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Florio: Revis Alienated Ryan


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Revis' antics at minicamp alienated Rex Ryan

Posted by Mike Florio on July 23, 2010 7:43 AM ET

I'm getting ready to visit with Craig Carton of WFAN in New York at 7:45 a.m. ET to talk about the situation involving the Jets and cornerback Darrelle Revis. Coincidentally, we've picked up some new information about the situation.

Last month, when Revis faked an injury and/or a headache at a mandatory minicamp as a Brandon Marshall-style protest to the Jets' failure to give him a long-term deal, the man routinely described by his head coach as the best defensive player in the game damaged his relationship with the head coach who routinely describes Revis as the best defensive player in the game.

Rex Ryan, we're told, was unhappy with the antics from Revis, which provided an unwelcome distraction for a team with Super Bowl-or-bust expectations. Thus, Ryan's attitude has changed regarding the importance of getting Revis a new contract -- which could make the Jets generally less willing to cave if Revis decides not to show up for camp.

And as the question of whether Revis will be present when the Jets open camp remains undecided, it's possible that the news of a six-year, $61.5 million contract with $43.128 million guaranteed (for injury at first, skill later) for Broncos linebacker Elvis Dumervil could prompt Revis to choose a holdout. Despite all the excuses the Jets have provided for not doing a big-money, long-term contract with Revis, the Broncos got it done with Elvis Dumervil.

So if a team wants to get it done, the team can get it done. And with no one disputing the claim from Revis that the team approached him about getting a new deal done, the ongoing failure to do so will serve only to make it more likely that he doesn't show up when camp opens, despite reports that he definitely will be present and accounted for.

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Florio swings and misses again.

Nobody is doubting the team CAN get it done. They just don't want to give Revis the earth, moon and sun to do so. I think they'd write the Dumerville deal right now but Revis wouldn't take it.

Jets: "Darrelle, we'd like to change your deal. We don't want you playing for as little this year as your set to."

Revis: "Okay, I'd like $16.1 million per year or I'm holding out. But only because you offered to change my deal. Otherwise I'd play happily for my chump change."

That's what everyone is basically casting this as. The Jets wanted to bump him up and so it's their fault because they didn't follow through by giving him fort knox. Come on people. How many players even get a sit-down to discuss their contract with 3 years remaining. I think he may be the first ever, and he's treating the Jets like dirt in the media because they aren't treating him like a UFA.

I'm pretty damned sick of this whole mess but I think team Revis needs a big wake-up call that the Aso contract is not on the table.

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I hate reporters, I hate the media. I really do. Another stupid story made bigger than it really is to conjure up interest, hits and rants like this one. So, yah, it's a successful ploy - but it bugs me so, and on so many levels.

Sure, Revis' move was bad. But 1) MT makes the deals, not Rex. 2) Revis is Revis and Rex understands what he has - he's NOT that stupid. 3) they kissed an made up already. What's this crap about "if a team wants to get it done, they can get it done." Seems to me the Jets have a whole lot of decisions to make for NEXT year - Revis is under contract for 3. Negotiations may be on-going (or not) - but getting a deal done 'aint as easy as this reporter would make you beleive. MT's pretty smart. Revis could hold out, demand a trade, whatever....but I really doubt the Jets would be okay losing the best shut down corner in the league. I truly beleive that Rex can unleash the blitz the way he does because he has a beast in man coverage. No beast, less blitz....especially against teams that have a quick release QB with a great screen game, slot receiver.

Another "story" that is being "hyped?" The pure SPECULATION - throw something against a wall and see if it sticks ploy - "Will Brady Hold Out?" I will answer. "No." He may want cash, an extension may not get done, but he has a year under contract and no way he "sends a message" by holding out. Not in his nature - at all.

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How is this "new information?"

Rex Ryan, we're told, was unhappy with the antics from Revis, which provided an unwelcome distraction for a team with Super Bowl-or-bust expectations. Thus, Ryan's attitude has changed regarding the importance of getting Revis a new contract -- which could make the Jets generally less willing to cave if Revis decides not to show up for camp.

Told by who Mike? The Tooth Fairy? Are you serious with this crap? You're not even bothering to cite "anonymous sources" on this one? Could that be because you made this up dip****?

I got a strong feeling a couple of media clowns, namely Cimini and Florio, are going to have egg on their faces this time next week.

