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Zach starting Thursday


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3 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

Do you really not see a difference between fitting the ball into a tight window and throwing it up for grabs? You refuse to acknowledge the obvious difference and then accuse others as having an agenda. This is getting ridiculous from the Zach fans.

I've said it here and in other threads , Zach made a bad read and a sh*tty throw that resulted in a pick. My point is do we need 10 threads and multiple media outlets all scrutinizing the throw like they're breaking down game film with the Jets as their next opponent.

Hell on my way back  home today I turn on the radio and Evan Freakin Roberts is throwing out the cliches - can't read defenses , not going through his progressions  blah blah blah .The only thing he knows about progressions is its close to his auto insurance company name or his favorite soup company .  Everyone is now a QB expert on how to dissect how bad of a QB ZW is.  If MW throws a pick its because of well Braxton Berrios or the rotation of the earth or some other BS because he's Mike F'in White. 

I get it MW played well in his starts but not in correlation to the ridiculous amount of idoltry he's getting mainly because everyone hates ZW,.

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Just saw today's HC press conference.  Saleh kept talking about how "special" Zach's talents were.  Talked about not giving up on him in 1or 2 years.

So...  Mike White is done with this team.  Zach starts the rest of the year, and next year.  Such bullsh*t.

Too bad.  I thought Saleh and JD were a good team, but Zach gets them both fired by 2024.

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2 hours ago, IndianaJet said:

The conspiracy theorist ask - How could Mike White have been seen by 10 different doctors in such a short time period?!?!?!?

The reality is...he wasn't seen by them...technically.

However, this type of diagnosis only requires a doctor to review the CT scans.  Those are electronic and can be emailed or sent through internal networks of multiple doctors.

So yes, it is entirely possible that 10 physicians "saw Mike White" by looking at the scans and said - no you're not cleared for contact.  

Yes but what if the Jets had their IT dept intercept those x-rays and snuck in pictures of a broken egg instead. 

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4 hours ago, Leftylarry said:

Why would anyone think this is a playoff team, most predicted 6 wins tops before the season began, the goal this season was Progress, improvement, continued learning by the beginner HC  and OC  and the development of the young QB.

Had ZW stayed healthy, not been injured, operated on and missed critical development time, had not our two first rd drafted OLs gone down, had our star Rookie RB not gone down and this past week had we not lost our Star DT and critical player , maybe we have a couple of more wins and are right up there for a playoff spot but that would have been the exception not the rule , we probably need one more big time WR, who can stay on the field and a few more tweaks with, hopefully another productive draft.

Patience is what is needed, the young  QB and Beginning HC/ OC will continue to improve, why are we poisoning the waters?

People think this is a playoff team because they are in the hunt for the playoffs? I mean, I don't think that's a controversial take. If you're a game out of the playoffs, you're pretty much a playoff team. Especially with the number of close games we've lost on silly plays at the end of games (ie - NE, Detroit, etc).

They don't control their destiny, but they're in the thick of it.

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4 hours ago, DireJet said:

ZW was less accurate vs the Lions than the Pats. Coaches look at the actual tape and throws within the offense — not just the stats. This ******* sucks. 

Was less accurate against a much worse Defense... That's really unfortunate...

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1 hour ago, choon328 said:

Saleh said it himself yesterday.  Even if White gets a doctor to clear him the Jets doctors would have to agree. Which means him going to '10 doctors" meant nothing. I've been saying since it happened that the front office is looking to save face  and is going to force Saleh into playing Wilson the rest of the year regardless of White's status. 

If they were going to do that then why would they even allow Zach to be benched to begin with. 

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27 minutes ago, xJayce said:

Was less accurate against a much worse Defense... That's really unfortunate...

Yeah this game setup perfectly to be ZW's "get right" game after the "reset".

It didn't happen.  And they lost.

There was one nice throw where he sort of made some quick shuffle steps forward to climb the pocket and completed a pass.  Other than that one play maybe, I didn't really notice any benefit of the supposed "reset".




