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Sanchez the worst QB EVER that has started 4 cons. seasons


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It's not the size of your blue line...it's how you use it.  b2b AFC championship games!!!!!





[ok this is pretty depressing sh*t...it just means that statistics are dumb]


Ah yes, the classic "facts that prove me wrong don't count" argument.  Always a favorite amongst the apologists.

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I think the greatest of all things, is that I literally never have to make another Anti-Sanchez argument again.


I just need to post this, and be done with it.


It's hardly a professional or subjective article.  This author is obviously biased, and bases his entire premise upon a single statistic (the QBR) which has been discussed ad naseum for reflecting nothing.  It doesn't measure what you do, it measures how you do it.  Do you guys really give a sh*t about completion pct if we're winning games?  Think Tebow's Denver fan base gave a sh*t about his 3.5 quarters of crap per game? For sh*ts and giggles go look at what Andrew Luck pulled out last year. Like Mark he threw 18 picks and fumbled the ball 9 times; he even had a worse cmp pct.  But he won games. When Mark was winning games, ugly or not, we weren't seeing these smear articles.  


Mark Sanchez is an easy target. Take your shots like this literary wonder working for SB`Nation. 


He includes three gifs: two are interceptions from his 5-turnover game against Tennessee, and you'll never guess what the other one is. Then there's this quote referencing donkey sh*t and circumcision:  




And they're still doing it! This grand work is not yet finished! Rex Ryan is still out there, rolling around in donkey sh*t, and screaming the part in the Bible where the apostle Paul tells proponents of circumcision to go the rest of the way and cut their penises off, and jumping into canvas walls. They're doing it as they keep affording Sanchez The Opportunity To Succeed and pledge to let him start the preseason opener. It isn't finished yet.


His biggest issue isn't Mark's play, it's the duration of his poor play.  He conveniently excludes quarterbacks with less than four years starting experience. 

If anything this shows that our team was able to overcome his deficiencies and make it to the AFCC game DESPITE Mark. But it also reflects our coaching staff, coordinators, and those with the powers from above who decided to keep him around for a fourth, and now a fifth year...and were unable to make him a better player.  If there are 100 quarterbacks in the NFL (starters and backups) Mark is probably somewhere around the 35th best one.  We'll see what this draft class has, but I'm glad Mark isn't Brady Quinn, or Matt Leinhart, or every other clipboard holder.  

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It's hardly a professional or subjective article.  This author is obviously biased, and bases his entire premise upon a single statistic (the QBR) which has been discussed ad naseum for reflecting nothing. 



Actually it is not based on the value of the stat, but the stat NORMALIZED for the year it was in. So it measures whether you are an average above average or below average in that year. So for the 4 years he starts he is MORE below average than any other QB ever. It is a pretty indisputable ranking as the underlying statistic does not matter.since the playing field is leveled.

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Actually it is not based on the value of the stat, but the stat NORMALIZED for the year it was in. So it measures whether you are an average above average or below average in that year. So for the 4 years he starts he is MORE below average than any other QB ever. It is a pretty indisputable ranking as the underlying statistic does not matter.since the playing field is leveled.


Uh, wha?


on edit: I think your describing the QBR stat which was recently developed.  Not that Mark lights that statistic measure on fire, but he's surprisingly better than the passer rating index chart I posted from the article above. 


According to QBR, Mark was ranked:

(2009): 26th out of 34 regular season...and 4th out of 12 post-season

(2010): 18th out of 32 regular season...and 4th out of 13 post-season

(2011): 30th out of 34 regular season

(2012): 36th out of 36

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You should have saved this gem for the post you neg repped. 


on edit: neg rep, for why?


Simply because your entire post was nothing but a list of excuses (and really awful ones at that).  It was a desperate attempt to blame anyone and everyone else for the failures of another.  You quite clearly have no grasp of the concept of accountability, and seem to insist others completely dismiss it as well.  The fact that it came on the heels of your "things that prove me wrong don't count" post sealed the deal.  It was well earned.  But hey, I have no doubt you feel that was all someone else's fault and you shouldn't be responsible for the content of your own post, so thank goodness you got to positive rep yourself, right?  Can you imagine a world where someone actually got judged based upon their own actions?  Oh, the horror!

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Simply because your entire post was nothing but a list of excuses (and really awful ones at that).  It was a desperate attempt to blame anyone and everyone else for the failures of another.  You quite clearly have no grasp of the concept of accountability, and seem to insist others completely dismiss it as well.  The fact that it came on the heels of your "things that prove me wrong don't count" post sealed the deal.  It was well earned.  But hey, I have no doubt you feel that was all someone else's fault and you shouldn't be responsible for the content of your own post, so thank goodness you got to positive rep yourself, right?  Can you imagine a world where someone actually got judged based upon their own actions?  Oh, the horror!


I didn't say the stats were wrong.  I said they were dumb. 

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Uh, wha?


on edit: I think your describing the QBR stat which was recently developed.  Not that Mark lights that statistic measure on fire, but he's surprisingly better than the passer rating index chart I posted from the article above. 


According to QBR, Mark was ranked:

(2009): 26th out of 34 regular season...and 4th out of 12 post-season

(2010): 18th out of 32 regular season...and 4th out of 13 post-season

(2011): 30th out of 34 regular season

(2012): 36th out of 36



Wow completely missing the point. The value of the stat is normalized so it is using QBR to determine a mean and then compare all QBs to the mean so 100 would average 140 would be awesome and 70-80 would be terrible. You can wail against the stats all you want but this shows that objectively Sanchez has been HORRIBLE the last 4 years. And please stop with the playoff wins argument, he did nothing in those, and we got there despite him. How can someone actually watch this guy and still defend him. It's utterly baffling.


