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Your franchise used Tebow for money...


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Tebow was lied to. Tebow was betrayed. Tebow was disrespected. Your franchise should be ashamed, but I for one am happy he is away from the cess pool. I used to like Rex Ryan but I think he's all talk now and no action. He runs his mouth and can't back it up. He had a personal vendetta against Tebow, and a love affair with Sanchez.


Your franchise is the worst in the NFL.

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Tebow was lied to.


Tebow was betrayed.


Tebow was disrespected.


Your franchise should be ashamed, but I for one am happy he is away from the cess pool


I used to like Rex Ryan but I think he's all talk now and no action


He runs his mouth and can't back it up.


He had a personal vendetta against Tebow


and a love affair with Sanchez.


Your franchise is the worst in the NFL.

Recently? No. Historically? True

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Tebow was lied to. Tebow was betrayed. Tebow was disrespected. Your franchise should be ashamed, but I for one am happy he is away from the cess pool. I used to like Rex Ryan but I think he's all talk now and no action. He runs his mouth and can't back it up. He had a personal vendetta against Tebow, and a love affair with Sanchez.

Your franchise is the worst in the NFL.

Tebow got burned, no doubt, but that happens in life pal and lashing out at the Jets isn't going to help. He needs to learn from this error in his life and move on, learn to choose carefully whom you should have trust in and whom not to. Unfortunately he may have to take his learning to another career as the NFL is a stodgy organization and he might not get a second chance.

If he lays low his reputation will stay in tact and it will be the Jets that have a classic Pyrhhic victory on their hands. It'll be Rex's, Woody's and the rest of the Jets organization that will end up with tarnished reputations. When that happens the Jets will lose out on even money players.

Tebow's career may very well be over, reportedly he gets paid six figures for speaking engagements so I don't see the CFL or AFL as an option.

As for the NFL, he had chances to show his stuff, in some cases he did well and in others poorly. But in all cases he played too much "good soldier". He needs to learn to look out for himself and call whatever play he needs to win, whether in a game or in life.



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No. Tebow sold no more tickets than the Jets already had sold. The money for t-shirts and jerseys gets split up 32 ways. Possilbe though our lucky sperm club idiot owner thought somehow the Tebow buzz would generate income. But he is a rich spoiled brat.

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Agree with everything you said.

Woody Johnson only cares about selling tickets and merchandise. We will not win until he's gone.

He had the perfect patsie in Tanny, it's yet to be seen if Idzik will do the same. I do have a lot of faith in his early moves, but the Geno pick smells of Woody.

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Yeah, while the Jets were busy using Tebow, Tebow chose the Jets over Jacksonville to raise his own personal profile.


It backfired for both parties. 



The winner was the back of the NY papers.  The guy responsible for finding that material worked from home a lot during that period.  

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I bet Tebow wins a SB before the Jets.

With Madden 2014 out later this week, anyone could win a SB before the Jets... :rim: 


Thank you Ladies & Gentilemen - I'll be here all week & don't forget to tip your waitress...


"Enjoy the Veal!"

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Tebow's career may very well be over, reportedly he gets paid six figures for speaking engagements so I don't see the CFL or AFL as an option.


I don't see why making that money on the side would stop him from pursuing a career in the CFL - a league that really fits his "skill set" much better than the NFL. If anything, I'd think being able to make that money on the side would allow him to pursue football as a passion - if he is, indeed, passionate about football.


I know a guy who's a pretty mediocre musician/song-writer, but he married a DeBartolo, so now he lies about his age and goes on tour with his little band because it's what he wants to do. If he didn't have that money, he would not be able to support himself playing music. I'm sure Tebow could support himself on a CFL salary, but that talk money will certainly provide a nice cushion. 


He'd be more inspirational on the lecture circuit if he was doing something inspirational in his life. Giving up on football to make money off of his high profile is hardly inspirational. 

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TEBOW was screwed by Sexy Rexy and Woodypecker.....true his QB skills stink, but at LEAST he played and practiced hard. I never hated on Tebow.....good luck Tim.

IF he would only play tighend, he would be rolling people over.

Worst case....Tebow goes to da PATS......scores several touchdowns against SexyRexy. Game Over....

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TEBOW was screwed by Sexy Rexy and Woodypecker.....true his QB skills stink, but at LEAST he played and practiced hard. I never hated on Tebow.....good luck Tim.

IF he would only play tighend, he would be rolling people over.

Worst case....Tebow goes to da PATS......scores several touchdowns against SexyRexy. Game Over....



Never happen.


I think better chance Revis beats Tampa Bay outta couple 16k dollar seasons and gets cut to end up on the Pats.  My WORSE CASE SCENARIO

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Tebow was lied to. Tebow was betrayed. Tebow was disrespected. Your franchise should be ashamed, but I for one am happy he is away from the cess pool. I used to like Rex Ryan but I think he's all talk now and no action. He runs his mouth and can't back it up. He had a personal vendetta against Tebow, and a love affair with Sanchez.

Your franchise is the worst in the NFL.

What is Tebow's position on Jason Collins? For such a high character man of God, where is thr support from someone who should understand the trials of standing up for one's own beliefs?

Or does Tebow hate gay people? "Possibly" if you infer from his association from the pastors which Tebow has given sermons for.

Great guy that Tim Tebow.

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Curious why there is never such a great uproar over the 31 or so players per team each year who rot away on the bench because they're not good enough to be starters?  A great many of them are far more valuable to their teams than Tebow ever was to the Jets and yet it's considered no grave injustice when they aren't handed starting jobs or are cut.  It just goes to show that Tebow brings far more drama with him to the table than he does actual football value.  Probably has something to do with why his best (and only) offer over the past day was to be a backup QB in the CFL.

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Tebow was lied to. Tebow was betrayed. Tebow was disrespected. Your franchise should be ashamed, but I for one am happy he is away from the cess pool. I used to like Rex Ryan but I think he's all talk now and no action. He runs his mouth and can't back it up. He had a personal vendetta against Tebow, and a love affair with Sanchez.


Your franchise is the worst in the NFL.




This guy is the crazy girlfriend who slashes your tires and carves her name in your forehead when you dump her crazy ass.

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