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3 hours ago, NJ said:

Don't believe he owns a pair of those  . . .  we will see

Why did I have to be a Jets fan back then NJ? A Yankees fan too and on the day I was born the Brooklyn Dodgers FINALLY beat the Yankees to win the World Championship trophy. That was the day Sany Amaros made an amazing play on a Yogi Berra line drive to left

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16 minutes ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Yeah this game setup perfectly to be ZW's "get right" game after the "reset".

It didn't happen.  And they lost.

There was one nice throw where he sort of made some quick shuffle steps forward to climb the pocket and completed a pass.  Other than that one play maybe, I didn't really notice any benefit of the supposed "reset".

Oh, I think he made a couple throws, don't get me wrong. This was a better performance than he's had in the past. But still not very good.

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7 minutes ago, SoFlaJets said:

Why did I have to be a Jets fan back then NJ? A Yankees fan too and on the day I was born the Brooklyn Dodgers FINALLY beat the Yankees to win the World Championship trophy. That was the day Sany Amaros made an amazing play on a Yogi Berra line drive to left

We have Joe to blame. Sucked us right in. At least you're not a Cub fan too Jim. There was at one time 6 of us posting here . . . that's a real case study in masochistic behavior.  

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51 minutes ago, xJayce said:

People think this is a playoff team because they are in the hunt for the playoffs? I mean, I don't think that's a controversial take. If you're a game out of the playoffs, you're pretty much a playoff team. Especially with the number of close games we've lost on silly plays at the end of games (ie - NE, Detroit, etc).

They don't control their destiny, but they're in the thick of it.

I’m not denying the obvious, I’m questioning why fans are miserable rather than happy with the progress, we are no longer a laughingstock and the game hasn’t  even slowed down yet for our young QB , it will, if not this season then next.


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4 minutes ago, NJ said:

We have Joe to blame. Sucked us right in. At least you're not a Cub fan too Jim. There was at one time 6 of us posting here . . . that's a real case study in masochistic behavior.  

It was a perfect time and place for a new sports hero to show up on the scene. Mantle who'd been the idol of millions of us had just finished what would be his last season and finally did call it quits before the 69 season started on 3/1/69 we kids were going to need another superstar to look up to and How Namath was perfect for the job.

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1 hour ago, GandWFan said:

Just saw today's HC press conference.  Saleh kept talking about how "special" Zach's talents were.  Talked about not giving up on him in 1or 2 years.

So...  Mike White is done with this team.  Zach starts the rest of the year, and next year.  Such bullsh*t.

Too bad.  I thought Saleh and JD were a good team, but Zach gets them both fired by 2024.

Yeah, someone got to him. Coinciding with the MNF stuff & Steve Young? This feels planned. But it is what it is. He’s gonna get a lot of chances as the #2 overall pick. 

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11 hours ago, Augustiniak said:

I think it’s great to see wilson play under that kind of pressure, and now it’s on national tv vs Trevor.  What an opportunity to make a statement . 

The only statement he is going to make is how truly bad he is and how far behind in his development he is to TL. Why won't some of you guys just accept that he sucks and he is not the guy. What more do you need to see? 

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19 hours ago, kevinc855 said:

lol the record guy again..........thanks for invalidating your comments

W/L record is invalid?  Said what competent person ever? 

White is the same guy as last year, 1 good game and the wheels fell off. If you're looking at his average,  his stellar first game covers up his substandard 2 games following.  

In those 2 following games,  50s comp%, 0 tds, 0 int's, mid 70s rating.  ZW last game  comp% 50s, 2 tds, 1 int, rating just shy of 90.

So who gives you the better chance. The guy who can't score or the guy who can but is a turnover risk. 


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I watched Namath throw picks, chuck up incompletions at an amazing rate for a couple of years.  It was fun.  He had this beautiful game and talent.  It was also infuriating.  Granted he didn't have a pussy like Lefleur calling 3 yard passes on third and 8.  

