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The Macc nine + a hx lession (long)


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2 hours ago, varjet said:

The only logical explanation for what is happening right now is that Macc and Bowles got a mulligan, likely because Woody realized that his meddling and desire to win in 2015 ended up setting the team back.  

If Woody were to fire the two of them and start over, there is no guarantee that he would hire someone better than what he has.

Macc could not really do a rebuild in 2015 because of the contracts that he bore.  If he cut Mangold and Brick, given dead money there would be no money for replacements.  After 2 bad Rex years, 2015 would have been a train wreck

So the fans got their 2015 10 win year, which should have been playoffs.  

2016 was just greedy, but we are over it.

Hopefully Woody is giving Macc and Bowles 2 good years to see if they can start to build a team.  The signs are pointed in the right direction.  We need cohesiveness and function rather than wins.   

I think 7 of the 9 make the 53.

I have to agree with this whole post.  I think Woody has meddled in the past with the acquisitions of Tebow and Plax, and by the way team handled Hack last year, Woody probably had something to do with that.

Based on the fact that Macc has said nothing about the Hackenberg decision probably has won him respect from Woody and there fore he probably was able to convince Woody that it's time to pull the band aid off and rebuild correctly. More evidence of this was that no QB was drafted this year with only a journeyman scrub and two long shot prospects in house.

I also agree, I think 7 or 8 of the 9 make the team (Not sure about Donahue) and I think Conner Harris will be our UDFA that makes the team.

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Fake news, lol. He's rendering an opinion, not news.

The "fake news" part 


here's an opinion anyone who uses the term fake news is violating this board's rules 

use another phrase please there's a million ways to disagree with someone without using such a crassly political phrase. 

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8 minutes ago, Joe Jets fan said:

I agree on the no #1 WR, that should have been addressed. 

Lmfao at RB being a premium position.  

You have absolutely no idea if Hack is a QB, none so stop saying you do.  Once he plays you can comment if he can't play, till then you know nothing. 

Signing our draft picks to contracts and signing FA linemen counts as doing something if you did not know. 

As for for pass rusher he has invested picks and is waiting for them to develope. 


Every position can not be filled with a first round pick.   Players need to be developed.  Not the coaches strong suit I may add. 

RB can be a premium position, ask the cowboys if they regret taking elliot.

Just what at all have you seen that would suggest that Hack is a franchise Qb.  Everything that we have sen so far looks from bad to shaky,  If you are banking on him being 'the guy' I have a unicorn to sell you.

Filling spots with jag to medium stop gap players is something every team does, he is not getting a gold star for signing a guard to a fat deal.

LOL, the guys he has drafted are not dynamic pass rushers.  3rd rounders is not the way to get top end players.

Dline no brainer pick of which we had dline.

Total bust of a #2 Wr deep threat

Small limited ilb that is turning out to not be what he was drafted for.

Long shot messed up QB that just wasted a year.

top end safety

#2 safety

Bowles is a joke and is indeed hurting mac but mac is the one seeming to appease the coaches wants.  Sooner or later you have to draft preimum positions high.  We still have massive holes in important areas.

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1 hour ago, Paradis said:

There in lies the problem ^^^ 

We can argue about whether Macc was forced to do this or that b/c Woody  -- or Bowles -- or Fitz...

But the fact of the matter is the only pick we've drafted who's really turned to be any good is a pick that blind monkey could have made.

The players we draft is the one god damn freaking area that Macc can control his/our fate, outside of pressures, owners, contracts etc... and what the fck has he done? 

A whole lot of nothing when we're talking about on-field production.

I hear you!!!


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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Is there some hint that's been dropped or leaked, that people are so certain they're cutting Decker? 

Unless he's just unable to perform, I'd be surprised if he's cut while they're giving Hackenberg his long-awaited starts.

Geno Smith had worse WR's than those on the roster currently. Decker is expendable

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Nah, if someone else wants him, we can trade him. 

Too hard to say, and I don't know what's in Maccagnan's head ( ;) ) but I think if he's kept this long it's because they want him to play (not to be just trade bait), should he prove healthy enough.

