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7 Years Later


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This morning I woke up and saw a Facebook notification, reminding me to celebrate the 7-year anniversary of the great Santonio Holmes trade. So that's how my day started. 

"Holmes for a 5th rounder??? This world is coming to an end!!!!"

Its safe to assume I was wrong. 5th rounder was about right. At first glance, Holmes was great his first year winning several games with clutch catches. He had decent stats as well for playing 12 games. It was all downhill from there onwards. 

My favorite memory of Holmes was his TD catch against the Patriots in the playoffs. 


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Just another low character scumbag that the Jets made a home for.  We are a pathetic franchise and will always be one unless our owner dies and his estate sells the team to a person who understands how to run a respectable operation, preferably someone who actually earned their wealthy instead of getting it from mommy's sugar daddy.  We let the inmates run the asylum here and as a result we are a bottom feeder program.  The faster we get rid of trash like Sheldon from this team and start putting a premium on class and professionalism the better.

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The guy was a massive assclown and a total underachiever who had a few good games with us.  A soft zero character dingbat.  He was mostly garbage.  Braylon Edwards was far far better.  Rex Ryan making a him a captain. if that didn't signal that Rex had zero clue then nothing did.

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1 hour ago, Lil Woody said:

Just another low character scumbag that the Jets made a home for.  We are a pathetic franchise and will always be one unless our owner dies and his estate sells the team to a person who understands how to run a respectable operation, preferably someone who actually earned their wealthy instead of getting it from mommy's sugar daddy.  We let the inmates run the asylum here and as a result we are a bottom feeder program.  The faster we get rid of trash like Sheldon from this team and start putting a premium on class and professionalism the better.

Right we should be more like the Patriots who drafted a thug and murderer in Aaron Hernandez and just this year signed Malcolm Floyd after he was cut for a DUI and found unconscious behind the wheel.

You want to know what really sucks about the jets? SOJF's, like you. 

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23 minutes ago, Big Blocker said:

Not saying I thought we'd be friends or anything, but I didn't find Holmes to be the problem a lot of Jet fans did.

We got plenty out of him, like Marshall. There's a reason why great talents like Marshall and Holmes bounce around. No harm in bringing them in for cheap to try and catch lightning in a bottle. The key is to part ways before it gets too messy. 

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2 hours ago, Lil Woody said:

Just another low character scumbag that the Jets made a home for.  We are a pathetic franchise and will always be one unless our owner dies and his estate sells the team to a person who understands how to run a respectable operation, preferably someone who actually earned their wealthy instead of getting it from mommy's sugar daddy.  We let the inmates run the asylum here and as a result we are a bottom feeder program.  The faster we get rid of trash like Sheldon from this team and start putting a premium on class and professionalism the better.

oh boy.  i get the part about holmes be a perfect ahole but the shelly comparison is a bit much.  shelly at least shows up for games and even though he wasn't so good this past season he was good his first 3 seasons. i also fully agree that they need some players who know how to win and leave the bs at home.

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7 minutes ago, Mike135 said:

Option 1:  Holmes, Braylon, Mark n Rex


Option 2:  Decker, Enunwa, poop n Bowles


Even though I like Q, give me option 1 every damn time.  And it's not even close.

Obv neither get you where you need to be but there's no question between The two

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2 hours ago, Lupz27 said:

The trade was great, signing him long term the following year not so great.

Exactly correct!  I don't recall the contract numbers, but I remember that for what for what we paid him we could have signed 3-5 solid players to fill positions of need and add depth.  Instead we spend all the money on Tone (at Woody's urging) and have to cut a bunch of quality players (Woody, Slauson, Richardson, LT, Hartsock, Braylon), which completely change the complexion of the team (for example: we couldn't protect Sanchez).  Then holmes, gets injured, then he cops and attitude, then we get rid of him. 

