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NYJ path to offensive line correction lies on the left


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18 hours ago, bitonti said:

Completely Agree

the Author glosses right by the Salary cap implications but actually cutting Beachum now is the wrong move in terms of dead money. 2020 is the year to cut beachum. Winters is the one who becomes cap friendly to cut this year

QValue sucks by the way. 

the line should look something like 

Beachum - Long -  X - X  - Shell 

with C and RG the holes to fill in FA and the draft. They could draft a bunch of developmental guys rd 3-5 and let them fight it out with a FA Vet or 2

Harrison i can take or leave, Ijalana is never healthy 

the tackles will be the same (again, calling it now) 

Beachem - Long - X - X - Shell is exactly what should happen.  Replacing any more pieces is simply too difficult.

This draft has some excellent interior lineman, and in any trade back scenario we would be able to focus on players like Jonah Williams and Cody Ford (1st round), Garret Bradbury (very athletic, smart center) and Elton Jenkins in the 2nd round, Chris Lidstrom in the 3rd (if he makes it there) and developmental players in the later rounds.

I think focusing more on defense in FA is a better move as there simply isn't a ton of offensive line talent in the league right now, and teams are locking up their good ones.  We can spend on players like Dante Fowler, Anthony Barr, or Grady Jarrett to help our defense, pay a RB (preferably Tevin Coleman)  and use as many of our picks as possible on lineman to keep the well filled.

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18 hours ago, bitonti said:

Completely Agree

the Author glosses right by the Salary cap implications but actually cutting Beachum now is the wrong move in terms of dead money. 2020 is the year to cut beachum. Winters is the one who becomes cap friendly to cut this year

QValue sucks by the way. 

the line should look something like 

Beachum - Long -  X - X  - Shell 

with C and RG the holes to fill in FA and the draft. They could draft a bunch of developmental guys rd 3-5 and let them fight it out with a FA Vet or 2

Harrison i can take or leave, Ijalana is never healthy 

the tackles will be the same (again, calling it now) 

Beachem - Long - X - X - Shell is exactly what should happen.  Replacing any more pieces is simply too difficult.

This draft has some excellent interior lineman, and in any trade back scenario we would be able to focus on players like Jonah Williams and Cody Ford (1st round), Garret Bradbury (very athletic, smart center) and Elton Jenkins in the 2nd round, Chris Lidstrom in the 3rd (if he makes it there) and developmental players in the later rounds.

I think focusing more on defense in FA is a better move as there simply isn't a ton of offensive line talent in the league right now, and teams are locking up their good ones.  We can spend on players like Dante Fowler, Anthony Barr, or Grady Jarrett to help our defense, pay a RB (preferably Tevin Coleman)  and use as many of our picks as possible on lineman to keep the well filled.

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18 hours ago, bitonti said:

Completely Agree

the Author glosses right by the Salary cap implications but actually cutting Beachum now is the wrong move in terms of dead money. 2020 is the year to cut beachum. Winters is the one who becomes cap friendly to cut this year

QValue sucks by the way. 

the line should look something like 

Beachum - Long -  X - X  - Shell 

with C and RG the holes to fill in FA and the draft. They could draft a bunch of developmental guys rd 3-5 and let them fight it out with a FA Vet or 2

Harrison i can take or leave, Ijalana is never healthy 

the tackles will be the same (again, calling it now) 

Beachem - Long - X - X - Shell is exactly what should happen.  Replacing any more pieces is simply too difficult.

This draft has some excellent interior lineman, and in any trade back scenario we would be able to focus on players like Jonah Williams and Cody Ford (1st round), Garret Bradbury (very athletic, smart center) and Elton Jenkins in the 2nd round, Chris Lidstrom in the 3rd (if he makes it there) and developmental players in the later rounds.

I think focusing more on defense in FA is a better move as there simply isn't a ton of offensive line talent in the league right now, and teams are locking up their good ones.  We can spend on players like Dante Fowler, Anthony Barr, or Grady Jarrett to help our defense, pay a RB (preferably Tevin Coleman)  and use as many of our picks as possible on lineman to keep the well filled.

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15 hours ago, peekskill68 said:

Long sorta sucked at center before his hand got mangled. What makes people think he can play guard at a decent level?