Most would be surprised to see it in 2017, but don't discount the possibility that the man who assembled this team might just think that, if Hackenberg (or Petty) is any good, they could realistically contend this year. A QB - the right QB - makes it all work, and can render multiple deficiencies insignificant. So if he's traded it'd have to be an offer he couldn't turn down (e.g. 3rd round or higher), and I don't think he gets that kind of offer for Eric Decker.

With no more guaranteed money remaining on his contract, I believe if Maccagnan just wanted to dump Decker, he'd have done it by now. Keep in mind he only turned 30 two months ago, though I sense there are fans who view him as older, like his starting career is already about to end.

I agree with everything you've said in this thread on Decker: 

  1. I have no idea where this cut rumor came from.
  2. He (when healthy) is still good and can help a young QB develop.  No reason to trade him outside of a godfather offer

The thing I keep coming back to when thinking about Macc is the offensive line.  This, I believe, is the key to figuring out what he thinks about this current team.  The trade up to get Shell last year was very interesting.  The tenders/contracts for Iajana and Wesley Johnson were as well.  I think he wants to give relative continuity on the Oline a shot which I honestly don't blame him at all for.  So if he thinks the line is set and that he MIGHT have a qb in Hack I understand why he takes good value WR and RB late in the draft and holds on to Decker.  So, logically, he wanted to fix the absolute worst part of this defense...and he did.  I'm giving him at least a year to properly evaluate how he's doing, we really can't tell sh*t until Hack plays and we see how the offensive line performs this year. 

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Decker is not, nor ever has been, a #1 receiver, although Idzik payed him like he was. In Denver he had D. Thomas, and here he had Marshall. If the Jets had drafted Mike Williams or Cory Davis you could make a case for keeping Decker as the # 2 guy he always has been. Since we didn't, he's just a waste of a roster spot keeping a young guy from getting reps. In the context of what is going on here now, he has no place at the table.

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1 minute ago, Sperm Edwards said:

You called an obvious opinion piece fake news. It's the guy's opinion, and frankly that part of it holds water.

I can't own an opinion? The piece lacked ra tubal content and context

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1 hour ago, section314 said:

Decker is not, nor ever has been, a #1 receiver, although Idzik payed him like he was. In Denver he had D. Thomas, and here he had Marshall. If the Jets had drafted Mike Williams or Cory Davis you could make a case for keeping Decker as the # 2 guy he always has been. Since we didn't, he's just a waste of a roster spot keeping a young guy from getting reps. In the context of what is going on here now, he has no place at the table.

1. Who cares if he's a "#1 receiver"? Despite this irrational obsession, it's never been a prerequisite for winning a championship. Ever. If it was, then Calvin Johnson would have brought 3 championships to Detroit. What is important is having multiple good targets.

2. Idzik did not pay him like a #1 WR. It was a $7m/yr contract, which wasn't "#1 WR" money in 2014. Brian Hartline made $6.1m that year. Percy Harvin's contract average was $11m, Mike Wallace $12m from the prior year, Fitzgerald and Calvin Johnson $16m, Bowe $11m, and more. $7m was high end "#2 WR" money, which was totally appropriate. Before FA began, he was expected to get upwards of $10m/year. 

I'm not even his biggest fan by far, but it is myopic to suggest Decker has no place on the team unless you think the best way to evaluate their young QBs this year is to get rid of the most experienced - really, the only experienced - WR on the roster. The purpose of this season is not simply to hold a tryout for their young WRs.

If he was on defense, I'd agree, but he isn't.

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2 hours ago, Beerfish said:

RB can be a premium position, ask the cowboys if they regret taking elliot.

Just what at all have you seen that would suggest that Hack is a franchise Qb.  Everything that we have sen so far looks from bad to shaky,  If you are banking on him being 'the guy' I have a unicorn to sell you.

Filling spots with jag to medium stop gap players is something every team does, he is not getting a gold star for signing a guard to a fat deal.

LOL, the guys he has drafted are not dynamic pass rushers.  3rd rounders is not the way to get top end players.

Dline no brainer pick of which we had dline.

Total bust of a #2 Wr deep threat

Small limited ilb that is turning out to not be what he was drafted for.

