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Rex Ryan reaffirms that he's a Heckuvafootballcoachdefensively and doesn't care what anyone says


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This is such a typical thread.  It's just like when Mangini was on the way out.  When he first came everybody was so happy to get rid of that idiot Herm that every non-quote was celebrated.  By the time he left every no comment was being blasted.  Rex was "a breath of fresh air" when he arrived and now he is the lowest form of blowhard.  Here he is saying he is responsible for the offense, that things haven't worked out, that he isn't proud of what the D has become and that the ground and pound was not legitimate after 2009.  All things every person bashing him has said.  How dare he?!?!


You don't need passion as a coach?  We need a tactician?  Mangini tacticianed the same team with a HOF QB t0 9-7 and no playoffs.  Rex got them to the AFC title.  He's very flawed, but acting like there are no positives there is idiotic. 


Personally I think Rex is an excellent D coach.  I also think he is a zero as an offensive guy and that makes him a passable head coach.  He is also an ass and an embarassment.  He says so many things that are just plain stupid and completely unnecessary.

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haters hate, thinkers think- ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)  Ditka was smart enough to leave the 85 Bears defense to Rex's father and stayed out of the way--The Giant teams of the 50s were coached by Tom Landry on defense and Vince Lombardi on offense- the head coach -James Lee Howell- made sure the balls had enough air---some guys here should turn off ESPN and NFLN and their screaming heads and read a book sometime.

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Oh, boy. It's gonna be a lonnnnng 6 weeks before training camp and more Jets news.  Is this thread a result of that frustration?


Just curious:  Who's decision was it to bring in Mornhinweg? Was it Rex?

Because a good head coach realizes their weakness (offense in this case), and hires a good coordinator to compensate.

It remains to be seen if Mornhinweg turns the offense around this year. If successful, Rex gets praised and keeps his job. if not, buh-bye Rex!


And let's not forget how much pure luck plays a big part in a team's success. You only need to look at Brady (6th round pick?!?!) to see how f#$%&*@ lucky Beli-cheat and the Pats got.  The Jets just need a bit of that luck (OK a lot) and they will be fine.


I'm not happy the way the last 2 years have gone. However after 30 years of watching the product on the field, I can say Rex has improved things. Heck, coincidence or not, the team has been better with Woody as owner believe it or not. Let's not be too hasty and give these guys another chance. Who knows, maybe Idzik and Geno will lead us to the promised land!

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When did we win 4 games in Rex's tenure?  And what proof do you have that the current team is only capable of 4-6 wins?  Don't make a claim, fail to back it up, then call people idiots.


Dear 80,


You are better than this.





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Oh, boy. It's gonna be a lonnnnng 6 weeks before training camp and more Jets news.  Is this thread a result of that frustration?


Just curious:  Who's decision was it to bring in Mornhinweg? Was it Rex?

Because a good head coach realizes their weakness (offense in this case), and hires a good coordinator to compensate.

It remains to be seen if Mornhinweg turns the offense around this year. If successful, Rex gets praised and keeps his job. if not, buh-bye Rex!


And let's not forget how much pure luck plays a big part in a team's success. You only need to look at Brady (6th round pick?!?!) to see how f#$%&*@ lucky Beli-cheat and the Pats got.  The Jets just need a bit of that luck (OK a lot) and they will be fine.


I'm not happy the way the last 2 years have gone. However after 30 years of watching the product on the field, I can say Rex has improved things. Heck, coincidence or not, the team has been better with Woody as owner believe it or not. Let's not be too hasty and give these guys another chance. Who knows, maybe Idzik and Geno will lead us to the promised land!



Rex hand-picked Sporano. 


There is no evidence as to who chose Marty Mornhinwheg, but I'd imagined that since he was hired around the time they hired Idzik, that it had something to do with the consulting firm and the contingencies that were tied to Idzik coming on board. 


The last person I think would have been given the green light on choosing another OC is Rex.

