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This is my first post on this message board. I am a 40 year Jet fan. I have seen every minute of every game for 40 years and I cannot remember a time, in all of those years, when I was embarrassed to be a Jets fan. At least when we were losing, we had our pride and, although my Giant fan friends would make fun of my team, I would stand proud to say, I support them no matter what.. I am a true fan.

That being said, this year was an embarrassment. Rex Ryan has made it impossible to be proud to be a Jets fan. Even when we won and YES, he has brought that to our team, we have to endure the train wreck that is REX RYAN. He is a joke and should be ashamed of himself as a leader and a person for the idiots he has created on this team. I hesitate to wear my Revis jersey and this started in year one, throughout the playoffs of 2009 and 2010, and then this year with the implosion of the Jets. I could care less about the locker room. I don't care that Santonio Holmes is an idiot. He was when he got here and he still is. Its all about leadership. When you guaranty ever year that you are going to win the Super Bowl, what do you expect? You can put every talented player on the field that you want, if you lack heart and you lack leadership, you will never win. Please don't tell me about 4 playoff wins in 2009 and 2010... WHO CARES? Playoff teams are NEVER remembered after they lose. And the Jets lost. No Superbowl like Rex guaranteed.

I will end it with this. If Tom Coughlin was our coach over the last 3 seasons, we would have a Super Bowl. Rex Ryan is a clown and represents the embarrassment of being a Jets fan. Until he is fired, we will never win a Super Bowl. Until we have a leader as a coach and a QB with heart and higher than mediocre talent, we will barely be a playoff team.

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This is my first post on this message board. I am a 40 year Jet fan. I have seen every minute of every game for 40 years and I cannot remember a time, in all of those years, when I was embarrassed to be a Jets fan. At least when we were losing, we had our pride and, although my Giant fan friends would make fun of my team, I would stand proud to say, I support them no matter what.. I am a true fan.

That being said, this year was an embarrassment. Rex Ryan has made it impossible to be proud to be a Jets fan. Even when we won and YES, he has brought that to our team, we have to endure the train wreck that is REX RYAN. He is a joke and should be ashamed of himself as a leader and a person for the idiots he has created on this team. I hesitate to wear my Revis jersey and this started in year one, throughout the playoffs of 2009 and 2010, and then this year with the implosion of the Jets. I could care less about the locker room. I don't care that Santonio Holmes is an idiot. He was when he got here and he still is. Its all about leadership. When you guaranty ever year that you are going to win the Super Bowl, what do you expect? You can put every talented player on the field that you want, if you lack heart and you lack leadership, you will never win. Please don't tell me about 4 playoff wins in 2009 and 2010... WHO CARES? Playoff teams are NEVER remembered after they lose. And the Jets lost. No Superbowl like Rex guaranteed.

I will end it with this. If Tom Coughlin was our coach over the last 3 seasons, we would have a Super Bowl. Rex Ryan is a clown and represents the embarrassment of being a Jets fan. Until he is fired, we will never win a Super Bowl. Until we have a leader as a coach and a QB with heart and higher than mediocre talent, we will barely be a playoff team.

While I don't agree entirely with your premise, I definitely know where you are coming from. And if Rex doesn't improve the culture and result on the field, everything you said will be entirely true. Other than Coughlin winning here, that could be try we will just never know. :)

I really do wish Rex would speak less. It isn't his style he says. Well maybe Rex it needs to be your style. He will always be out there but he has to tone it down a bit and find a way to get this team winning. They need to have a better regular season, win the divison and get a 1st round bye.

So I won't grade him just yet...I do think he will learn from this and get better.

Thanks for signing up here by the way!

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The reason we have mediocre talent is Tanny. He is the one picking the players. He is good with the cap, but sucks at evaluating talent.

mediocre? holmes, buress, mangold, fergison, revis, harris, faneca favre etc.

look the guy def dropped the ball on depth sure im with you but the only thing he is guilty of is trading going all out to get the player he wants. I like Tanny. I like that we stole Revis from Pittsberg, that we got favre when it was said it could never happen, I like picks turning out to be our core 4 etc...

no ones perfect (picked gholtson) whatever tanny gets it done, am I the only one who really thinks that shotty was the only major coach that was holding us back>?

