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Why Was Sanchez Yelling For The Jets To NOT Score?!!

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5 hours ago, Really, Jets said:

Is he serious?!! First and goal from the 8, and trailing 14-12... Do you really want to kick a FG and give Philly the ball back w 45 seconds left, needing a FG to win? Makes no sense to me, but I'm sure there is disagreement.

Sanchez said a lot of stupid things yesterday and this was one of them. The only time you sit on the ball in play to win a game and run out the clock in favor of scoring is when you have a lead . Anything can happen to cost you the game when you are behind and need a score and yes it can also happen at the one yard line.. He was Brain dead as a QB now brain dead as a Commentator.

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4 hours ago, Warfish said:

Up by 6 with 1:45 and the Eagles with 2 timeouts


Up by 6 or 1 with 1:00 and the Eagles with no timeouts.

Again, I said quite clearly it's not a "conventional NFL wisdom" mentally I particularly agree with, and I'm not advocating that Hall did anything wrong whatsoever.

You only do this with a lead ...period

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10 hours ago, Same Old Jets said:

You run down the clock and score a FG.  A win is a win, let's enjoy it. 

Eagles had 2 time outs.  So basically you give the eagles the ball at their own 25 with a minute to go and a guy who can legitimately nail a 60 yard field goal.

The right move was to score a td there while you have the chance.  You want to down it at the one and THEN try to score a TD?  With a depleted o line against the top rushing defense in the league?  Sorry, 100 times over you score the td there.

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9 hours ago, Really, Jets said:

Sanchez should be ripping Philly for passing on 3rd and 9 with 1:46 left, and the Jets with no times out!! Horrible decision. Give ZW the ball inside the 20 with less than 50 seconds left and let him try to beat you! 

It's funny you mention this because my father and I watching were having the same conversation at the break...you run it and punt it and give the ball back to the jets or do you throw it and go for the win?

We were saying 100% of the time the jets run it and punt it and play defense. But a lot of coaches in this spot with a high level QB will try to get the win. Which may not be the worst thing, win the game. If we had rodgers playing andwere in the same spot, I would probably say, let the hall of famer throw the ball and try to win it....however Hurts made a terrible decision, threw off his back foot in to double coverage.  That's not a smart qb move, I don't hate the call, if you can win the game, go win the game, but the trust has to be there for the qb to not do something dumb like what hurts did.

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11 hours ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Makes sense IF they still get into the EZ anyway. It's still the Eagles defense.

Take the gift.

And ultimately, the win.

Or make a fg.  IMO take the points when you get them especially is it’s a go ahead score.  Anything can happen on a fg try. Bad snap, block, run back and so on.

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Anything can happen.  Hall takes a knee at the 1, and the Eagles Call Timeout.  2nd down, Wilson Takes a Knee and Eagles call time out.  3rd down, take a knee Eagles can't stop the clock, Jets let it tick down to about 2 seconds on the play clock, it's now 4th and goal with about 55 seconds on the clock.

Scenario 1: In any of 2nd or 3rd down, we fumble a snap.  Unlikely but has happened.

Scenario 2: It's 4th down and ball slips out of snappers hand and rolls back.  Unlikely but not impossible, or snaps it high.  Less than Unlikely, and is more than just possible. 

Scenario 3: it's fourth down and the holder drops it, or it's blocked, or it's flat out shanked.  Again, not necessarily unlikely, but certainly is possible.

Scenario 4:  we score a field goal, and kickoff.  Maybe the eagles have some kickoff play that works.  The Refs call a horse collar or some other 15 yard penalty. Eagles still have 45 seconds to go 30 yards.

Take the points!  

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11 hours ago, Really, Jets said:

Is he serious?!! First and goal from the 8, and trailing 14-12... Do you really want to kick a FG and give Philly the ball back w 45 seconds left, needing a FG to win? Makes no sense to me, but I'm sure there is disagreement.

Sanchez also thought it a good idea to run up Brandon Moore's ass crack once Apon a time. the right move in that particular situation was to take the points

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12 hours ago, Really, Jets said:

Is he serious?!! First and goal from the 8, and trailing 14-12... Do you really want to kick a FG and give Philly the ball back w 45 seconds left, needing a FG to win? Makes no sense to me, but I'm sure there is disagreement.

100%.  I thought it was absolutely moronic to let the Jets score, there was no way there were going to put the game into Zach's hands there, he literally cant see the field at all in the redzone, so it was going to be 3 hand offs, a FG (duh yay!) and a 1 point lead w/ more then enough time w/ that offense to get into FG range. 

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11 hours ago, DoubleDown said:

Jets were right.

Eagles and Sanchez were wrong.

The correct move for the Eagles was to stop the clock twice and force a FG. They would have received the ball back with at least 45 seconds left and only down 1.

Since it was first and goal, the Jets were unable to pick up a first down and run out the clock. And they absolutely should not risk not scoring the TD by taking a knee at the 1.

The Eagles having two timeouts instead of zero or one made all the difference in the correct strategy to take.

Being at the game in real time I thought it was a big mistake by the Eagles ..I heard the Sanchez comments when we got home …what a fool. Bad mistake by Philly…no chance the Jets were throwing there they were going to run it into the line 3 times and kick the FG…made no sense to NOT play D. 

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12 hours ago, Hal said:

I’d take a dive on the 1 and make them burn a timeout AT LEAST.  