Didn't you mean to say "before his hand got", "Mangold"?  As for Long, statistically this year he was terrible with 2 holds, 2 false starts, and surrendered 3.5 sacks, in 13 games. An then there were the "snaps".  Previous to that in Washington , before his injury, he was very dependable with only 2 sacks allowed and only one penalty over 28 games.  Carpenter " statistically" this year played fairly  well.  In 10 games, although he had 3 false starts, a career long problem, he surrendered no sacks.  This was surprising because my " lying  eyes" told me he sucked, and the stats don't illustrate Carpenters piss poor run blocking.  The most maddening thing about this "Offensive" line this season long was their inability/refusal to hold their blocks for any period of time.  It made me crazy.

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There is so much wrong with this.

Matt Paradis A) Is probably NOT coming here.  Denver resigns him.  Not to mention we do NOT have to spend that much on him as the 'top' centre when there are good options out there not costing so much.

There is NO way we should cut Beachum in this universe or any of the multiverse.  We are already $100 million in cap space with $15 million more available if you cut Long, Winters, and Crowell.  None of this years crop of OT's are getting rave reviews.  So why would you cut a B grade starter and hand it over to a rookie with no fall back plan?  That sounds like a GREAT idea. 

Keeping Beachum, signing a guy like Mitch Morse, BJ Finney (who can also play guard), or Joe Halapio can be signed to play Center (with the intent of drafting a guy in the late 2nd/3rd round to groom), and then signing a guy like JaWuan James to play RT.  That way, Shell provides solid depth. 

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On 1/24/2019 at 3:10 PM, JoJoTownsell1 said:

One of the keys to this offseason is bringing in Matt Paradis. The one thing we learned with Mawae and Mangold is that a great center is one of the most important pieces to a good Oline. 

While Paradis is no Mangold, he is far and away better than Long. Brandon Shell is slowly becoming a very solid RT and Winters is a solid RG. Fixing the Left side of the line will be a little trickier. 

Bringing in Paradis or Morse is vital this offseason.  In regards to the left side I would be fine with them drafting Jonah Williams with the #3 pick.  It would be even better if they satisfy the pass rusher need in FA with any combination of Ford, Clark, Flowers, Lawrence, Fowler, Ray, Barrett.  A lot of these guys are going to resign or get tagged but it'd be nice to go into the draft not needing a pass rusher.  

That's a potential offensive line of J. Williams, Long, Paradis/Morse, Winters, Shell.  Solid.

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On 1/24/2019 at 3:28 PM, nico002 said:

How much longer does Paradis have left in the tank? He is going to be 30 and getting his pay day. Mangold became pretty average once he hit 30. 

Mangold's conditioning went in the crapper and he got super overweight. He started his career at about 315 (combine weight 300!). He finished at around 350. Seriously. It hampered (hampur'd?) His play and led to injuries. Mawae started at 305, finised at 305. Thats the difference. 

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1 minute ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Mangold's conditioning went in the crapper and he got super overweight. He started his career at about 315 (combine weight 300!). He finished at around 350. Seriously. It hampered (hampur'd?) His play and led to injuries. Mawae started at 305, finised at 305. Thats the difference. 

I blame Nick Mangold's sister for his weight problems. She obviously was a bad influence on him. Cookies, cakes. Scooter Pies, the list goes on and on.

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4 hours ago, CanadaSteve said:

There is so much wrong with this.

Matt Paradis A) Is probably NOT coming here.  Denver resigns him.  Not to mention we do NOT have to spend that much on him as the 'top' centre when there are good options out there not costing so much.

There is NO way we should cut Beachum in this universe or any of the multiverse.  We are already $100 million in cap space with $15 million more available if you cut Long, Winters, and Crowell.  None of this years crop of OT's are getting rave reviews.  So why would you cut a B grade starter and hand it over to a rookie with no fall back plan?  That sounds like a GREAT idea. 

Keeping Beachum, signing a guy like Mitch Morse, BJ Finney (who can also play guard), or Joe Halapio can be signed to play Center (with the intent of drafting a guy in the late 2nd/3rd round to groom), and then signing a guy like JaWuan James to play RT.  That way, Shell provides solid depth. 