When the team around him was good enough he simply played a less risky game.  The less risky worked beause the film showed he was willing to chuck it down the field at any time.   He also wasn't over managed by an OC with no balls.  

If you're taking a QB with great arm talent pair him with an OC with the balls to chuck it.  Zach is way overmanaged.  He might suck but so what let him chuck the rock.

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15 hours ago, 56mehl56 said:

I've said it here and in other threads , Zach made a bad read and a sh*tty throw that resulted in a pick. My point is do we need 10 threads and multiple media outlets all scrutinizing the throw like they're breaking down game film with the Jets as their next opponent.

Hell on my way back  home today I turn on the radio and Evan Freakin Roberts is throwing out the cliches - can't read defenses , not going through his progressions  blah blah blah .The only thing he knows about progressions is its close to his auto insurance company name or his favorite soup company .  Everyone is now a QB expert on how to dissect how bad of a QB ZW is.  If MW throws a pick its because of well Braxton Berrios or the rotation of the earth or some other BS because he's Mike F'in White. 

I get it MW played well in his starts but not in correlation to the ridiculous amount of idoltry he's getting mainly because everyone hates ZW,.

 “Making a bad read “ implies he made any read at all. He definitely did not. He didn’t take his eyes off WR from moment ball was snapped. This allowed the dbs to play centerfield and “ read “ the qbs eyes where he was going. The good ones look 1 way first to get the dbs  in zone focused on one side, before reversing and going to another. They know that is way too complicated for Zach. Then he threw a floating duck in the air for a easy pick.

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16 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Mike White teams score more than Zach Wilson teams.

Did the Jets actually beat the terrible defensive Detroit Lions team?........17 stinking points i guess is a great game while scoring 22 and having Berrios drop the winning TD is substandard.........Even with the poor RZ performance the JETS scored more points than Zach did against the Lions at home.......Zach can be his own worst enemy, Has not a damn thing in the league and acted like he was top flight QB.......Told reporters that they know nothing and only people in the building knew anything about the Jets, then after falling on his face against the Pats he gets demoted to the scout team so maybe they knew more than he thinks.......Then the No...No debacle and whining about the wind when the weak armed Mac Jones throws for 250 while Zach throws for 77........Not good on the field and not good after the game with the press, looks like he did learn a little with his press conference after the Lions game but not so much on the field.......

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4 minutes ago, JetsMetsRangers said:

Not really White in 3 games is 21.6 PPG........Zach in 8 games is 19.2 PPG, he does not get credit for Will Parks blocked punt for a TD.......;)



And I also have MW to much cred in my first post.  Over the last 2 games.. he had the 2int's and an average rating in the 60s.

Point is,  win or loss isn't dependant on QB name, it's dependant on which version of either QB that shows up that day. 

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1 minute ago, PorP said:


And I also have MW to much cred in my first post.  Over the last 2 games.. he had the 2int's and an average rating in the 60s.

Point is,  win or loss isn't dependant on QB name, it's dependant on which version of either QB that shows up that day. 

Point is you were wrong about your post.......Try again!

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3 minutes ago, doitny said:

i think sause got a safety vs Miami to.

Yes he did but Johnson blocked a punt for a safety against Buffalo so basically a wash so did not include either......One thing not mentioned by the Zach crowd is how many short field he had because the D was taking the ball away, i do not think they had 1 turnover during White's 3 games.......

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7 minutes ago, PorP said:

Point is your cherry picking days,  if you're pulling defense points then pull ST points. 


No you cherry picked PPG which you were wrong about........What special team TD's do we have?.....I do not remember any returns for TD's........FG's are directly related to the offense putting the ball within range to kick......And has i said do you want to include the short fields Zach got from the defense taking the ball away?......None in the 3 White games......ffs just admit you put up false numbers......Even if you include the defensive TD for Zach which he had nothing to do with he still had a lower PPG than White......21.6 to 20.2.....................


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