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Tension boiling over with Urban Meyer and Jags

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5 minutes ago, Waka Flocka Flacco said:

Why do people always ignore that the primary responsibility of the head coach and general manager is overseeing work that is being directly performed by other people and act like either job is in any way equivalent to holding the controller in Madden?

I think most people understand the executive functions of a head coach, I guess? And that Urban is familiar with navigating that structure?

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I’ll preface this by saying I’ve never been a fan of Urban Meyer, but… him making people on that CS and team uncomfortable is exactly what I’d want him to be doing if I was the owner.

I’m laughing out loud at the people here who preach patience with Saleh and yet throw Meyer under the bus. Meyer has forgotten more about coaching a team than Saleh knows at this point, to argue anything different is silly.
Nobody knows how much rope their owner wants to give him, but I’ll say this… anyone who thinks Robert Saleh is more qualified to be a HC than Urban Meyer isn’t someone I take seriously.

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2 hours ago, undertow said:

Honest question why are people obsessed with Urban Myer? lol

Because he is one of those fascinating individuals, who is so sure of himself. He is utterly polarizing. He won a couple of Championships at Florida, yet the SEC hates him in general. Even Florida fans. I don't know how OSU folk feel about him, but I think he wins and no costs, doesn't care who he runs over, and leaves the cupboard bare and scorched earth when he leaves. 

A few years ago at OSU, he pulls into a mostly empty parking spot near his office and someone had the gall to park in his spot. To make a point, he pulled in right behind them, even though there were spots on both sides. The report/online-hack writing about it was somewhat on his side. My first thought was, "what a jerk!" He has to prove his point. He wants to win. No patient for the hard work of building. I mean, it's bad enough he was running his fingers all over a young lady as a married man, he left his team after a loss and didn't fly home with them. 

He is easy to obsess over, because he's always in front of our faces (due to wining for sure), and he is unapologetically focused on himself only.

I used to make excuses for him. I was so impressed with how he won no matter where he went.

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2 minutes ago, Fantasy Island said:

Like feeling up Coeds in bars.  Haha, I hate Urban Meyer.  That said, they will lay 40pts on us later this season.

If Urban Meyer and the Jaguars outplay the Jets, I will lose 90% of my faith in this organization

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7 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I think most people understand the executive functions of a head coach, I guess? And that Urban is familiar with navigating that structure?

He's familiar with navigating that structure when he's always got a massive talent advantage. I don't know if that necessarily required him to be as capable administratively as he has to be in the NFL where, again, the players can all play and the coaches can all coach. Anecdotally he doesn't have a great history of managing the people who manage the things.

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I don't see the argument that Urban was successful due to the talent only. He put together all of those programs. He recruited and coached those players. And hired the Asst. coaches. He's an all time great NCAAF HC, HOF. Let's see what really happens in Jax. Remember the team he inherited. But it's not looking good for him in Jax. 

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1 hour ago, JiFapono said:

Happens all the time, no?  12m is a drop in the bucket for Khan but maybe they have some type of case/cause?  Dont know.  

what interesting is if he gets fired and goes back to college do they get out of his contract?

in the NFL if he coached again the Jags would have to pay the difference in contracts. but do they do that with College or can he make 12 mil with NC State or something and still get his 12 mil from Jax. you would think they would be smart enough to put something in the contract since he is such a risk to drop everything and go back to college

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1 hour ago, Mogglez said:

The fact that Marvin Jones reached his breaking point is telling, especially since Jones has never had any issues like this before, and could handle being on Matt Patricia's Lions for multiple seasons.


some people here wanted Saleh to rip his players like this. but you cant get away with talking down to players anymore. the NBA showed everyone that the players run the league and you can get any coach fired. 

unless your a SB winning HC could you get away with something like this. you cant be new and do this. these arent college kids. 

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2 minutes ago, doitny said:

some people here wanted Saleh to rip his players like this. but you cant get away with talking down to players anymore. the NBA showed everyone that the players run the league and you can get any coach fired. 

unless your a SB winning HC could you get away with something like this. you cant be new and do this. these arent college kids. 

There's also probably more to that picture than meets the eye

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46 minutes ago, Hex said:

I forgot to add that he isn't developing his 1st overall QB, he's benching players for no obvious reason, he has every issue that any bad coach has and 10x more

He’s benching players who are making mistakes or playing poorly. He isn’t coaching the Packers or Chiefs, he’s coaching a team with as bad as the Jets.

You give me the choice of Saleh, with his “they are looking good in practice bs” or a guy making people feel uncomfortable with losing? I’ll take the latter all day every day.