Long shot messed up QB that just wasted a year.

top end safety

#2 safety

Bowles is a joke and is indeed hurting mac but mac is the one seeming to appease the coaches wants.  Sooner or later you have to draft preimum positions high.  We still have massive holes in important areas.

Never said I knew anything about Hack, same advice you don't know anything. At least I admit it. 

Dallas only has a good RB because of there line.   RB is one of the least premium positions not that it's 2017 and not 1990.  Same reason safeties are so much more important that they were twenty years ago   


I am not pounding the table that Mac has done a good job, but I do know we won't know for a few years if he has drafted well. I can say I won't blame the go for picking a WR with zero injury history for tearing his acl twice. That's not a bust on the gm.  That's getting unlucky.   But you keep doing you.  

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3 hours ago, Beerfish said:

How long?

The bigger issue in his drafting is not do we have to wait to see if guys develop, it is has he actually even attempt to draft premium positions in todays nfl.

He has had 3 drafts.

No #1 WR, No dynamic RB, No QB, no pass rusher, almost nothing spent on the oline.  This is a big issue.

I really don't see rb as a premium position.

QB is in question and could very be answered next year if given the chance and things go right. Fingers crossed. 

Did he pass on can't miss guys at those positions?? I would've taken Beasley over Williams. But the rest is all too soon to judge. 

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3 hours ago, Beerfish said:

How long?

The bigger issue in his drafting is not do we have to wait to see if guys develop, it is has he actually even attempt to draft premium positions in todays nfl.

He has had 3 drafts.

No #1 WR, No dynamic RB, No QB, no pass rusher, almost nothing spent on the oline.  This is a big issue.

I really don't see rb as a premium position.

QB is in question and could very be answered next year if given the chance and things go right. Fingers crossed. 

Did he pass on can't miss guys at those positions?? I would've taken Beasley over Williams. But the rest is all too soon to judge. 

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44 minutes ago, Joe Jets fan said:

Never said I knew anything about Hack, same advice you don't know anything. At least I admit it. 

Dallas only has a good RB because of there line.   RB is one of the least premium positions not that it's 2017 and not 1990.  Same reason safeties are so much more important that they were twenty years ago   


I am not pounding the table that Mac has done a good job, but I do know we won't know for a few years if he has drafted well. I can say I won't blame the go for picking a WR with zero injury history for tearing his acl twice. That's not a bust on the gm.  That's getting unlucky.   But you keep doing you.  


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43 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

2. Idzik did not pay him like a #1 WR. It was a $7m/yr contract, which wasn't "#1 WR" money in 2014. Brian Hartline made $6.1m that year. Percy Harvin's contract average was $11m, Mike Wallace $12m from the prior year, Fitzgerald and Calvin Johnson $16m, Bowe $11m, and more. $7m was high end "#2 WR" money, which was totally appropriate. Before FA began, he was expected to get upwards of $10m/year. 


I have to say, of all the Jets-iest moves I have seen over the last 5 years, bringing in Harvin in the middle of that already lost season for that much money/cap space may have been the worst.

That move, and drafting Jalen Saunders and otherwise blowing the draft, basically got Idzik fired.

I think Macc is trying to draft better than Idzik while adopting his financial plan.

FWIW, I do like what Jax is doing, but I don't know how much of it is Idzik.

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38 minutes ago, Joe Jets fan said:

Never said I knew anything about Hack, same advice you don't know anything. At least I admit it. 

Dallas only has a good RB because of there line.   RB is one of the least premium positions not that it's 2017 and not 1990.  Same reason safeties are so much more important that they were twenty years ago   


I am not pounding the table that Mac has done a good job, but I do know we won't know for a few years if he has drafted well. I can say I won't blame the go for picking a WR with zero injury history for tearing his acl twice. That's not a bust on the gm.  That's getting unlucky.   But you keep doing you.  

I know this about hack.

- He looked bad his last two years in college.

- He never displayed accuracy

- He looked purely awful in the ex games other than one decent td pass/drive

- On a team with ghastly QBing and injuries he did nothing to force the teams hand in playing him.

- The team did nothing to work on his mechanical flaws all last year.

- He was the #4 QB on the teams depth chart

- He had an OC who was here for a good time., not a long time so had no real plan for him.