These two seem desperate to paint this as being 100 times worse than it seems to be if you read Revis' quotes in context, which you can do by reading Mehta's articles.

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How is this "new information?"

Told by who Mike? The Tooth Fairy? Are you serious with this crap? You're not even bothering to cite "anonymous sources" on this one? Could that be because you made this up dip****?

I got a strong feeling a couple of media clowns, namely Cimini and Florio, are going to have egg on their faces this time next week.

These two seem desperate to paint this as being 100 times worse than it seems to be if you read Revis' quotes in context, which you can do by reading Mehta's articles.

To be fair, that Mehta dude (Jetstream) is a HUGE homer. I see his tweets (not because I follow him, because some of your fellow jets fans enjoy retweeting his crap)....I'm pretty sure he has sexual relations with Nick Mangold. He definitely has a crush on Woody.

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How is this "new information?"

Told by who Mike? The Tooth Fairy? Are you serious with this crap? You're not even bothering to cite "anonymous sources" on this one? Could that be because you made this up dip****?

I got a strong feeling a couple of media clowns, namely Cimini and Florio, are going to have egg on their faces this time next week.

These two seem desperate to paint this as being 100 times worse than it seems to be if you read Revis' quotes in context, which you can do by reading Mehta's articles.

I heard a rumor the Rex and Revis duked it out last week. Literally toe to toe and fought to almost death before they had to tear them off each other.

I also heard a rumor that if the Jets dont sign Revis, they are packing it up and heading for L.A.

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Rex knows he can win without him.

The Jets will be a good defense without Revis, but we will NOT be dominant not by any means. Without Revis our secondary goes from great to ordinary in the blink of an eye.

Slow safties and a question mark at at CB and no one to step in with our Nickel and Dime packages hurts this defensive scheme in a big way. You have heard Rex Ryan talk up the importance of secondary players what did he caryy on the roster last year 10 ?

Locking down # 1 WR's is a big reason why QB's had to hold onto the ball as long as they did then throw it away once the pressure arrived. Without Revis the entire dynamic of this Defense changes in a big way. Very similar to the way LT back in the day would cause teams to change entire game plans to account for him. Players like Revis come around once every 7-10 years, hes that good and he is not just a cover guy he can tackle and he can Hit. He is one of the best "all around" corners I have ever seen and he even out perfromed some past one dimentional corners like Deion with his incredible cover play last year.

JIF just explain to me if revis is traded or does not play how our secondary adjusts ? Cromartie can not tackle, Wilson SHOULD be good but we have to see that happen, Lowery is simply a nickle and dime corner , Our Safties are slow and one of them has possible concussion issues. Without a Revis in that mix we run the risk of a disasterous season vs top QB's. So if you get to the playoffs who do you contend with ? Top QB's. If your defense cant shut them down, you can forget about a shootout because our offense is just not that explosive yet for us to be in shootouts going against top defenses in the playoffs.

The key to Jets SB contention next year comes down to 2 guys Darrelle Revis and Mark Sanchez. These guys have to play well for us to be an Elite football team because we have the pieces in place on offense and Revis makes up for some of the weaknesses in the secondary.

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To be fair, that Mehta dude (Jetstream) is a HUGE homer. I see his tweets (not because I follow him, because some of your fellow jets fans enjoy retweeting his crap)....I'm pretty sure he has sexual relations with Nick Mangold. He definitely has a crush on Woody.

Thanks for adding something of value to the thread. :sign0098:

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The Jets will be a good defense without Revis, but we will NOT be dominant not by any means. Without Revis our secondary goes from great to ordinary in the blink of an eye.

Rex is the key to the defense...and any defense he coaches will be far from ordinary.

Slow safties and a question mark at at CB and no one to step in with our Nickel and Dime packages hurts this defensive scheme in a big way. You have heard Rex Ryan talk up the importance of secondary players what did he caryy on the roster last year 10 ?

He loves CB's, we still have a couple really good ones without Revis.

Locking down # 1 WR's is a big reason why QB's had to hold onto the ball as long as they did then throw it away once the pressure arrived. Without Revis the entire dynamic of this Defense changes in a big way. Very similar to the way LT back in the day would cause teams to change entire game plans to account for him. Players like Revis come around once every 7-10 years, hes that good and he is not just a cover guy he can tackle and he can Hit. He is one of the best "all around" corners I have ever seen and he even out perfromed some past one dimentional corners like Deion with his incredible cover play last year.