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26 minutes ago, doitny said:

some people here wanted Saleh to rip his players like this. but you cant get away with talking down to players anymore. the NBA showed everyone that the players run the league and you can get any coach fired. 

unless your a SB winning HC could you get away with something like this. you cant be new and do this. these arent college kids. 

This isn’t college, but it’s far from the NBA with its long term guaranteed contracts and player first centric culture. Meyer can talk to the coaches and players differently, and in the case of the Jaguars he should be all over their a**es.
He’s doing things exactly the way he has his entire career, and like him or not, he’s the only person in that building who has a history of winning.

EDIT I changed my description from woke to player centric for PC purposes, in an effort to avoid any political commentary. I hope I changed it quickly enough, it wasn’t my intent to offend anyone with the original wording.

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1 hour ago, Hex said:

I would argue it's even worse, Meyer's piled up way more crap than Gase or Kotite I think

He's doing pretty much everything a coach can do to get fired


~Blaming stuff on everybody else

~Alienating locker room

~Catching the attention of the media in a negative way

~Doing a lot of questionable stuff off the field

He needs to hire Jamal Adams for advice.

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15 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

He’s benching players who are making mistakes or playing poorly. He isn’t coaching the Packers or Chiefs, he’s coaching a team with as bad as the Jets.

You give me the choice of Saleh, with his “they are looking good in practice bs” or a guy making people feel uncomfortable with losing? I’ll take the latter all day every day.

He benches their best player because he fumbles once

You bench players who make mistakes multiple times and haven't proven themselves

James Robinson has been one of their only bright spots and Meyer benches him and cites it as an 'injury' that wasn't an injury


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10 minutes ago, Hex said:

He benches their best player because he fumbles once

You bench players who make mistakes multiple times and haven't proven themselves

James Robinson has been one of their only bright spots and Meyer benches him and cites it as an 'injury' that wasn't an injury


Who told you it was because of one fumble? Some guy writing a hit piece. Oh, okay.

Does anyone know what’s been going on with him on the practice field or meetings? Does anyone know the effort he’s been putting in? I’m guessing Meyer knows the answer, not the writer, and I give him credit for having the balls to sit him, then put him back in when the QB talks about the situation with him.

HC’s are allowed to bench a “good player” when they aren’t happy with their effort. It’s kind of on the list of things they’re hired to do.

If this same writer wrote a similar piece about the s**t going on with Saleh and the Jets, you guys would be crying a River.

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1 hour ago, batman10023 said:

Do you have examples of his morally bankrupt personality.  I remember the dancing from this year.  What else?  Thanks


There are numerous examples of his time in Florida and OSU.  

He's known on the recruiting trail as Urban Lyer not to mention the criminals he allowed on his team and the scandals he covered up to win. 

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5 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

He’s benching players who are making mistakes or playing poorly. He isn’t coaching the Packers or Chiefs, he’s coaching a team with as bad as the Jets.

You give me the choice of Saleh, with his “they are looking good in practice bs” or a guy making people feel uncomfortable with losing? I’ll take the latter all day every day.

Green, there’s “making feel uncomfortable with losing” and doing what Meyer is doing.  Also, it’s probably a good time to remind you and everyone else still on the Meyer bus that the same coaching staff he’s ripping into and doing this to are people that wouldn’t have an NFL job if not for him and were hires everyone  pretty much universally agreed were absolute head scratchers.  Guys like, y’know, Darrell Bevell and Brian Schottenheimer.  I guess if you take 2 failed OCs and merge them into one OC, they become “ackshully” good in Meyer’s eyes.  

That Oline Coach who was trash under Marrone?  Meyer kept him and, SURPRISE!!! The O-line still sucks.  

The WRs he threw under the bus?  Coached by none other than former legendary jets WR coach Sanjay Lal.  When I think of dominance at the WR position, I think of the 2009-2011 Raiders, 2012-2014 New York Jets, and the 2015-2016 Bills.

The Jaguars had James Robinson, who was a star UDFA RB that was supposed to be a core piece in making Lawrence’s life easier.  Better yet, he was a great high value signing who was making peanuts!  Meyer promptly threw him aside, signed 50 year old Carlos Hyde, and blew a first round pick on another RB in Travis Etienne, when the Jaguars desperately needed an OL piece or a WR.  Then, they promptly passed helping out Trevor Lawrence again in the 2nd round by going CB, allowing us to scoop up Elijah Moore.  Fast forward to today, turns out Hyde was washed, Etienne suffered an absolutely horrible injury, and James Robinson hates Urban Meyer, who is pulling him from games where he is the best player on the field, forcing the star QB-RB, to come out and publicly rip Meyer and his coaching staff for making such stupid decisions.

