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Hassan Reddick Holding Out, Requests Trade

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56 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

I think they were pumped about what they could get done with the unit they thought they were going to have this year and where they could go with it.

I get what you’re saying Nut, but be honest here. In a couple weeks when they’re out in San Fran, let’s say there’s 4 minutes left in the 4th and we’re up 3. The 49ers get the ball on their 40. Who do you think Sauce, QW and Mosely want in the huddle with them, McD or Reddick?
I think you know the answer, and that’s what I mean when I’m talking here about the players.


Depends if the $$ saved brings in Adam’s at the trade deadline

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51 minutes ago, batman10023 said:

Depends if the $$ saved brings in Adam’s at the trade deadline

That’s a pipe dream, a lot of people here have bought into imo.
We’d be assuming the Raiders are out of playoff contention early, Rodgers is healthy and we’re in it, and… our offer is the best one if both those conditions are met. Not to mention we have only $6 mil in cap available.

People here say we can’t redo Reddick because so many of our best young players will need to get paid first, yet they’re willing to let one or more of them go to get Adams?
I don’t get the logic. Best case scenario he plays with Rodgers how long? A year and a half?

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9 hours ago, FidelioJet said:

This is such a strange take. 

We don't know what role he'll play but he was brought in to play a pretty role in getting to the QB.  One or two wins is the difference in the playoffs or not.   He can surely be the reason we get in or not.

We had a top 5 defense last year without him. As well as no offense. So wins had to come from defensive play. And that shouldn’t be the case this year. Offense should score more. Which has the d out there for less snaps. So fresh bodies.


Let’s also not forget that he was never going to be a full on starting de for us. You can guarantee we were going to play him less than what made our pick go to a 2nd to Philly. Which is 67% of snaps. So he was/is will get less snaps than that.


As I said… are we a better team with Reddick? Yes 100%. But we don’t need him to be great. As I said we were a top D unit last year without him.

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5 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

It’s amazing so many here can’t see that. All they’re concerned about is “JD gots da leverage here, he gots it!!!”

No it is a financial decision. We invested 2 1st at DE. Huff required years and money to keep around. When his game in essence is very similar to McDonalds. Who is a lot cheaper. So they decided to let Hiff walk bc they had his replacement in house. Same can be said with Clemons for JFM. Except we traded him. That was a cap dump. Making our starting DEs. Highly talented but no star “yet”. So we traded for Reddick. Bc he fit our timeline and a position we value. We have to pay several young guys soon. So we need that cap. So extending Reddick and resigning Huff wasn’t what we wanted to do. That money will go to Wilson, MC2, JJ, Sauce, etc. to keep this young core together.


You can’t sign everyone. So for all of you saying we shouldn’t have let Huff go. Pick a player due to get paid that you would let walk. Maybe even 2. Bc keeping him would have meant not keeping someone else long term. And those other positions we don’t have 2 young talented 1st rounders as the other options.

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6 hours ago, bla bla bla said:

I mean, I guess? I'd say I like him even less if he's trying to play with his words. Saying you'll be here for the team no matter how many years you are here, kinda implies even if it's this one year. Maybe he was under the impression he was getting a brand new deal, even if it was just a reworked 1 year deal? That would appear to be counter to what we've heard was said to him.

According to Cimini’s latest, they supposedly offered him an extension at the time of the trade, which Reddick rejected, and Reddick’s camp believed there’d be further discussion about a deal, but Douglas has put his foot in the ground(?) Sticking point seems to be Danielle Hunter getting 2/$49mm from the Texans for the same production. 


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say whatever you want about this news. the truth is it's a negative for the team. reddick would make the defense better. none of us really knows what was said by either side when the trade went down, but the fact they haven't been able to get him to camp is a failure

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16 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

No it is a financial decision. We invested 2 1st at DE. Huff required years and money to keep around. When his game in essence is very similar to McDonalds. Who is a lot cheaper. So they decided to let Hiff walk bc they had his replacement in house. Same can be said with Clemons for JFM. Except we traded him. That was a cap dump. Making our starting DEs. Highly talented but no star “yet”. So we traded for Reddick. Bc he fit our timeline and a position we value. We have to pay several young guys soon. So we need that cap. So extending Reddick and resigning Huff wasn’t what we wanted to do. That money will go to Wilson, MC2, JJ, Sauce, etc. to keep this young core together.