How exactly is Juwan James a better player then shell, especially when you factor in his salary as a FA?

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The Jets had the 10th highest paid line in the NFL last year.

If they sign FAs to upgrade, and they did not cut the likes of Beachum, Long and/or Winters, that would give them a very expensive line.  

I guess Carpenter rolls off, which is good. Drafting replacements should even that out, but with high draft picks and a FA Center, the Jets could have one of the highest paid lines in the league.  

I guess they make that up in what they pay the QB, 

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1 hour ago, thshadow said:

FYI, I just had his age fixed on Google.

Are there others whose age is wrong?


That's great. How do you do that?  Do you have a connection or something?  If you do I'd like to drop 5 or 10 years from my birthdate.

1 hour ago, thshadow said:
  On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 1:29 PM, joenamathwouldn'tcry said:

You are correct about Paradis age, I just checked. Google had him as being born in 1991, figures


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2 hours ago, joenamathwouldn'tcry said:

That's great. How do you do that?  Do you have a connection or something?  If you do I'd like to drop 5 or 10 years from my birthdate.

lol - Google's not quite *that* powerful!

My connection is me - I work on search ranking at Google, and my teammates do those info card things.

Nice of them to fix it within like an hour of me reporting it, on a Sunday!  Though I guess it's not like anyone's watching the pro bowl or anything...



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Guys are sleeping on Badgers Lineman! There are three in this years draft, they are studs and may fall because Badgers had an off year. Here is some data, and film (admittedly, I am a Badger for life!). Guys are studs and at least two should be there in the third round.

Other than Edwards, where some have the tackle going in the top 10, but some have him as far back as the 56th top prospect--would be a steal for us.  the rest of the crew are predicted to be late second to third round picks. If we trade back, Edwards is a stud. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospect-rankings/offensive-tackles/

 Check out his film: 

Guard Beau Benzschawel is one good blocker that played against elite college defenses. Some have him anywhere from second to third round.  Check him out:


Guard/center/tackle Michael Deiter could be a steal. Check out his draft write-up: https://thedraftnetwork.com/2018/12/24/2019-nfl-draft-player-profile-michael-deiter/. Some have him as a guard in the NFL., but has played all across the line as a Badger. Some have him as the 74th top prospect. He is a draft and play him guy, and a steal if there in the third.

Here is some film as well: 


With some luck, all three of these guys may be there in the third, but I suspect Edwards will be gone before the end of the 1st round--fingers crossed. Jonathan Taylor is a very good RB, but had one hell of line to help him!

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9 hours ago, BCJet said:

How exactly is Juwan James a better player then shell, especially when you factor in his salary as a FA?

He has been a top 15 RT who was slowed last 18 months by injury.  Still 27, and consistently ranked higher than Shell.  How does that not make him better? 

We are not getting Pro Bowl caliber players in FA on the line.  We need better, and we need to start drafting at the position every year.  IF we come away with two picks within the first 4 rounds this year, it will be a start.

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On 1/25/2019 at 8:57 AM, joenamathwouldn'tcry said:

Paradis is a very good start.  He is an "Ironman", having been the most durable of starters at his position prior to breaking his leg.  He is 28, by the way, not 30 as has been reported.  Left Tackle is also a big need that must be addressed.  While taking one at #3 overall goes against conventional  wisdom, and would sting considering all of our other needs, I truly believe that we will have the opportunity to "trade down" and  use the lower 1st rounder or an acquired #2  for that purpose.  Failing that our first #3 is an option.  Unlike other posters I would keep Long, and cut Beachum, Carpenter, Qvale, and Ijalana.  Long played reasonably well at Guard, and is an experienced Center. He makes less than Beachum, and would fill a gap or give depth to the rebuild. Winters, although disappointing last year, has been more than adequate in the past and should  be retained for one more season.  The same goes for Shell who is relatively young, more than adequate and until last year showed growth at the position.  His injury is not as serious as first thought and he will be ready for OTA's and the beginning of the season.

