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18 minutes ago, Maxman said:

We don't want to do this stuff. But the mods have been instructed to just ban those that can't follow the few rules we have: No politics, no religion, no cursing\nudity and NO PERSONAL ATTACKS.

I know you don’t want to hear this, but a huge part of the problem you have is you apply this very selectively. I’ve seen tons of really offensive posts deleted or changed by posters who you’re loyal to, With no consequences, and others get banned for half of what they do. 

A select group of long timers or those whose stances you agree with  break these rules with regularity, and when others see it, or go back at it, you ban them, and the original offender just keeps on plunging ahead, and it’s established a toxic culture here that is getting worse and worse. Until you follow up on this equally, this will continue to get worse and worse, as they are taking more and more liberties almost daily because they know they will get away with it.

its your site 


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12 minutes ago, FireTheJohnsons said:

I know you don’t want to hear this, but a huge part of the problem you have is you apply this very selectively. I’ve seen tons of really offensive posts deleted or changed by posters who you’re loyal to, With no consequences, and others get banned for half of what they do. 

A select group of long timers or those whose stances you agree with  break these rules with regularity, and when others see it, or go back at it, you ban them, and the original offender just keeps on plunging ahead, and it’s established a toxic culture here that is getting worse and worse. Until you follow up on this equally, this will continue to get worse and worse, as they are taking more and more liberties almost daily because they know they will get away with it.

its your site 

..here we Goooooooo   ?     

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4 minutes ago, Thai Jet said:

:rolleyes:   I KNOW for a fact that Max forces no one to visit or post here. Soooo......

I’ll likely get banned for making that post, and yeah, nowhere am I claiming anyone is forced. I’m pointing out the culture here, and why the fighting is getting worse and why it will continue to get worse. I’ve been here for close to 10 years. There are things about this board that make it great, but it’s also getting worse and worse In a lot of ways. I’m just saying why that is. Like I said, I’ll probably be banned for even making that post

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7 minutes ago, Patriot Killa said:

Been here almost 7 years. Not sure I see what you’re talking about poster who signed up here last month.

He’s even told Tom to cool it before and Tom is a big part of this site(LOLLLL) 

but really, there’s never been any rose-colored glasses or favorites around here. If you are liked, it’s most likely because you play by the rules and are a good poster.

Max has no reason to turn his cheek at negative posters here. If something is burdening the community, he addresses it. It doesn’t matter who it is. A lot of these guys who have been around since JI don’t get themselves in trouble for stupid things.


Edit:: didnt we ban SAR I for a racist joke this past training camp!? It happens.

I respectfully disagree, but that’s cool, everyone has their opinions

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9 minutes ago, JiF said:

It’s not just the childish bickering, it’s also the same posters spamming each thread with the same garbage they’re posting in every thread. It’s gets old and tiresome.  From my perspective, that’s where this all starts. You can’t have a single conversation with those select few ruining each thread which leads to this nonsense taking over every topic.  It’s a hard board to participate in these days.  

That said, thank you @Maxman and the mods for doing something about it.  Thankless job but it needs to be policed.  

This is why I’ve said many times Jif is the best poster on this site. He gets it. I’ve often disagreed with your stances, but your always respectful and make your points with class. You are truly an asset to this board.

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