Rex fixed D, Tanny writes the contracts and woody flips the bill..

oh there is Pettine that guys sucks at play calls on D, but he can get better. If we give shotty who gave us 6 years of crap that long we can give the guy a little time

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mediocre? holmes, buress, mangold, fergison, revis, harris, faneca favre etc.

look the guy def dropped the ball on depth sure im with you but the only thing he is guilty of is trading going all out to get the player he wants. I like Tanny. I like that we stole Revis from Pittsberg, that we got favre when it was said it could never happen, I like picks turning out to be our core 4 etc...

no ones perfect (picked gholtson) whatever tanny gets it done, am I the only one who really thinks that shotty was the only major coach that was holding us back>?

Rex fixed D, Tanny writes the contracts and woody flips the bill..

oh there is Pettine that guys sucks at play calls on D, but he can get better. If we give shotty who gave us 6 years of crap that long we can give the guy a little time

Let Rex pick the talent. Belichick picks the Talent and does pretty good.

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Is everyone forgetting this was the first season under Rex that they didn't go to Cortland. The reason he goes to Cortland is to build chemistry.

I honestly believe that the lack of a off season really hurt the team. with a offseason to work with the strength coaches, even Hunter may have played a little better. I would like to see how he looks in camp with a full offseason under his belt.

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Im a newer Jets fan only I remember about 15 seasons worth in any case, I will say this, Rex and Woody made us relevant again. I like that. Rex can stay.

I see a lot of reasonable fans popping up. wow. Exactly. @OP: forty years huh?? Forty years. You have seen every game....and Rex Ryan embarrasses you?? lmao

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Tannenbaum. Slippery, slimey Tannenbaum. Not Rex. Not Mangini. Tannenbaum. One day you'll realize it and chase the scumbag back to the accounting room with pitchforks.

Holy Crap!! I love what I'm hearing. I knew the day would come. I know you guys aren't fools. I used to be proud to be a Jets fan because we were much smarter than this abomination of a season would let on. Tanny ruined this team this year because the "salary cap genius" was actually bargaining hunting, and it finally caught up to his fat a$$. He sat by like the teflon don all year, getting larger by the minute up in that booth smiling, while the guys on the ground got their asses handed to them, namely the 24 year old QB who had NOBODY to throw the damn ball to, because fats thought that he could replace the young nucleus' 3200 yards and 20 TDs last two seasons with a 35 year old who sat in the pokey all that time and a guy on his last pit stop before retirement. Anyway, time to face the music.

Btw I give a **** if Rex Ryan does a vaudeville act after each game. It's worth playing a meaningful game every week.

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Is everyone forgetting this was the first season under Rex that they didn't go to Cortland. The reason he goes to Cortland is to build chemistry.

I could not agree more. This season was cluster F from the beginning. I did not like the roster changes, but if you are going to have a group of guys like they do now, you need to have the time to have them gel together. It can't work just taking a hodgepodge of punks and putting the same helmets on them.

It is really going to be sweet next season when we come out and destroy people. We need to have a new focus and I think all of this happening can really strengthen a team if it's used properly.

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This is my first post on this message board. I am a 40 year Jet fan. I have seen every minute of every game for 40 years and I cannot remember a time, in all of those years, when I was embarrassed to be a Jets fan. At least when we were losing, we had our pride and, although my Giant fan friends would make fun of my team, I would stand proud to say, I support them no matter what.. I am a true fan.

That being said, this year was an embarrassment. Rex Ryan has made it impossible to be proud to be a Jets fan. Even when we won and YES, he has brought that to our team, we have to endure the train wreck that is REX RYAN. He is a joke and should be ashamed of himself as a leader and a person for the idiots he has created on this team. I hesitate to wear my Revis jersey and this started in year one, throughout the playoffs of 2009 and 2010, and then this year with the implosion of the Jets. I could care less about the locker room. I don't care that Santonio Holmes is an idiot. He was when he got here and he still is. Its all about leadership. When you guaranty ever year that you are going to win the Super Bowl, what do you expect? You can put every talented player on the field that you want, if you lack heart and you lack leadership, you will never win. Please don't tell me about 4 playoff wins in 2009 and 2010... WHO CARES? Playoff teams are NEVER remembered after they lose. And the Jets lost. No Superbowl like Rex guaranteed.

