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Darrelle Revis, “I just want to be here”


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As the Jets were checking in at Cortland today for training camp, Darrelle Revis spoke to the media.

On why he decided to report to camp…
I just want to be here. I want to be around the team and just play ball. I think that’s my focal point, just come in here and get prepared for the season.

On whether holding out was a possibility…
Everything is a decision. It is my career I have to see what the best fit for me and my family is. So there were talks, there were decisions made on what we’re going to do and it happens for me to be here.

On when he reached his decision to be here…
Probably a couple of days ago. I had a team sit with my representatives, and we talked. We had numerous meetings through OTA’s but we talked and hashed it out and the best thing is for me to be here.

On the team of his decision or if he just showed up…
I just showed up. I showed up when I needed to and that was it.

On reactions from people upon his arrival at the facility…
I talked to Rex (Ryan). I caught him in the hallway and he just said he is glad for me to be here. We talked for a little bit. I just told him I am excited for the season and I’m ready to go and play football.

On wanting progress to be made with his contract…
Something has to happen sooner or later in terms of my future with the team. Like I said, I want to be here and I hope Mike (Tannenbaum) and Mr. Woody (Johnson) want me here. Besides that, I just have to play football and keep on playing the best I can.

On whether his presence at camp should be interpreted as him being happy with his contract…
I never said I was unhappy about my contract. I know what I signed a couple years ago. There were talks a couple years ago about a “band-aid” and that was that. Now we’re here and we have to move forward. We’re preparing to have a good season.

On his representatives approaching the Jets in the off season to redo the deal…
My representatives did try to talk to Mr.Tannenbaum. I think they talked briefly, but that was it. That was really it. It was not further.

On if the team agreed to revisit his deal after two seasons…
No, not really. Just like you guys heard it was a “band-aid”. You never know what day or year you’re really going to discuss it. That’s how you have to look at it. It isn’t anything big. It can happen in the season. It can happen after. It can never happen. As of now, my mind is on getting ready for the season.

On the Jets front office’s response to his representatives’ proposal …
The response was we’ll deal with it later, we’ll handle it later. I trust Mike and what he’s saying. We’ll see. My situation is a little bit different from others, but it has to boil down to something sooner or later, getting a deal done or not.

On whether he will have a deal at this point next year…
I really don’t know and that’s really not my focus. Right now my focus is not to get a new deal. My representatives have had talks with Mike and they didn’t go anywhere. Right now, I’m going to move forward, just play ball this year and help this team win.

On if he is open to contract talks during the season or does ne not want the distraction…
I don’t think any player would deny it if the GM came to talk to you about a contract but I don’t think Mike would do that during the season because it is a distraction. I think you probably want to handle that matter in the offseason.

On the biggest factor in coming to camp…
Just because I want to be around the team and I haven’t been to a lot of training camps in the past.(laughter). I just want to be here and get ready for this year. My focus right now is to try to dominate again and do what I do best to help this team win.

On what he is most excited for this camp…
Really excited. Everybody is happy. Everybody is on a positive note. We are just excited. This is a new year for us and we are just trying to do what we can to get back to the AFC Championship game and hopefully go further.

On whether his contract having a clause has played a factor…
That was in the talks as well. Like I said, we had to go through all the phases and all the decisions to figure out what was best for me. That was in the talks but also other things as well.

On if he would be more inclined to test free agency without a new deal…
If that’s the case in my career at that time then I have to do what I have to do. To answer your question, like I said when asked  in OTA’s, yeah I want to be a Jet for life but if management does not see that to be a fit then I have to move on.

On if there was a consideration that holding out would have prompted the Jets to go after his bonus…
We discussed everything. We knew that and that didn’t really matter. We came up with a bunch of scenarios of trying to find the best fit for me and it was close,  of that happening as far as me holding out.

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As the Jets were checking in at Cortland today for training camp, Darrelle Revis spoke to the media.

On why he decided to report to camp…

I just want to be here. I want to be around the team and just play ball. I think that’s my focal point, just come in here and get prepared for the season.