QB's didnt hold on to the ball long. Thats why we were successful. Rex forces the QB's to make quick decision and get the ball out fast. Hence why we didnt have a high number of sack eventhough we blitz more than any other team in the league. Because of that, guys that are very average like Lito, Lowery, Strickland and others looked good to great at times.

As good as Revis was, we got nothing to show for it. 9-7. 2nd place in the AFCE. Lost in the AFC Champ game. No trophies for any of those accomplishments.

JIF just explain to me if revis is traded or does not play how our secondary adjusts ? Cromartie can not tackle, Wilson SHOULD be good but we have to see that happen, Lowery is simply a nickle and dime corner , Our Safties are slow and one of them has possible concussion issues. Without a Revis in that mix we run the risk of a disasterous season vs top QB's. So if you get to the playoffs who do you contend with ? Top QB's. If your defense cant shut them down, you can forget about a shootout because our offense is just not that explosive yet for us to be in shootouts going against top defenses in the playoffs.

Again, as good a Revis was, didnt stop Manning from torching us in the playoffs. He's one man. I got a feeling Cro will learn to tackle again. Your kidding yourself if the team hasnt been raggin him for that ghey **** against Greene in the playoffs. Guys like Bart Scott and Rex Ryan wont allow ***** play on this team (see Rhodes). Cro is contract year, will tackle...or at least try.

And I'm no OC, but I just dont see how its hard to prepare for Revis. You know where is going to be all game long, you just have to take your shots when you can and realize he's more than likely going to take away part of the field, so you need to get others involved. Hence why Welker and Garcon killed us last year.

The key to Jets SB contention next year comes down to 2 guys Darrelle Revis and Mark Sanchez. These guys have to play well for us to be an Elite football team because we have the pieces in place on offense and Revis makes up for some of the weaknesses in the secondary.

The key to this team being a SB contender is Mark Sanchez. QB's win you SB's, not CB's.

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Rex is the key to the defense...and any defense he coaches will be far from ordinary.

He loves CB's, we still have a couple really good ones without Revis.

QB's didnt hold on to the ball long. Thats why we were successful. Rex forces the QB's to make quick decision and get the ball out fast. Hence why we didnt have a high number of sack eventhough we blitz more than any other team in the league. Because of that, guys that are very average like Lito, Lowery, Strickland and others looked good to great at times.

As good as Revis was, we got nothing to show for it. 9-7. 2nd place in the AFCE. Lost in the AFC Champ game. No trophies for any of those accomplishments.

Again, as good a Revis was, didnt stop Manning from torching us in the playoffs. He's on man. I got a feeling Cro will learn to tackle again. Your kidding yourself if the team hasnt been raggin him for that ghey **** again Greene in the playoffs. Guys like Bart Scott and Rex Ryan wont allow ***** play on this team (see Rhodes). Cro is contract year, will tackle...or at least try.

And I'm no OC, but I just dont see how its hard to prepare for Revis. You know where is going to be all game long, you just have to take your shots when you can and realize he's more than likely going to take away part of the field, so you need to get others involved. Hence why Welker and Garcon killed us last year.

The key to this team being a SB contender is Mark Sanchez. QB's win you SB's, not CB's.

I think you are underestimating just how important Revis is to this defense a little here. A lot of the schemes are going to built around him isolating the best receiver on the field. Having Revis gives Rex a ton a flexibility and he knows that.

I know you've disliked him since he held out as a rookie and that turned into a violent hatred when he played circles around your mancrush Kerry Rhodes, but I think you are taking every ridiculous article as the gospel truth for some odd reason. Florio and Cimini are making much too big a deal out of this and you are falling for it hook, line and sinker bud.

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Revis' antics at minicamp alienated Rex Ryan

Posted by Mike Florio on July 23, 2010 7:43 AM ET

I'm getting ready to visit with Craig Carton of WFAN in New York at 7:45 a.m. ET to talk about the situation involving the Jets and cornerback Darrelle Revis. Coincidentally, we've picked up some new information about the situation.

Last month, when Revis faked an injury and/or a headache at a mandatory minicamp as a Brandon Marshall-style protest to the Jets' failure to give him a long-term deal, the man routinely described by his head coach as the best defensive player in the game damaged his relationship with the head coach who routinely describes Revis as the best defensive player in the game.

