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Most of the Media are Absolute Idiots

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14 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Not "wound" as in "we're meaningfully hurt by it in terms of on-field play", but a "self-inflicted wound" as in "he did it to himself" and has no one else to blame for it being a media line of (melodrama) questioning.

It's a pretty common phrase. :roll:  Did I REALLY have to spell this out for you?

obviously I understand the phrase it's just overly dramatic. this is all inconsequential except for the cycles people who don't matter in terms of team success spend thinking and talking about it.

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3 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

obviously I understand the phrase it's just overly dramatic.

Nothing dramatic about it, it's simply the phrase used when one causes their own problem (in this case the problem being media asking about it). 

Rodgers caused the story.  

3 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

this is all inconsequential except for the cycles people who don't matter in terms of team success spend thinking and talking about it.

I agree, it's inconsequential for Rodgers. 

We'll never know if our many young offensive skill position players could have used the extra time installing the O with the teams franchise QB, but even then it's almost assuredly inconsequential overall.

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5 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Nothing dramatic about it, it's simply the phrase used when one causes their own problem (in this case the problem being media asking about it). 

Rodgers caused the story.  

I agree, it's inconsequential for Rodgers. 

We'll never know if our many young offensive skill position players could have used the extra time installing the O with the teams franchise QB, but even then it's almost assuredly inconsequential overall.

the media asking questions isn't a problem for the Jets. that's the point. you can argue that it's a problem for the media, because they're generally lazy and suck at their jobs but there is no "self inflicted wound" here for the Jets in terms of media asking questions.

I agree with you on other players missing time to learn. 

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3 hours ago, Biggs said:

Can't blame the media.  Even Aaron Rodgers thought Eygpt was more interesting to visit than the Jets training facility.

did you listen at all to what Rodgers said ? He looked at last years sched and worked around it. Then the Jets weeks later announced this years schedule and he tried to work his trip around that but could not because other people were involved. What else would people like him to do exactly when he has shown up for every other activity the team has had since he arrived . Questioning him here is moronic and the media are Idiots for it when they should be covering football moving forward

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4 hours ago, Warfish said:

An unnecessary Self-inflicted wound. 

Take up your concern with the guy who caused the story in the first place, not the guys finally getting a chance to ask about it.

Sports media is still media, and Rodgers melodrama sells more papers and site hits than a deep dive into new groin stretching methodologies.

If he didnt show up for every single off season activity I might agree with this but he did . so....

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28 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

If he didnt show up for every single off season activity I might agree with this but he did . so....

Kinda how I feel. If he plays the majority of the season at a relatively high level I’m ok with it. If he’s injured early on I’ll drop a pyramid on his stupid face! 

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6 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

So Im listening to the Aaron Rodgers press conference and all those morons seem to be interested in is Egypt . Rather than actully doing their job and reporting on actual football. They are basically trying to stir sh*t up between the coach and the player. NOT ONE question on how his achillies feels. Like.... Hey Aaron do you still feel any effects from the injury ?? Do you move any differently and are you thinking about it when you burst off that foot ? Do you still feel as quick in the pocket as you did before the injury ? Do you think this will cause some issues on subtle movements in the pocket to avoid pass rushers ?  None of that !!!  just.... Hey Aaron why did you choose to wear that shirt you bought in ******* god damn egypt ???? Hey Aaron why do you think you got fined ? was it to show youre not being favored by the staff ??? This is the sh*t we get. Morons.

'reporters' write stories that get the most clicks, so in a way, it's the 'fans' to blame who keep clicking on that sh*t.

that being said, tell us! Why did he wear that shirt!!!! What did you hear??? How much was he fined??? TELL US DAMIT!!!

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5 hours ago, Warfish said:

Nothing dramatic about it, it's simply the phrase used when one causes their own problem (in this case the problem being media asking about it). 

Rodgers caused the story.  

I agree, it's inconsequential for Rodgers. 

We'll never know if our many young offensive skill position players could have used the extra time installing the O with the teams franchise QB, but even then it's almost assuredly inconsequential overall.

For someone that doesn't care, you sure do seem to care about this crap a lot. 