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1 hour ago, Beerfish said:

The guy was a massive assclown and a total underachiever who had a few good games with us.  A soft zero character dingbat.  He was mostly garbage.  Braylon Edwards was far far better.  Rex Ryan making a him a captain. if that didn't signal that Rex had zero clue then nothing did.

I can't agree with all of this, but I do agree making him a captain was the wrong thing to do.  The dude had a massive ego as it was, making him captain made him just intolerable.   This after the Steelers dumped him because of his attitude and likely salary demands the following year.

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I think this is typical of the Rex bashing.  It didn't work, but making an immature guy a captain in the hopes that he will show some responsibility is not a novel concept.  He  was given the title in the hope that he would live up to it.  He didn't.  Matching him up with Burress and Mason didn't help, but choosing him over Braylon was still the right move.  Would have been better off without either.  Could have gone after Vincent Jackson, but he was franchised.  With the characters those guys were looking at it is more surprising they didn't go after T.O. or Moss.  Neither of those washed up stiffs caught a single ball in 2011.  Braylon went for a whopping 15/181/0.  Makes Holmes 51/654/8 look monstrous.  

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2 hours ago, JoJoTownsell1 said:

Right we should be more like the Patriots who drafted a thug and murderer in Aaron Hernandez and just this year signed Malcolm Floyd after he was cut for a DUI and found unconscious behind the wheel.

You want to know what really sucks about the jets? SOJF's, like you. 

LOL. Yeah because wanting to be a respectable organization and rooting for a team that I am actually proud of (did you really try to suggest I was putting the cheats in that category?) is such a SOJ fan thing to do. Nah kid. SOJ fans want instant gratification, they want to chase every free agent, they don't want to think about anything past the moment, and they want to win at all costs - even when that means having guys like Big Ben as the face of the franchise and any other piece of sh*t scumbag like Joe Mixon or whoever else the NFL keeps allowing into the league despite being criminal trash.

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2 hours ago, rangerous said:

oh boy.  i get the part about holmes be a perfect ahole but the shelly comparison is a bit much.  shelly at least shows up for games and even though he wasn't so good this past season he was good his first 3 seasons. i also fully agree that they need some players who know how to win and leave the bs at home.

I mean I'm not comparing them as players....but they are both selfish immature scum. Holmes was arrested at least once for DV - I remember one of the times he got picked up for beating the sh*t out of his kid's mother, Sheldon we all know for child endangerment along with drugs/guns/drag racing etc.... The fact that Holmes quit on the field doesn't make him the bad one and just because Sheldon didn't quit it doesn't excuse his actions. Both are sh*theads and both are an embarrassment.  You can't get rid of these types fast enough if you want a well run professional organization. And that's what I want as a fan. To be proud of my team as well as to be entertained.

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7 hours ago, long suffering jets fan said:

Exactly correct!  I don't recall the contract numbers, but I remember that for what for what we paid him we could have signed 3-5 solid players to fill positions of need and add depth.  Instead we spend all the money on Tone (at Woody's urging) and have to cut a bunch of quality players (Woody, Slauson, Richardson, LT, Hartsock, Braylon), which completely change the complexion of the team (for example: we couldn't protect Sanchez).  Then holmes, gets injured, then he cops and attitude, then we get rid of him. 

This is the single most annoying crap our fan base utters. Yeah, escape goat. And you can't find 3-5 solid players for $10 mil. 

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5 hours ago, j4jets said:

This is the single most annoying crap our fan base utters. Yeah, escape goat. And you can't find 3-5 solid players for $10 mil. 

What you're saying is crap!  First, get your numbers straight.  The deal was for $50M with $24M guaranteed!  This was 7 years ago!  For that money in those days you could get 3 solid starting quality position players.  Instead we sign Holmes and cut half our offense.  Sanchez got destroyed the next year due to lack of protection, run blocking and receiving corps.

The Holmes deal marked the end of our playoff run and was the first domino to fall which led to the departure of Tannenbaum and hiring of Idzik and we know how things went from there.

Holmes was a good player, but the contract the Jets gave him destroyed the Jets.  

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