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Shonn Greene is terrible.


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Easily one of the 5 worst starting RBs in the league. No moves whatsoever. Has never made a defender miss in his life. He is slow as hell. Oh, AND he is not nearly as powerful as we've all be led to believe. Goes down way too easy. Never bounces right back up either. Always appears hobbled/injured. Trots off the field like he has a load in his pants. Oh, and he is zero threat in the passing game. Yep, nice feature back right there. It's a good thing we are stocked with RB depth behind him. Oh, wait.

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Greene's a solid #2, but when he got through that hole for that big gain, even he looked surprised. And I felt like he sort of slowed down and looked around and got hit as a result. He isn't special, but the best we can hope for right now is for Powell to be at least as good as Greene and have someone for Greene to split carries with. Last year if Greene went down the Jets had nobody. Powell was a rookie and I don't think they want Joe McKnight actually running the ball with the offense at any point.

Hard to believe a ground-and-pound team doesn't have a stud running back, but here we are. I blame...the front office.

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They don't seem to be using Tebow as someone to run the football when he's not playing QB though. It's a waste of his talent, really. He's the backup QB but even he was injured doing something else, McElroy is perfectly capable of being backup QB.

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Between Greene, Tebow, Powell, McKnight, and Ganaway, the Jets have enough RBs to do the job.....


which RB exactly is doing the job? the only run he got was where he wasnt challenged and all he did was slow down to get hit...Greene is awful..i want to see them at least try and have mcknight, powell ect get the carries. God greene is awful

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They don't seem to be using Tebow as someone to run the football when he's not playing QB though. It's a waste of his talent, really. He's the backup QB but even he was injured doing something else, McElroy is perfectly capable of being backup QB.

We're going to see a lot of Tebow running and very little of Tebow passing once the regular season starts. They've got two things in mind with him in the preseason. First, they want to give him QB work and second, they want to keep the wildcat under wraps.

Tebow is a horrible QB. If Sanchez were to get seriously hurt, I'd think they'd try to get McElroy, or anyone else, up to speed as quickly as possible and keep Tebow in his wildcat role.

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Also... Did McKnight play last night?

I thought Powell looked really good right out of the chute, but then he slowed to the Jets general slog. Still, I'm hoping Greene's work gets cut to less than 50% of the team's carries. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect McKnight, Powell, and Tebow to carry more than half the load.

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Greene is what he is...decent...nothing special...wish our RBs had more breakaway threat...doesn't look like the coaches have confidence in McKnight...thought Powell looked better than his previous efforts. Ganaway is more of the same. This team will miss LT.

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Typical JN thread. Greene is fine. He's not Adrian Peterson. Heaven help us! Remember that one of the suggestions was that we trade for Stewart. I like Stewart, but he was awful last night. Also, not a defense for Greene, but I still think that turf is terrible. I didn't see Greene slip on it at all, but it has to discourage moves. Keller is always slipping and last night Hill went down a couple of times.

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Typical JN thread. Greene is fine. He's not Adrian Peterson. Heaven help us! Remember that one of the suggestions was that we trade for Stewart. I like Stewart, but he was awful last night. Also, not a defense for Greene, but I still think that turf is terrible. I didn't see Greene slip on it at all, but it has to discourage moves. Keller is always slipping and last night Hill went down a couple of times.

A huge, possibly fatal flaw. How does the Groundz and Poundz work otherwise?

He caught a couple of passes last night well enough.

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I was so excited when we drafted this beast. Then was even more excited when he showed glimpses behind Jones. Then I was frustrated when he wasn't getting it full time... now I am upset at myself.

This is essentially how I feel about it.

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I don't think we ever intended for Greene to be the feature back. We never invest much in the RB position (a wise decision) and just ask that for the most part they take what the O-line gives. Hopefully one of these days we find a mid-rounder that ends up better than advertised but until then, it is what it is.

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Seems to me every other team has RBs that are shifty, fast, and powerful, at least to some degree. They all bounce back up off the turf too. Our guy runs like he's stuck in the mud, and then rolls over and drags his ass off the ground every time. Saying "Shonn Greene is good enough" is the definition of accepting mediocrity. Why can't we have an elite offensive skills player on this team, like, ever? A guy who can create yardage on his own every once in awhile? When's the last time we had that at the starting RB spot anyways... Thomas Jones? No. Curtis Martin? Sorry, but no. I honestly don't know the answer to this question.

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Greene looked like he was ready to become a member of the AARP.

Powell looked great.

Ganaway had one carry IIRC. I would like to see more of him next week to see if he has some mettle!

Looked pretty good going second and third team defensive players. I wouldn't trip over my dick just yet. Let's see if he can do it against first team D's once they start shooting live ammo.

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Looked pretty good going second and third team defensive players. I wouldn't trip over my dick just yet. Let's see if he can do it against first team D's once they start shooting live ammo.

Its the first time he has done anything, and like you said it was against the not so good D. He is far from "great".
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One of the 5 worst starting RB's in the league?

The guy's averaged over 4 yards a carry in each of his first 3 years in the league, including last year behind an offensive line that everyone acknowledges had a bad year.

What the hell do you want from the guy?

OK, he's not Walter Payton or Barry Sanders, but "terrible"?

Do you think maybe your expectations might be a tad bit high?

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