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Media slowly coming for JD


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1 hour ago, JiF said:

Oh he already is.  Easily.  He's the first and only QB since the passing the rating was created to finish last in back to back season....and guess where he is now on that list????!!!!!!!

Leaf, Russell, Shuler, Akili Smith and maybe Zach. Other guys like Rick Mirer and Cade Mccown can be considered. 

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9 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

You’re not stupid so I don’t understand why you keep saying two second round picks as if that was actually the trade.

Douglas gave them a 1st and a 2nd with the first becoming another 2nd only if Rodgers didn’t take _% of the offensive snaps this year.

Do you actually believe Douglas would’ve made the trade if he knew it would end up as two seconds? Of course you don’t, so stop saying it.

The trade was for two 2nds, one of the 2nds became a 1st if and only if Rodgers played 65% of the offensive snaps. That’s the trade and the swap of 1st rounders, the 170th pick to the Jets and the 207th to the Packers. Whether you like it or not, that is the trade.

This isn’t rocket science. I know it doesn’t fit nicely in this forums narrative.

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2 hours ago, SoFlaJets said:

Insists that Douglas has but the list shows the 2 offensive linemen on it but isn't able to point to either of them  AS OF YET, being IMPACT players or not.  Joe Tippmann drafted in the SECOND ROUND to be the next Nick Mangold at Center is now only starting there because of injury and has missed 2 games himself. As for Carter Warren the 120th player chosen in the 2023 draft, well he has started his NFL career on Injured Reserve and we won't see him take a snap until maybe next year.

This is the least impactful Jets draft. Here's his draft classes:

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That draft with Zach , where he took 5 DB's in a row ,, headscratching 

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16 hours ago, T0mShane said:

They had no path to even a B+ quarterback and Rodgers gave them that. Rodgers is a massive dickhead and he’s old, but his Achilles wasn’t an old man injury. Agreed on the operating-from-desperation, but that’s what happens to a regime when they draft a catastrophic bust QB. Bottom line, this team is a Super Bowl contender with Rodgers, which is what we hired these chuckleheads to do. 

As you know, I’m not at all convinced they’d be a contender even with a healthy Rodgers, but obviously we’ll never know now. As for what these guys were hired to do, that’s not exactly the case. You can hire any moron to trade premium assets for a future Hall of Famer. Douglas’s and Saleh’s lineages are with the Ravens, Eagles, Seahawks, and Niners. That’s what they were brought here to do—build a team that can contend for multiple Super Bowls over a decade-plus. They’ve failed utterly, so they did the same thing Jets brass always does: make some stupid, short-sighted move that they can dangle before Woody the way you’d dangle a set of keys before an infant. I guess what I’m saying is the “drafting a catastropic bust QB” part carries a lot more weight for me than the “saving their jobs the way Mike Maccagnan saved his” part.

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15 hours ago, JetsRay said:

Iron Man Eye Roll GIF

Who gives a sh*t, and especially what WFAN say's?

Only time I listen to FAN is the day after games. And lately the amount of commercials and filler make even that a chore. There's podcasts out there that are long form, limited interruptions and don't have radio guys doing some morning zoo/Stern wannabee nonsense. Doubt Woody Johnson cares about any of it either way. He will care if he's embarrassed by another disaster season. 

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Coach and GM have a pass this year once Rodgers went down.

Should this really spiral and the locker room goes to sh_t, you could see a play where Saleh is in danger but based on Rodgers comments, he likes him and I would imagine part of Rodgers coming back is the current regime stays in place.

Regarding FAN, I believe their parent is close to bankrupcy so they are doing whatever they can to get listeners and drive revenue. Guys like Tierney used to be listenable because he tried to tell it straight and left the shock value out of the conversation. That has all changed and he is just like the rest of them, say something shocking and hope that drives listeners to come back for more. 

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5 minutes ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Saleh is gutless.

Lazard had to be benched in-game.

Cares more about the cameras catching him doing the stadium steps than holding his players accountable for anything.