You can’t sign everyone. So for all of you saying we shouldn’t have let Huff go. Pick a player due to get paid that you would let walk. Maybe even 2. Bc keeping him would have meant not keeping someone else long term. And those other positions we don’t have 2 young talented 1st rounders as the other options.

that wasnt really the issue. the issue was, douglas should have had a good idea what he was doing with huff, and could have traded him instead of losing him for nothing

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8 hours ago, RutgersJetFan said:

This year or the next it's inevitable. You can't be great every year. Even Baltimore has down years a few times per decade.

I don't believe they've been great yet.  Very good, but not great.  This could be the year the defense peaks.  

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9 hours ago, dbatesman said:

The defense is due to regress, for one thing.


8 hours ago, slimjasi said:

One of my biggest fears 

Being good 3 years in a row is hard 

YPG allowed is about to go up big-time.  But hopefully having an offense that can score on the other side means turnovers forced is about to go up too (or at least stay about the same as last year), no?

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6 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

They were never extending him unless he was having another all-pro-level season, and then still maybe not. 

The entire purpose of the trade compensation being a 2026 3rd rounder was specifically to even-out the comp pick the Eagles would lose themselves. It was always planned on being a one-year rental imo, and then they'd (within 10 slots) in receiving a comp pick for him they'd get back the pick they traded away: it's almost like it never happened, and for the value of a 6th-7th rounder (difference between their natural 3rd and a comp 3rd, then subtract 2 rounds for it being 2 years after getting the player). For that draft-value pittance, they'd get to rent Hassan Reddick for a year at some $10-14MM under his market rates, with no future $$$$ that'd endanger retaining guys they drafted through their full prime years. 

Then his presence on the team would further take the sting out of trading or releasing JFM, freeing up JFM's $13.3MM salary in the process. Absent the Reddick trade, I don't think they're so fast to trade JFM (though they wanted him to take a major pay cut, he was balking at whatever their offer was). BTW the draft pick they got back for JFM - a 2026 6th rounder - also further helps cancel out the difference from the Jets' 2026 natural-3rd to a comp-3rd. 

NET = they traded for Reddick because the 1-year rental was nearly free:

  1. The value of the future 3rd round pick (at the time of the trade), in combination with the 3rd round comp pick they'd get in return, became truly negligible after trading JFM to Denver, and if Reddick had another superstar season, then it's the value of maybe a 5th rounder.
  2. On the money front, most of what they'd be paying Reddick was cleared by that JFM Denver trade, eliminating $13.3MM of Reddick's $15MM. 

I think Reddick smelled what he thought was weakness after the JFM trade went through, believing that gave him a lot more leverage than he had (as he's now seeing the Jets call his bluff). 

If Reddick was a 1 year rental he’d still be with the Eagles. 

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7 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

Only a fool would think the team and CS wouldn’t be upset about today’s news. Oh….

CS and FO, yes.  Certainly upset.  The players?  Eh.  They’re too busy with the day-to-day to worry about a guy who since acquired has yet to enter the building to so much as lift a weight, as even Cimini pointed out.  Hell, even his introductory press conference was done over Zoom, lol.  

To the players he’s not a Jet yet.

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7 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

If nothing else, I’m enjoying the hell out of a tool like@The Voice of Reason getting his panties twisted in knots here. 
Does he really think getting neg reps actually matters to anyone more than 5 years old?

@Jets Voice of Reason will always be my true voice of reason in these parts.  So sad that VOR’s childish antics sometimes have people confused as to who is who.

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6 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

I think they were pumped about what they could get done with the unit they thought they were going to have this year and where they could go with it.

I get what you’re saying Nut, but be honest here. In a couple weeks when they’re out in San Fran, let’s say there’s 4 minutes left in the 4th and we’re up 3. The 49ers get the ball on their 40. Who do you think Sauce, QW and Mosely want in the huddle with them, McD or Reddick?
I think you know the answer, and that’s what I mean when I’m talking here about the players.


