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Red Dawn Mafia - Day 6

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3 minutes ago, A.J. said:

Symp originally but doesn’t matter to me at this point. I claimed Tracker, he’s calling me a liar. That’s good enough for me

Do you think a symp, who has investigative powers, would out themselves in order to mislynch a town tracker?

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3 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

80: Hey guys, I'm the symp. lol

80: I'm symp.

80: I'm definitely symp guys.

80: Symp here.

AJ: I'm town tracker, please unvote.

80: He's LYING!

Me: 80, are you countering?



I mean - c'mon guys.


^^^ Prob scum

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Just now, Spoot-Face said:

My initial inclination is to lynch AJ first, and if he flips Tracker, lynch 80 immediately with a quickness, but 80 is not helping right now with his bullsh*t. I'm also weighing the fact that Town has no Cop, so Tracker is essentially it, and I'm weighing whether or not it would be worth it for scum to sacrifice a goon for a mislynch on a powerful town role.

i was there before 80 edited the post. now i am leaning to the reverse.

what's done is done... 80 has muddied the water with the early symp claim and now this. I think they both need to go

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Day1 Vote count

AJ (4)- Jif, AVM, New Beaver

JETS (1) - 80

80 (6)- Drums, Barry, Lee, Stark, AJ, JC

AVM (2)- Spoot, JETS

JC (1) - Pac

With 14 alive it takes 8 to lynch.

deadline for Today at 3 PM EST.  

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:


stop posting... either counter AJ or stop let the players look at what has happened. 

if you are town you're making a lot of noise that is coming off as more scummy while AJ is being chill.

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1 minute ago, Jetscode1 said:

He's lolcatting.  Deserves to die. 

I have my doubts on AJ as well and the tracker claim is interesting.  Not all games have tracker so we may or may not have a CC.


1. There is a Tracker in this game.

2. wtf is "CC"?

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Just now, Barry McCockinner said:

Just thinking out loud - I don't know how much sense it would make for tracker to claim without a doc. There's a bodyguard that can save them one night. Seems questionable to me - and possible bait to get max value out of a goon who seems destined to get lynched.

^ meaning baiting the counter claim

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1 minute ago, Jetscode1 said:

He's lolcatting.  Deserves to die. 

I have my doubts on AJ as well and the tracker claim is interesting.  Not all games have tracker so we may or may not have a CC.

The setup is open. There’s a tracker in this game.

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1 minute ago, Barry McCockinner said:

Just thinking out loud - I don't know how much sense it would make for tracker to claim without a doc. There's a bodyguard that can save them one night. Seems questionable to me - and possible bait to get max value out of a goon who seems destined to get lynched.

This is not a bad thought in general. Regardless though, if it can save me from getting lynched I get at least one Night of work (assuming the Body Guard protects me) which is better than getting lynched for nothing. Claiming was the right move.

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Just now, Barry McCockinner said:

Just thinking out loud - I don't know how much sense it would make for tracker to claim without a doc. There's a bodyguard that can save them one night. Seems questionable to me - and possible bait to get max value out of a goon who seems destined to get lynched.

Valid question.

I have thoughts on this, but I'd like to hear @A.J.'s.

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1 hour ago, Spoot-Face said:

Uhh, if the vig shoots Symp tonight, then he won't be able to breadcrumb any intel.

Sigh. I've said at least twice that directing a vig shot is bad.

His original post, which I have again quoted like twice, didn't even suggest tonight - just that "the vig can take care of it"

So either we direct a vig shot tonight OR you let someone you think is a symp stick around and get intel


This ain't that hard, folks

32 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Nope.  He's lying.  Keep those votes on AJ.  

F**king JiF is gonna be insufferable.....

FFS I H8u/<3u

I've read ahead - are you going to officially counter or no?

26 minutes ago, Stark said:

got you.

and yeah i thought similarly when AVM posted that. if he got shot he wouldn't be able to post about the result.

See above.

22 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

This is absolutely a time for jokes.  

He's Absolutely Right (Zoolander) | Reaction GIFs

Just now, Jetscode1 said:

He's lolcatting.  Deserves to die. 

I have my doubts on AJ as well and the tracker claim is interesting.  Not all games have tracker so we may or may not have a CC.

I mean he had to claim SOMETHING if he's scum...but without a counter hard to lynch him.

That said - tracker is in the open setup for this, so there definitely is one.

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16 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

Do you think a symp, who has investigative powers, would out themselves in order to mislynch a town tracker?

I can’t even begin to tell you what 80 may or might not do in a certain role. His play this game as a whole doesn’t make sense to me as any alignment or role

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2 minutes ago, A.J. said:

This is not a bad thought in general. Regardless though, if it can save me from getting lynched I get at least one Night of work (assuming the Body Guard protects me) which is better than getting lynched for nothing. Claiming was the right move.


1 minute ago, Spoot-Face said:

^^The ideal and correct way to edit/ add an addendum to a post.

This is the bigger point here -- what AJ has claimed shouldn't really adjust what the Tracker does since there is not infinite protection.

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1 minute ago, Spoot-Face said:


The tracker should not quickly counter, since without a doctor there is not infinite protection. The bodyguard would protect him one night, likely die and then the tracker quickly thereafter

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1 minute ago, AVM said:

The tracker should not quickly counter, since without a doctor there is not infinite protection. The bodyguard would protect him one night, likely die and then the tracker quickly thereafter

There won’t be a counter besides 80’s lolcatting. Hats off to the guy for reading the tea leaves correctly. My claim took me off the table and put him in the hot seat. Might as well make a mess of it - I would do the exact same in his shoes.

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