- More than one rumored 'source' within slammed him as being bad.

I know all of the above about hack.  Not playing at all even the season is lost and the incumbent Qb is no longer in your plans is a bad sign.

No you are wrong, Dallas had the same line the year before and though they rushed okay the team won a whopping 4 games.  Elliot along with their 1st year QB were the only tangible changes to get to 13 wins or whatever they had last year.

You are another of the many that only wants to judge when you know the answers but that is not when the front office has to make their decision on a plaeyr or strategy, they have to make their mind up right now. 

I guess Devin Smith and Pryor each get at least another couple of years. 

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2 hours ago, smaxor5 said:

I agree with everything you've said in this thread on Decker: 

  1. I have no idea where this cut rumor came from.
  2. He (when healthy) is still good and can help a young QB develop.  No reason to trade him outside of a godfather offer

The thing I keep coming back to when thinking about Macc is the offensive line.  This, I believe, is the key to figuring out what he thinks about this current team.  The trade up to get Shell last year was very interesting.  The tenders/contracts for Iajana and Wesley Johnson were as well.  I think he wants to give relative continuity on the Oline a shot which I honestly don't blame him at all for.  So if he thinks the line is set and that he MIGHT have a qb in Hack I understand why he takes good value WR and RB late in the draft and holds on to Decker.  So, logically, he wanted to fix the absolute worst part of this defense...and he did.  I'm giving him at least a year to properly evaluate how he's doing, we really can't tell sh*t until Hack plays and we see how the offensive line performs this year. 

I agree 100% with the thinking behind this post.  

Mac is not a moron or an incompetent boob as many keep suggesting.  Rather I think that he believes in Hack at least if not more than any QB who was certainly in this recent draft. 

We all have to sit back and see if his plan is successful or not. 

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4 minutes ago, MDL_JET said:

I really don't see rb as a premium position.

QB is in question and could very be answered next year if given the chance and things go right. Fingers crossed. 

Did he pass on can't miss guys at those positions?? I would've taken Beasley over Williams. But the rest is all too soon to judge. 

RB is a premium position you have a 1st year QB or young Qb that is taking on too much,

The panthers have Cam Newton but went and got two RBs because he was taking on too much.  Dak Prescott with no running game would not have lit the world on fire.  Jax and Tampa and cincy all thought they needed a Rb weapon.

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5 minutes ago, Charlie Brown said:

Mac is not a moron or an incompetent boob as many keep suggesting.  Rather I think that he believes in Hack at least if not more than any QB who was certainly in this recent draft. 

These two statements may prove to be contradictory. ?

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

1. Who cares if he's a "#1 receiver"? Despite this irrational obsession, it's never been a prerequisite for winning a championship. Ever. If it was, then Calvin Johnson would have brought 3 championships to Detroit. What is important is having multiple good targets.

2. Idzik did not pay him like a #1 WR. It was a $7m/yr contract, which wasn't "#1 WR" money in 2014. Brian Hartline made $6.1m that year. Percy Harvin's contract average was $11m, Mike Wallace $12m from the prior year, Fitzgerald and Calvin Johnson $16m, Bowe $11m, and more. $7m was high end "#2 WR" money, which was totally appropriate. Before FA began, he was expected to get upwards of $10m/year. 

I'm not even his biggest fan by far, but it is myopic to suggest Decker has no place on the team unless you think the best way to evaluate their young QBs this year is to get rid of the most experienced - really, the only experienced - WR on the roster. The purpose of this season is not simply to hold a tryout for their young WRs.

If he was on defense, I'd agree, but he isn't.

Sperm, good points , but I disagree. I think Enuwa has enough experience to do anything Decker could do for this team right now. I would think it far better to let Hack start developing chemistry with the 6-8 young WR's and TE's we have than with a guy who most assuredly will be gone next year at the latest. Also it sounds like you are advocating a 'mentorship' idea here with Decker. I won't put words in your mouth, but I'll bet you think that same idea of a 'mentor" for HacK/Petty (McCown) is a waste of resources.

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15 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

RB is a premium position you have a 1st year QB or young Qb that is taking on too much,

The panthers have Cam Newton but went and got two RBs because he was taking on too much.  Dak Prescott with no running game would not have lit the world on fire.  Jax and Tampa and cincy all thought they needed a Rb weapon.