I will end it with this. If Tom Coughlin was our coach over the last 3 seasons, we would have a Super Bowl. Rex Ryan is a clown and represents the embarrassment of being a Jets fan. Until he is fired, we will never win a Super Bowl. Until we have a leader as a coach and a QB with heart and higher than mediocre talent, we will barely be a playoff team.

Welcome.....I along with a few others here were adament when Mangini turned Mangina and was let go, that what our Jets needed was a proven winner/leader type HC. I liked the former Steelers HC and wanted him to come in and just run the organization like Parcells did when he was here. So, the FO turns to Rex I believe for two reasons, a guy like Cowher was going to be asked for multi-millions and running the whole organization which translates to Tanny being demoted or jetisoned all together. So Tanny goes the safe route and cheap route and signs a clown-cheerleader-players-type. Rex takes the 2009 team to the AFCCG....but wait that 2009 team wasn't Rex's, but what Mangina was building! People forget that in 2008 we had a pretty good team. A playoff caliber team.

So now, in the wake of Rex, and his pompous, delusional and sometimes stupid comments we have a locker room of malcontents and slap-dicks.

I can tell you 100%, there was not one Rex supporter that would have predicted what we Jet fan has to deal with today, a complete and total train wreck.

So how do we get the train wreck cleaned up? Easy, Rex needs to adjust some things, not change but adjust and learn from his mistakes and make the corrections. This is what 2012 will show us. Lets see the adjustments, lets see the learning from the past and making the corrections. Let's see leadership. If not and we mis the playoffs....get ready folks, because Rex will be gone!

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Welcome.....I along with a few others here were adament when Mangini turned Mangina and was let go, that what our Jets needed was a proven winner/leader type HC. I liked the former Steelers HC and wanted him to come in and just run the organization like Parcells did when he was here. So, the FO turns to Rex I believe for two reasons, a guy like Cowher was going to be asked for multi-millions and running the whole organization which translates to Tanny being demoted or jetisoned all together. So Tanny goes the safe route and cheap route and signs a clown-cheerleader-players-type. Rex takes the 2009 team to the AFCCG....but wait that 2009 team wasn't Rex's, but what Mangina was building! People forget that in 2008 we had a pretty good team. A playoff caliber team.

So now, in the wake of Rex, and his pompous, delusional and sometimes stupid comments we have a locker room of malcontents and slap-dicks.

I can tell you 100%, there was not one Rex supporter that would have predicted what we Jet fan has to deal with today, a complete and total train wreck.

So how do we get the train wreck cleaned up? Easy, Rex needs to adjust some things, not change but adjust and learn from his mistakes and make the corrections. This is what 2012 will show us. Lets see the adjustments, lets see the learning from the past and making the corrections. Let's see leadership. If not and we mis the playoffs....get ready folks, because Rex will be gone!

Correction = & Tanny too!

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The reason we have mediocre talent is Tanny. He is the one picking the players. He is good with the cap, but sucks at evaluating talent.

I think he gets to select one guy each year.

His first pick was John Conner, who seemed like a good pick-up but seemed to take a step back this season after being named the starting FB.

I don't remember who he picked in his second draft with the team, but being that we selected Wilkerson in the first round, I am guessing that was him....

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This is my first post on this message board. I am a 40 year Jet fan. I have seen every minute of every game for 40 years and I cannot remember a time, in all of those years, when I was embarrassed to be a Jets fan. At least when we were losing, we had our pride and, although my Giant fan friends would make fun of my team, I would stand proud to say, I support them no matter what.. I am a true fan.

That being said, this year was an embarrassment. Rex Ryan has made it impossible to be proud to be a Jets fan. Even when we won and YES, he has brought that to our team, we have to endure the train wreck that is REX RYAN. He is a joke and should be ashamed of himself as a leader and a person for the idiots he has created on this team. I hesitate to wear my Revis jersey and this started in year one, throughout the playoffs of 2009 and 2010, and then this year with the implosion of the Jets. I could care less about the locker room. I don't care that Santonio Holmes is an idiot. He was when he got here and he still is. Its all about leadership. When you guaranty ever year that you are going to win the Super Bowl, what do you expect? You can put every talented player on the field that you want, if you lack heart and you lack leadership, you will never win. Please don't tell me about 4 playoff wins in 2009 and 2010... WHO CARES? Playoff teams are NEVER remembered after they lose. And the Jets lost. No Superbowl like Rex guaranteed.

