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Hey, does anybody know whats going on with this JI/Scout thing?


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LOL no I was never a mod. Just a long-time poster.

Sean would never have made me a mod. He hates my guts, because I won't kiss his ring, so to speak. Guy has an enormous ego.


Did you ever do design work for him? lol

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Agree to all of this. I have lurked and posted at JI and liked it, as I like JN as well. I like anyplace where Jet football is discussed. I have already started to receive Emails to purchase

Jet Uni's for $19.99and other spam garbage. I can only think that the Scout.com machine is behind this. I understand Sean's wish to profit from something he's put so much time into, but I prefer Max's desire to keep his "baby" unspotted for awhile longer. I'm hoping that Max can realize both dreams with a venture that can provide both recompense for all his hard work while still being proud of what he built to be a place where all Jet fans can come and discuss our great passion.

Regarding Max's best friend and partner, he has my prayers and my best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.

WO... I recognize a lot of these names from back when I was a lurker on JI. I guess this is where all those regulars went!

Very nice to see familiar-ish posters and some other new refugee kin as well, because unless they perform some kind of miracle flip this house kinda sh*t, that scout site is a total disaster and a slap in the face to pull on everyone a week before the damn season starts with no warning! Glad I was tipped to this site because TGG fukin blows and that was about all I knew of.

Really glad to see some familiar JI ppl here.

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Not to get all real world on everyone but most people know that my wife has cancer. My meeting with Scout was in the middle of her chemo treatments. So for the first time in 10 years when I listened to their pitch I thought to myself, what would my life be like if I didn't have JetNation? And I didn't like the answer to that question. I have made so many friends here, met so many amazing people and I enjoy logging on and talking to everyone each day. This past year has been by far the toughest of my life and JetNation was still fun. So the thought of selling this and not having that, well it wasn't even a consideration.

So that left the partnership. What I like about this place is we treat it seriously but we have fun. Having a partner involved, that doesn't sound like a lot of fun. Signing a two-year (or so) deal is actually a much longer term deal because you aren't going to get those posts back (they own them I believe) if you ever try to leave.

So it wasn't actually a hard decision. Money would be great, I know I can use more of it. But the cost to get that money...just not worth it.

Oh well, who should play me in the movie? I am thinking Kevin James, but I am open to suggestions.

Alright, now I've got feelings... Where do I send my $55?

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I will say, i just went to the scout homepage, boy what a clusterf##k! It honestly looks like a bullsh*t news aggregator where all random stuff is posted because no human is actually overseeing it. And it looks like some cheap $50 template site as well.


Honestly, does not look like the site of an operation with the kind of backing that I know they have. The JN home page is a million times better, and all max did was just pick a better template, lol.


Lots of paywall content there too. My personal thoughts on paywall content is if it is something that is freely available in abundance, like the news or sports journalism, I don't see how it works out. I would think if you are going to buy buying members by the thousand like they are trying to do, then maximize the advertising throughout the site and video content. If you want to sell content, sell podcasts and stuff like that as podcasts behind a paywall won't prohibit viewers being on your site and spending time there.


Your comment about the guy heading marketing not being a sports guy shoots up red flags for a few reasons, but 2 really come to my attention. One, if you don't know anything about sports, than you spend no time consuming sports content or on sports blogs/forums/news sites. How can you effectively market to a base if you know nothing about the base, how sports fans consume content, what they are looking for. The kind of members you are looking for, the ones that will pay $100 a year for a premium membership, are the hardcore enthusiasts. You want to market and sell to an enthusiast market, you need someone that understands that enthusiast market. The other thing, I have been in sales for a long time, and I would NEVER be proud or admit I know nothing about what I am trying to sell or market. I have worked in and attained a decent level of success in a few drastically different industries and I made damn sure to know everything I could learn in all of them.

If ABC/ESPN,  the NY Times and Wall Street Journal(which is also a Fox/Murdoch property) havne't figured out how to make people pay for news, it cannot be done no matter how hard they push it. And the slideshow presentation is really crap.

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Whoa! What's up, redneck?

Yo, sourcey, whutup? I gotta say, it's been a while since I lurked around here, but all the old timers (Chan, RJF, Zaius,Crusher, BP etc, etc) are here. Kinda makes me wonder where the hell I've been .


I'll say one thing, this board is very easy to navigate for a dumbass redneck like myself who still types with two fingers. Kudos, Max.

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Yo, sourcey, whutup? I gotta say, it's been a while since I lurked around here, but all the old timers (Chan, RJF, Zaius,Crusher, BP etc, etc) are here. Kinda makes me wonder where the hell I've been .


I'll say one thing, this board is very easy to navigate for a dumbass redneck like myself who still types with two fingers. Kudos, Max.



Hahaha... awesome to see you. :)

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Yo, sourcey, whutup? I gotta say, it's been a while since I lurked around here, but all the old timers (Chan, RJF, Zaius,Crusher, BP etc, etc) are here. Kinda makes me wonder where the hell I've been .

I'll say one thing, this board is very easy to navigate for a dumbass redneck like myself who still types with two fingers. Kudos, Max.

I thought the same thing when I came here. Other than a few people (yourself included), all the good posters from JI are here.

Hell, even TX has seen the light. ;)

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The whole timing of this event is very ironic.


I planned on going back to JI, rebranding myself under a new name and leaving JN for good.  But then I started thinking about it and realized if I did that, my biggest fans like T0m, Dbates, RJF and BP wouldnt know what to do without me so I decided to stay.  Good decision on my part.

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With the internet and information and data readily available I just do not see how the pay for content model will ever work for any long term results.


Yeah.  And the "support the site" battle cry loses it's steam when scout.com is in the URL.

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