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ESPN.com Slams Jets


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We realize that the thoughts of the mainstream media have zero impact on the outcome on the field.  That said, ESPN.com put out their pre-draft power rankings and there was no love sent in the direction of the NY Jets.  The Seahawks, 49ers and Broncos were ranked 1, 2 and 3.  The order in which they are ranked can be debated, but it is hard to debate the logic of those franchises being at the top of the class for next season.

Where did the Jets end up?  #31.  The only team that ESPN ranked lower than the Jets is the Jacksonville Jaguars.

The only way you can describe that ranking is with the word harsh.  John Idzik has taken the fiscally responsible approach and ESPN is not impressed.  Idzik will have to have a good draft in order to avoid being passed by the Jaguars.

Rex Ryan is usually good for 6 wins based on defense alone.  If the Jets offense can improve even slightly over last year (a big if), the Jets will be a middle of the pack team at worst.

Tell us what you think about these

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A ranking is not a "slam". A ranking is meant to be a subjective approach during a particular period of time of the relative overall strengths of the teams.

Please do not buy into this "media is out to get the Jets" myth.

On the JNRadio show last night, Agapito and Tyson did a pretty good breakdown of how the media coverage of the Jets diverts from biased to unbiased. They were citing specific examples from stories where the reporters took unnecessary shots. I'm the last guy to point at the media and whine, but the Jets are spending a long time bent over the pommel horse.

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On the JNRadio show last night, Agapito and Tyson did a pretty good breakdown of how the media coverage of the Jets diverts from biased to unbiased. They were citing specific examples from stories where the reporters took unnecessary shots. I'm the last guy to point at the media and whine, but the Jets are spending a long time bent over the pommel horse.

 Sport by nature is not an unbiased observation. And that is what it makes it interesting.


Otherwise, we would have this: The Patriots finished at 10-6. This ranks them as the 12th best team in the NFL when all tiebreakers are taken into consideration. 


Of course there are biases in sport analysis. 


You also reap what you sow. And, if you are going to purport yourself and your team in grandiose ways, it lends people to just naturally want to knock you off that perch. There is nothing fandoms like to see more than the big bully getting his comeupance. And the media will only help serve that up.

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Sport by nature is not an unbiased observation. And that is what it makes it interesting.

Otherwise, we would have this: The Patriots finished at 10-6. This ranks them as the 12th best team in the NFL when all tiebreakers are taken into consideration.

Of course there are biases in sport analysis.

You also reap what you sow. And, if you are going to purport yourself and your team in grandiose ways, it lends people to just naturally want to knock you off that perch. There is nothing fandoms like to see more than the big bully getting his comeupance. And the media will only help serve that up.

You won't get any argument from me. However, it's also fair to deconstruct some of the coverage if you can do it with some objectivity.

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A ranking is not a "slam". A ranking is meant to be a subjective approach during a particular period of time of the relative overall strengths of the teams. 


Please do not buy into this "media is out to get the Jets" myth.


There's very little subjective approach these days.  While not "out to get the Jets", the media's primary interest is readership/viewership.  It drives everything, even these lists.  And in our times, the best way to do that is to be provocative and loud.  The Jets, as a result of a large fan base, and a team culture that garners the attention/ire of fans of other teams, are going to always be a media target.  They drive ratings.  No one is going to care where they rank Tampa Bay.

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I rank this post at #22.


You are out to get this thread.  ;)



There's very little subjective approach these days.  While not "out to get the Jets", the media's primary interest is readership/viewership.  It drives everything, even these lists.  And in our times, the best way to do that is to be provocative and loud.  The Jets, as a result of a large fan base, and a team culture that garners the attention/ire of fans of other teams, are going to always be a media target.  They drive ratings.  No one is going to care where they rank Tampa Bay.


I agree with your main point about the media, but not the point about the Jets always being a media target.


They are a media target now because Rex has been running his mouth since Day 1.  They were not a target with Mangini or Herm.


A team, any team, is a target when they win (e.g. Patriots) or have a polarizing player (e.g. Ray Lewis) and it is due to the reason you first gave.   

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Who cares about these stupid power rankings anyways.


The media has been unfair to the JETS for a long time. But it does not matter. I like the approach we have taken so far. I am waiting to see if we can sign some talent on the cheap(can we sign DHB). I am waiting to see how Idzik does in the draft.


But no denying this, the JETS today are in a slightly better position today than they were at the end of the season. The kindda season the JETS had everything could have gone way way off track with this organization and there could have been total chaos but there is none of that hasn't and slowly but surely looks like the JETS are getting back on track. Now we still do not have a starting QB and Sanchez will still warm the seat in a JETS locker room so it will take some time. But i like the approach.

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  What do you expect them to rank the Jets?   Team has no legit QB.   They've dumped a bunch of starters.  They have a lame duck coach who is not really talking or bragging.  They are shopping their star CB.   They've signed a bunch of back up injured players.    And this years draft isn't lined with the Andrew Lucks or RG3's of the world.    


  So if they do trade Revis, get the 13th pick and take 2 OL with 9 and 13, and those guys are good,  how's the season supposed to look?   

Sanchez still stinks.  Tebow seems to still be around.  Garrard is still a guy who hasn't played since 2010.   Maybe they aren't the worst team in the NFL, but expecting this team to go 7-9 or 8-8 is a bit of a stretch.    

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Do not worry about rankings - worry about the moves the jets are making to try to improve their club.


  This is one of those TBD.   

None of the moves they've made actually improve the team on the field this season.  They've signed backup injured players.  Not really improving with the guys they signed.  More like fielding a team and hoping those guys don't get injured.  


  It's more like moves they've made to cut salary and to hope they draft well in the next couple of seasons.      Regardless of their record,  the draft is where Idzik will be ranked.  If the Jets are horrible and none of the draft picks work out,  hope starts to fade.  If the Jets stink but they have a few starters from the draft who show potential,  there is hope.   But who knows.  


If you go back to one of those "rebuild" years and sort of a new regime.... In 2006, the Jets had two first round picks (Dbrick, Mangold).

They picked up Kellen Clemens in the 2nd,  Schlegel  and Eric Smith in the 3rd, Brad Smith & Leon Washington in the 4th,

Drew coleman in the 6th and two other guys nobody cares about.    

There were some impact players in that draft, however by 2011, only Dbrick and Mangold were really left.    That's the thing about rebuilding and building teams.  The Jets can have some great draft this year, and in a few years half those players will be gone anyway.   And that's assuming you can pick up 5 guys who start/play often.    If you look at other years like 2010, or look at other teams drafts,  some drafts result in no starters.  

Idzik's regime will be graded by his drafts.   Anything in regards to ranking him good/bad is just nonsense at this point.

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