Yes no no yes yes yes no and yes

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15 hours ago, JetFanatic said:

Bringing in Paradis or Morse is vital this offseason.  In regards to the left side I would be fine with them drafting Jonah Williams with the #3 pick.  It would be even better if they satisfy the pass rusher need in FA with any combination of Ford, Clark, Flowers, Lawrence, Fowler, Ray, Barrett.  A lot of these guys are going to resign or get tagged but it'd be nice to go into the draft not needing a pass rusher.  

That's a potential offensive line of J. Williams, Long, Paradis/Morse, Winters, Shell.  Solid.

Long SUCKS- Winters is a jag and so is Shell who is decent for where he was picked and is nothing more than depth. Great line if you’re looking to be average. 

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What about Mike Pouncey as a FA signing? He's versatile, can (and has) played Guard and Center. He's also made the pro bowl at both positions, so we're not talking about some guy as a stopgap. My friend tells me he's available in FA, although I believe the Chargers would have to pass on their option to retain him? He's 29 and that's the only negative I can see?

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19 hours ago, CanadaSteve said:

There is so much wrong with this.

Matt Paradis A) Is probably NOT coming here.  Denver resigns him.  Not to mention we do NOT have to spend that much on him as the 'top' centre when there are good options out there not costing so much.

There is NO way we should cut Beachum in this universe or any of the multiverse.  We are already $100 million in cap space with $15 million more available if you cut Long, Winters, and Crowell.  None of this years crop of OT's are getting rave reviews.  So why would you cut a B grade starter and hand it over to a rookie with no fall back plan?  That sounds like a GREAT idea. 

Keeping Beachum, signing a guy like Mitch Morse, BJ Finney (who can also play guard), or Joe Halapio can be signed to play Center (with the intent of drafting a guy in the late 2nd/3rd round to groom), and then signing a guy like JaWuan James to play RT.  That way, Shell provides solid depth. 

Bechum is such a terrible run blocker . I would be okay with moving on . But he wouldn’t be the first one on The Oline I would look to move on from.

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23 hours ago, CanadaSteve said:

There is so much wrong with this.

Matt Paradis A) Is probably NOT coming here.  Denver resigns him.   


I don't know where Matt Paradis ends up but Denver found a younger cheaper bigger replacement in Connor McGovern. They aren't resigning Paradis. 

He is injury prone however that might be a concern

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18 hours ago, varjet said:

The Jets had the 10th highest paid line in the NFL last year.



people use this quote alot but all it proves is they didn't draft any of their starting OL 

it actually is a sign of how bad Idzik was that this number is so high .

There's also fewer and fewer FA options each year. 

most teams pay players at other positions. in specific for the OL teams use guys on their rookie deal to keep this number low.

it's also removed from the context of the Jets being under the cap by 17 mil and Now 100 mil. these are not bragging points. 

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4 minutes ago, bitonti said:

people use this quote alot but all it proves is they didn't draft any of their starting OL 

it actually is a sign of how bad Idzik was that this number is so high .

There's also fewer and fewer FA options each year. 

most teams pay players at other positions. in specific for the OL teams use guys on their rookie deal to keep this number low.

it's also removed from the context of the Jets being under the cap by 17 mil and Now 100 mil. these are not bragging points. 

Idzik drafted as many starters on this line (Winters), and more players (WInters Dozier), than Maccagnan (Shell).  No player Idzik drafted would be on their rookie deal.  This is all on the new guy.  They drafted two starters - Shell and Winters.  The problem is that they pump a decent amount of money into depth guys when they don't have starters

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3 hours ago, bitonti said:

I don't know where Matt Paradis ends up but Denver found a younger cheaper bigger replacement in Connor McGovern. They aren't resigning Paradis. 

He is injury prone however that might be a concern

Yes, I forgot about Connor McGovern.  I still don't think he is worth the money he will sign for when there are three other options that are a slight downgrade but come at a cheaper price.  This way, you can draft a young guy in the 3rd round and groom him for a year.  I hope the Jets look at Mitch Morse, Jon Halapio, and BJ Finney. Finney would be a nice signing as he will come cheap, has played well when he got in, and can play both Center and guard. 

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4 hours ago, bitonti said:

I don't know where Matt Paradis ends up but Denver found a younger cheaper bigger replacement in Connor McGovern. They aren't resigning Paradis. 