Every single decision Meyer has made so far has blown up in his face in fantastic fashion and now he’s looking around and blaming everyone around him for his failures as if they were all forced upon him. 

The coaches he hired reportedly hate him and describe him as “unhinged”.

The players reportedly think he’s a joke, hate him, and went as far as laughing at him behind his back after he apologized for making an embarrassment of himself at the Ohio State bar.

The fanbase, rooted in Florida, where he made a “legend” for himself coaching in the Jaguars stadium, absolutely despise him.

Fortunately for Meyer, the only guy above him  decided to throw a blank check at him and publicly said that he used to “dream” of Urban coaching his Jaguars so he’s probably not getting fired.  Unfortunately for Urban’s legacy, desire to find a way out (+ Jags players, coaches, and fans), he forfeits all the money in his contract if he retires, even if he feigns illness for the 3rd time.

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20 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

At least he’s trying to get fired. Saleh isn’t even trying and he’s going to get fired.

^^ One of the people who wanted us to hire Meyer and called the Johnson’s cheap for not doing so btw, ladies and gentlemen.

Saleh, almost definitely, isn’t getting fired, FTR.  In the almost non-existent chance he does?  Good luck at getting any coach worth a damn to come here.  It would be an absolutely, mind numbingly stupid decision to fire Saleh after this year.

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2 hours ago, JiFapono said:

Happens all the time, no?  12m is a drop in the bucket for Khan but maybe they have some type of case/cause?  Dont know.  

Rarely after 1 year.  Have to assume Meyer got 4 years, no?  Hard to imagine anyone giving someone who's "trying to get fired" 36M.

Not an area of expertise, but I imagine Meyer could be fired "with cause" due to something in his behavior violating the contract, and thereby not pay.  Could be lawsuits that follow, but if Meyer wants out, maybe that offers some mutuality.

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This board being butt hurt about the Jags getting Lawrence and the Pats/Jones thing is the perfect comp to the same people looking to dump on Meyer while citing a need for patience with Saleh.

We root for one of the worst teams I’ve ever seen. I’m more worried about what’s happening here than I am in Houston or Jacksonville, but that’s just me. If it makes you guys feel better thinking a HOF coach doesn’t know how to coach his team, fine. Enjoy yourselves.

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5 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

Who told you it was because of one fumble? Some guy writing a hit piece. Oh, okay.

Does anyone know what’s been going on with him on the practice field or meetings? Does anyone know the effort he’s been putting in? I’m guessing Meyer knows the answer, not the writer, and I give him credit for having the balls to sit him, then put him back in when the QB talks about the situation with him.

HC’s are allowed to bench a “good player” when they aren’t happy with their effort. It’s kind of on the list of things they’re hired to do.

If this same writer wrote a similar piece about the s**t going on with Saleh and the Jets, you guys would be crying a River.

You think that I think Saleh has been doing ok? He's been crapping the bed. But Urban Meyer didn't just crap the bed, he set it on fire. You're using one thing from a huge list of things that Meyer has done. 

And also, I didn't read 1 hit piece to get the fumbling part. If you look it up, literally everything is either 'Meyer punished Robinson for opening-drive fumble' or 'Trevor Lawrence blasts Meyer for benching Robinson', something on the lines of that. If you can find multiple reputable sources that say that Meyer had a good reason for benching Robinson that isn't based on one mistake, go ahead and I will stand corrected

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3 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

This board being butt hurt about the Jags getting Lawrence and the Pats/Jones thing is the perfect comp to the same people looking to dump on Meyer while citing a need for patience with Saleh.

We root for one of the worst teams I’ve ever seen. I’m more worried about what’s happening here than I am in Houston or Jacksonville, but that’s just me. If it makes you guys feel better thinking a HOF coach doesn’t know how to coach his team, fine. Enjoy yourselves.

Urban Meyer is not a hall of fame NFL head coach.  Absolutely no one is “butthurt” that the Jags got Meyer, like you are insinuating.

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1 minute ago, Hex said:

You think that I think Saleh has been doing ok? He's been crapping the bed. But Urban Meyer didn't just crap the bed, he set it on fire. You're using one thing from a huge list of things that Meyer has done. 

And also, I didn't read 1 hit piece to get the fumbling part. If you look it up, literally everything is either 'Meyer punished Robinson for opening-drive fumble' or 'Trevor Lawrence blasts Meyer for benching Robinson', something on the lines of that. If you can find multiple reputable sources that say that Meyer had a good reason for benching Robinson that isn't based on one mistake, go ahead and I will stand corrected

Best part is, Meyer was on record in the post game press conference saying that he didn’t know why James Robinson was benched, as if that was supposed to make him sound better.

