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Contrarian View: Media gushing over Rex in Buffalo, why...?


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There's nothing to discuss. Rex loves to talk, he talks a big game. This is the time when everything goes great because there's no games to be played. We've heard the "best coach", "best defense", "superbowl" talk all the time. Let Buffalo enjoy it for a while, they aren't used to having a guy like that around. By the time they lose their first game, the QB faceplants, the defense isn't ranked #1, it'll all fall apart. And it just snowballs from there on out.

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There's nothing to discuss. Rex loves to talk, he talks a big game. This is the time when everything goes great because there's no games to be played. We've heard the "best coach", "best defense", "superbowl" talk all the time. Let Buffalo enjoy it for a while, they aren't used to having a guy like that around. By the time they lose their first game, the QB faceplants, the defense isn't ranked #1, it'll all fall apart. And it just snowballs from there on out.

I went to a Buffalo site just to see their reaction.


One of the posters had a sig that said..


"If you went into a coma in 2000 and awoke today, you've missed nothing".

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Again, the season isn't even over yet. I don't think anyone can say right now for sure Manuel is our starter. Even so, he hasn't even started a seasons worth of games in his career yet. 


Sure we can say that.  Orton retired, you have no 1st round pick, and the best FA QB's are Jake Locker and Ryan Mallett.  Part of the reason Marrone had so much friction with the front office and left was the decision to bench Manuel midseason.


Plus Rex has no balls when it comes to QB decisions.  He'll be touting EJ Manuel as the guy who gives them the "best chance to win" starting in May.

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Most of the national media has zero clue about Rex Ryan, they all fall for his schtick without looking hard at the team, results, why the Jets have failed etc etc.  The local media mostly have agendas for some reason and ignore all logical info on the guy.  As time passed the last place anyone should look for credible info is with the media and that is pretty sad.  Fan forums such as this one have the best debate for and against coaches and players.

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You think they'll get him Hall of Fame corners?

No, I don't. But I think Kiko Alonso coming back is going to be huge, he never had a MLB like him, add him to Spikes hard hitting, If he can keep Hughes at one side and Lawson on the others, the Lb will be a lot better.  And I think he does Pilfer Revis so that makes one HOF corner. or at the very least gets Cro back to pair with Gilmour.

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No, I don't. But I think Kiko Alonso coming back is going to be huge, he never had a MLB like him, add him to Spikes hard hitting, If he can keep Hughes at one side and Lawson on the others, the Lb will be a lot better. And I think he does Pilfer Revis so that makes one HOF corner. or at the very least gets Cro back to pair with Gilmour.

Revis will go where the money is. The Grinch isn't taking any discounts to resume his love affair with Rex. He's more likely to end up back with the Jets considering Woody wants him and we've got $40 million in cap room.

The Bills defense ain't broke, but Rex is still going to try and fix it.

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Revis will go where the money is. The Grinch isn't taking any discounts to resume his love affair with Rex. He's more likely to end up back with the Jets considering Woody wants him and we've got $40 million in cap room.

The Bills defense ain't broke, but Rex is still going to try and fix it.

Bolded part 100% correct.

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Well, the season before, we ran a hybrid 3-4 under Pettine, which was basically Rex's D and were still extremely good. I have ZERO worries about the defense. There is so much talent there, Rex is good enough with defense to make it work. That's the last thing I'm worried about, the defense will be fine. We didn't run a true 4-3 anyway. 

Rex will have immediate success in Buffalo, then the wheels will fall off. By Halloween the media outlets will be buzzing about how great Buffalo is and how the Jets made a terrible mistake firing him. By Christmas, Bills fans will be wondering what happened.

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And for his 6 year tenure it remained that we had no pass rush to speak of.  Rex's exotic blitzes were all we had, and if he didn't feel like drawing them up for a given week, the opposing QB could set up a nice picnic lunch between the tackles while the CBs were expected to carry the load.  That's a risk the Bills will face when they're playing anyone not named Brady (and now probably Smith).


Bills fans will soon learn that the Gipper is dead and you can only rah rah team up so many times in a season to get them to play better than they can on emotion.  They'll learn that that trick plays that make a team look dominant in the first half get stale about 5 minutes into the third quarter, and that a great personality can't hide a lack of fundamentals for very long.


Until then, it's a honeymoon, and that's why they're gushing over him.



Fact check: NYJ 2008 defense was ranked 18 in pts and 16 in yds.  That's mediocre, ranked right in the middle, not horrible or ranked anywhere near the bottom.  (In addition, our best DEF PTS ranking in the past 4 years is 19th - that is 4 years of failing to achieve the standard set by that "guru" Mangini.)


What CB? By the end of his tenure, he was forced to play a 6th round safety and a career back up at CB, not even one decent DB?  And still his defense was ranked 6th, no?   


16th in the league is not mediocre? 

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Revis will go where the money is. The Grinch isn't taking any discounts to resume his love affair with Rex. He's more likely to end up back with the Jets considering Woody wants him and we've got $40 million in cap room.

The Bills defense ain't broke, but Rex is still going to try and fix it.

Well if he does wind up with the jets, you know tampering charges will be filed. The pats have not formally complained as I think BB is waiting to see if he goes back to the jets.