He is injury prone however that might be a concern

He broke his leg. The other injury was the result of a  concussion.  Other than that he has played every game.  Not exactly injury prone. Health should not be an issue.  Size, age, and cost are another story.

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On 1/27/2019 at 8:07 AM, BCJet said:

Beachem - Long - X - X - Shell is exactly what should happen.  Replacing any more pieces is simply too difficult.

This draft has some excellent interior lineman, and in any trade back scenario we would be able to focus on players like Jonah Williams and Cody Ford (1st round), Garret Bradbury (very athletic, smart center) and Elton Jenkins in the 2nd round, Chris Lidstrom in the 3rd (if he makes it there) and developmental players in the later rounds.

I think focusing more on defense in FA is a better move as there simply isn't a ton of offensive line talent in the league right now, and teams are locking up their good ones.  We can spend on players like Dante Fowler, Anthony Barr, or Grady Jarrett to help our defense, pay a RB (preferably Tevin Coleman)  and use as many of our picks as possible on lineman to keep the well filled.

X - X -X - X - X

Draft 2 OL with 2 of the 3 highest picks T, G). sign 3 FA OL (T, G, C). Difficult but not impossible to do it. Put Shell on the bench for depth where he belongs.  

Carpenter is gone. Long should be cut and saves having to pay his bonus. Winters would be a minor cap hit, as would Beach. Add to that the deplorable depth this team has. There’s some good FA’s out there and some good OL prospects in the draft. Time to STOP ignoring the OL. It can be upgraded in one swoop. 

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On 1/24/2019 at 9:02 PM, NYJets8 said:
The New York Jets path to correcting the offensive line lies completely on the left due to skill, salary-cap details, and age.
In 2018, the New York Jets active roster offensive line collected a grand total $26,982,145. This lofty number ranked 11th in the NFL. The average cap dollar for each offensive lineman on the roster represented $3,372,768, good enough for eighth in the entire league.

Witch such dough handed to the big heavies up front, at least a “good” performance should be expected.

Instead, free runners, false starts, and plenty of Sam Darnold running-for-his-life moments plagued his entire rookie campaign.

Enough with the patchwork. Stop it already with the free agent road. The offensive line accounts for nearly half of the entire offense (five of 11) and thrives off competition during those all-too-crucial August days.

Yet Mike Maccagnan has drafted a mere two offensive linemen over the course of 28 total draft picks (both of whom represent fifth-round selections).

There is an appropriate way to fix it this offseason (akin to the last two offseasons). The Jets top executive simply needs to go out and make it priority number one. He must understand it always starts up front. It’s time he realizes the offensive line lifts the play of every offensive player that plays in conjunction.

The road to fixing the New York Jets offensive line lies on the left side.

Kelvin Beachum Can't Play Left Tackle

Kelvin Beachum represents the team’s most consistent linemen. This doesn’t mean he’s safe. In fact, when taking everything into account—salary cap, age, production—he must be moved.

First and foremost, this is left tackle. This is the position that needs to contain a decade-long youngster who protects Sam Darnold’sback. Beachum is equipped with one remaining year on his initial three-year, $24 million deal signed during the 2017 offseason.

New York Jets

Frighteningly, the teams Beachum leaves generally improve the very next season. In 2016, the Jacksonville Jaguars ranked in the 20s in terms of rushing. With Beachum gone and Cam Robinson in (with a relatively similar offensive line other than the right guard, the below-average Patrick Omameh), the Jags skyrocketed to first. Leonard Fournette helped the cause, no doubt, but he didn’t even amass 50 percent of the total rushing output.


He’s can’t play left tackle for a dominant NFL offensive line.

New York would save $8 million by cutting the ordinary tackle pre-June 1.


Cutting Beachum while making sure that decade-long youngster is secured in the first round of the 2019 NFL Draft is the most critical aspect of remaking the O-line.

The other option is keeping Beachum on the roster and having him fight for the right tackle spot during the summer.

Brian Winters & Brandon Shell Remain

It’s pretty obvious why Brandon Shell remains on the roster while Kelvin Beachum finds himself unemployed, but we’ll shout it anyway. The former is 26-years-old and still on his rookie deal while Beachum will be 30 by the time camp opens. Again, Beachum could remain on the roster and snag that right tackle spot if good enough, but it should only go down that way if the Jets don’t need the cap space.