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7 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

You just realized this?  😃 😄

Cimini gets off on anti-Jets schadenfreude, has been for decades.

The number of jobs in "sports media"-- the talking heads and "journalists" paid by corporations to talk about sports -- and the salaries being paid out to said individuals in this country are absolutely ridiculous.

Only in America.

The games are the games. 

They're going to happen whether there's a pregame and postgame show or not, whether some idiots posing as "experts" present their paid opinions or not.

Sports all over the world have pre and post game shows.

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1 hour ago, FootballLove said:

'reporters' write stories that get the most clicks, so in a way, it's the 'fans' to blame who keep clicking on that sh*t.

that being said, tell us! Why did he wear that shirt!!!! What did you hear??? How much was he fined??? TELL US DAMIT!!!

I'm pretty sure he wore that shirt just to stick it right in the face of those idiots because he knew exactly how to manipulate them and they went in hook line and sinker. I'm also pretty sure Rodgers heard and watched all the bullsh*t just like we did, hence why he wore the shirt ....Pretty smart guy. He has a voice, we really don't, at least not in the media maybe social media loaded down with trolls .

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Your anger is misplaced.  They are asking what the fans want to hear/read about.  

When they report on football, no one is interested.

Dont be made at the media.  Be mad at the fans who want the nonsense content more then the football content.

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Just now, Green Ghost said:

I’m old enough to remember when grown men wouldn’t whine about what the media said about a team they rooted for.

Not whining about what they said at all I'm just calling them Idiots for asking idiotic questions when Football is just around the corner. I for one want to know how his achilles feels which should be Job one for every reporter out there. This is not about news worthy sh*t this is about doing your damn job as an NFL reporter. Biggest issue right now >>>> Achillies. NY media is a damn soap opera every single year. They are not tough like they are made out to be. You just, as an athlete have to get past the stupidity and recognize it for what it is and move on to the next question. Rodgers IMHO has made Idiots out of them time and again and until they ask legit question's I hope he continues to do so.

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12 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

I’m old enough to remember when grown men didn’t whine about what the media said about a team they rooted for.

But beck then they actually had good stuff to say. I loved late 90’s early 2000 sports center. They all suck the click bait now, 

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30 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

But beck then they actually had good stuff to say. I loved late 90’s early 2000 sports center. They all suck the click bait now, 

They’re pandering to the people who consume their reporting, and it’s usually the lowest common denominator who do. Take this message board for example.

Which topics here had more people starting and replying to threads the past few weeks…

1. Rodgers  not showing up for a non mandatory two day camp

2. wondering where he was instead.

3. threads wondering how his Achilles was healing?

But you’re right, SportCenter was great back in the day. The Sunday Night 11pm “Big Show” with Patrick and Olbermann was the pinnacle 

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4 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

They’re pandering to the people who consume their reporting, and it’s usually the lowest common denominator who do. Take this message board for example.

Which topics here had more people starting and replying to threads the past few weeks…

1. Rodgers  not showing up for a non mandatory two day camp

2. wondering where he was instead.

3. threads wondering how his Achilles was healing?

But you’re right, SportCenter was great back in the day. The Sunday Night 11pm “Big Show” with Patrick and Olbermann was the pinnacle 

It was mandatory, but I get your point.

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I’m not sure what you guys are expecting from the beat writers. It’s the first day of training camp and there is nothing to report other than a couple of players who might look to be in good shape. 

Aaron Rodgers is one of the most famous athletes in the world. Everything he does is under the microscope. I’m sure he’s been used to it his entire career. 

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15 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

So Im listening to the Aaron Rodgers press conference and all those morons seem to be interested in is Egypt . Rather than actully doing their job and reporting on actual football. They are basically trying to stir sh*t up between the coach and the player. NOT ONE question on how his achillies feels. Like.... Hey Aaron do you still feel any effects from the injury ?? Do you move any differently and are you thinking about it when you burst off that foot ? Do you still feel as quick in the pocket as you did before the injury ? Do you think this will cause some issues on subtle movements in the pocket to avoid pass rushers ?  None of that !!!  just.... Hey Aaron why did you choose to wear that shirt you bought in ******* god damn egypt ???? Hey Aaron why do you think you got fined ? was it to show youre not being favored by the staff ??? This is the sh*t we get. Morons.