Rex Ryan, we're told, was unhappy with the antics from Revis, which provided an unwelcome distraction for a team with Super Bowl-or-bust expectations. Thus, Ryan's attitude has changed regarding the importance of getting Revis a new contract -- which could make the Jets generally less willing to cave if Revis decides not to show up for camp.

And as the question of whether Revis will be present when the Jets open camp remains undecided, it's possible that the news of a six-year, $61.5 million contract with $43.128 million guaranteed (for injury at first, skill later) for Broncos linebacker Elvis Dumervil could prompt Revis to choose a holdout. Despite all the excuses the Jets have provided for not doing a big-money, long-term contract with Revis, the Broncos got it done with Elvis Dumervil.

So if a team wants to get it done, the team can get it done. And with no one disputing the claim from Revis that the team approached him about getting a new deal done, the ongoing failure to do so will serve only to make it more likely that he doesn't show up when camp opens, despite reports that he definitely will be present and accounted for.

That is the worst line I have ever read in a professionally published article. My students write better than this.

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Rex is the key to the defense...and any defense he coaches will be far from ordinary.

He loves CB's, we still have a couple really good ones without Revis.

QB's didnt hold on to the ball long. Thats why we were successful. Rex forces the QB's to make quick decision and get the ball out fast. Hence why we didnt have a high number of sack eventhough we blitz more than any other team in the league. Because of that, guys that are very average like Lito, Lowery, Strickland and others looked good to great at times.

As good as Revis was, we got nothing to show for it. 9-7. 2nd place in the AFCE. Lost in the AFC Champ game. No trophies for any of those accomplishments.

Again, as good a Revis was, didnt stop Manning from torching us in the playoffs. He's one man. I got a feeling Cro will learn to tackle again. Your kidding yourself if the team hasnt been raggin him for that ghey **** against Greene in the playoffs. Guys like Bart Scott and Rex Ryan wont allow ***** play on this team (see Rhodes). Cro is contract year, will tackle...or at least try.

And I'm no OC, but I just dont see how its hard to prepare for Revis. You know where is going to be all game long, you just have to take your shots when you can and realize he's more than likely going to take away part of the field, so you need to get others involved. Hence why Welker and Garcon killed us last year.

The key to this team being a SB contender is Mark Sanchez. QB's win you SB's, not CB's.

I hate this argument. Yeah quarterbacks are the most important piece....but this team right now isnt winning a Super Bowl without Revis in the secondary.

Like having a ridiculously good corner doesnt help us. The plug anyone in theory works with running backs, not corners.

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Revis's absence changes the Jets defense for the worse.

I'd like to see where I said different?

Also, do you think Rex would just turn it in if Revis isnt around. I'm thinkin his expectations are the same.

I think you are underestimating just how important Revis is to this defense a little here. A lot of the schemes are going to built around him isolating the best receiver on the field. Having Revis gives Rex a ton a flexibility and he knows that.

I know you've disliked him since he held out as a rookie and that turned into a violent hatred when he played circles around your mancrush Kerry Rhodes, but I think you are taking every ridiculous article as the gospel truth for some odd reason. Florio and Cimini are making much too big a deal out of this and you are falling for it hook, line and sinker bud.

No. I dont.

Maybe I just dont like punk little bitches like Revis. **** him. No one man is bigger than the team and Rex made him who he is...there were no talks of Revis being the GOAT at CB till he got introduced to Rex Ryan.

And I have no clue what your last paragraph was about...thats just stupid talk.

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Are you implying thats because Sanchez sucks?

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying we don't know if Sanchez is good or not, but considering the preponderance of evidence to this point, it would be pretty irresponsible to say "**** it" and completely foreclose the possibility of a soft landing if Taco rots.

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I'd like to see where I said different?

Also, do you think Rex would just turn it in if Revis isnt around. I'm thinkin his expectations are the same.

No. I dont.

Maybe I just dont like punk little bitches like Revis. **** him. No one man is bigger than the team and Rex made him who he is...there were no talks of Revis being the GOAT at CB till he got introduced to Rex Ryan.

And I have no clue what your last paragraph was about...thats just stupid talk.

ugh...or maybe because players get better with more experience? Everyone knew from Revis' rookie year that he was a special player.

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I hate this argument. Yeah quarterbacks are the most important piece....but this team right now isnt winning a Super Bowl without Revis in the secondary.