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5 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

Green, there’s “making feel uncomfortable with losing” and doing what Meyer is doing.  Also, it’s probably a good time to remind you and everyone else still on the Meyer bus that the same coaching staff he’s ripping into and doing this to are people that wouldn’t have an NFL job if not for him and were hires everyone  pretty much universally agreed were absolute head scratchers.  Guys like, y’know, Darrell Bevell and Brian Schottenheimer.  I guess if you take 2 failed OCs and merge them into one OC, they become “ackshully” good in Meyer’s eyes.  

That Oline Coach who was trash under Marrone?  Meyer kept him and, SURPRISE!!! The O-line still sucks.  

The WRs he threw under the bus?  Coached by none other than former legendary jets WR coach Sanjay Lal.  When I think of dominance at the WR position, I think of the 2009-2011 Raiders, 2012-2014 New York Jets, and the 2015-2016 Bills.

The Jaguars had James Robinson, who was a star UDFA RB that was supposed to be a core piece in making Lawrence’s life easier.  Better yet, he was a great high value signing who was making peanuts!  Meyer promptly threw him aside, signed 50 year old Carlos Hyde, and blew a first round pick on another RB in Travis Etienne, when the Jaguars desperately needed an OL piece or a WR.  Then, they promptly passed helping out Trevor Lawrence again in the 2nd round by going CB, allowing us to scoop up Elijah Moore.  Fast forward to today, turns out Hyde was washed, Etienne suffered an absolutely horrible injury, and James Robinson hates Urban Meyer, who is pulling him from games where he is the best player on the field, forcing the star QB-RB, to come out and publicly rip Meyer and his coaching staff for making such stupid decisions.

Every single decision Meyer has made so far has blown up in his face in fantastic fashion and now he’s looking around and blaming everyone around him for his failures as if they were all forced upon him. 

The coaches he hired reportedly hate him and describe him as “unhinged”.

The players reportedly think he’s a joke, hate him, and went as far as laughing at him behind his back after he apologized for making an embarrassment of himself at the Ohio State bar.

The fanbase, rooted in Florida, where he made a “legend” for himself coaching in the Jaguars stadium, absolutely despise him.

Fortunately for Meyer, the only guy above him  decided to throw a blank check at him and publicly said that he used to “dream” of Urban coaching his Jaguars so he’s probably not getting fired.  Unfortunately for Urban’s legacy, desire to find a way out (+ Jags players, coaches, and fans), he forfeits all the money in his contract if he retires, even if he feigns illness for the 3rd time.

All fair, and valid points. I’m just in the camp that believes there’s nothing wrong with a guy coming into a bad situation, and holding everyone accountable. Even those he just brought in.

Look, I’ve hated Meyer all throughout his career. As a person, I think he’s ruthless and conniving.

Yet I’d hire him to revamp my program/ team in a second. Then I’d give him time to do it.

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16 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

This isn’t college, but it’s far from the NBA with its long term guaranteed contracts and player first centric culture. Meyer can talk to the coaches and players differently, and in the case of the Jaguars he should be all over their a**es.
He’s doing things exactly the way he has his entire career, and like him or not, he’s the only person in that building who has a history of winning.

EDIT I changed my description from woke to player centric for PC purposes, in an effort to avoid any political commentary. I hope I changed it quickly enough, it wasn’t my intent to offend anyone with the original wording.

hahaha, dont worry pal, im the most un PC person you will ever meet. but i get it, stay in the rules. 

we never seen what we seen last year with QBs on the move.

TB12 didnt have fun playing for Belichick so he left. i bet Arians isnt kicking asses and making it not fun.

Watson was gone until his legal troubles...

i would be very surprised if Russ Wilson is still on Seattle next year. and Roders is another one who has everyone in GB walking on ice scared to offend him or he could go too. i dont think it will ever get as bad as the NBA but you can see these QBs flexing there power.

i disagree that Meyers college record gets him any respect in the NFL. cause if that was true why is his team turning on him? 

you never heard of this happening to Parcells or Belichick. or Cowher. and you know they would tear players a new one on a regular basis. 

that why i say Saleh could never get away with ripping his team he doesnt have the resume players will respect to take it. no rings on his finger. 


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2 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

Best part is, Meyer was on record in the post game press conference saying that he didn’t know why James Robinson was benched, as if that was supposed to make him sound better.

He has no idea what he's doing

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