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ESPN & Peter King


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I guess some of you like me get the feeling every now and then, that no matter what our JETS do, we just don't get that respect...this morning, ESPN radio was blaherring on and on about how the Cowboys lost the game...I read SI's MMQB (Peter King) and it's the same slanted nonsense...of how Romo lost the game and on and on....in his top 15, he lists the Pats as number 3...the freakin Pats haven't even played yet but still list them number 3 and the Jets number 8......

Come on ESPN and Peter King....I know you guy's love the Pats...ok I get it...but please take note that we can't wait to face the Pats soon.....you guys blow.

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It's the same thing every year at this time bro-the Pats are the media darlings who can do no wrong and the Jets just never get the respect they deserve until it's undeniable. I can't wait to watch Daily News Live on SNY today. The News is full of old school Giants fans who continue to say how it'll ALWAYS be a Giants town until the Jets win another SB...

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I turned on Francesa. The first 30 seconds was just rantings about how the Cowboys should have won. Some of it was delusional, such as saying Holmes "couldn't get the ball" in the game (60+ yards receiving).

Here's my take on things: no one is THAT lucky. We luck into the playoffs every year apparently, luck into the AFC championship game, we beat the Lions, the Browns, the Texans, etc. etc. etc. and now the Cowboys purely by luck. Right....

Great... Francesa now saying the Giants are a better team than the Jets. Right...

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They're kind of right. It's not like our D/O made mind blowing awesome plays that kept us in the game.

Yeah but our special teams was amazing.

I turned on Francesa. The first 30 seconds was just rantings about how the Cowboys should have won. Some of it was delusional, such as saying Holmes "couldn't get the ball" in the game (60+ yards receiving).

Here's my take on things: no one is THAT lucky. We luck into the playoffs every year apparently, luck into the AFC championship game, we beat the Lions, the Browns, the Texans, etc. etc. etc. and now the Cowboys purely by luck. Right....

Stop listening to Mike Francesa.

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Last night was the first time I cringed at a post-game Rex comment. He stood at the podium blathering on about how he'd sign up for playing Dallas in the superbowl.. I love the guy but friggin give it a rest for a night.. Dallas is coming off a 4 win season, Tony Homo hasn't played a meaningful game in 8 months, and their DB's were the who's not who of the NFL.

I normally like the machismo but it took a series of highly improbable events for us to pull out a miracle against a team that was dogsh*t last year... can he at least tone it down until we beat a team convincingly?

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We cannot sit here with a straight face and say that without the huge Cowboy mistakes in the fourth quarter we would have won this game. Rex was 100% right in telling our troops, "The team that plays the hardest, longest, will win." The Cowboys collapsed, but we were in a perfect position every time to take advantage. That is the sign of a good team. Kind of stunning to see, because 3 years ago we would have had no chance in this one.

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I normally like the machismo but it took a series of highly improbable events for us to pull out a miracle against a team that was dogsh*t last year... can he at least tone it down until we beat a team convincingly?

We're probably not going to beat a team convincingly all season.

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Been a fan of this team for too long to give a sh*t what media a-holes think about the style points of a win. For too long, this franchise lost these kinds of games. Under Rex Ryan they never give up, and they have won many of them. That says something very positive about this team and it's head coach.

All I know is we are 1 and 0.

I have bitched about Schitty and the defensvie lapses. But you have to keep playing hard to have a shot even when you piss the bed for most of the first half. This team does that.

Also, Nick Folk, Mike Devito, Joe McKnight and the best player in the NFL bar none, Darelle Revis, all made big plays. Luck is one thing. But you still have to make a play to win. And in the last 10 minutes last night , the Jets made those plays.

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Dear Jet fans,


The cowboys blew this game, its great that we won but the media is right to say this was a choke job not a great performance on our part. Analysts don't hate us just because they don't sing our praises off mountain tops for every minor thing like some of you do. You are ridiculous.

