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It seems people really wanted to see a 6-10 team this year.

Skeet Ulrich

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2 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

It's not just about the record. It's about the fact that the team gets blown out every week. It's about being noncompetitive and embarrassing. It's about the fact that most of the rookie's we were excited about haven't even been able to get on the field yet. 

I like Douglas and think his plan so far makes sense, but this team is unwatchable and rage-inducing. The GM, who has now been with the team for almost 16 months, is going to get some blame. It's part of the deal. 

Injuries happen. It sucks, but football's a high contact sport. You're never going to have a fully healthy team. The non-competitive issue falls more on the HC than the GM. They're no longer playing all that hard for Gase and he probably should go.


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1 minute ago, dbatesman said:

It’s what Jets fans always want, and it’s a big reason why the team is always in the toilet. The only functional difference between Maccagnan and Idzik is that one was willing to piss away capital on guys like Brandon Marshall and James Carpenter, and the other guy wasn’t, and so one guy got five drafts, two head coach hires, and a cute nickname, and the other guy got billboards. If Douglas doesn’t throw away a bunch of draft picks and $100mm on veterans next March, the knives will be out for him too.

Then people wonder why we haven't made the playoffs in a decade. Mangini was the last guy to prioritize OL and we still haven't replaced John Abraham 15 years later.

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We could’ve been better than last year 7-9 range if San Darnold took a step forward. Our run game is better and our OL is better but Sam and the WRs haven’t been better. That’s the problem. Sam needs to be more and he’s failing. 

He robbed the team of a second touchdown and gave away 21 points while the game was still in reach (1 red zone Int and 2 pick 6s). 

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It was never about the team’s final record. This season was supposed to be a building year, a stepping stone towards becoming competitive. This team is so bad that players aren’t going to develop in this environment. It’s a lost year with nothing gained. 

The entire draft class has done nothing, expect for 2.5 solid game performances by Becton. 

sh*t’s bad and Joe Douglas definitely has a hand in it. 

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3 minutes ago, kdels62 said:

We could’ve been better than last year 7-9 range if San Darnold took a step forward. Our run game is better and our OL is better but Sam and the WRs haven’t been better. That’s the problem. Sam needs to be more and he’s failing. 

He robbed the team of a second touchdown and gave away 21 points while the game was still in reach (1 red zone Int and 2 pick 6s). 

How can the WRs be better? Our entire group of #1s and several 2s are injured. People want Sam to perform at a well above average with any players the Jets field and that is just unrealistic. In the last year alone, Sam has had 19 different OL combinations, QBs need consistent OL play to perform and Sam has not even remotely had that.

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It's going to take at least 3 years to remove the stink of Mike Mac's drafts and player transactions.  At least.  And that's if all goes well with JD's first three drafts. 

His first draft concerns me. He decided to draft a little bit of "everything" rather than focusing on the long neglected offense. Rounds 1 and 2 were fine, but in round three he should have double dipped at both WR and OL. Then, he could get cute in rounds 4 on...  Instead, he started that in round 3.

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1 minute ago, johnnysd said:

How can the WRs be better? Our entire group of #1s and several 2s are injured. People want Sam to perform at a well above average with any players the Jets field and that is just unrealistic. In the last year alone, Sam has had 19 different OL combinations, QBs need consistent OL play to perform and Sam has not even remotely had that.

I want Sam not to be a part of the problem. He’s been integral to the problem. 

It’s possible he gets the two Smiths back this week with one of them taking WR 1 duties. That is theoretically an improvement.

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22 minutes ago, Skeet Ulrich said:

Let's get down to brass tacks: the team sucks. Bad roster, bad QB, bad HC. Any rational human being could see this a mile away.

Where, exactly, were these magical moves that makes the Jets a 10+ win team in 2020? I see people complaining about what JD did or did not do but not giving any concrete examples of turning this team into an a quality NFL team.

Sometimes in life, there's no good options. I have no issue with actually tearing the thing down and building it up the right way. JD at least seems to understand you win games at the point of attack and at least attempted to build the lines.

What is disgruntling is the TD Darnold threw yesterday very few QBs this league could throw where he weaves between traffic and throws with accuracy. Maybe he's like the Sundance kid in the movie where he misses the target and says can I move and when he does he hits it dead on. There may be someone that can maximize what Darnold can do and get him away from what he can't do which seems to be executing too many plays where he has to remain stationary and set his feet since once he moves slightly his mechanics cause him to throw off balance and off his back foot that someone also has to explain that may work in college, but will never in the pros due to the athletes on the defenses. But, can we get someone to pick the person to get this out of Darnold. Only chance is JD picking someone through perhaps a HC he would pick, but CJ has to give him that autonomy.

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8 minutes ago, kdels62 said:

I want Sam not to be a part of the problem. He’s been integral to the problem. 

