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Francessa leaving WFAN after 2017?


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Goodbye Fatcessa. In 2010, the day after the Jets beats the Patriots in the playoffs at Foxborough in one biggest upsets in team history since Superbowl 3, your top story was on the St. John's basketball game that no one outside St. John's actually cared about. The rest of the time all you do is bash the Jets in verbose, crude diatribes which offer absolutely no insight on the team or the game whatsoever.  

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9 hours ago, Freemanm said:

Goodbye Fatcessa. In 2010, the day after the Jets beats the Patriots in the playoffs at Foxborough in one biggest upsets in team history since Superbowl 3, your top story was on the St. John's basketball game that no one outside St. John's actually cared about. The rest of the time all you do is bash the Jets in verbose, crude diatribes which offer absolutely no insight on the team or the game whatsoever.  

Yeah did he ever hate the Jets.  It was ridiculous.   He even got upset at the fans for saying we would've had a chance to beat Indy had they not benched Peyton in the 2nd half in Rex's 1st year. I mean I know the odds weren't great but what about any given Sunday.  At the very least, Peyton could've gotten hurt so fatso is way off as usual. 

You know fatso was sh-tting bricks when the jets had that fast start in the AFC title game against Indy.  Oh how I wish we could've won that one just to hear fatso eat crow for the 2 pre Super Bowl weeks. 

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14 hours ago, bergenjets said:

Did I hear that right? He sounded as if it was already known, but that was the first I heard.

I can't stand him. That said, afternoons without his blathering are not going to be the same.

I hate everyone at drive time, but I'll not miss Franchesser at all. Drive time is always dumbed down for the masses.

Someday we'll have an actual analyst doing a show instead of having them on as guests. 

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1 hour ago, no psls said:

Love him or hate him , who is going to replace him ? I vote for Joe and Evan  .

The Pope is a bombastic, condescending, self-important buffoon.  He will be missed by the sycophants who feed at his Hog Trough and who he treats with the disrespect the morons deserve, but few others.  However, I would hope that a duo like Joe and Evan are considered as replacements only after Evan turns 13 and Joe agrees to take his medication on a daily basis.

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i hate his bias towards the Jets but that guy has more sports knowledge in his pinky than anyone else on the radio in NYC has in their whole body......who are the other options??  Beningo? Carton? Schmoozer? Kay?...... a bunch of pretenders


edited to add.......yes i know its a huge pinky

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1 minute ago, JOJOTOWNSELL said:

i hate his bias towards the Jets but that guy has more sports knowledge in his pinky than anyone else on the radio in NYC has in their whole body......who are the other options??  Beningo? Carton? Schmoozer? Kay?...... a bunch of pretenders

On the bright side he wasn't biased 1997-2000  ;)

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Mike can be a blowhard but he does know a lot. He's been way better onbthe Jets and Mets lately. My only gripes with him are his ignorance on the game of hockey and for some reason he really likes A-Rod. I say this as a Yankee fan.



As for his replacement, please no Carton as a solo act. B &C I could stand, but not CC by himself. And not real sure what you guys see in Joe and Evan. Evan gets butthurt all the time (see: his few shows with Boomer a while back). And him and Joe talk about the out of season sports way too much. They'll talk Nets Basketball in July. They also need to shut up about politics. They are illiterate on the subject. 

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Personally I really like when Malusius and Kim Jones do a show. Obviously Steve Sommers is awesome but not so sure he's a great afternoon slot guy. 

I don't always agree with everything John Jastremski has to say, but he's not bad either. 


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He's made money and probably a good time to get out.  I used to listen to the show years ago, because they were excellent at the whole ying-yang thing that ESPN has been trying to copy.  They weren't blatantly in your face about it, but Mike being the calm fan that loves the local success stories (Yankees/Giants), Russo being the antagonist, brash outsider with opposite views.  They played the listeners by taking two sides of the story, and people ate it up.  

However, I used to listen to them more so for the 20 minute updates on the sports world.  Before the internet was huge (and pretty much only available at home), it was the best way for me to be updated on the sportsworld while mobile.  Now, that's not the case, so I don't bother to listen.  

Mike is annoying with his holier than thou approach to everything.  He would take a stance and dismiss arguments against it without merit.   I haven't heard Joe and Evan in a long time, but I used to like them.  I don't think they'll get it because they are too similar in their teams of interest and points of view.  For ratings, you need opposing views so people get riled up enough to keep listening or call in.  

I wish some funny comedian would actually take over the show.  I'm not suggesting him, but someone like Bill Simmons (he's too big for radio and he's a Pats homer) but someone with a background in comedy would do good so atleast you have something new.  It has to be someone who is good with on the spot comedy though. 

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