I will end it with this. If Tom Coughlin was our coach over the last 3 seasons, we would have a Super Bowl. Rex Ryan is a clown and represents the embarrassment of being a Jets fan. Until he is fired, we will never win a Super Bowl. Until we have a leader as a coach and a QB with heart and higher than mediocre talent, we will barely be a playoff team.

First of all welcome :)

I agree with you about Rex and I feel hes just like his father. His defensive players love him and offensive players and the overall building of the offense is totally ignored. This does NOT work as a headcoach and it NEVER WILL. A HC needs to deal with the entire team and while i think he does a nic job with the defense and gets more out of them than most DC's I think thats where he should be a Defensive Coordinator not a Head Coach

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This will probably be Rex Ryan and Mike Tannenbaum's last year here UNLESS the Jets (under Woody Johnson's directive) go out and get Peyton Manning. Let's face it Mark Sanchez has been ruined by Schottenheimer, Ryan, and Tannenbaum and when the Jets are fighting the Bills for last place I can actually see Ryan getting the axe before the next Christmas. It's going to take a drastic and bold move BY JOHNSON to save the season and some people's jobs-a whole LOT of people's jobs-we're talking like a Colt's type of purge could be coming-and it may just be what is needed

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First of all welcome :)

I agree with you about Rex and I feel hes just like his father. His defensive players love him and offensive players and the overall building of the offense is totally ignored. This does NOT work as a headcoach and it NEVER WILL. A HC needs to deal with the entire team and while i think he does a nic job with the defense and gets more out of them than most DC's I think thats where he should be a Defensive Coordinator not a Head Coach

I am not totally down on Rex yet like others, but I agree with you that he needs to make some changes and take over the ENTIRE team; it is so embarassing watching him in some post game press conferences and he has no answers for what was going on with the offense. I mean, c-mon man, a head coach needs to have the pulse of the entire team.

Rex also came out and said he just has to go back to being himself and that scares me. As a parent for many years I can assure you that one thing you can't be is your childs BFF. You will not get the respect you deserve and will not be able to discipline as required. I see the parent/child relationship much like a coach/player relationship and so far Rex just wants to be one of the guys. Rex needs to change his ways or these cancers will get worse. JMHO...

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As to chemistry and cortland-no other team went to camp either due to the work stoppage. IF the jets win one more game, say, Jim Leaonard makes a tackle in Denver,or Victor Cruz gets stopped for 8 yards instead of 99, they make the playoffs. Chemistry is bullsh*t, period. Bu the Mike Lupicas of the world have to write something. Those dignified and decent Jints are today babbling about boodbaths.

To win football games, the jets need more speed on both sides of the ball, better play at safety, LB, OL and RB. A pass rush would be nice, because the 4-6 blitz stuff is not getting to done. And either read Sanchez the riot act and make him a player, or cut bait and get the next QB in here forthwith.The way Tannbaum pisses away #1s, 2 #1s for Drew Brees should be a no brainer.And don't have a 2nd thought about it.

As to Ryan-he is not going to undergo a personality transplant. But he had best go to school on why his dad failed as a head coach because he is making the same mistakes. Players are his charges, not his pals. Allowing Scott and pace to be out there when they do nothing is crap. There needs to be accountability for failure. And he is the coach of the whole team, not only the defense. It's scary to think that either he was lying through his teeth about Holmes or he is a mere spectator when the team is on offense.

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This is my first post on this message board.

When you guaranty ever year that you are going to win the Super Bowl, what do you expect? You can put every talented player on the field that you want, if you lack heart and you lack leadership, you will never win.

This from the "First-time poster, Long-time fan" with the nickname "JETS SB." I'm assuming the 'SB' stands for "Sexy Bitch" not "Super Bowl" that you so don't want mentioned ... Go back to the Giants board!!

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I believe Rex and Tannenbaum should be tied together at this point. One goes, they both go and start over with a new GM picking his guy. We aren't at that point, yet. This group deserves the ability to attempt to rebound after a down year. It is what any of us would want if we were in that position. If he is unable to turn it around, get rid of them.

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This is my first post on this message board. I am a 40 year Jet fan. I have seen every minute of every game for 40 years and I cannot remember a time, in all of those years, when I was embarrassed to be a Jets fan. At least when we were losing, we had our pride and, although my Giant fan friends would make fun of my team, I would stand proud to say, I support them no matter what.. I am a true fan.