It’s possible he gets the two Smiths back this week with one of them taking WR 1 duties. That is theoretically an improvement.

Sam has played poorly but I am not sure he is "integral" s you say. Timing and familiarity are important for any QB to succeed. Issue is that Gase is constantly dialing up the plays that require timing. Our offense right now should be single read, checkdown, with an emphasis on routes that do not require precise coordination, so seams, wheels, swing passes, slants, options, jet action, reverses, outside tosses ---way less comebacks and outs, which are the plays Gase loves. He particularly loves the short comeback and out which are the most interception prone plays on the field.

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21 minutes ago, Saul Goodman said:

It was never about the team’s final record. This season was supposed to be a building year, a stepping stone towards becoming competitive. This team is so bad that players aren’t going to develop in this environment. It’s a lost year with nothing gained. 

The entire draft class has done nothing, expect for 2.5 solid game performances by Becton. 

sh*t’s bad and Joe Douglas definitely has a hand in it. 

Who said it isn't? I don't think JD believes Darnold is the long term solution at the QB position. He gets to pick his own guy, he already has a good looking LT, get a pass rusher and some weapons for the new guy and you're on the right direction.

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17 minutes ago, SackExchangeNYJ said:

Fans joke about the Jets always being rebuilding. The truth is, the Jets never actually rebuild. They might start the process, but then fans get outraged and start flying planes around with banners and driving trucks with loudspeakers around Florham Park. Then the tabloid media pile on the team. So they respond by either firing everyone or short-circuiting the rebuild with stopgap veteran free agents to appease the fans and get the media off their backs.

Jets fans want the rebuild, but they don't want the pain that comes with it. Well, friends, this is the pain that comes with it.

1) there's no such thing as a rebuild in a league where players last 3 years on average. Saying this is a rebuild is a con

2) and blaming the fans (!) for not being able to accept the pain for a decade long "rebuild" is friggin gutless

seriously - who thinks like this? is this woody's UK accountant? 

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42 minutes ago, Skeet Ulrich said:

Let's get down to brass tacks: the team sucks. Bad roster, bad QB, bad HC. Any rational human being could see this a mile away.

Where, exactly, were these magical moves that makes the Jets a 10+ win team in 2020? I see people complaining about what JD did or did not do but not giving any concrete examples of turning this team into an a quality NFL team.

Sometimes in life, there's no good options. I have no issue with actually tearing the thing down and building it up the right way. JD at least seems to understand you win games at the point of attack and at least attempted to build the lines.

I wanted to see a competitive team. I wanted to see signs of progress that indicated it's getting better, and that Sam Darnold was our franchise QB.

The exact opposite is true. This team is embarrassingly, laughably bad. They don't belong on the same field as the majority of the competition. They get blown off the field every single week in completely non-competitive fashion and Sam Darnold looks terrible.

But it's shocking that fans are upset?

I still have faith in Joe Douglas, but clearly this is not the way he wanted the season to go either.

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3 minutes ago, UntouchableCrew said:

I wanted to see a competitive team. I wanted to see signs of progress that indicated it's getting better, and that Sam Darnold was our franchise QB.

The exact opposite is true. This team is embarrassingly, laughably bad. They don't belong on the same field as the majority of the competition. They get blown off the field every single week in completely non-competitive fashion and Sam Darnold looks terrible.

But it's shocking that fans are upset?

I still have faith in Joe Douglas, but clearly this is not the way he wanted the season to go either.

Darnold sucks and is a bust. The truth hurts. Are there mitigating circumstances? Sure, but the fact remains we whiffed on the QB again.

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12 minutes ago, johnnysd said:

Sam has played poorly but I am not sure he is "integral" s you say. Timing and familiarity are important for any QB to succeed. Issue is that Gase is constantly dialing up the plays that require timing. Our offense right now should be single read, checkdown, with an emphasis on routes that do not require precise coordination, so seams, wheels, swing passes, slants, options, jet action, reverses, outside tosses ---way less comebacks and outs, which are the plays Gase loves. He particularly loves the short comeback and out which are the most interception prone plays on the field.

It’s year 3. Do you want a QB you have to “dumb it down” for in year 3?

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12 minutes ago, bitonti said:

1) there's no such thing as a rebuild in a league where players last 3 years on average. Saying this is a rebuild is a con

2) and blaming the fans (!) for not being able to accept the pain for a decade long "rebuild" is friggin gutless

seriously - who thinks like this? is this woody's UK accountant? 

I now feel further vindicated in my opinion. Thank you.

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3 minutes ago, SackExchangeNYJ said:

I now feel further vindicated in my opinion. Thank you.