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I think the whole thing of saying one team lost a game is such a load of crap. For all of the crap that people want to drone on about the Cowboys doing wrong, it's the Jets who had to force those mistakes. If Leonhard doesn't make a hell of a play and stop Witten inside the 5, the Jets stop the Cowboys on first and second down, the CBs blanket their receivers, DeVito punch the ball out and Pouha recover it then that game-changing turnover never happens. So now suddenly none of those Jets defenders get credit for that impressive set of downs? Do McKnight and Trufant not get the credit for the blocked punt and subsequent TD, or is it only the Cowboy's blockers fault? Hell, if Revis blows his coverage (yeah, yeah... I know) or drops the INT the FG attempt never happens. And since when is a 50 yarder any sort of a gimme, especially for Nick Folk?

So what's the point, that if the Cowboys played absolutely perfect football when they had their lead then the Jets don't win? Yeah, no sh*t, but that's not how football works. It's not to say that the Cowboys didn't screw some things up that gave the Jets additional chances to do what they did, but in the end the Jets players had to take advantage of those opportunities, and they did. That goes for any game, be it a Jets win or less or any other team. I mean, how many times of the years have we seen the Jets get supposedly "gift wrapped" games handed to them only for them to fail to take advantage of it and lose anyway?

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Peter King thinks the Jets might not win the Superbowl. Maybe. But possibly he thinks they will. He'll call it 50/50 that they do or don't win the superbowl.

Will the Jets win the Superl Bowl? may be.

Will Earth be hit by an asteroid tommorrow, rendering Peter King's conditional nonsense moot? Possibily.

Is Peter King a jock-sniffing closet queen who yearns for a physical violation by Brett Favre, or at least a sexting or 2 of Favre's itty bitty member? Certainly.

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Every close football game is decided by a handful of plays that can be interpreted as either one team "making a play" OR the other team "making a crucial mistake" and giving it away.

Did the Jets defense play great by picking off Earl Morrall 5 times in Super Bowl III, or were they lucky because Morrall didn't see Jimmy Orr wide open on the flea flicker?

Did Eli make the great play to Tyree in the Super Bowl or were the Giants lucky because the Pats didn't sack him when they had 3 guys all over him in the backfield?

Were the '78 Steelers that great or were they lucky that Jackie Smith dropped an easy TD pass from Roger Staubach in SB XIII?

It depends on the point of view of the person answering the question.

That's not only the nature of football, but all sports in general.

For every Jet fan that says the Jets made the big plays to win last night's game, you'll find 5 people who hate the Jets who say they were lucky.

Who cares? In sports, every game played is a separate and distinct entity that, aside from injuries incurred, really has very little bearing (especially in football) on what happens in subsequent games played.

Bottom line is 27-24 Jets, and that's ALL that matters.

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Romo did what Romo does best in crunch time.

He gags.

And you know what ? I'll take it anytime.

The Jets have given games away for years. Games they had in the bag and somehow managed to cough away.

Who cares what the media, ESPN, or Fat Francessa have to say.

The Jets are 1-0 and that is all that matters.

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It's the same thing every year at this time bro-the Pats are the media darlings who can do no wrong and the Jets just never get the respect they deserve until it's undeniable. I can't wait to watch Daily News Live on SNY today. The News is full of old school Giants fans who continue to say how it'll ALWAYS be a Giants town until the Jets win another SB...

You don't enjoy the Beningno suicide watch?

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Romo did what Romo does best in crunch time.

He gags.

And you know what ? I'll take it anytime.

The Jets have given games away for years. Games they had in the bag and somehow managed to cough away.

Who cares what the media, ESPN, or Fat Francessa have to say.

The Jets are 1-0 and that is all that matters.

I'm sure according to the fat man that his beloved Giants were far more noble in defeat than the Jets were in victory.

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The fact is that "stuff" happens in a football game, great teams find a way to overcome it and great teams make their own luck. We are 1 and 0, And what I want is another win against the Jags and the Ravens...and the Pats and all the other teams leading up to December 24, when we face the Giants.....then we will see how lucky we are....I hope its finally the Jets doing the butt kicking from now on...

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Will the Jets win the Superl Bowl? may be.

Will Earth be hit by an asteroid tommorrow, rendering Peter King's conditional nonsense moot? Possibily.

Is Peter King a jock-sniffing closet queen who yearns for a physical violation by Brett Favre, or at least a sexting or 2 of Favre's itty bitty member? Certainly.

You've got grit. I bet you make a hell of a frappe!

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