On whether holding out was a possibility…

Everything is a decision. It is my career I have to see what the best fit for me and my family is. So there were talks, there were decisions made on what we’re going to do and it happens for me to be here.

On when he reached his decision to be here…

Probably a couple of days ago. I had a team sit with my representatives, and we talked. We had numerous meetings through OTA’s but we talked and hashed it out and the best thing is for me to be here.

On the team of his decision or if he just showed up…

I just showed up. I showed up when I needed to and that was it.

On reactions from people upon his arrival at the facility…

I talked to Rex (Ryan). I caught him in the hallway and he just said he is glad for me to be here. We talked for a little bit. I just told him I am excited for the season and I’m ready to go and play football.

On wanting progress to be made with his contract…

Something has to happen sooner or later in terms of my future with the team. Like I said, I want to be here and I hope Mike (Tannenbaum) and Mr. Woody (Johnson) want me here. Besides that, I just have to play football and keep on playing the best I can.

On whether his presence at camp should be interpreted as him being happy with his contract…

I never said I was unhappy about my contract. I know what I signed a couple years ago. There were talks a couple years ago about a “band-aid” and that was that. Now we’re here and we have to move forward. We’re preparing to have a good season.

On his representatives approaching the Jets in the off season to redo the deal…

My representatives did try to talk to Mr.Tannenbaum. I think they talked briefly, but that was it. That was really it. It was not further.

On if the team agreed to revisit his deal after two seasons…

No, not really. Just like you guys heard it was a “band-aid”. You never know what day or year you’re really going to discuss it. That’s how you have to look at it. It isn’t anything big. It can happen in the season. It can happen after. It can never happen. As of now, my mind is on getting ready for the season.

On the Jets front office’s response to his representatives’ proposal …

The response was we’ll deal with it later, we’ll handle it later. I trust Mike and what he’s saying. We’ll see. My situation is a little bit different from others, but it has to boil down to something sooner or later, getting a deal done or not.

On whether he will have a deal at this point next year…

I really don’t know and that’s really not my focus. Right now my focus is not to get a new deal. My representatives have had talks with Mike and they didn’t go anywhere. Right now, I’m going to move forward, just play ball this year and help this team win.

On if he is open to contract talks during the season or does ne not want the distraction…

I don’t think any player would deny it if the GM came to talk to you about a contract but I don’t think Mike would do that during the season because it is a distraction. I think you probably want to handle that matter in the offseason.

On the biggest factor in coming to camp…

Just because I want to be around the team and I haven’t been to a lot of training camps in the past.(laughter). I just want to be here and get ready for this year. My focus right now is to try to dominate again and do what I do best to help this team win.

On what he is most excited for this camp…

Really excited. Everybody is happy. Everybody is on a positive note. We are just excited. This is a new year for us and we are just trying to do what we can to get back to the AFC Championship game and hopefully go further.

On whether his contract having a clause has played a factor…

That was in the talks as well. Like I said, we had to go through all the phases and all the decisions to figure out what was best for me. That was in the talks but also other things as well.

On if he would be more inclined to test free agency without a new deal…

If that’s the case in my career at that time then I have to do what I have to do. To answer your question, like I said when asked in OTA’s, yeah I want to be a Jet for life but if management does not see that to be a fit then I have to move on.

On if there was a consideration that holding out would have prompted the Jets to go after his bonus…

We discussed everything. We knew that and that didn’t really matter. We came up with a bunch of scenarios of trying to find the best fit for me and it was close, of that happening as far as me holding out.

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Jeeeesh. The guy tried to get back to football at the end of every question, but they just want to know about the potential firestorm his contract can cause. The media sucks the biggest of all D*CKS!!!!

I'm surpised they didn't ask him how Tebow was doing today.

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On if he is open to contract talks during the season or does ne not want the distraction…

I don’t think any player would deny it if the GM came to talk to you about a contract but I don’t think Mike would do that during the season because it is a distraction. I think you probably want to handle that matter in the offseason.

If the Jets find themselves with a few million dollars in cap space later this year, they could do a lot worse with it than give Revis his extension. Especially if Revis is having a monster season. And I do think Revis is going to be treating this like a contract year.

