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Tebow Would Replace Sanchez


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It's this type of sh*t that makes following this team annoying as all hell with Tebow. Oh really? We really had to ask if the backup would take over if the starter went down? That's a legit question now?

Couldn't have said it any better.

Just unreal.

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This could just be bluffing - Rex's equivelent of Belichick saying nothing at all. After all, the Jets had TOTAL FAITH in Wayne Hunter. Then they traded for Jeff Otah. Then they started Wayne Hunter. Then he was staying the starter. Then he was replaced. Then he was gone.

Rex knows the Jets don't have a prayer if Tebow starts. If he wants to save his own job, he'll put in McElroy if Sanchez goes down.

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This could just be bluffing - Rex's equivelent of Belichick saying nothing at all. After all, the Jets had TOTAL FAITH in Wayne Hunter. Then they traded for Jeff Otah. Then they started Wayne Hunter. Then he was staying the starter. Then he was replaced. Then he was gone.

Rex knows the Jets don't have a prayer if Tebow starts. If he wants to save his own job, he'll put in McElroy if Sanchez goes down.

Yeah, because McElroy has such an amazing body of work, rocket arm, team leader etc...

I think the Jets have seen enough of McElroy over the past couple of seasons to know him a little better than you do. Though you have seen him in a preseason game last year, I'll give you that...

Is McElroy better than Kyle Orton?

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Woops, somebody's butthurt about Tebow not being able to throw the ball.

Nah, I don't love Tebow, but McElroy starting is just dumb.

And actually it is kind of relevant since Tebow kind of replaced Orton and turned that team around and I have to say, I'm a little bit sceptical about Greg McElroy's odds of doing the same. Call me crazy.

But your argument about my ass hurting because Tim Tebow doesn't throw too perty is valid too, I've taken that into consideration and have taken the necessary medication.

There is not one person in the world that doesn't root for the Jets that would not laugh at the idea of Greg McElroy being the obvious choice over Tim Tebow. Find me ONE.

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This is the Absolute Proof, no matter what any media-moron or idiot-commentator says about it.

Tebow Can't Be A Starting QB in the NFL! No Way, No How! Forget It!

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints.

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers with an 8-6 + 1-1 - 9-7 W/L record.

For a Top Quality Team that went 4-14 with a 7-8 year NFL Vet QB, + B.Lloyd + J.Gaffney + N.Moreno.

Yep, total genius in that top quality opinion....

And I can't imagine why everyone doesn't just go ahead and agree with it? :animal0029:

My own opinion remains that the Jet's best chance to win in 2012 is to have both QB's fulfill their rolls.

If either of them goes down for long, then the Jet's chances go in the toilet imo.

The current overall team talent is just not good enough to fully support either one of them alone. :sign0182:

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All those who had "119 hours" in our How Long Will Jet-T's Hide Out After Tebow Embarrassed Himself Versus The sh*tty Panthers Defense? Pool, please come down to the HR office to collect your prizes.

Moremoronspeak, mod-suspended for a while.

I also have a life here in rural N.FL, golf courses, 56 lakes within 5 miles, etc.

I don't fulfill myself listening to twits spew like some here do.

But don't mind me, go on and stroke yourself some more.


I have yet to see Tim embarrass himself as a Jet player, but you seem to excel at it as a fan.... :winking0001:

But I can easily see why neither Mark nor Tim would bother to read this tripe. :animal0029:

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