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Warren Sharp Ranks Jets O-Line 6

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25 minutes ago, Raideraholic said:

Everyone is  entitled to their opinion but this blocking scheme zone blocking  fits much better to the Raiders offense line personal  than the power scheme they tried running under Josh McDaniel .      Center Andre James and Rg D Parham ( both their games aren’t suited for power scheme,  they excel in Zone blocking scheme  .  Center A James playing a couple years ago in similar zone blocking scheme and excelled .     Rt T Mumford - probably the only starter that isn’t  a great fit.    He’s a devastated run blocker but his technique not the best blocking on the second level .    He so strong even not having correct technique still going to be very effective.( Raiders are going to stretch out a defense , and run a lot outside zone.

  Here the starting Offense line Lt Kolton Miller Lg Jackson powers Johnson ( going to be lethal left side c Andre James Rg D Parham  all four of these guys can move get easily out on second level Rg Thaler Munford while not perfect like the other four , is still going to be very effective even if his technique on second level not perfect.

6 Andrus Peat - will backup Lt, Lg  , 7 Dj Glaze  third rounder can play anywhere on offense line- swing tackle 8 Jordan  Meredith 9 Andrew Coker developmental tackle can play Rt / Lt I Liked Dalton Wagner - but he strictly built to play inpower blocking scheme , biggest loser as he’s a terrible fit for new blocking scheme.  10 Cody whitehair- he sucks , don’t care he familiar with blocking scheme.

Raiders have very versatile offense line as a lot of there players can play multiple positions that they can carry only eight offense lineman. ( 9 is the best number:    The starting offense line has played together with the exception of Jackson powers Johnson.  

Chat GPT 4? Nice!

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Jets OL always has a decent “ pre “ season ranking. The real “ post “ season ranking however has been league bottom for years. It’s definitely improved, but all the way from the bottom to 6th is quite a stretch to believe ha.

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11 hours ago, Jetsplayer21 said:

Jets OL always has a decent “ pre “ season ranking. The real “ post “ season ranking however has been league bottom for years. It’s definitely improved, but all the way from the bottom to 6th is quite a stretch to believe ha.

2005 I still got the PTSD.  I knew we were going to be at but that bad?

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My concerns are not about the starting O-line today.  It's a good group on paper.

My concern is what the O-line looks like when AVT goes down for the season again halfway into the year (2 of the last 2 seasons),  Smith goes down after 2 or 4 or 11 games (3 of the last 4 years), Moses starts showing his age (11th season in the NFL) and Tipperman misses time with multiple nagging injuries (he was hurt a lot last year, we just didn't notice much because he mostly toughed through it).

Glad we have a #1 pick OL sitting in the wings ready to step in, that's the kind of contingency planning a smart GM, being rational about this fragile O-line, does.  But injury risk for the starting 5 remains one of the biggest potential deal-breakers for 2024.

A consistent theme, since injury risk at QB (Rodgers/Taylor both), WR (Williams), RB (Hall), all on offense, are amongst the other possible season-killers/season-derailers going into 2024.

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3 minutes ago, Warfish said:

My concerns are not about the starting O-line today.  It's a good group on paper.

My concern is what the O-line looks like when AVT goes down for the season again halfway into the year (2 of the last 2 seasons),  Smith goes down after 2 or 4 or 11 games (3 of the last 4 years), Moses starts showing his age (11th season in the NFL) and Tipperman misses time with multiple nagging injuries (he was hurt a lot last year, we just didn't notice much because he mostly toughed through it).

Glad we have a #1 pick OL sitting in the wings ready to step in, that's the kind of contingency planning a smart GM, being rational about this fragile O-line, does.  But injury risk for the starting 5 remains one of the biggest potential deal-breakers for 2024.

A consistent theme, since injury risk at QB (Rodgers), WR (Williams), RB (Hall), all on offense, are amongst the other possible season-killers/season-derailers going into 2024.

Don't worry. It'll be fine.

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11 hours ago, Jetsplayer21 said:

Jets OL always has a decent “ pre “ season ranking. The real “ post “ season ranking however has been league bottom for years. It’s definitely improved, but all the way from the bottom to 6th is quite a stretch to believe ha.