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If the Jets find themselves with a few million dollars in cap space later this year, they could do a lot worse with it than give Revis his extension. Especially if Revis is having a monster season. And I do think Revis is going to be treating this like a contract year.

While I see your point, I'm kind of doubting that happens if for no other reason that Tanny seems to be against mid-season negotiations.

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If the Jets find themselves with a few million dollars in cap space later this year, they could do a lot worse with it than give Revis his extension. Especially if Revis is having a monster season. And I do think Revis is going to be treating this like a contract year.

While I see your point, I'm kind of doubting that happens if for no other reason that Tanny seems to be against mid-season negotiations.

I think this is exactly what is going to happen. There is no way the Jets are going to let Revis enter the open market and they can not tag him. Tanny will be meeting with Revis' moronic, douchenozzle agents throughout the season and the Jets will likely convert future contact money to upfront bonus money to pay him what he wants and minimize the cap hit moving forward.

This is one of those situations where I'm thrilled the Jets have an accountant for a GM.

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I think this is exactly what is going to happen. There is no way the Jets are going to let Revis enter the open market and they can not tag him. Tanny will be meeting with Revis' moronic, douchenozzle agents throughout the season and the Jets will likely convert future contact money to upfront bonus money to pay him what he wants and minimize the cap hit moving forward.

This is one of those situations where I'm thrilled the Jets have an accountant for a GM.

Revis still has two years left on his deal though, so it's not like they have to worry about losing him to FA this coming offseason. My guess is they wait until the day the season ends and then start negotiations, but we'll see.

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I think Revis answered all of these questions fairly and maturely. Where are the haters?

when Revis says "I don't know" to whether or not he's holding out, there's 17 pages of venom.

when Revis says "I just want to be here" and shows up on time, 10 responses. The haters should give Revis his due.

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anyone with half a brain and his contract info knew he wasnt going to hold out. imo, i dont think he holds out next year,either. being his contract year,he will be looking for an extention. if he doesnt get it, he will walk the next year. tanny knows this and will try to extend next year. if revis is reasonable, he becomes a jet for life, if not he is off to the highest bidder

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I think Revis answered all of these questions fairly and maturely. Where are the haters?

He basically said we checked every possible scenario we could to hold out and couldn't find anything that made sense.

The credit should go to Tanny for creating a contract that makes holding out a very stupid move.

He gets no credit from me for gracing the team with his presence after pocketing $32,000,000 the last 24 months.

Not to mention... those canned responses have no doubt been practiced countless times the last few weeks.

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anyone with half a brain and his contract info knew he wasnt going to hold out. imo, i dont think he holds out next year,either. being his contract year,he will be looking for an extention. if he doesnt get it, he will walk the next year. tanny knows this and will try to extend next year. if revis is reasonable, he becomes a jet for life, if not he is off to the highest bidder

0% chance Revis reports to camp next year without an extension.

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Then you would be incorrect

0% chance chance that revis holds out without an extension? no sir, you are incorrect. you must not know the details of his contract.the contract is pretty iron clad for 4 years. tanny left no escape clause for the first 4 years of a 7 year contract. pretty clever for the bean counter. however, it is in both parties interest for an extention, which i beleive will get done.if both parties dig in deep, it could be career suicide for revis. just something to think about
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If the Jets find themselves with a few million dollars in cap space later this year, they could do a lot worse with it than give Revis his extension. Especially if Revis is having a monster season. And I do think Revis is going to be treating this like a contract year.

Wouldn't that be nice. Some time next year we see him extended like teams do with their best players.

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0% chance chance that revis holds out without an extension? no sir, you are incorrect. you must not know the details of his contract.the contract is pretty iron clad for 4 years. tanny left no escape clause for the first 4 years of a 7 year contract. pretty clever for the bean counter. however, it is in both parties interest for an extention, which i beleive will get done.if both parties dig in deep, it could be career suicide for revis. just something to think about

I would bet my anal virginity and Crusher could be the one to take it, so basically death that he's not showing up next year if we don't get something done

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I would bet my anal virginity and Crusher could be the one to take it, so basically death that he's not showing up next year if we don't get something done

vaseline would probably work best for you. does wondes for the wifey
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The credit should go to Tanny for creating a contract that makes holding out a very stupid move.