Like having a ridiculously good corner doesnt help us. The plug anyone in theory works with running backs, not corners.

Just as much as I hate people saying we couldnt win the SB without Revis. You think Rex believes that? You think the team believes that? You think everyone will just throw up the white flag if he got hurt, holds out or traded? No. The expectation will still be to win the SB.

I've never said Revis doenst help. Never.

Again, Revis has the best season for a CB ever and we barely made the playoffs with a 9-7 record and have nothing to show for it.

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The Jets will be a good defense without Revis, but we will NOT be dominant not by any means. Without Revis our secondary goes from great to ordinary in the blink of an eye.

Slow safties and a question mark at at CB and no one to step in with our Nickel and Dime packages hurts this defensive scheme in a big way. You have heard Rex Ryan talk up the importance of secondary players what did he caryy on the roster last year 10 ?

Locking down # 1 WR's is a big reason why QB's had to hold onto the ball as long as they did then throw it away once the pressure arrived. Without Revis the entire dynamic of this Defense changes in a big way. Very similar to the way LT back in the day would cause teams to change entire game plans to account for him. Players like Revis come around once every 7-10 years, hes that good and he is not just a cover guy he can tackle and he can Hit. He is one of the best "all around" corners I have ever seen and he even out perfromed some past one dimentional corners like Deion with his incredible cover play last year.

I'll never understand the months of speculation or thousands of posts about a guy who's under contract for the next 3 years.. he's not going anywhere for the forseeable future. period.

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How is this "new information?"

Told by who Mike? The Tooth Fairy? Are you serious with this crap? You're not even bothering to cite "anonymous sources" on this one? Could that be because you made this up dip****?

I got a strong feeling a couple of media clowns, namely Cimini and Florio, are going to have egg on their faces this time next week.

These two seem desperate to paint this as being 100 times worse than it seems to be if you read Revis' quotes in context, which you can do by reading Mehta's articles.

He doesn't need an anonymous source. He was told by Rex. I think he said it in one of the pressers. Then they talked and it's over. It's just jibber jabber. What are you guys afraid of at night when you're at the ATM? THE MEDIA!!!

The Jets will be a good defense without Revis, but we will NOT be dominant not by any means. Without Revis our secondary goes from great to ordinary in the blink of an eye.

Slow safties and a question mark at at CB and no one to step in with our Nickel and Dime packages hurts this defensive scheme in a big way. You have heard Rex Ryan talk up the importance of secondary players what did he caryy on the roster last year 10 ?

Locking down # 1 WR's is a big reason why QB's had to hold onto the ball as long as they did then throw it away once the pressure arrived. Without Revis the entire dynamic of this Defense changes in a big way. Very similar to the way LT back in the day would cause teams to change entire game plans to account for him. Players like Revis come around once every 7-10 years, hes that good and he is not just a cover guy he can tackle and he can Hit. He is one of the best "all around" corners I have ever seen and he even out perfromed some past one dimentional corners like Deion with his incredible cover play last year.

JIF just explain to me if revis is traded or does not play how our secondary adjusts ? Cromartie can not tackle, Wilson SHOULD be good but we have to see that happen, Lowery is simply a nickle and dime corner , Our Safties are slow and one of them has possible concussion issues. Without a Revis in that mix we run the risk of a disasterous season vs top QB's. So if you get to the playoffs who do you contend with ? Top QB's. If your defense cant shut them down, you can forget about a shootout because our offense is just not that explosive yet for us to be in shootouts going against top defenses in the playoffs.

The key to Jets SB contention next year comes down to 2 guys Darrelle Revis and Mark Sanchez. These guys have to play well for us to be an Elite football team because we have the pieces in place on offense and Revis makes up for some of the weaknesses in the secondary.

I think we are overrating Revis at this point. He had a great season, maybe one of the best ever, but that doesn't mean that he's going to keep it up forever. He can and does hit, but the fact is that he almost never uses that skill. Maybe Rex can scheme around it. We were saying same bull**** about Jenkins last offseason and we didn't even miss him. Now there are people that want to dump him for being injury prone. It's all irrelevant because there is a better chance that Cromartie is the best CB in football than that Revis has a significant hold out.

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Just as much as I hate people saying we couldnt win the SB without Revis. You think Rex believes that? You think the team believes that? You think everyone will just throw up the white flag if he got hurt, holds out or traded? No. The expectation will still be to win the SB.