Curious, did you see the Miami Hurricanes vs. Georgia Tech last week?  Got cute w/ running too many plays and fumbled the ball and lost the game. 

That why you take the TD and dont trust an offense that is inept in the redzone to suddenly, not be inept. 

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Watching Sanchez on tape he actually embarrassed himself, trying to be too smart , he took it to another level he didn’t just second guess the Jets he basically “ lol’d Jets “ …paraphrasing but he basically mocked us , this is why bad teams lose by not knowing what’s going on …ridiculous take . You score the TD there and put your D on every time …if anyone should have been lol’d it should have been Philly …just more canned , premeditated lol Jets nonsense from the moron media . 

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11 hours ago, Really, Jets said:

Is he serious?!! First and goal from the 8, and trailing 14-12... Do you really want to kick a FG and give Philly the ball back w 45 seconds left, needing a FG to win? Makes no sense to me, but I'm sure there is disagreement.

Sanchez thought that Breece should of went down at the 1 or 2. Force Philly to use a time out. Then run another play, force philly to use their last time out. Then kneel on 3rd down and run the clock down to 50 or so seconds. But really the eagles have one of the best kickers in football and they also have AJ brown who is one of the best downfield WRers in football. I don't think I agree that you try to kill the clock and allow the eagles to try to get in FG range. There would of been plenty of time on the clock for the eagles to make some plays. You especially don't take the 3 with 4th stringers and practice squad players in the secondary. Taking the TD was the right move given how the defense has been playing in the second half all season. Hurts had to of been exhausted out there to boot, he was running for his life for the entire game. Maybe, by the book, you kill the time outs and clock and take the FG, but the eyeballs make me think the TD was the right move.

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1 hour ago, JiF said:

Curious, did you see the Miami Hurricanes vs. Georgia Tech last week?  Got cute w/ running too many plays and fumbled the ball and lost the game. 

That why you take the TD and dont trust an offense that is inept in the redzone to suddenly, not be inept. 


1 hour ago, Jolot said:

Watching Sanchez on tape he actually embarrassed himself, trying to be too smart , he took it to another level he didn’t just second guess the Jets he basically “ lol’d Jets “ …paraphrasing but he basically mocked us , this is why bad teams lose by not knowing what’s going on …ridiculous take . You score the TD there and put your D on every time …if anyone should have been lol’d it should have been Philly …just more canned , premeditated lol Jets nonsense from the moron media . 

No I didn’t see it but with the 2 timeouts and now doing the math … you score the TD there 100%.  

Driving for a TD is way harder than a FG. 3 times the distance and potentially make them play from the short field red zone. 

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20 hours ago, Warfish said:

It's pretty universal that you should down it at the one, burn the clock down, then score the TD or FG, so the opponent (down in this case by only 6) has as little a chance as possible to score their own TD in the time left.  Announcers will raise this every single time the situation arises, and while technically right, it's a mindset I personally have never believed it myself.

Basically Jets up by 1 with 10-20 seconds left is presumed to be better than the Jets up by 5 (or 6) with almost 2 minutes left.  Or so conventional NFL wisdom would say.

.......and then you muff the snap, false start or even miss the kick and lose the game by 2.  As Jets fans we know that these things are distinct possibilities.  If you are up by a point, then you approach it differently.


EDIT:  I was ninja'd about 37 times in this thread.  I guess it is a popular opinion.

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15 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

You only do this with a lead ...period

Not exactly.

In short, you always do it when you are in the lead or down by 2 or less and you can run out the clock.  Assuming you trust your FG kicker from 18 yards, you guarantee a win.

Even going up by 2 scores with 1 minute left is bad strategy if you can run out the clock.

So in this case, even if Breece took the knee, we could at most burn 2 timeouts and 40 seconds, leaving them about a minute left to win on a TD or even a FG.  I can see the inclination to do it in the heat of the moment, but with clear eyes, unless you absolutely trust your offense to score a TD on 1st and goal from the 1 (which the Jets should not), scoring was the right play.


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3 hours ago, nycdan said:

Not exactly.

In short, you always do it when you are in the lead or down by 2 or less and you can run out the clock.  Assuming you trust your FG kicker from 18 yards, you guarantee a win.

Even going up by 2 scores with 1 minute left is bad strategy if you can run out the clock.

So in this case, even if Breece took the knee, we could at most burn 2 timeouts and 40 seconds, leaving them about a minute left to win on a TD or even a FG.  I can see the inclination to do it in the heat of the moment, but with clear eyes, unless you absolutely trust your offense to score a TD on 1st and goal from the 1 (which the Jets should not), scoring was the right play.


A field goal is a play that can go dreadfully wrong from any distance just ask the Giants when they played the Cowboys and that chip shot field goal got blocked and changed the entire complexion of that game. If we sit on the ball and lose that game on a missed field goal the season would have been over. Also it would have been much less pressure for a team like the Eagles to get in long field goal range. 90 % of the time teams sit on the ball when they already have a one score lead I can't remember a team in that situation playing from behind doing it. You can not pass up the chance to take a lead forcing the other team to go 75 +yards for a TD when your defense has totally shut them down for the entire half.

If it was a situation where we were up by 7 already I would say sit on it and run out the clock but never put yourself in a position when you are behind to let one play dictate the game.

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