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Elijah Moore urged to Retire by Doctor


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23 hours ago, fullblast said:

That video of him convulsing on the ground was incredibly disturbing. Hope he does what’s best for himself.

According to what the doctor said who saw the play on TV, the seizure is a signal of permanent brain damage.  The doctor said that Moore should retire, but at a very minimum, should miss the rest of the season, including the playoffs.

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1 hour ago, jeremy2020 said:

You know nothing about TV doc and think his opinion is better than Moore's medical team. Just because the busted clock may say something that is true doesn't mean he's the best person to give advice when he has never examined the patient. You go on with yourself.

..but seriously, when was the last time he examined a patient? And he has eschewed those appearance fees yet? Is he finished distorting the findings?

You keep in defending a guy that makes money off his "position" without actually engaging the injured players or examining them. This isn't hard information to find which begs the question why are you intent on your reputable source of *checks notes* heavy.com?

Do you want on just keep posting pics about a TV doc you don't actually have information on or actually provide something that shows he isn't a scam artist profiting off fake science and players health issues?

"But across the brain science community, there is wide consensus on one thing: Omalu, the man considered by many the public face of CTE research, routinely exaggerates his accomplishments and dramatically overstates the known risks of CTE and contact sports, fueling misconceptions about the disease, according to interviews with more than 50 experts in neurodegenerative disease and brain injuries, and a review of more than 100 papers from peer-reviewed medical journals. "

Again, explain why you think Moore needs his advice and why Moore' medical team isn't giving him appropriate advice?

Perhaps.. that shovel of your is feeling a bit heavy?



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19 minutes ago, Kleckineau said:



I don't know why you support Omalu and feel heavy.com is a good source of accurate information. You won't say and instead just post pictures. Do you actually have anything to say?

“His criteria don’t make sense to me,” Ann McKee, lead neuropathologist for Boston University’s CTE Center. said. “I don’t know what he’s doing.”

So can you actually use words to describe why you support him when so many others in the field don't think he's trustworthy?

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10 minutes ago, jeremy2020 said:

I don't know why you support Omalu and feel heavy.com is a good source of accurate information. You won't say and instead just post pictures. Do you actually have anything to say?

“His criteria don’t make sense to me,” Ann McKee, lead neuropathologist for Boston University’s CTE Center. said. “I don’t know what he’s doing.”

So can you actually use words to describe why you support him when so many others in the field don't think he's trustworthy?

Heavy was one of many news sources for the Omalu quote but you chose to reference it.

Having said that I now concede to your well informed position.

Omalu is a dope of a scientist, a fraud, a snake oil salesman and should quit and be indicted and prosecuted.

Moore should stop faking faking brain injuries as a means of getting attention.



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31 minutes ago, Kleckineau said:

Moore should stop faking faking brain injuries as a means of getting attention.

Never said that. Guess you need to move the goalposts though.

My position has been clear and consistent.. Moore is getting adequate medical attention from the doctors treating him and will be able to make an informed decision with their help and doesn't need a doctor, who has a personal financial interest, "diagnosing" him over TV.

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Will there be assigned areas of the field that guys of certain weights can play? Otherwise.. ok.. all my guys are defensive tackles... then it completely ignores that many of the most brutal hits come from guys who aren't at the top of their weight for their positions. It just doesn't make any sense as a solution. You already have natural limits.. there's a reason why body builders don't play football.
That's before you get into the very, very obvious side effect that you will have guys cutting weight for the "weigh" in like with boxing, but with the much more detrimental issue of it being weekly... and all the logistics of performing weigh in on 46-53 guys every week. It's like bringing all the awfulness of the officiating and making it last throughout the entire week.
Very good point

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On 12/31/2023 at 2:05 PM, jeremy2020 said:

Ok, I'm sure his own physician was able to figure that out and make a recommendation to Moore. So, you stop saying that you and TV doc know better than the doctors treating Moore.

Oh, how many patients that he active treats (as in examines physically) does TV doc have?

Given that there is a fairly standard protocol to treat the injury Moore suffered (at least three months with no contact sports), it's likely that Moore's doctors are saying similar things as the doctor in this article or close to it.

You are the one baselessly insinuating that there is a difference in recommendations in this situation. Nothing I have read is suggesting that the team or Moore's doctors are recommending a swift return.

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4 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

Given that there is a fairly standard protocol to treat the injury Moore suffered (at least three months with no contact sports), it's likely that Moore's doctors are saying similar things as the doctor in this article or close to it.

You are the one baselessly insinuating that there is a difference in recommendations in this situation. Nothing I have read is suggesting that the team or Moore's doctors are recommending a swift return.

I never said that so I'm not sure why you felt the need to make that up.

I said that this doctor is a TV doc whose only reason for comment is his own personal financial interest. He provided no value to Moore's treatment.

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20 minutes ago, jeremy2020 said:

I never said that so I'm not sure why you felt the need to make that up.

I said that this doctor is a TV doc whose only reason for comment is his own personal financial interest. He provided no value to Moore's treatment.

Your entire argument is based on Moore listening to his own doctors as opposed to outsiders who only saw the injury transpire on live TV.

It's likely they are all saying something very similar to each other. Nothing I have seen suggests otherwise. So what exactly is your point?

The "TV doc" comments are just an attempt to discredit without actually having anything of substance to do so. You have no idea what this guy's credentials are or aren't. And from what I've seen he's actually pretty reputable.

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1 hour ago, DoubleDown said:

Your entire argument is based on Moore listening to his own doctors as opposed to outsiders who only saw the injury transpire on live TV.

It's likely they are all saying something very similar to each other. Nothing I have seen suggests otherwise. So what exactly is your point?