Why is it so hard to understand that unless they are injured and can’t go, all the Rodgers guys can’t be benched? Unless our co owner and GM AR hives his blessing. And that includes his personal project Zach.

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3 hours ago, SoFlaJets said:

Insists that Douglas has but the list shows the 2 offensive linemen on it but isn't able to point to either of them  AS OF YET, being IMPACT players or not.  Joe Tippmann drafted in the SECOND ROUND to be the next Nick Mangold at Center is now only starting there because of injury and has missed 2 games himself. As for Carter Warren the 120th player chosen in the 2023 draft, well he has started his NFL career on Injured Reserve and we won't see him take a snap until maybe next year.

This is the least impactful Jets draft. Here's his draft classes:

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Sir, you said JD hasnt done anything at OL, yet your showing that he in fact, has done a lot at OL.  2 1st round picks, 1 2nd round pick and 2 4th round picks, in addition to his FA signings.  If you want to argue it hasnt worked out, cool, you're not wrong but saying he has done anything at OL, is categorically false and you're literally proving it by providing these lists. 

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17 hours ago, T0mShane said:

They had no path to even a B+ quarterback and Rodgers gave them that. Rodgers is a massive dickhead and he’s old, but his Achilles wasn’t an old man injury. Agreed on the operating-from-desperation, but that’s what happens to a regime when they draft a catastrophic bust QB. Bottom line, this team is a Super Bowl contender with Rodgers, which is what we hired these chuckleheads to do. 

Its deeper than just swinging and missing at a high QB, its the organizational lack of ability to identify or devleop a QB that puts them in this spot, and stay in this spot.

Its what happens when you bring in glorified DC's as HC who are insecure, and they bring in sh*t OC's so that they can feel good about being in power and their defense being good. Its the same story we have been watching since Rex. 

While everyone is screaming about ZW, the real problem is the organization that has zero ability to identify, select or develop a quality starter.


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19 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Remember when the Jets cancelled mini-camp?

you have to put that in the proper perspective

They did so because they had the extra week with the hall of fame game.

Right wrong or indifferent - who knows

Was it done because of CBA rules - again who knows

But if we are going to use that - it has to be presented what the circumstances were.

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3 hours ago, Claymation said:

The trade was for two 2nds, one of the 2nds became a 1st if and only if Rodgers played 65% of the offensive snaps. That’s the trade and the swap of 1st rounders, the 170th pick to the Jets and the 207th to the Packers. Whether you like it or not, that is the trade.

This isn’t rocket science. I know it doesn’t fit nicely in this forums narrative.

Would JD have made the trade knowing it would end up as two 2nd round picks?

He (and everyone involved) wanted it to end up being a 1st and 2nd. Rodgers missing the season and it becoming two 2nd’s was the worst case scenario.

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24 minutes ago, Trotter said:

you have to put that in the proper perspective

They did so because they had the extra week with the hall of fame game.

Right wrong or indifferent - who knows

Was it done because of CBA rules - again who knows

But if we are going to use that - it has to be presented what the circumstances were.

Careers with the New York Jets:

Pros: work/life balance

Cons: losing 

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19 hours ago, dbatesman said:

One thing I don't think anyone (outside this message board) said about the Rodgers thing is that it came from such a place of weakness. You don't just wake up one morning and decide to trade major assets for a 39-year-old who's coming off his worst professional season, who is by his own admission 90% retired, and who has no other suitors. If that looks like your best option, then by definition you have galactically ****ed up your roster in like a hundred different ways.

Right and Vegas had the Jets as a legit Super Bowl contender entering the season with Rodgers. Not far behind Cincy, Bills and almost even with Dallas. 

Just because Rodgers had one subpar season breaking in a rookie-led WR corps doesn’t mean he’d fallen off a cliff. And 39 - so what? Esp it you only have him for a few years. Brady was Super Bowl MVP at 43.

As for no other suitors - how do you know? Rodgers requested Green Bay to trade him to the Jets and they obliged. For all we know other teams enquired and Green Bay rebuffed them. Or they didn’t bother since Rodgers very publicly stated he wanted to go the Jets. 