Sanchez is not average, he is awful. Period, and the Jets need to move on now.

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Uh, wha?


on edit: I think your describing the QBR stat which was recently developed.  Not that Mark lights that statistic measure on fire, but he's surprisingly better than the passer rating index chart I posted from the article above. 


According to QBR, Mark was ranked:

(2009): 26th out of 34 regular season...and 4th out of 12 post-season

(2010): 18th out of 32 regular season...and 4th out of 13 post-season

(2011): 30th out of 34 regular season

(2012): 36th out of 36


In what way is a metric that has Sanchez listed as dead last in the league in 2012 surprisingly better than another metric that lists him dead last? 

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Wow completely missing the point. The value of the stat is normalized so it is using QBR to determine a mean and then compare all QBs to the mean so 100 would average 140 would be awesome and 70-80 would be terrible. You can wail against the stats all you want but this shows that objectively Sanchez has been HORRIBLE the last 4 years. And please stop with the playoff wins argument, he did nothing in those, and we got there despite him. How can someone actually watch this guy and still defend him. It's utterly baffling.


Sanchez is not average, he is awful. Period, and the Jets need to move on now.


easy guy.  You and I both got it wrong. 


Burnley Jet said it best, (paraphrasing) "I don't need a blue line to tell me what my eyes tell me".

and Bergen Jet gets the nod for summarizing that neither metric reflects well on Mark Sanchez.  But, I've never said that Mark Sanchez is a statistical wonder.  He's not. 


There are two metrics at play here.  The one reflected in the chart (passer rating), and the one I mistakenly referenced in my post (the QBR).

While I appreciate you attempting to explain the QBR to me, I didn't understand the relevance since the chart doesn't graph the QBR it graphs the passer rating.  But now I see where the misunderstanding lies.  I myself mislabeled it in my post/rant.  My bad.  


That being said, it's my post, I can wail if I want to.  I'll just be that waily whiny guy who likes Mark Sanchez despite the stats he put up last year. 

But if you want to shut me up, perhaps telling me to ignore his playoff stats isn't the way to go.  Because as your aforementioned QBR metric shows, he actually didn't suck as much ass in the playoffs as he normally does.  For that retort, you might want to reference Burnley Jet's approach, and just say that he didn't pass the eye test.  

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You know what's even crazier? All four seasons he gave the Jets the best chance to win because of terrible management decisions and the absence of any real back-up QB.  It's easy to rail on Mark Sanchez, but you have to remember that he didn't trade up to draft himself in 09, he didn't start himself right away, he didn't sign Mark Brunell to be his back-up and he sure as hell didn't give himself an unwarranted extension.



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You know what's even crazier? All four seasons he gave the Jets the best chance to win because of terrible management decisions and the absence of any real back-up QB. It's easy to rail on Mark Sanchez, but you have to remember that he didn't trade up to draft himself in 09, he didn't start himself right away, he didn't sign Mark Brunell to be his back-up and he sure as hell didn't give himself an unwarranted extension.


We should have made a move for Vince Young, or Michael Vick. Yea it sounds crazy but Vick and that D wins a superbowl.

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Mark Sanchez sucks, but so have the weapons, and so has the coaching. It's been a perfect storm of suck, especially last year.

And it's coming to an end. Even if Sanchez starts the season this year, he's merely a placeholder for Geno. It's a matter of time, and time is quickly running out. Looking forward to tonight. We get to see if Geno actually looks like an improvement.

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In defense of Rex/Sanchez, no coach would have given up on him after two years. In 2010 he legitimately did improve, and had a solid enough post-season to at least think he could develop further.


The 3rd season was really only when we started to realise what we had, or more to the point - what we didn't have. Even then , I can't really blame us for sticking with him, especially once Manning had shown he wasn't interested - RGIII and Andrew Luck were out of reach, there were no obvious alternatives. The contract extension was an absolutely hilarious piece of incompetence though, one of the worst moves in NFL history, even worse than Tebow.


After last season it was obvious Sanchez was done, and we have replaced him, even if he starts week 1. The replacement is on board.

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It's hardly a professional or subjective article.  This author is obviously biased, and bases his entire premise upon a single statistic (the QBR) which has been discussed ad naseum for reflecting nothing.  It doesn't measure what you do, it measures how you do it.  Do you guys really give a sh*t about completion pct if we're winning games?  Think Tebow's Denver fan base gave a sh*t about his 3.5 quarters of crap per game? For sh*ts and giggles go look at what Andrew Luck pulled out last year. Like Mark he threw 18 picks and fumbled the ball 9 times; he even had a worse cmp pct.  But he won games. When Mark was winning games, ugly or not, we weren't seeing these smear articles.  


Mark Sanchez is an easy target. Take your shots like this literary wonder working for SB`Nation. 


He includes three gifs: two are interceptions from his 5-turnover game against Tennessee, and you'll never guess what the other one is. Then there's this quote referencing donkey sh*t and circumcision:  



His biggest issue isn't Mark's play, it's the duration of his poor play.  He conveniently excludes quarterbacks with less than four years starting experience. 

If anything this shows that our team was able to overcome his deficiencies and make it to the AFCC game DESPITE Mark. But it also reflects our coaching staff, coordinators, and those with the powers from above who decided to keep him around for a fourth, and now a fifth year...and were unable to make him a better player.  If there are 100 quarterbacks in the NFL (starters and backups) Mark is probably somewhere around the 35th best one.  We'll see what this draft class has, but I'm glad Mark isn't Brady Quinn, or Matt Leinhart, or every other clipboard holder.  

52 turnovers in the last 2 seasons. 

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