I've never said Revis doenst help. Never.

Again, Revis has the best season for a CB ever and we barely made the playoffs with a 9-7 record and have nothing to show for it.

And Marino has some of the best seasons ever with nothing to show for it. Does that make him any less good? Of course not.

And yeah, I think the team knows they need their best player.

Could they win it all without Revis? Possibly...but theres absolutely no way you can argue he doesnt give the Jets a much better chance.

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I'd like to see where I said different?

Also, do you think Rex would just turn it in if Revis isnt around. I'm thinkin his expectations are the same.

No. I dont.

Maybe I just dont like punk little bitches like Revis. **** him. No one man is bigger than the team and Rex made him who he is...there were no talks of Revis being the GOAT at CB till he got introduced to Rex Ryan.

And I have no clue what your last paragraph was about...thats just stupid talk.

I was having fun at your expense.

I think you are overreacting to the stories and the way they are written. If you watched Revis' PC from minicamp and read articles that provide the context of his quotes you'd see he isn't bitching at all.

He was totally ready to play for what he had signed for this year but the Jets came to him in February expressing an interest in renegotiating his deal. Right now this seems like a miscalculation on Tanny's part, probably thinking they would be closer to a new CBA by now.

If your boss came up to you and said he wanted to renegotiate your salary and was looking to pay you more and then didn't offer you what you felt was a realistic offer 5 months later you'd be a little frustrated too.

I don't buy into any of the numbers thrown around by the media because the sources on negotiations and contract numbers almost always prove to be inaccurate.

I think a deal will get done. I think Revis will be in camp. And I think two reporters are attempting to whip up a controversy in an otherwise boring offseason and you are falling for it.

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Come on people. How many players even get a sit-down to discuss their contract with 3 years remaining. I think he may be the first ever...

I believe TO did it in philly. good company you're keeping there, revis. make him play it out.

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I'd like to see where I said different?

Also, do you think Rex would just turn it in if Revis isnt around. I'm thinkin his expectations are the same.

No. I dont.

Maybe I just dont like punk little bitches like Revis. **** him. No one man is bigger than the team and Rex made him who he is...there were no talks of Revis being the GOAT at CB till he got introduced to Rex Ryan.

And I have no clue what your last paragraph was about...thats just stupid talk.

Before Rex with Revis playing on Mangini's D they were never better then 18th with Rex they were #1..Who made the difference? :cheers:

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I'm sorry but this sounds like complete bullcrap by Florio. As bad as that stunt was, I don't think once incident in a June minicamp would cause a complete alienation. Ryan loves Revis and if you'll remember back to last year when there were contract sqaubbles with both Thomas Jones and Leon Washington, Ryan had much harsher words for them than he did with Revis.

I think Ryan was disappointed in Revis (who wouldn't be) and probably pretty angry as well, but I can't see Ryan holding that as a grudge point.

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Just as much as I hate people saying we couldnt win the SB without Revis. You think Rex believes that? You think the team believes that? You think everyone will just throw up the white flag if he got hurt, holds out or traded? No. The expectation will still be to win the SB.

I've never said Revis doenst help. Never.

Again, Revis has the best season for a CB ever and we barely made the playoffs with a 9-7 record and have nothing to show for it.

The 9-7 record is mainly because we had a rookie QB throw 20 INT's. Or was Revis supposed to play offense too?

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the fans shouldn't even be having this debate. The team should have locked Revis up in Feb, when they first talked at the combine. The Jets are not doing the right thing. There's no logical reason why Revis should play 2010 for 550k.

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Again, Revis has the best season for a CB ever and we barely made the playoffs with a 9-7 record and have nothing to show for it.

Jets are -maybe- a six win team without him last year.

QB's didnt hold on to the ball long. Thats why we were successful. Rex forces the QB's to make quick decision and get the ball out fast. Hence why we didnt have a high number of sack eventhough we blitz more than any other team in the league.

Revis makes that possible. No other CB in the league is shutting down the caliber of #1 WR's on his own that Revis does on a regular basis. That frees up another player to blitz, and that's what makes Rex's dee go. That's why he's the rare coach who likes to build his defense from the secondary forward, no matter how many people want to tell you that this game is still won in the trenches.

Take out Revis, Cromartie needs safety help every passing down on the #1, and you're praying a rookie can handle the #2, and Lowery's your nickel. This defense is completely different - for the worse.

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