The Jets don’t have different personnel on the OL this season?  
They can’t ever have a OL in the top 10 because of their last few seasons?  image.gif.b4d32299010b72ac2472f5441f41e0f0.gif

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11 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Interesting, this is the first time I've ever heard anyone say this on JN ever.  :-k


Just as this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say that 4/5ths of the OL could wind up injured along with the starting QB, #2 WR and starting RB.  
That we can envision but the flip side?  No image.gif.53ef76ae9b89094c842b2d9dea5c3914.gif


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14 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Interesting, this is the first time I've ever heard anyone say this on JN ever.  :-k


It's as bad as saying a player IS going to get hurt when we actually have no idea if they will or not? You can say they have a higher probability based on history, etc. But stating it as fact is like saying everything is going to fine. No guarantees either way.

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35 minutes ago, Warfish said:


My concern is what the O-line looks like when AVT goes down for the season again halfway into the year (2 of the last 2 seasons),  Smith goes down after 2 or 4 or 11 games (3 of the last 4 years), Moses starts showing his age (11th season in the NFL) and Tipperman misses time .


9 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Just as this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say that 4/5ths of the OL could wind up injured along with the starting QB, #2 WR and starting RB.  
That we can envision but the flip side?  No image.gif.53ef76ae9b89094c842b2d9dea5c3914.gif


Notice it's "when" and not "if." 😅

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9 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Just as this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say that 4/5ths of the OL could wind up injured along with the starting QB, #2 WR and starting RB.

Not sure why this is such a flabergasting thought for you Nut.  

1. Rodgers missed all of 2023 due to injury, and was hampered most of 2022 with injury.  

2. Williams missed 14 games in 2023 due to injury, and 4 games the year before.

3. Hall missed 10 games due to injury in 2022 (and plays #1 RB, a position that takes alot of abuse/rough hits).  

4. AVT missed 12 games in 2023 and 10 games in 2022 to injury.

5, Smith played 30 games of a possible 67 games the last 4 seasons due to injuries.  That's 44% of games played the last 4 years.

These are not opinions, these are just the facts/histories of the players in question.

If you don't see these as possible (not probable per se, but possible) injury risks going into 2024, well, that's just doing this IMO:


9 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

That we can envision but the flip side?  No image.gif.53ef76ae9b89094c842b2d9dea5c3914.gif


Where are you drawing that conclusion from? 

Of course we (and I) can "envision" the flip side (said "flip side" being a miraculous lack of injuries for the Jets in 2024 overall).

I've said as much several times over this offseason.  

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13 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

The Jets don’t have different personnel on the OL this season?  
They can’t ever have a OL in the top 10 because of their last few seasons?  image.gif.b4d32299010b72ac2472f5441f41e0f0.gif

Lol of course they do. We have a rookie who may turn into a very good OT. Wasn’t projected by scouts to be a yr 1 starter though, but he will provide solid depth for this yr at minimum.

That is 1 thing we have this yr that JD has gambled with last few seasons, “ depth” . On OL, qb, ( d always was taking care of for depth ) We likely don’t have any all pro lineman, but multiple solid guys, especially to back up Tyron, who has been great but nearing end of career, and only was healthy for 30 games in last 4 years.

I'm excited to see a “at least” decent jets OL for whole season for once. Rodgers will help the OL too, it’s not Zach “ I can’t think quick enough “ Wilson back there anymore thank god. So Defensives can’t just rush everything thinking they can get to qb before he can think. Rodgers will make them pay big if they do.. 

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7 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Don't be overly pedantic, please.  We're talking about risks, not predictions, here. :roll:

TIL You can't say everything is going to be ok but you can say everything is going to fall to pieces. Have I got that right? 😅

You either meant what you wrote (when, not if) or you have a poor grasp on the English language. That's not me being pedantic 😅

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18 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Not sure why this is such a flabergasting thought for you Nut.  

1. Rodgers missed all of 2023 due to injury, and was hampered most of 2022 with injury.  

2. Williams missed 14 games in 2023 due to injury, and 4 games the year before.

3. Hall missed 10 games due to injury in 2022 (and plays #1 RB, a position that takes alot of abuse/rough hits).  

4. AVT missed 12 games in 2023 and 10 games in 2022 to injury.

5, Smith played 30 games of a possible 67 games the last 4 seasons due to injuries.  That's 44% of games played the last 4 years.