At this time if the pats file charges Woody would probably just get a fine for shooting off his mouth, but down the road if he signs Revis then the pats actually have a damage complaint.

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All you need to know about the national media is that when the Jets under Rex produced some results he was a loud mouth brash clown and the jets were a Circus, when he utterly fails he becomes a solid coach and it is amazing that the jets could let go such a great coach.

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What CB? By the end of his tenure, he was forced to play a 6th round safety and a career back up at CB, not even one decent DB?  And still his defense was ranked 6th, no?   


16th in the league is not mediocre? 

He was never forced to p-lay Allen at Safety he chose to do that.  We had our own 'developmental' cbs' whom, he passed by for Allen.  For such a great coach we never did develop any of our psquad type guys to be regular contributors.  Walls, who stinks was around here for several years.  Wilson never developed other than being a total slot corner.  Look at the secondaries for some of the playoff teams this year.  they had lots of raw rookies, street free agents etc playing at a good enough level.


Rex, plugged in these inferior players and then proceeded to use his normal defense that requires pro bowl CBs.  Only after we had been crushed to a pulp numerous times did you see any attempt to protect these guys.  That equals poor, inflexible coaching.

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Because in NYC area we have two major NFL teams. In Buffalo there is only one show in town (NFL wise). So in most places the media, especially the local media, supports new hires until they start to fail. They are expected to be optimistic.

In NYC 75% of the media/ audience are Giants fans, so they sell papers by attacking the Jets, because Ginats fans get off on it (for some weird reason) and Jets fans get upset (and nonetheless still buy the papers and call into the radio shows).

It's always been this way and always will. Don't expect the media to ever rally around this team. The only way we get our due is by winning it all.

Almost guaranteed quote tomorrow:  lol



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Well if he does wind up with the jets, you know tampering charges will be filed. The pats have not formally complained as I think BB is waiting to see if he goes back to the jets.

At this time if the pats file charges Woody would probably just get a fine for shooting off his mouth, but down the road if he signs Revis then the pats actually have a damage complaint.

Save your breath. As long as Woody owns the Jets, and  Revis has same representatives, he'll never be back here.

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Save your breath. As long as Woody owns the Jets, and  Revis has same representatives, he'll never be back here.

This was my take also, I think Woody was just trying to make nice-nice with the fans and that is probably what he told kraft and that is why nothing more was said of it. But if the new GM pushes for him or woody changes his mind, then charges will be filed IMO

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This was my take also, I think Woody was just trying to make nice-nice with the fans and that is probably what he told kraft and that is why nothing more was said of it. But if the new GM pushes for him or woody changes his mind, then charges will be filed IMO

Totally agree. Woody takes a lot of crap, most of it deserved, but letting Revis walk after all the renegotiation stuff was the right move. Everybody has their breaking point. You have to stand for something.

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He was never forced to p-lay Allen at Safety he chose to do that.  We had our own 'developmental' cbs' whom, he passed by for Allen.  For such a great coach we never did develop any of our psquad type guys to be regular contributors.  Walls, who stinks was around here for several years.  Wilson never developed other than being a total slot corner.  Look at the secondaries for some of the playoff teams this year.  they had lots of raw rookies, street free agents etc playing at a good enough level.


Rex, plugged in these inferior players and then proceeded to use his normal defense that requires pro bowl CBs.  Only after we had been crushed to a pulp numerous times did you see any attempt to protect these guys.  That equals poor, inflexible coaching.


Who did you had in mind Revis? Davis? Taliq? Cro? Verner? DRC? Tillman? Rodger? and the many others FA that idzik ignored.  But he did brought us that 3 millions guy who went awol before the season. 

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No i expected any one of about a half dozen actual CB's we brought to camp, put on the psquad had around for a few years.  We didn't develop even one guy who could come in when we had an injury?  There was literally no CB's on the roster or on the psqaud and so we had to toss a box safety into the fire at CB?

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This was my take also, I think Woody was just trying to make nice-nice with the fans and that is probably what he told kraft and that is why nothing more was said of it. But if the new GM pushes for him or woody changes his mind, then charges will be filed IMO

He is not an impending FA and doesn't have an opt-out clause he can trigger.

If the Pats cut him, they don't really have a leg to stand on if they want to bitch about him signing with the Jets.

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What CB? By the end of his tenure, he was forced to play a 6th round safety and a career back up at CB, not even one decent DB?  And still his defense was ranked 6th, no?   


16th in the league is not mediocre? 

16th is absolutely mediocre.  Read what I wrote and what I quoted.  The previous poster said that Mangini's D was "horrible" and "at the bottom of the league."  I pointed out that Mangini (and I am no apologist) was 16th, which is mediocre.


And Ryan's blitz-as-pass rush wasn't only last year.  The defensive genius that is Rex couldn't figure out a way to pressure opposing QBs without manufacturing elegant and beautiful blitz packages.  (Why scratch my nose with my finger when I can invent a complicated Rube Goldberg machine to get the job done?)  This is why, when he didn't care (any week other than week 17 or not playing the Pats) and we weren't blitzing, our pass rush was simply not there.

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