And cam went to the super bowl without those two new rbs. It's all the QB. I don't know why any of us are debating about all this. Until you find the QB, you're just hoping you can stay afloat. Your #1 wr and rb can fade out before you even find one.(Adrian Peterson/Andre Johnson?) Sure they'd help a young QB but they either have it or they don't. Well find out either way. 

Let's just hope Hack is it or we're in position for next year. 

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4 hours ago, section314 said:

Sperm, good points , but I disagree. I think Enuwa has enough experience to do anything Decker could do for this team right now. I would think it far better to let Hack start developing chemistry with the 6-8 young WR's and TE's we have than with a guy who most assuredly will be gone next year at the latest. Also it sounds like you are advocating a 'mentorship' idea here with Decker. I won't put words in your mouth, but I'll bet you think that same idea of a 'mentor" for HacK/Petty (McCown) is a waste of resources.

No, that is not what I'm advocating. Decker would be playing on the field with Hackenberg (or Petty), not mentoring. 

He's the least likely to make mental errors running routes, and most likely to be an asset in the huddle, for a learning QB. I realize the shiny new things can seem more exciting, but that doesn't therefore mean they're in a developing QB's immediate best interest in his first live action.

And chemistry? That'll come; it doesn't take years if they're any good. Besides, they should be earning jobs not have them handed to them.  

I don't have high hopes for either QB right now, but I'm in favor of giving each the best chance, and that would be the best and most reliable receivers not just those with the fastest 40 times who are still very much learning the pro game. You're making it sound like Decker's career is about to end right before or after this year. He just turned 30, not 38 like McCown. 

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On May 2, 2017 at 8:31 AM, C Mart said:

There's one in here somewhere


Bowles Acknowledges Fitz Flub, Won’t Elaborate on Revis

January 2, 2017  Featured Editorials, Home Slider  Darrelle Revis, Ryan Fitzpatrick, todd bowles

By Glenn Naughton

Jets fans will have to wait until next season to find out if head coach Todd Bowles has learned from past mistakes that were made during live action on game day, but when it comes  how he handles himself after the game (or the season) goes, we saw yesterday that he’s already learned a valuable lesson.

Following yesterday’s season-ending 30-10 victory over the Buffalo Bills, Bowles was asked to comment on the team’s future plans for cornerback Darrelle Revis, but the coach didn’t bite.

When a Jets beat writer asked Bowles about a conversation that took place between himself and Revis regarding a possible move from cornerback to safety if he were to stay with the team, Bowles was non-committal, and referenced the comments he made following last year’s season finale that ultimately cost Gang Green some green backs as the reason why.

Ryan Fitzpatrick was handed the Jets starting before ever signing a contract this off-season.

It was after the team’s week 17 loss to the Buffalo Bills last season that Bowles anointed free agent-to be, Ryan Fitzpatrick, his starting quarterback for the 2016 season.  An announcement that gave the journeyman additional leverage in his upcoming contract negotiations.

The comments undoubtedly played a role in Fitzpatrick and his agents holding out for the “starter money” that he would eventually get. Even though his eventual $12 million pay-day is pittance for a starting quarterback, (the deal made him the second-lowest paid veteran starter in the NFL) the comments from Bowles never should have been made, and he made a point to bring it up as something he won’t repeat in the future.

When asked about Revis, Bowles replied:

“I’m not going to discuss any player going in to 2017 thanks to you guys (Jets beat writers) when I said something about Fitz last year.  I have you guys to thank for that.  I won’t be saying anything about any players heading in to 2017.  My second year as a head coach and I learned some things, so thank you guys”.

The Jets have a big decision to make on Revis.  The former great is due to count for just over $15 million next season which is an ungodly amount of money for a player who didn’t even play up to the level of a “vet minimum” type this year.  If there is any chance at all of Revis hanging around, a steep pay cut will be in order.

Given Revis’ history and savvy, a move to safety would seemingly be the ideal solution for an aging cornerback who has lost a step.  Only problem there is that Revis hasn’t only lost a step, but the desire to tackle.  How’s that gonna’ go over as a safety?