Thats the only thing working in Reddick’s favor:  If the Jets go out and suck against SF and/or lose an EDGE guy to injury suddenly he gains at least a little bit of leverage.

Still can’t see them trading OR extending him in that instance but it would certainly turn the tide much more in his favor in the PR battle - the pitchforks would be out for JD.  

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9 hours ago, Warfish said:

The question that should be asked is this: 

How long can he hold out, and still get credit for the season.


8 hours ago, Doggin94it said:

That's the only relevant question

He has to show up by week 7, and then for 10 games he'd be playing for a LOT less.

  • The $2MM for not showing up to preseason workouts & practices is just the starter.
  • Then apparently he'd be getting fined the value of a full contractual regular season game check for each of the 3 preseason games missed (even though in reality he'd have barely played in the first two, and not at all in the 3rd, it's designed to be punitive). At $838K a pop, that's about another $2.5MM.
  • Then he'd be forgoing more game checks for holding out the first 6 games, which adds another $5MM. 
  • $2MM + $2.5MM = $4.5MM in fines, plus $5MM forfeited game checks = $9.5MM total income lost.
    • what's so stupid about it is he wouldn't have been subject to the first $4.5MM if he'd just shown up & refused to do anything.

So instead of playing 17 games & showing up to offseason workouts/minicamp/OTAs for $15MM, he could end up playing 10 games (perhaps suiting up for week 7 but not playing much in it, so say really playing the last 9 games) for just $5.5MM in 2024, before taxes that of course drop it down to about $3MM.

Then absent going on a 2-4 game postseason tear, if he finishes those 8-9 remaining starts with maybe 4-5 sacks, he also won't sniff the $25MM+/year he's now seeking, which he might very well have gotten if he played out this final contract year at $15MM and had his usual 13-sack season. Maybe his next UFA contract is then another $13-15MM/year + incentives instead of the $25-28MM with 2-3 years guaranteed that he's seeking (and with another 13-sack season might've actually gotten after another year of going-rate UFA inflation). All in, this holdout could end up costing him upwards of $50MM when the dust all settles. 

Reddick has played this very, very badly and bluffed with cards the Jets knew he wasn't holding because there are no hole cards here -- as a DL on a team that makes a point of rotating its DL like crazy, he just doesn't have the leverage of a CeeDee Lamb or Trent Williams and never did, and this GM already refused to tag Huff before he knew someone like Reddick would be available via low-cost trade on a below-market contract.

If I can see the above then you can bet so can a high-end agent (otherwise he'd be fired already for misreading things so badly). So I half-think Reddick was/is not taking his agent's advice -- i.e. this holdout was the client's idea despite his agent's better judgment, and Reddick doing and/or saying the wrong things like this is perhaps why he's been signing under-market contracts while their other clients get market or above-market deals up to now. 

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14 hours ago, Bronx said:

Icecream Year GIF

For some reason, I continue to nail it... Z. Wilson (bust), HWY 77 (bust), McDonald (another bust).  

Everyone knew Zach Wilson was a bust.

HW 77 is a starter in the NFL, far from a bust.

Willie Mac is about to go off this year, 10-12 sacks, easily.

You suck at this but at least you're starting to get on a level playing field w/ your gif game.

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3 minutes ago, JiFtheOracle said:

Everyone knew Zach Wilson was a bust.

HW 77 is a starter in the NFL, far from a bust.

Willie Mac is about to go off this year, 10-12 sacks, easily.

You suck at this but at least you're starting to get on a level playing field w/ your gif game.

You literally told me within an hour of us drafting him Zach and his Gucci son glasses would bust. 


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25 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

If Reddick was a 1 year rental he’d still be with the Eagles. 

You assuming things does not make them reality, though.

They went with the clean slate of Huff instead - a player who doesn't have any personal gripes with the team's FO - and given their reluctant announcement already that they can't start him like they did with Reddick (at least not yet) there might already by some buyer's remorse there for all we know.