I will grant you this much too many times the fanbase interprets firings as wins, and cuts/trades as wins and empty cap space as wins

the day Gase gets fired everyone will cheer. It's not a win but it's the closest thing most of us are going to get to one

in that sense the fans cycle of high expectations --> tragedy --> firings --> is dumb and self defeating 


but all that being said

rebuilds still don't exist in the NFL

and neither do Tanks

The player career length is too short, the culture of winning cannot take root and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) there's no Lebron James in the draft to save the franchise 

the idea that the team can lose their way to winning only exists in fun house mirror Jets fans world

this fantasy that the team would have been way better if they took Matt Ryan (!) instead

that's not how it works

bad teams look to the draft to solve their immediate problems 

every win is a step forward

every loss, for guys like scouts and assistants, is a step closer to not being able to pay your mortgage

no one survives a multi year rebuild in the NFL and lives to tell about it 

there is no rebuilding there is only reloading. 

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1 hour ago, Skeet Ulrich said:

Let's get down to brass tacks: the team sucks. Bad roster, bad QB, bad HC. Any rational human being could see this a mile away.

Where, exactly, were these magical moves that makes the Jets a 10+ win team in 2020? I see people complaining about what JD did or did not do but not giving any concrete examples of turning this team into an a quality NFL team.

Sometimes in life, there's no good options. I have no issue with actually tearing the thing down and building it up the right way. JD at least seems to understand you win games at the point of attack and at least attempted to build the lines.

What does the below say about us?


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14 minutes ago, kdels62 said:

It’s year 3. Do you want a QB you have to “dumb it down” for in year 3?

When you have no talent around him and no time to develop chemistry? Of course. Lamars offense is dumbed down but no one seems to care. Rodgers is on record as saying he WANTS a "dumbed down" single read, outlet offense.

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11 minutes ago, bitonti said:

if Adam Gase had any coaching skill whatsoever he'd bench Sam just to give him a breather and start james morgan /Mike white and run the spread he ran at FAU or wherever

instead he's going to run Sam and this team into the ground to prove a point. Not sure what that point is exactly other than he's a moron. 

the game is changing this idea of taking a pro style QB out of college and waiting 10 years for him to turn into Tom Brady or Matt Stafford is ludicrous.

these kids played spread their whole life, let em play spread for pete's sake. Gase force feeds his terrible awful offense of screens and crossing routes and it's never been creative or instinctual



Most arrogant and stubborn person in the NFL. Would rather lose his way than win someone else's way.

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2 minutes ago, johnnysd said:

When you have no talent around him and no time to develop chemistry? Of course. Lamars offense is dumbed down but no one seems to care. Rodgers is on record as saying he WANTS a "dumbed down" single read, outlet offense.

We had 12 blessed hours without Samscuses. It must be Monday.

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29 minutes ago, bitonti said:

1) there's no such thing as a rebuild in a league where players last 3 years on average. Saying this is a rebuild is a con

2) and blaming the fans (!) for not being able to accept the pain for a decade long "rebuild" is friggin gutless

seriously - who thinks like this? is this woody's UK accountant? 

What you're talking about is bad ownership. The Jets have had 4 GMs in a 10 year span. Name me one professional franchise that has done that. It's no surprise the Jets are a disaster, they completely change vision every couple years.

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The issue this season isn't the win total. 

The tragedy of this one is that Sam has clearly regressed, not progressed as most of us hoped for and felt was coming. 

If he was playing well and the team around him was all bad and they lost 15 games, it would be fine. But he's playing like garbage, independent of even the lack of talent around him. He's a part of the problem unfortunately.

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15 minutes ago, bitonti said:

if Adam Gase had any coaching skill whatsoever he'd bench Sam just to give him a breather and start james morgan /Mike white and run the spread he ran at FAU or wherever

instead he's going to run Sam and this team into the ground to prove a point. Not sure what that point is exactly other than he's a moron. 

the game is changing this idea of taking a pro style QB out of college and waiting 10 years for him to turn into Tom Brady or Matt Stafford is ludicrous.

these kids played spread their whole life, let em play spread for pete's sake. Gase force feeds his terrible awful offense of screens and crossing routes and it's never been creative or instinctual



Screens and crossing routes are the most spread thing ever. My biggest concern is that this week against the Colts, the team ran a bunch of different concepts that “play to Darnold’s strengths” and Darnold didn’t capitalize.

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What I want to see this season is most of this draft class (maybe minus Morgan) get on the field, get game reps and contribute positively. If that results in a few wins, so be it. Young guys need to play (since there was no pre-season) and need to learn how to win in this league awhile gaining confidence going into 2021.

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The failure of this year is that we are very likely to be at the end of it still arguing whether or not Darnold is "the man." I mean good Lord. It's been the main--if not only--goal of three consecutive seasons and we have FAILED, FAILED, FAILED.

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