Bowles made a mistake in promising the starting job to Fitzpatrick last season and he did the right thing yesterday in refusing to discuss Revis’ future with the Jets.

Handling the New York media may not be the type of growth fans were hoping to see from Bowles between his first and second season, so hopefully by training camp next year, the decisions on the sidelines show similar (or any) improvement.


I didn't see you edited to add this story. As I pointed out earlier, these Bowles "quotes" appeared nowhere else on the web, tv, radio, etc.

If Bowles really did say this to beat writers or even bloggers how come none of them used it? 

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2 hours ago, jetrider said:

I didn't see you edited to add this story. As I pointed out earlier, these Bowles "quotes" appeared nowhere else on the web, tv, radio, etc.

If Bowles really did say this to beat writers or even bloggers how come none of them used it? 

1) no idea. I can't speak to beat writers

2) speak to Glenn. He wrote this. 

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On May 2, 2017 at 10:30 AM, FTL Jet Fan said:

Agreed. I keep hearing Decker will be cut. If he is healthy and can stay that way, I don't think it would be a smart move especially if we are starting Hack. Decker is a veteran receiver who will only help Hack develop in various ways. I would prefer we keep Decker to help with Hack and all of the young WR's. Hopefully he can stay healthy. 

If Decker is healthy why cut him? We're fine cap wise so there's no need to cut him & he's a hard worker and these young guys can learn a lot from him. Now if he gets hurt again? See ya. Having 3 guys that can play inside/out, Decker-Enunwa-Stewart and 3 guys that are better on the outside, Anderson-Peake-Hansen, this gives Morton some great player packages to run his offense depending on who we're playing. 

Teams with good CB, who are weak inside, you'll see the youngsters with speed on the outside & guys like Decker-Enunwa working the weaker middle. Teams with weak CBs? Decker & Enunwa can take advantage.

Probably the best all around group of WRs the Jets have had in a very long time. Some serious potential here with youngsters that have actually PRODUCED in college, unlike a guy like Stephen Hill. That's a pretty good group of COMPETETIVE wideouts.

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20 hours ago, HessStation said:

Wowza de facto right there.

Fuller, a 1st round pick of the Texans had similar numbers to Anderson. That's a 1st round WR & an UDFA. Anderson was open on at least 4 more TDs where he was either underthrown or missed completely.

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29 minutes ago, Jetster said:

Fuller, a 1st round pick of the Texans had similar numbers to Anderson. That's a 1st round WR & an UDFA. Anderson was open on at least 4 more TDs where he was either underthrown or missed completely.

Good perspective.

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On 5/2/2017 at 10:30 AM, Sperm Edwards said:

With Enunwa already here, and Decker still under contract for 2 more seasons, if they were truly sold on both Anderson and Peake being future starters (not to mention J.Marshall) it's unlikely they'd have used a pair of mid-round picks (where people say was the sweet spot of this draft) on two more WRs.

Fake news, lol. He's rendering an opinion, not news. If he thinks the Anderson and Peake flashed it's his prerogative to say so. Besides, at a minimum, Peake's description is unquestionably accurate. Even if you disagree a bit on Anderson, who was the best of the three and, despite appearing in every game and starting half of them, he finished with under 600 yards and 2 TDs.  

The "fake news" part is the idea that those "screaming at the top of [their] lungs" to trade down weren't requesting they wait until the 3rd round to trade down. Those that badly wanted a trade-down wanted it early, when we'd get much more in return for trading down. So that's the part that's fake. I didn't see anyone "screaming" all March and April to stay pat at both #6 and #39 for a pair of safeties, and then trade down only in the middle and late rounds. Whether one likes the draft results or not, I didn't see anyone requesting that.

I definitely heard people screaming at the top of their lungs. I just don't think it was because they wanted a trade down. :)

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On 5/2/2017 at 2:55 PM, Sperm Edwards said:

These two statements may prove to be contradictory. ?

well, i guess we'll find out in a few months.  if hack works out then mac should win gm of the year again.  at the very least he will have broken the string of 2nd round busts.  it's not like smith was a bust but holy c%%p, the guy is getting seriously injured too often.

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