That being said, this year was an embarrassment. Rex Ryan has made it impossible to be proud to be a Jets fan. Even when we won and YES, he has brought that to our team, we have to endure the train wreck that is REX RYAN. He is a joke and should be ashamed of himself as a leader and a person for the idiots he has created on this team. I hesitate to wear my Revis jersey and this started in year one, throughout the playoffs of 2009 and 2010, and then this year with the implosion of the Jets. I could care less about the locker room. I don't care that Santonio Holmes is an idiot. He was when he got here and he still is. Its all about leadership. When you guaranty ever year that you are going to win the Super Bowl, what do you expect? You can put every talented player on the field that you want, if you lack heart and you lack leadership, you will never win. Please don't tell me about 4 playoff wins in 2009 and 2010... WHO CARES? Playoff teams are NEVER remembered after they lose. And the Jets lost. No Superbowl like Rex guaranteed.

I will end it with this. If Tom Coughlin was our coach over the last 3 seasons, we would have a Super Bowl. Rex Ryan is a clown and represents the embarrassment of being a Jets fan. Until he is fired, we will never win a Super Bowl. Until we have a leader as a coach and a QB with heart and higher than mediocre talent, we will barely be a playoff team.

Hello. Some insightful thoughts on your behalf. Although I don't agree with them all I think you should hang around and post more. I look forward to your future posts. So anyway, Welcome to JN. Can I get you anything to drink? *looks around for you know who*

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This will probably be Rex Ryan and Mike Tannenbaum's last year here UNLESS the Jets (under Woody Johnson's directive) go out and get Peyton Manning. Let's face it Mark Sanchez has been ruined by Schottenheimer, Ryan, and Tannenbaum and when the Jets are fighting the Bills for last place I can actually see Ryan getting the axe before the next Christmas. It's going to take a drastic and bold move BY JOHNSON to save the season and some people's jobs-a whole LOT of people's jobs-we're talking like a Colt's type of purge could be coming-and it may just be what is needed

What on earth makes you think this will happen? The team finished 8-8, which was good enough to win the AFCW. At 2 times during this season, the Jets had a chance to control there own destiny in the division and the wild card. You're acting like this team was 4-12 and wasnt compettive at all and had no shot at making the playoffs.

And why would you purge a coaching staff that never even had a losing season? Who made back to back deep runs in the playoffs? Who is winning despite god awful QB play? What needed to happen is happening. The offense is being revamped from a coaching perspective. Only time will tell from a personnel stand point but I'm sure that a new OC will want to make some changes.

Some of you need to get a grip. This team is a couple of moves and some serious heart to heart conversations from being right back in the thick of things again next season, just like they were this season.

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This is my first post on this message board. I am a 40 year Jet fan. I have seen every minute of every game for 40 years and I cannot remember a time, in all of those years, when I was embarrassed to be a Jets fan. At least when we were losing, we had our pride and, although my Giant fan friends would make fun of my team, I would stand proud to say, I support them no matter what.. I am a true fan.

That being said, this year was an embarrassment. Rex Ryan has made it impossible to be proud to be a Jets fan. Even when we won and YES, he has brought that to our team, we have to endure the train wreck that is REX RYAN. He is a joke and should be ashamed of himself as a leader and a person for the idiots he has created on this team. I hesitate to wear my Revis jersey and this started in year one, throughout the playoffs of 2009 and 2010, and then this year with the implosion of the Jets. I could care less about the locker room. I don't care that Santonio Holmes is an idiot. He was when he got here and he still is. Its all about leadership. When you guaranty ever year that you are going to win the Super Bowl, what do you expect? You can put every talented player on the field that you want, if you lack heart and you lack leadership, you will never win. Please don't tell me about 4 playoff wins in 2009 and 2010... WHO CARES? Playoff teams are NEVER remembered after they lose. And the Jets lost. No Superbowl like Rex guaranteed.

I will end it with this. If Tom Coughlin was our coach over the last 3 seasons, we would have a Super Bowl. Rex Ryan is a clown and represents the embarrassment of being a Jets fan. Until he is fired, we will never win a Super Bowl. Until we have a leader as a coach and a QB with heart and higher than mediocre talent, we will barely be a playoff team.

Great post with good points. I don;t agree with it right now but probably will this time next year. LOL

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