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The Aaron Rodgers/Jimmy Kimmel Fight Continues

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3 minutes ago, The Engineer said:

Only in Jet land can people lash out at you because theyre too stupid to comprehend. Must be an FAQ that I missed that says "If you are stupid, and cant read, or just are,.. again,... stupid,. Blame -Football Guy-"

Thank you The Engineer

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17 minutes ago, Pac said:

Your mistake is thinking the crazies heard, or cared to hear, anything other than Kimmel is a pedo.  Have you not seen what has happen to facts or details the last few years? 

Nuance.  Let's pretend implying Kimmel wants to protect pedophiles is really cool. 

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9 minutes ago, football guy said:

Legally speaking, you are wrong on all accounts. 

"Legally speaking"?  At no point did I imply it was a legal opinion.  

But solid empty-suit non-answer, as expected. 


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12 minutes ago, football guy said:

Legally speaking, you are wrong on all accounts. Probably should stick to your day job (if you have one?). Next 

If you haven't noticed, I'm not a legacy poster on here. I come on in waves, usually when I'm bored or sick, so win or loss that bet means nothing to me. Money would be great though... why not bet money?


You don't have enough of it to interest me. I'm interested in never having to read your drivel again, but if you want money.. sure.

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1 hour ago, CrazyCarl40 said:

At this point, cap consequences be damned, just get rid of him. Get rid of Saleh. Get rid of JD. Woody sell the team. Move it to somewhere else. I don’t care. I’m so tired of this organization being an embarrassment on and off the field. Just over it. 

I don’t get it?

A 40 year old who is well educated.

Has a ton of real life experience.

Has a paid platform to express his opinions and views you know like Kimmel and the rest of the media shills.

Whats the problem?

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2 minutes ago, GreenFish said:

If you need super bowl tickets, he’s your guy also. He knows a guy who knows a guy.

Believe it or not this is true. Roger Goodell’s head of security is a good guy- I’ll be there!

Where will you be for the Super Bowl?

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1 minute ago, nj meadowlands said:

@Jetsfan80 Is Football Guy actually like an evil SAR alter ago?  Kind of plays the same shtick, but at least SAR was occasionally endearing.  Never paid much attention to "FOOTBAWL GUYYY" before, but man, he is brutal. 

No way he drives a BMW.  

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39 minutes ago, football guy said:

I appreciate Rodgers' being willing to talk about things outside of football. He's paid to do that on McAfee, and while not everyone is going to like what he has to say, what he says on McAfee vs. what he says inside the building/how he approaches his day job as the QB of the NYJ shouldn't be intermingled. As far as Kimmel vs. Rodgers, it's a shame that comprehension is lost among viewers and listeners in the year 2024

Rodgers never accused or alleged any wrongdoing of Kimmel, other than he would not be happy with the list coming out. There are several friends and colleagues of Kimmel who have been mentioned in the depositions (fact), and others who are rumored to be on said lists (statements without reasonable basis). That does not equal "Jimmy Kimmel is a pedo", nor does it equal "Jimmy Kimmel is on the list"... it merely is a statement that Rodgers believes that Jimmy doesn't want the list to come out (opinion). 

It's a nonstory, but media and Kimmel amplified it to be something that it isn't. Kimmel can try to sue, but the case would be dismissed. What this boils down to: Kimmel can dish it out, but he can't take it... he slanders and defames people for a living under the guise of satire, but the second someone says something about him? Meltdown. Classic 


Team Rodgers 2024, both on and off the field 

Defamation doesn't require an explicitly incorrect and harmful statement. A defamation claim can arise from innuendo. Rodgers's statement certainly implies a relationship between the list and Kimmel. He didn't position his statement as an opinion. That there may be other interpretations doesn't avoid the innuendo in Rodgers's statement. I'm not suggesting Kimmel wins a lawsuit, but it most likely survives a motion to dismiss.

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13 minutes ago, Biggs said:

Nuance.  Let's pretend implying Kimmel wants to protect pedophiles is really cool. 

Not wanting details to come out does not have to equate to “protecting” pedofiles. Instead try this: 

There are people who may not be pedofiles but were associated with Epstein who are on those depositions/lists. Some of those people are Jimmy Kimmel’s friends and colleagues. Insinuating he doesn’t want their names to come out merely is an opinion that Kimmel values the privacy and reputation of his friends/colleagues over the truth.

education is important Biggs!

