quarterback to his depth chart, likely a veteran to join Mark Sanchez and Lynch, but it won't be a big buy.If there was any chance of the Broncos making a serious play for Fitzpatrick, a free agent, it's all but gone now. It means his market has dried up. The Broncos made their major acquisition, as did the Los Angeles Rams, another team that sought to stabilize its quarterback situation. The Rams got their man by draftingJared Goff with the first overall pick.

The Jets are the only team displaying a "Help Wanted" sign. For Fitzpatrick, it's the Jets or bust.

Fitzpatrick would rather not play at all than play for the Jets' current contract offer, ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter reported. That would be a drastic stance by Fitzpatrick. This much is certain: The Jets have a job opening and Fitzpatrick needs a job. If the situation remains unchanged through the draft -- if the Jets don't add a veteran quarterback -- it'll leave them and Fitzpatrick on the dance floor, each waiting for the other to make the first move. At some point, the Jets will run out of patience and look elsewhere, perhaps free agentBrian Hoyer.

The Jets have other choices -- not great ones, but they have choices. Fitzpatrick doesn't -- unless he decides to use his Harvard education to get a real job.

>       http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york-jets/post/_/id/60053/jets-pass-on-paxton-lynch-and-ripples-could-reach-ryan-fitzpatrick

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One of the best times ever was back in 2009 when the Jets opened the season in Houston.

Night before the game I met up with a ton of Jets fans at the Flying Saucer downtown. Bunch of great guys and we had a blast.

One guy kept saying all night "are you really that ahole who posts on JI?"

Great time.

If I'm ever down there, I'll look u up...Doubt I'd ever be in Houston, tho...

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Jets front office to Fitz:

"Our system is what made you good. We know how good you really are, and you're not worth the pay-day you're asking for. If you're gonna play for us, you play on our terms."

Gotta give credit to Mac for sticking to his guns on this one.

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On April 29, 2016 at 1:45 AM, jgb said:

Sometimes I wonder if most people on this board never negotiated in their life

I would hope anyone on this board or anywhere else not follow Fitzs lime of negotiations. 

Hes losing money by the minute.  

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Well if the Kap thing is still playing out then all sides will wait. Elway says it's pretty much closed but then he would have to go with Mark as his starter. Right now anyways the Jets don't have the cap space to sign Fitz. So where are they going to get it unless some players restructure a lot. 

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5 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

No, one side took a huge risk and lost.  

Overplayed his hand.  

Just an observation

As with most of your recent observations, this one is off target and confused.

The off season isn't over you know.  No one has lost anything as yet.  

If Fitz signs for 10 mil a year, he hasn't "lost" anything for his risk.  

If the Jets reject him and go 2-14 under Geno and Geno is a poor mentor to Petty/Hackensackme, the Jets "lost" quite a bit, albeit only in that year.

We won't know how this Jets/Fitz "risk" issue played out till after, we certainly are in no position to judge it now, mid-offseason.

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Just now, Warfish said:

As with most of your recent observations, this one is off target and confused.

The off season isn't over you know.  No one has lost anything as yet.  

If Fitz signs for 10 mil a year, he hasn't "lost" anything for his risk.  

If the Jets reject him and go 2-14 under Geno and Geno is a poor mentor to Petty/Hackensackme, the Jets "lost" quite a bit, albeit only in that year.

We won't know how this Jets/Fitz "risk" issue played out till after, we certainly are in no position to judge it now, mid-offseason.

What he lost is any leverage.  If you were the Jets why on earth would you do charity work and offer Fitz more than you offered at their last talks?  

Jets are now trying develop Hackenberg to be their 1.  He needs a mentor and I want it to be Fitz, a pros pro type.  But for 10 mil?  You could easily make a case to sign Hoyer, get the same type production at QB and have a veteran me to who also knows O'Briens pro offense, the one Hackenberg ran so well at PSU. 

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The thing is if Fitz is resolute and has made a decision: if I don't get my figure from the Jets or any team I'll retire. Then that's pretty much it. He's weighed all of the factors and decided he favors retirement over getting what he feels is a below market offer. You might not agree but it looks like he might just be willing to walk. So it might not be a question of his blinking and settling like all players he just might have decided what he really wants to do with the rest of his life. 

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4 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

What he lost is any leverage.  If you were the Jets why on earth would you do charity work and offer Fitz more than you offered at their last talks?  

This is reasonable.....but depends on how the Jets eel internally about starting Geno Smith of signing/starting Hoyer.

If they're not as supportive of that as many Fans are, the leverage still exists, such that it is.

4 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Jets are now trying develop Hackenberg to be their 1.

Presumably.  It'll also take time.  Hackensackme most certainly isn't the kind of prospect I'd expect to start right away, not with his resume.

4 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

 He needs a mentor and I want it to be Fitz, a pros pro type.

Agreed.  Fitz, for all his flaws, appeared to be a great mentor for Petty, and can (I believe) do the same for Hackensackme.