Serious question:

If you know they are idiots then why do you tune in to them?  I get most of my info from this board plus the 1-2 You Tube guys I respect, i.e. Buffalo Jets Fan. I've learned my lesson and pretty much ignore all the rest of the noise.        

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11 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

said ? He looked at last years sched and worked around it. Then the Jets weeks later announced this years schedule and he tried to work his trip around that but could not

Gonna try this with my boss and see if it works 

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15 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Rodgers' press conference detours on personal matters are akin to when Belichick is asked a question about special teams or "the kicking game" in particular.

It's a tacit invitation for each to indulge in long-winded answers to divert from having to answer real questions.

BB once went like 15 minutes without pausing when asked to explain his take on how the long snapper job has evolved from a multi-tasker type deal in the 50s and 60s into a specialized position with scouting resources invested and a dedicated roster spot 🤣

If Belichick never has to tolerate Tom Curran or anyone in the media again, he’d be fine. When Rodgers hits that fast-approaching day when McAfee stops answering the 3AM stoner texts, Rodgers is going to turn into a pillar of salt. 

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11 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

did you listen at all to what Rodgers said ? He looked at last years sched and worked around it. Then the Jets weeks later announced this years schedule and he tried to work his trip around that but could not because other people were involved. What else would people like him to do exactly when he has shown up for every other activity the team has had since he arrived . Questioning him here is moronic and the media are Idiots for it when they should be covering football moving forward

Media click bait from another Rodgers off the field apologist.  Since he arrived the Jets have been the same dysfunctional organization and team they were before he arrived.  The Packers on the other hand actually made the playoffs and won playoff games without him.  

The Jets were a losing organization before he arrived and after he arrived to date.  Stop apologizing for him until we see tangible results, I will continue to believe he is part of the problem until he either changes the narrative around the Jets or retires as another failed experiment.  Bret Favre got better results with the Jets than Rodgers has to date.  There is no tangible evidence that he has done anything good for the organization.  There is Hackett, the worst OC in the NFL running the O to make him feel comfortable when he actually hangs around.

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16 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

the media asking questions isn't a problem for the Jets. that's the point. you can argue that it's a problem for the media, because they're generally lazy and suck at their jobs but there is no "self inflicted wound" here for the Jets in terms of media asking questions.

I agree with you on other players missing time to learn. 

The self-inflicted wound (or whatever you prefer to call it) wasn't by "the Jets" per se.  It was specific to Rodgers, and any desire to avoid media questions (to him or to the team) people here consider "irrelevant" or off-topic or whatever. 

Rodgers attends the mandatory bit and doesn't skip for a non-emergency reason (i.e. to go to Egypt for lols) = no questions from media = this is a self-inflicted problem/issues/whatever.  Rodgers caused it, not the media. Hence self-inflicted.  Fans don't like that because fans by and large are Rodgers fanbois right now.  While you say it's "not a problem", this thread sure seems to indicate otherwise, the level of fan offended faux-outrage about it is pretty high here simply because they asked about it when given their first opportunity to do so.

And the media, like it or not, does what it does because that's what folks click on most (someone else sure does presumably, not me, I don't read NY Jets local media or ESPN or the like).  So again, misguided blame.  Look around you, most of the really angry folks here about it were likely the first ones clicking on the articles to read about it, lol.

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14 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

If he didnt show up for every single off season activity I might agree with this but he did . so....

This is such an odd comment, because the media-questions are about a mandatory pre-season activity he didn't attend.

So no Smash, he didn't attend "every single offseason activity", which is why the media is asking about it on the first day they have access to do such asking.  

If they're still asking about it on day 3, day 5 or day 7, some of this site's faux-outrage might be much more justified.  But it was literally their first opportunity to ask these questions, and there is no universe where ANY local sports media is not going to ask the team about a franchise QB who skipped mandatory camp for a discretionary vacation.  

This isn't Jets or even Rodgers specific.  If the new DC rookie QB skipped camp to go to Egypt, be assured, our local beatwriters and media would ask some questions about it on the first day of camp too.  

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