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53 minutes ago, Jetkwondo said:

I felt he talked clearly about what was said and cleared the air... the dude does his homework before speaking and many things he's said have been proven to be true that a few years back were deemed just crazy conspiracies.  Thought it probably true that many never watched the clip of what he said and were lazy in relying on mainstream articles or comments. Here's today's show for those who like to hear his exact words: interview starts about a little less then halfway through. about 1hr 12


You joined this site march 2023


You narcissist hippie rat bastard can you at least ask for actual NFL talent this time around? 

Oh and we all hate you now, so year F off 

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14 minutes ago, Warfish said:

"Legally speaking"?  At no point did I imply it was a legal opinion.  

But solid empty-suit non-answer, as expected. 


You can go back to my original post which directly retort your "theories"... carry on

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3 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

I just think it's funny that there are still people that think the vaccines and mandates were ever effective or necessary....


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I just think it's funny that you thought this post would preserve this thread's tenuous status 

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1 hour ago, nj meadowlands said:

This has been Rodgers' m.o., always and forever. 

"Say whatever you want about me, I don't care!" followed by bitching, and moaning, and a whole lotta caring.

"Let's focus on football and cut the bullsh*t!" followed immediately by launching an a$$hole war against Jimmy ******* Kimmel.

I wish there were a way to move on from Rodgers yesterday.

I joked about this the other day but I sincerely hope Rodgers has someone in his life looking out for his best interest that he trusts because McAfee is going to dump him as soon as it’s convenient, and it’s even odds that the Jets are cutting bait next year at this time. Rodgers is on a dark and lonely road.

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8 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:

I just think it's funny that you thought this post would preserve this thread's tenuous status 

This thread is a sewer flowing into a dumpster fire in a toxic waste dump. 

Figured I'd stay on-tone. 

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Just now, T0mShane said:

I joked about this the other day but I sincerely hope Rodgers has someone in his life looking out for his best interest that he trusts because McAfee is going to dump him as soon as it’s convenient, and it’s even odds that the Jets are cutting bait next year at this time. Rodgers is on a dark and lonely road.

True dat.  I also truly hope AR reconciles with his family, for his own sake.

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Just now, nj meadowlands said:

I just think it's funny that you thought this post would preserve this thread's tenuous status 

When it comes to political nonsense everyone’s always thirsty to tell you what side that they stand on even when it’s not the appropriate moment 

like those old cartoons when someone is like “don’t push that button” and bugs bunny comes along like “wHt dOeS tHiS bUtToN dO?” 

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2 minutes ago, RutgersJetFan said:

I was going to build on this and say that Rodgers is one of those guys that never got married or had kids and for men that go that route once they hit their 40s it becomes a slow descent into weirdness that peaks in their mid 50s. Then they become one of those guys that starts lecturing strangers on the subway about the gold standard and mercury in fish and flat footed shoes…etc.

Anyways I was gonna start saying all that but then I remembered you’re kinda on that train too. 

You ****! Although I run in those circles, those losers are vampires but I am like Wesley Snipes in The Blade Trilogy. 

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12 minutes ago, football guy said:

You can go back to my original post which directly retort your "theories"... carry on

It really didn't.   At all. 

But no worries, that's par for the course with you.  

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1 hour ago, bitonti said:

So much bullsh*t so little football 

Season ended a couple days ago, Bit.  No football to worry about for another 8-9 months.

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3 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

You ****! Although I run in those circles, those losers are vampires but I am like Wesley Snipes in The Blade Trilogy. 

So you’re basically admitting that you’re in the Blade Trinity part of your life.

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Just now, Mogglez said:

I reeeeally do not like Rodgers’ politics…


…but I also reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeallly don’t like Jimmy Kimmel.  Like, reeeeeeeeeeeeeallly don’t  like him.

He opened himself up to this nonsense when he opened his mouth a number of months (years?) ago.  Jimmy built his entire career off being a massive hypocrite who works with and is friends with plenty of people in an industry, listed or not, who have done/are currently doing absolutely disgusting things, so he can f*ck off to the sun with his moral superiority over the, albeit ridiculous, accusations from Rodgers.

I feel like most of us agree with this


The problem is this hippie literally said yesterday we need to quit anything not related to football while simultaneously carrying on a beef totally unrelated to football.



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