They may have figured Huff wasn't a full-time player with the Jets because the team was stacked enough to allow him to be specialized to do one thing, and then after working with him are seeing firsthand why he was used in a more narrowed role these past couple seasons.

If he starts playing more as time goes on, it could also drop his sack rate as he's not going to be coming in fresh off the sideline on passing downs while the OL is sucking wind so if he does start and get far more snaps, I do expect his sacks/snap rate to noticeably drop from these past two seasons. 

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12 minutes ago, sec143dmf said:

Leverage works by not caving in.  

Reddick and his agent know that Saleh and Douglas are lame ducks. Until that changes, or there’s an injury,  Jets and Reddick are in a stalemate. 

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2 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

You assuming things does not make them reality, though.

They went with the clean slate of Huff instead - a player who doesn't have any personal gripes with the team's FO - and given their reluctant announcement already that they can't start him like they did with Reddick (at least not yet) there might already by some buyer's remorse there for all we know.

They may have figured Huff wasn't a full-time player with the Jets because the team was stacked enough to allow him to be specialized to do one thing, and then after working with him are seeing firsthand why he was used in a more narrowed role these past couple seasons.

If he starts playing more as time goes on, it could also drop his sack rate as he's not going to be coming in fresh off the sideline on passing downs while the OL is sucking wind so if he does start and get far more snaps, I do expect his sacks/snap rate to noticeably drop from these past two seasons. 

Simplify things. Saleh and Douglas have 1 year remaining on their deals. They have to win or else they are gone. The tag exists to kick the can down the road. The money for this season is/was irrelevant. The QB is 40. They’re all in. The have duct taped the oline. It makes no sense and there is something missing on why they hated Huff so much. And now doubling down by getting into a pissing match with a player everyone on this planet and Mars knew wanted a new contract? Just puzzling decision making/

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7 hours ago, Charlie Brown said:

You didn’t listen to the video because you couldn’t come up with this answer when you know the facts. 

Indeed, the Jets KNEWi it was a poor and unworkable contract for the player and took it on anyway when they had options on the team that they could have kept and avoided all of this…

So if you think that getting rid of two players and making your team weaker is a “smart” move, well I disagree and yes it is a 

Good Grief!

Why does that video wreak of exaggerated B.S?  Do you believe everything a player's agent and his media minions spit out to the public? 

As for the bolded replies above: Once again for the hard of hearing: Huff was not an option for the team.  Try to let that fact sink in. This board is in denial over that. 

As for the second bolded comment from your response: I never said that. You are putting words in my mouth counselor and you know better than that.   You are creating your own narrative right there. Deserving of an extra good grief.   I can make stuff up and pretend that you said that too, but I choose not to, counselor.

You totally disregard the fact that Reddick is under contract.  One that he signed.  He hasn't shown up.  Welcome to the Lev Bell mistake of the decade.  No excuses.   Show up and play or sit and let your career wash away.  


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6 hours ago, RevisIsland610 said:

Who's feeding the reporter this info? Reddicks camp? None of these hacks were there when the trade and conversations happened. There have been other reports that said that he was willing to play on his current deal and then backtracked. Who really knows unless you were actually privy to the conversations. I have a hard time believing that the Jets were told he would not play on his current deal under any circumstances and they would still make that trade. There is something missing in the translation. 

apparently he believes anything CAA and their media-minions say.  

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1 hour ago, neckdemon said:

that wasnt really the issue. the issue was, douglas should have had a good idea what he was doing with huff, and could have traded him instead of losing him for nothing

Do you have any evidence/support for this claim? If not, then it would be smarter not to make it up.  Huff was going to be a FA after the season.  Pretty tough to trade a player in that position.  Reddick has a year left on his contract.

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47 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:


YPG allowed is about to go up big-time.  But hopefully having an offense that can score on the other side means turnovers forced is about to go up too (or at least stay about the same as last year), no?

How it typically works in this NFL. You score more points, teams seem to be inclined to score themselves and in doing so, gain yards on offense. That is why, statistics are sometimes misleading.

Strange beast, this league is. 

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