Winters, 27, is the de facto individual of the group. Unspectacular in many ways, the Jets draftee comes equipped with two years remaining on his massive, rough deal. If the Jets decided to move on, they would save $6.5 million.


The reason Winters should remain safe is drilled down to one specific (Spencer Long) reason.

Take The Hit With Spencer Long

We already know James Carpenter is gone. Once upon a time, the former Seattle Seahawks world champ accounted for one of Mike Maccagnan’s sneakiest free agent pickups. These days, the man simply cannot stay healthy.

Carpenter, who’ll be 30 by this summer, is at the end of the road. He will be a free agent this offseason and under no circumstances should be re-signed.

Spencer Long is the name that makes things tricky.

Much like Winters, Long’s contract is a major hindrance. Graciously accepting a four-year, $27.5 million deal last offseason, Long is signed through the 2021 season. Smartly, Maccagnan overpaid on the average salary to ensure the guaranteed money remained relatively low, allowing for flexibility in a pinch.

Long’s total guaranteed money only nets $6.5 million over the four years. Should the Jets move on this offseason, they’ll actually save $6.5 million, meaning they’re in the same boat with Long and Winters. To me, it’s easy which one to ditch. Though Winters disappointed this past season, his ceiling is levels higher than the former Washington Redksin modern-hog.

To recap, Carpenter is already gone and his ditched salary is already included in the $93,837,909 total cap space, via Over The Cap. The potential cuts of Beachum and Long would save an additional $14.5 million. Should Beachum remain to battle it out with Shell and Long only go, $6.5 million would be cleared.

In an ideal world, all five of these big heavies would be replaced in one fell swoop. That reality is a tough one to conjure up, however.

Jonah Williams (Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images)

A First-Round Tackle & Second or Third-Round Guard/Center

There are two routes Maccagnan can go in the first round if he does the right thing in free agency (which means snagging two stud edge players, i.e. Demarcus Lawrence, Brandon Graham, Trey Flowers). He can stay at three and draft Alabaham’s Jonah Williams or Ole’ Miss’ Greg Little, or he can trade back, collect assets and still draft one of those two tackles or snag Florida’s Jawaan Taylor or Wisconsin’s David Edwards (or perhaps Kansas State’s Dalton Risner if they feel he’s not a guard at the big-boy level).

In my world, I’m not messing around. I’d only trade back, at most, 10 spots and only if I’m ensured one of the top four (Williams, Little, Taylor, or Edwards). Should Williams and Little separate themselves from Taylor and Edwards, I’d make sure my next left tackle will be one of the two formers.

Forcing the left tackle issue in round one is crucial. There are no answers at this position in free agency. There never are. With young Darnold in the house, it starts at left tackle.

Trading down could fetch them a second rounder that could be used on a much-needed guard or center. Or, at the very worst, the third rounder is there to double-down along the unit.

Guards and centers to look out for between the second (if the Jets acquire that round) and fourth round are Florida’s Martez Ivey, Mississippi State’s Darryl Williams, Wisconsin’s Beau Benzschawel, Penn State’s Connor McGovern, Boston College’s Chris Lindstrom, LSU’s Garrett Brumfield, Texas A&M’s Erik McCoy, Mississippi State’s Elgton Jenkins, Stanford’s Jesse Burkett, North Carolina State’s Garrett Bradbury, Oklahoma’s Cody Ford, or the aforementioned Risner who may each make the transition from outside to the interior.


Elite Access


Right now, McGovern is my guy, a Penn State product who can play both guard and center. His stock is quickly rising which may spell doom for a third or even second-round projection, but he’s the gold standard right now—the perfect turnout.

Truthfully, I’d draft a left tackle, guard and center all within the first five rounds of the draft to make up for ill-conceived personnel ideas in year’s past, but we’ll play it conservatively.

Sign Center Matt Paradis

Trent Brown doesn’t excite me. Any offensive lineman who loses Dante Scarnecchia is never a good fantastic gamble. Roger Saffold is 31-years-old. Twenty-nine-year-old center Matt Paradis is a nice thought.