These are not opinions, these are just the facts/histories of the players in question.

If you don't see these as possible (not probable per se, but possible) injury risks going into 2024, well, that's just doing this IMO:


Where are you drawing that conclusion from? 

Of course we (and I) can "envision" the flip side (said "flip side" being a miraculous lack of injuries for the Jets in 2024 overall).

I've said as much several times over this offseason.  

So Rodgers one injured season, along with Halls one season translate into they're injury risks this season?   We should worry Moses becomes a liability why?  
It’s football, players get injured. I’ll bet some of these players suffer injuries.  But it’s not that someone might get injured.  It’s the idea that all of them can, all will miss entire seasons, as you pointed out they did at some point so why not in 2024.  Thinking they’ll all go down is the issue.  That and yes, questioning the idea that Moses, AVT, Rodgers, Hall, Sperm Edwards is the greatest!!! OMG I love-love-love him!!! etc will go down, at once is questioned.  As you just did.  Right here.  
Of course none of this has one thing to do with Sapp ranking OLs by the OLs as assembled.  

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51 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

That's not me being pedantic 😅

Yes it is.

Health is a risk for the Jets.  A big risk, for this team, going into 2024.  Especially at O-line.

If that isn't clear enough for you, or you want to debate what "for" or "the" means, too bad, because I'm not interested in your usual foolishness today.  :roll:

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40 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

So Rodgers one injured season, along with Halls one season translate into they're injury risks this season?   We should worry Moses becomes a liability why?  
It’s football, players get injured. I’ll bet some of these players suffer injuries.  But it’s not that someone might get injured.  It’s the idea that all of them can, all will miss entire seasons, as you pointed out they did at some point so why not in 2024.  Thinking they’ll all go down is the issue.  That and yes, questioning the idea that Moses, AVT, Rodgers, Hall, Sperm Edwards is the greatest!!! OMG I love-love-love him!!! etc will go down, at once is questioned.  As you just did.  Right here.  
Of course none of this has one thing to do with Sapp ranking OLs by the OLs as assembled.  

Here what you don’t comprehend.   These guys never played together , you can’t throw a bunch of players on an offenseline  together , and expect this line to perform at a top level .  ( that’s before taken the injury history of some of these offense lineman - Tyron smith hasn’t played more than five games on even year)     Why this might be the stupidest post ever ranking the Jets offense line in top 10.      You might not have some of these players AVT till the games start for real.      But it’s the off-season so let’s tell the Jet fan how great this team is everywhere.       Than when everything goes to crap on the offense line people act like they are surprised 


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57 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

So Rodgers one injured season....translate into they're injury risks this season?

Two injured seasons, 2022 (Thumb) and 2023 (Achillies). 

And his age (40 to start the season).

Yes, I would say that Rodgers is an injury risk in 2024.  Both because of his recent history, and his age, and his importance to the team (we take a huge step down if he misses any time at all).

57 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

We should worry Moses becomes a liability why?

Moses is an older O-lineman (10 seasons, 33 1/2 years old), and older O-linemen break down eventually, even the best. 

It's a risk, that's all.  He's been rock solid so far in his career, so I'd expect this risk is lower than say, AVT getting hurt again, or Smith missing major time.  

57 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

It’s football, players get injured. I’ll bet some of these players suffer injuries.  But it’s not that someone might get injured.  It’s the idea that all of them can, all will miss entire seasons, as you pointed out they did at some point so why not in 2024.  Thinking they’ll all go down is the issue.  

I guess you didn't watch last year, when several starters missed extensive time. 

Again, it's a meaningful risk, given the injury histories of several of our OL starters, going into 2024.  

If you wish to ignore, deny or otherwise say it isn't a risk, ok, that's your opinion, just like this is mine.

57 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

That and yes, questioning the idea that Moses, AVT, Rodgers, Hall, Sperm Edwards is the greatest!!! OMG I love-love-love him!!! etc will go down, at once is questioned.  As you just did.  Right here.  

I have no idea what you're trying to say here tbqh.  

57 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Of course none of this has one thing to do with Sapp ranking OLs by the OLs as assembled.  

Already addressed, our starting 5, if healthy, should be a very good unit.  The good ranking is warranted.  Literally the first thing I said in this thread.  :roll:

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