Yes, Tannenbaum's a genius. Revis nabbed $39 mil for three years, then next year gets to hang Tannenbaum over a pommel horse for another $40+. The Jets can't even trade him without suffering a brutal cap hit next year. The only way Tannenbaum comes out of this looking "smart" is if Revis breaks both legs on the last play of this season.

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you must not know the details of his contract.the contract is pretty iron clad for 4 years. tanny left no escape clause for the first 4 years of a 7 year contract. pretty clever for the bean counter.

Here's the escape clause: Revis holds out.

What does Tanny do with Revis' iron clad contract at that point? The option to let him rot is the worst option. It might be gratifying to the vindictive, but it makes little football sense. Basically the team is without Revis, and without any value in return for him. The option to trade him results in an immediate $3M cap hit, and they'll never get fair value back. Even the two first-rounders some people here think they'd get would never replace Revis. So Tanny would be left with the option of paying him. And given the shape Revis was in after his last hold out, paying him sooner rather than later would be the best option.

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No NFL team has ever won a superbowl with Revis on its roster.


He is the best at his position. He takes away the tops receiver on every team. Yet the marginal utility between Revis and an average corner is not as great as between, say, an inferior QB wearing #6 in green and white and a JAG QB. And the utliity and value difference between Nacho and a superior QB greater still. You can live with a JAG cover CB and prosper. Didn't notice a whole lot of great CBs in the Super Bowl(not an entirely fair point admittedly). A JAG or inferior QB-a lot harder to succeed.

I will beat this to death-the move was to trade Revis and stuff for Brees. A GM with some functioning grey matter would've jumped on that. And instead we'll get high dungeon Tannebaum in a diner with Revis's agent probably right before opening day. That this GM cannot see the forest of opportunity through the trees is beyond and embarrassment.

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I will beat this to death-the move was to trade Revis and stuff for Brees. A GM with some functioning grey matter would've jumped on that. And instead we'll get high dungeon Tannebaum in a diner with Revis's agent probably right before opening day. That this GM cannot see the forest of opportunity through the trees is beyond and embarrassment.

Are you being serious here?

Drew Brees resurrected the city of New Orleans. He was never not going to get a contract there. And while it certainly makes sense to trade a franchise CB for a franchise QB, there's no GM on the planet who's going to trade a franchise QB for even the best CB in the history of the league.

Feel free to bash Tannenbaum all you want, but try to keep it within the boundaries of reality.

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He is the best at his position. He takes away the tops receiver on every team. Yet the marginal utility between Revis and an average corner is not as great as between, say, an inferior QB wearing #6 in green and white and a JAG QB. And the utliity and value difference between Nacho and a superior QB greater still. You can live with a JAG cover CB and prosper. Didn't notice a whole lot of great CBs in the Super Bowl(not an entirely fair point admittedly). A JAG or inferior QB-a lot harder to succeed.

I will beat this to death-the move was to trade Revis and stuff for Brees. A GM with some functioning grey matter would've jumped on that. And instead we'll get high dungeon Tannebaum in a diner with Revis's agent probably right before opening day. That this GM cannot see the forest of opportunity through the trees is beyond and embarrassment.

1) I was kidding. Revis is amazing.

2) I wasn't aware that Drew Brees was on the trading block. A team that is interested in ridding themselves of a (long-term) $20M/year cap hit for a great QB isn't going to be interested in a (long-term) $12-14M/year cap hit for a great CB.

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I wonder if Sanchez's performance impacts how they view Revis' future moving forward. If Sanchez implodes this year, he's all but uncuttable next season apparently ($25.5+ in dead money/$16.65 cap savings~nyjetscap). Question is, if they have to go find a new QB, does Tannenbaum even find it worthwhile to commit long-term huge dollars to Revis, or does he take the cap beating by trading him for picks, and hope to sell Woody on his next superstar QB draft pick in 2013? Or, do they just pray that a Tebow-Sanchez platoon will eventually work?

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