Paradis suffered a fractured fibula after playing just nine games in 2018. Prior, he played 16 games from 2014 through 2017 after sitting out his rookie campaign. Only a sixth-round draft selection, Paradis isn’t exciting on the surface, but hey, nothing is along the O-line in free agency. That’s why it’s crucial to always have an influx of young talent every year via the bloodline, the draft.

Prior to his season-ending injury, Pro Football Focus ranked the free agent center within the top three at the position. He’s allowed just one sack over the last two seasons (hello Spencer Long).

The ideal situation would see New York draft three offensive linemen. That’s just not realistic and offers little flexibility. Instead, throw money at two edge rushers, sign Paradis and go into the draft needing that left tackle and another interior guy while scouring the pool for a wide receiver and corner.

The Jets 2019 Offensive Line

  • Left Tackle: Jonah Williams (No. 3 overall pick or first round via trading back)
  • Left Guard: Connor McGovern (Round 3)
  • Center: Matt Paradis (Free Agency)
  • Right Guard: Brian Winters
  • Right Tackle: Brandon Shell (with the option of Kelvin Beachum competing

What’s beautiful about this specific free agency and draft is that the puzzle pieces fit exactly what the Jets need: edge and O-line. The only thing left to be done is to actually take action.

Aggressively pursue two edge defenders and then load up on O-line in the draft. Mike Maccagnan, the Dunkin Donuts coffee man, has been addicted to caffeine yet allergic to drafting offensive linemen. If he fails to swallow a Zyrtec prior to the 2019 NFL Draft, Sam Darnold will quickly turn into the next Andrew Luck caution story.

No more messing around. It’s time to secure the house.

It's been a while since I popped into a draft related thread on this site that made sense. Everything is defense, Josh Allen, Joey Bosa or how it's stupid to trade down and actually consider drafting for need....typical nonsense we see every offseason. 

The Jets need to trade down and rack up on offensive linemen. I dont even like keeping Shell at RT as this scenario has suggested, but this is still better than folks supporting a defensive pick 3rd overall only to watch those same people jump on the "Maccagnan is stupid" thread in October after there is no running game and Darnold is either hurt or running for his life because of the offensive line. 

This is what happens when you jerk off a decade's+ worth of draft picks on the defense and still have a trash defense. Now you've drafted what is believed to be the franchise QB we've all been waiting for. The last thing you want to do is protect him with free agent offensive lineman. Wasnt Spencer Long a Free agent lineman? And even when they do work out, it's always short term as free agent lineman get old quickly. James Carpenter for example. He's been a Jet since 2015, 4 seasons with Carpenter and we already need a replacement. The Team that drafted him also got 4 years out of him, but if they would have resigned him then it could have been 8. Point being, it's always a short term answer going the way of free agency as we know that generally the really Good Olinemen dont see free agency, and unless you have Dante Scarnecchia as your Line coach then dont expect to just maximize any random talent that you pick up and have the ability to just constantly rotate free agents. 

The real problem is that folks dont consider the pick sexy. They consider pass rushers sexy. Well, protecting Sam Darnold should be the sexiest thing that this team could do. Anything outside of that is just more stupidity from this stupid-ass GM of ours. 

I cant wait for this clown to be fired. 

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I want to see us improve the OLine as much or more than anyone here.  No debate on that.  And if there was a DBrick or Mangold type prospect in this draft, I'd be all guns blazing for him.  But I don't see it.  I see 2, maybe 3 OTs that are in the debate (Williams, Little and Taylor) but none of them seem to be consistently the top one in most rankings and often, none of them are top-5 or even top-10 picks.  On the other hand, you have several defensive players that look like they have the potential to be all-pro level players.  

So I fully agree with the aspiration to trade down.  if they can get a good offer, grab it.  But if they can't, then I fully expect we're going to take a DL at 3.  Nothing else really makes sense.  Trying to trade down and not getting a realistic offer is not an indictment of our GM.  The problem is we'll never know what the best offer on the table was.  Now if he comes out and says he wasn't interested in trading down, then go at him guns blazing.  But it seems a bit premature to slam him for not doing something that he hasn't had a chance to do yet.  Any trade down isn't going to happen until well after the combine, if not on the actual clock of our pick.

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