4 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

But for 10 mil?  You could easily make a case to sign Hoyer, get the same type production at QB and have a veteran me to who also knows O'Briens pro offense, the one Hackenberg ran so well at PSU. 

Yep, thats possible of course.  Again, goes back to the GM and how much does he want to keep the team happy (they love Fitz as much fans seem to hate him) and the young QB's mentored vs. going cheap and signing a Hoyer, not known for either production or mentoring and a clear 1 year fill-in only.

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2 minutes ago, gEYno said:

153 pages on Ryan Fitzpatrick.

Ryan Fitzpatrick.

Yeah because he's our starting Qb, dude. Do you know how many pages they've had over the years on Mark Sanchez. And we're still talking about him. You know I still have culture shock thinking about him. 

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17 minutes ago, Warfish said:


Yep, thats possible of course.  Again, goes back to the GM and how much does he want to keep the team happy (they love Fitz as much fans seem to hate him) and the young QB's mentored vs. going cheap and signing a Hoyer, not known for either production or mentoring and a clear 1 year fill-in only.

Agree.  Don't know what they think about Hoyer or Geno as an alternative and of course that's huge here.

i don't think fans hate Fitz.  I think he's treated pretty good.  We have a one year guy who is holding out for almost three times what he was paid before.  Who has a history of being a good guy but of being a loser.  Who is threatening to leave the team over money.  Usually that will get you boo'd out of town in a heartbeat.  Most fans still want him signed and are willing to overlook his shortcomings because they like him.  Fans rip Mo more for his negotiations, a top 3 DE for wanting the money he deserves and he's a home grown, 5 year producer for this team.  I don't see him hated at all. 


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Back on Dec. 27, Ryan Fitzpatrick was leading the Jets to an overtime victory over the Patriots that would put New York within a game of the playoffs for the first time since 2010.

Flash forward to April 30 and Fitzpatrick is still a free agent. Geno Smith, at the moment, is the team's presumptive starting quarterback. The Jets selected developmental quarterback Christian Hackenberg with their second-round pick on Friday night, placing him in a room with Smith and Bryce Petty, who the team drafted in 2015.The pick doesn't change the team's stance with Fitzpatrick, according to NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport. However, it does likely change the timetable on a deal for him. Where there was an opportunity to sign a possible multi-year contract before the draft, there is a strong chance he'll only receive a one-year offer from the team now.

"If we get Ryan back, he's our starter going in, but they're more than welcome to take the position from him," Jets coach Todd Bowles saidFriday, via ESPN.com. "Obviously, Ryan earned it from last year, and it's going to be hard to take it from him. Everybody else falls in, and let the competition work itself out."Credit the Jets for not being afraid of taking a future prospect they like. There are great teams in the NFL that believe a quarterback should be drafted every year and that the room should be a high-speed grooming mechanism for future prospects to come. They just have to deal with the troubling optics in the meantime.

Fitzpatrick will probably sign. It is rare to hear a team talk about a quarterback who isn't under contract like the Jets talk about Fitzpatrick. But he'll be returning to a future that seems much less certain than it was before.Bowles and general manager Mike Maccagnan did not rule out Hackenberg taking the reins early, either."We'll see how he progresses," Maccagnan said.

>     http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000658376/article/jets-want-fitzpatrick-but-welcome-hackenberg-battle

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Look this team spends millions of dollars for personnel etc. and you don't get rid of a successful starting Qb over a few million bucks. And there is little doubt that Ryan gives us our best chance to win in 2016. And Geno doesn't. Or Hack for that matter. But I agree if he's looking for Osweiller money, arrivaderci. But I don't think he is. 

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10 minutes ago, Larz said:

why should he start for back up money ?

would you ?

No one is offering big money.  FA is all about demand.  If someone offered him 20mil to start he would give the Jets a chance to match or beat or would run to that team and collect.  I wouldn't blame him, that's the business.  Conversely, when you want 16-18 mil and no one bites, when the only offer is 8-10mil, that's your worth.  The business.  I also don't for a second think 10 mil is insulting to a 33 year old, weak armed, journeyman bridge QB, who has never taken a team to the playoffs after 11 seasons.

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On April 30, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Rangers9 said:

Yeah because he's our starting Qb, dude. Do you know how many pages they've had over the years on Mark Sanchez. And we're still talking about him. You know I still have culture shock thinking about him. 

Hes not even on the team. 

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1 hour ago, Rangers9 said:

Look this team spends millions of dollars for personnel etc. and you don't get rid of a successful starting Qb over a few million bucks. And there is little doubt that Ryan gives us our best chance to win in 2016. And Geno doesn't. Or Hack for that matter. But I agree if he's looking for Osweiller money, arrivaderci. But I don't think he is. 

It's not a few million bucks.  It's said he wants a good 14, 15 mil

Its been said that the Jets have offered around 10.  They're said to be far apart.  Doubt that's a couple of mil.

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