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2 hours ago, section314 said:

Why is it so hard to understand that unless they are injured and can’t go, all the Rodgers guys can’t be benched? Unless our co owner and GM AR hives his blessing. And that includes his personal project Zach.

This is absolutely embarrassing if true.

Then why have a HC at all.  Just name Rodgers the "player-head coach".

IIRC, Pete Rose was a "player manager" briefly at one point.

If that Lazard "performance" wasn't benching worthy, then the message is it doesn't matter how bad you are, there are no consequences.

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1 hour ago, Green Ghost said:

Would JD have made the trade knowing it would end up as two 2nd round picks?

He (and everyone involved) wanted it to end up being a 1st and 2nd. Rodgers missing the season and it becoming two 2nd’s was the worst case scenario.

Of course he would, that's why he made it.



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2 hours ago, JiF said:

Sir, you said JD hasnt done anything at OL, yet your showing that he in fact, has done a lot at OL.  2 1st round picks, 1 2nd round pick and 2 4th round picks, in addition to his FA signings.  If you want to argue it hasnt worked out, cool, you're not wrong but saying he has done anything at OL, is categorically false and you're literally proving it by providing these lists. 

If you would READ what I wrote maybe you'd grasp what I said the key word to look for is IMPACT  NOTHING IMPACTFUL. How about this big signing they made at the deadline. what's that guys' name? We haven't seen him and probably never will-just like Seimian who Saleh has no plans to ever play-Wilson's gotta get banged up before there is a change there too-otherwise it's just like these Zach truthers here make up every excuse for why he isn't to blame-wrong as they ever are. Shane had the best analysis about Wilson and Hackett


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1 hour ago, Green Ghost said:

Would JD have made the trade knowing it would end up as two 2nd round picks?

He (and everyone involved) wanted it to end up being a 1st and 2nd. Rodgers missing the season and it becoming two 2nd’s was the worst case scenario.


19 minutes ago, Claymation said:

Of course he would, that's why he made it.



So you’re saying you think Douglas would’ve still made the trade and given Green Bay two second round picks even if he knew Rodgers would be out this year?


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Parcells (who I am a huge fan of) was the darling GM/HC of the NFL in 1999.

Vinny Testeverde goes down with his injury, but was clearly a far less impactful QB than Aaron Rodgers.

We end up 8-8 and he is begged to come back and told what an amazing job he did after losing his starting QB all year.

In addition to Rodgers' injury our OL has been ripped to shreds, we had a game where our top 3 corners were out and we're sitting at 4-4.

JD ain't going anywhere, barring a complete meltdown where we lose out and every game is a blowout this regime has been given a mulligan by ownership which is an obvious tell by their stance to "Let Zack practice for a year" and not make any moves at the trade deadline.

Anyone that was expecting playoffs or division was just wishfully thinking, which applies to the fire everyone and reset crowd.

We'll be lucky to win 8 or 9 games this year with this QB and OL.

The team ownership and front office are looking toward to 2024 already.

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13 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:


So you’re saying you think Douglas would’ve still made the trade and given Green Bay two second round picks even if he knew Rodgers would be out this year?


I think he's saying it was worththe risk of 2 2nd rounders if Rodgers got hurt to at least chance him playing. Definitely worth it if Rodgers played the whole season for the 2nd to become a first. I don't think he wpuld have madethe trade if he knew Rodgers would be out for sure, that just giving picks away. But the chance he doesn't get hurt? That's the value in the risk.

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People seem to conveniently forget the part of the trade where we had to let the packers leap frog us by trading our first last year for their first.

We also had to give up our 1st 2nd rounder letting the packers pick ahead of us in that round.

All sorts of little extra sweeteners.

Oh there is also this from Brian Baldinger: "Broderick Jones performance against Titans as good right tackle play as hey have had."


Jones had 37 pass block reps against a stout Ravens defense with 18 sacks following their game. On those 37 reps, Jones allowed just one singular pressure, none more. Thus far, he hasn't given up a sack on the 160+ snaps played for the Steelers this season,


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20 hours ago, varjet said:

We all know the story-JD is better than late stage Tannenbaum, Idzik and Maccagnan, or at least he feels better and is more professional, but has still not put together a TOTAL TEAM with an acceptable record.