The "TV doc" comments are just an attempt to discredit without actually having anything of substance to do so. You have no idea what this guy's credentials are or aren't. And from what I've seen he's actually pretty reputable.

You should really read. There's many, many scientists in the field who no longer find him credible. He no longer sees or treats patients. He no longer conducts research. He just does appearances for pay.

You may want to look into it before championing him further. There's a very thorough expose from the Washington Post with named quotes from prominent researchers and specialists in the field who question him. So can you provide the basis that has caused you to champion him?

I hope it's not the will smith movie.

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On 1/1/2024 at 12:08 PM, Green DNA said:

The NFL could have the lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight Super Bowl.   Goodell will pop a boner just thinking about this money making scheme.  

Div 3, Div 2, Football Championship Subdivision maybe?  Monetize every level of football!

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Yup restrictions on size have to be made per position soon.

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What about planet Earth? Because Moore's concussion came when he hit the turf, not another player.

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1 hour ago, jamesr said:

What about planet Earth? Because Moore's concussion came when he hit the turf, not another player.

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Thankfully it was Cleveland’s turf, not MetLife.  i did hear someone complain about hitting their head on the MetLife turf.  

In his recent Podcast, Brian Costello noted, before Moore’s injury, that there were not opportunities to go to places like Marquee and Somewhere Nowhere on Friday nights in Cleveland.  He spoke as if Elijah Moore was going to those places a lot.  I think there may be some truth to that.  

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On 12/31/2023 at 1:50 PM, Dunnie said:

Rather than regulate out of the game the restrictions should come on the physical nature of the player ala boxing. Linemen can only weigh so much... Etc etc.

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A good way to start would be to actually enforce PED rules.  

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The easiest way to immediately fix a lot of the issues is to go to soft pads.  Take away all the hard plastic and the helmet and the game changes to something safer almost immediately.  Or just put an inch of soft foam over the hard plastic and boom, problem solved too.  Nobody seems to want to watch that tho.

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On 12/31/2023 at 2:02 PM, JetPotato said:

Can we get a doctor that recommends Woody Johnson retire too? I'll pay anything.


On 12/31/2023 at 3:14 PM, freestater said:

happy season 4 GIF

Here's a referral that should work:

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On 12/31/2023 at 4:02 PM, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

After seeing Hamlin almost die on the field and come back to play, nothing would surprise me. These dudes don’t care. 

He was a 2nd round pick  He must be worth a few mil by now.  Take the money and run Elijah!.  

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8 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

How Dare You Greta GIF

I remember that thread.  I read the kid's article, not realizing it was written by a seventh grader.  Frankly, I've seen a lot worse sports analyses written by people many years older, some of whom make a living at doing that.

But no, @TOm Shane ratted the author's age out, and from then on nobody talked about the good points the kid made in the article.  Very unfair.

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3 hours ago, kelticwizard said:

I remember that thread.  I read the kid's article, not realizing it was written by a seventh grader.  Frankly, I've seen a lot worse sports analyses written by people many years older, some of whom make a living at doing that.

But no, @TOm Shane ratted the author's age out, and from then on nobody talked about the good points the kid made in the article.  Very unfair.

We were making fun of @Pac not the kid.  Any opportunity to rip on Pac is a good one!

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12 hours ago, Ron Rico said:

I've had several concussions; if I ever went into convulsions like that, I would be the guy in the hockey helmet for the rest of my life. 

If you ever have "convulsions" like Moore did make be sure to consult with Jeremy2020 before seeking treatment. 

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51 minutes ago, Kleckineau said:

If you ever have "convulsions" like Moore did make be sure to consult with Jeremy2020 before seeking treatment. 

Not sure why you're still defending TV doc and claiming that Moore's medical team is unable to provide him sound medical advice. 

Then to double down by misrepresenting what I said, that TV doc who hasn't examined a patient or done research in a long time and is considered to not be a good source of information from the wider medical community is not needed is just sad.

Look, you said something dumb about a guy you didn't know anything about. It happens. Move on.

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There is no sound medical advise.  The only way to tell how bad the damage is through an autopsy of his brain.   His doctors vs. tv doctors are giving medical opinions that have to be tempered by a lack of knowledge of the actual damage to Moore's brain.  Based on his past behavior the damage was probably significant before this concussion.  

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1 hour ago, jeremy2020 said:

Not sure why you're still defending TV doc and claiming that Moore's medical team is unable to provide him sound medical advice. 

Then to double down by misrepresenting what I said, that TV doc who hasn't examined a patient or done research in a long time and is considered to not be a good source of information from the wider medical community is not needed is just sad.

Look, you said something dumb about a guy you didn't know anything about. It happens. Move on.

Show me where I said that about Moore's docs. Cmon, show me Mr Expert.

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33 minutes ago, Kleckineau said:

You should understand more about the man you call a TV doctor before dismissing his opinion. He is a very qualified and respected authority in the field of TBI.


..but, please, tell us more Mr. Expert on how you disagree with lead neuropathologist for Boston University’s CTE Center and the others working in the field.. on Omalu.

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On 1/2/2024 at 2:47 PM, jamesr said:

What about planet Earth? Because Moore's concussion came when he hit the turf, not another player.

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The vast majority of concussions I have "been involved with" came from hitting the ground.  Usually later in the year when it is colder and harder. 

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19 hours ago, Origen said:

The easiest way to immediately fix a lot of the issues is to go to soft pads.  Take away all the hard plastic and the helmet and the game changes to something safer almost immediately.  Or just put an inch of soft foam over the hard plastic and boom, problem solved too.  Nobody seems to want to watch that tho.

It's mostly the sound.  I think the comments will be "where is the crack?"

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