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Serby: Don't Play Revis


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My advice to one and all: Use your heads. Leave Revis home. Err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry. All that.

Ask Harry Carson about the horrific effects of head trauma. Ask Wayne Chrebet. Ask any of the macho old-timers who never knew the risks playing in a league that was not conscious enough of the hazards.

Revis, who remembers sticking his hand out to stop C.J. Spiller and was inadvertently kicked in the head by Bart Scott, suffered a mild concussion, which is not as worrisome as a moderate or severe concussion. It still is a concussion. It still is the head.

Read more: http://www.nypost.co...J#ixzz26Rq3sZBS

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My advice to one and all: Use your heads. Leave Revis home. Err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry. All that.

Ask Harry Carson about the horrific effects of head trauma. Ask Wayne Chrebet. Ask any of the macho old-timers who never knew the risks playing in a league that was not conscious enough of the hazards.

Revis, who remembers sticking his hand out to stop C.J. Spiller and was inadvertently kicked in the head by Bart Scott, suffered a mild concussion, which is not as worrisome as a moderate or severe concussion. It still is a concussion. It still is the head.

Read more: http://www.nypost.co...J#ixzz26Rq3sZBS

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Not really up to the team at this point unless they just want to provide him extra rest...independent doctors will clear him or not.

I think that's kind of his point. To look at the bigger picture and not play him regardless of whether he's cleared by docs or not.

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Well he makes a bad comparison, when Carson, Chrebet and the "Old Timers" played there was not independant doctors that would evaluate the players before they could play again. The decision to play or not was dependant on how the player felt and if he could be productive. This way of thinking led to many players playing while still concussed, there by it being easier for them to be re-injured.

I agree with what Rex said and what the league rules say, independant doctor and baseline tests. If they both say play, then there is no reason not to play him.

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If this were Chrebet, Carson or Al Toon he would have kept playing in the Bills game. He got gonged, but he wasn't out and I don't think anybody thought it was particularly severe. Most of us initially thought it was his hand or finger. They held him out because it was a blowout and concussions are the new in thing. I don't blame them, you can never tell, but let's not act like this is Ali fighting against Berbick.

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My advice to one and all: Use your heads. Leave Revis home. Err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry. All that.

Ask Harry Carson about the horrific effects of head trauma. Ask Wayne Chrebet. Ask any of the macho old-timers who never knew the risks playing in a league that was not conscious enough of the hazards.

Revis, who remembers sticking his hand out to stop C.J. Spiller and was inadvertently kicked in the head by Bart Scott, suffered a mild concussion, which is not as worrisome as a moderate or severe concussion. It still is a concussion. It still is the head.

Read more: http://www.nypost.co...J#ixzz26Rq3sZBS

I hope some will remember but to the ones that don't, I remember Serby writing a lot of sh*t about Gastineau back in the lates 80"s....Gas actually went to see him, met somewhere in the city and actually picked him up and placed him in a garbage can....no kidding!

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I hope some will remember but to the ones that don't, I remember Serby writing a lot of sh*t about Gastineau back in the lates 80"s....Gas actually went to see him, met somewhere in the city and actually picked him up and placed him in a garbage can....no kidding!

I think that was Richard Tood believe or not. Serby was a pro Matt Robinson guy and Todd called him out on it.


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My advice to one and all: Use your heads. Leave Revis home. Err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry. All that.

Ask Harry Carson about the horrific effects of head trauma. Ask Wayne Chrebet. Ask any of the macho old-timers who never knew the risks playing in a league that was not conscious enough of the hazards.

Revis, who remembers sticking his hand out to stop C.J. Spiller and was inadvertently kicked in the head by Bart Scott, suffered a mild concussion, which is not as worrisome as a moderate or severe concussion. It still is a concussion. It still is the head.

Read more: http://www.nypost.co...J#ixzz26Rq3sZBS

I dont want revis to play either. I feel like that we need to think about our entire season in which we will certainly need a healthy Revis. Win or lose on sunday, if Revis gets hurt our defensive might will drastically change.

I'd take my chances with putting WIlson in at #2 for a game or two than to jeopardize Revis and possibly having WIlson play #2 for most of the season.

Not that I dont believe in Wilson, its just that Revis is a Jordan-like figure at his position. He's one of those rare ones. I'd say sit him, its not like the Steelers are invincible.

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I think Revis, Kerley and Hill Play. I think Keller sits out and Pou'ha as well.

If Revis is cleared he will play, no doubt in my mind. PLUS Revis is not the type to lead with his head when making a tackle, he is not prone and if you review the tape, you will see that the Bart Scott kick was not something you'd see normally, especially happening to Revis. If he is cleared, he should play.

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Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.

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Macro's are great.. I learned them when we had to learn DOS in the AF.

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We have overcome before. The Jets should use all the prognostications...PIN THEM TO THE WALL...Have Rex come in and say...

"Men, we put 48 points against a team that was supposed to be better than us. We scored many touchdowns after only scoring 1 in the preseason. We thought we had shown the world that we are a good team. NOW, these "never played a game in their life" dooshes say there is NO WAY you can beat the Steelers. They say we beat a weak team in the Bills. They say without Revis we can't field a competitive team, they say that Mark is no Manning so we won't win. I say to them "F*** You scribe". Simple enough, F*** Them. We are warriors and when warriors get backed into a corner they come out swinging, they won't go down without a fight. so F*** Them and I hope they choke on their doubts. We WILL win and then when they come seeking quotes, I want you all to look at them and NOT say but think it "F*** You!" Now, everyone go get your lifts in and get me a Goddamnned Power Bar."

Damn straight!

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