But unfortunately, much of what JD has had to work with also includes people Woody employs who don't help, like the long-time scouts, medical and training staffs.  

He has Rodgers for 1-2 more years.  If he gives him a good enough OL and WR, the Jets will be +.500.  

But I think he has shown that without a Rodgers, he is going no where.  He should work out his contract, and the Jets should start with a new regime after Rodgers retires. 


He changed the scouting dept when he came in and medical... this is his sh*t show.  not woody's .  granted this team wa deviidof talent but his failure to field a comptent - as in average - NFL OL is a black mark for sure.   And, as far as I am concerned, if he is forcing HC to play this stiff he is part of the problem and not the solution. 

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6 minutes ago, kevinc855 said:

Exactly the problem. Ever year under the JD regime has been about the following year. Successful organizations don’t do that. 

The whole team went all in with Rodgers and that includes what #8 wants, and thats a Head Coach who doesn't touch the offense and can field a great defense. This is the team + setup until Rodgers retires.

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19 hours ago, SoFlaJets said:

The whole off-season there was one major concern that destroyed this team last year and it was the O-Line. Douglas. Did. NOTHING.


44 minutes ago, SoFlaJets said:

If you would READ what I wrote maybe you'd grasp what I said the key word to look for is IMPACT  NOTHING IMPACTFUL. How about this big signing they made at the deadline. what's that guys' name? We haven't seen him and probably never will-just like Seimian who Saleh has no plans to ever play-Wilson's gotta get banged up before there is a change there too-otherwise it's just like these Zach truthers here make up every excuse for why he isn't to blame-wrong as they ever are. Shane had the best analysis about Wilson and Hackett


Sir, please read what you said 

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29 minutes ago, Adoni Beast said:

Parcells (who I am a huge fan of) was the darling GM/HC of the NFL in 1999.

Vinny Testeverde goes down with his injury, but was clearly a far less impactful QB than Aaron Rodgers.

We end up 8-8 and he is begged to come back and told what an amazing job he did after losing his starting QB all year.

In addition to Rodgers' injury our OL has been ripped to shreds, we had a game where our top 3 corners were out and we're sitting at 4-4.

JD ain't going anywhere, barring a complete meltdown where we lose out and every game is a blowout this regime has been given a mulligan by ownership which is an obvious tell by their stance to "Let Zack practice for a year" and not make any moves at the trade deadline.

Anyone that was expecting playoffs or division was just wishfully thinking, which applies to the fire everyone and reset crowd.

We'll be lucky to win 8 or 9 games this year with this QB and OL.

The team ownership and front office are looking toward to 2024 already.

That was the reality when rodgers got hurt.  The team was built for him and truth they may be winning the division if he plays every game this year.  

When rodgers was out for the year it was already plan B, which was try to salvage Wilson before it all implodes again, they can’t hide him anymore and they’re going to have to draft another qb in 2024.  

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5 minutes ago, Adoni Beast said:

The whole team went all in with Rodgers and that includes what #8 wants, and thats a Head Coach who doesn't touch the offense and can field a great defense. This is the team + setup until Rodgers retires.

It could work if you have a qb who can run a basic offense besides rodgers so a lot of this goes back to the org. Not having the balls to move on from Wilson.  

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41 minutes ago, Hex said:

I think he's saying it was worththe risk of 2 2nd rounders if Rodgers got hurt to at least chance him playing. Definitely worth it if Rodgers played the whole season for the 2nd to become a first. I don't think he wpuld have madethe trade if he knew Rodgers would be out for sure, that just giving picks away. But the chance he doesn't get hurt? That's the value in the risk.

You’re probably right, and if so, I apologize to @Claymation.

He’s not the only person who keeps refers to the trade as us giving up two 2nd’s though.
We happily gave up a 1 and a 2. The safety valve only kicked in making it two 2nd’s when AR went down (along with the other moves made to accommodate him) blew up in the Jets face.

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