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haters hate, thinkers think- ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)  Ditka was smart enough to leave the 85 Bears defense to Rex's father and stayed out of the way--The Giant teams of the 50s were coached by Tom Landry on defense and Vince Lombardi on offense- the head coach -James Lee Howell- made sure the balls had enough air---some guys here should turn off ESPN and NFLN and their screaming heads and read a book sometime.


LOL... Ditka was the head coach, he's supposed to delegate the defense to defensive coordinator. Just like James Lee Howell delegated to his experts. The true definition of a great manager is one that delegates and manages the work of true experts. That is what you want from a head coach.


Rex is an expert on defense, no question (as he'd say). However, he's horrible at managing and delegating the expertise of other coaches. That is why he's failed to build an offense with Schotty Jr. or Sporano running it, and why he's only excelled at being an over-promoted defensive coordinator.


All you've done in this post is unknowingly support the plight of those that rightfully understand Rex is an over-promoted DC. Hahahahaha... why don't you go read a book, derp.

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LOL... Ditka was the head coach, he's supposed to delegate the defense to defensive coordinator. Just like James Lee Howell delegated to his experts. The true definition of a great manager is one that delegates and manages the work of true experts. That is what you want from a head coach.


Rex is an expert on defense, no question (as he'd say). However, he's horrible at managing and delegating the expertise of other coaches. That is why he's failed to build an offense with Schotty Jr. or Sporano running it, and why he's only excelled at being an over-promoted defensive coordinator.


All you've done in this post is unknowingly support the plight of those that rightfully understand Rex is an over-promoted DC. Hahahahaha... why don't you go read a book, derp.



Speaking of GFY, please explain to me how Rex is horrible at delegating because he had Schottenheimer who BY EVERY ******* ACCOUNT UNDER THE SUN was forced down his throat by Woody.  Sparano was a terrible hire and I will put him on Rex, but you can't blame Schottenhiemer on Rex.  Not rationally, but go ahead. 

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Speaking of GFY, please explain to me how Rex is horrible at delegating because he had Schottenheimer who BY EVERY ******* ACCOUNT UNDER THE SUN was forced down his throat by Woody.  Sparano was a terrible hire and I will put him on Rex, but you can't blame Schottenhiemer on Rex.  Not rationally, but go ahead. 


Schotty was here for 3 years with Rex, the whole "forced on him by Woody" excuse runs out after year 1. Especially after Rex spent all 3 years gushing over Schotty, even to the extent that they didn't even fire him if I recall. He himself decided not to return. 


Don't get me wrong, I think Schotty sucked, but in the discussion of the head coaching being accountable for managing the whole, and appropriately delegating responsibilities, Rex sucks at it. No matter whether Schotty was forced on him or not. Rex has approached the HC job by basically being the defensive coordinator, and neglecting the offense completely. Which has allowed him to evade accountability and have other people's heads roll as the offense has gotten perpetually worse.


Listen, it's like this... you don't take Joe Schmoe out of the sales department and promote him to COO because he's been a great sales guy and his "time has come" to advance in his career, and then let him continue to just focus on sales and neglect everything else. It's a losing proposition and it happens all the time, it's called the Peter Principle. 


It has nothing to do with whether he inherited Schotty or not, so while I stand by my response above to you, that spinoff argument is pretty much irrelevant to the point in bold.

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Rex hand-picked Sporano. 


There is no evidence as to who chose Marty Mornhinwheg, but I'd imagined that since he was hired around the time they hired Idzik, that it had something to do with the consulting firm and the contingencies that were tied to Idzik coming on board. 


The last person I think would have been given the green light on choosing another OC is Rex.

For this alone, he deserves a horse whipping.  


I have run the Sparano hire in my mind a hundred times.  It still makes no f**king sense.  I thought it was a joke when the team announced it.  In terms of myopic stupidity, second only to the Kotex hiring by Hess.

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every coach in the league either comes from the offensive or defensive side of the football. Heck every coach in college football too. It's a whole system set up where you go from being a defensive assistant to a positional coach to a coordinator to maybe just maybe head coach. Rex makes it through the gauntlet (winning a ring with Baltimore along the way) and now that he's a head coach people complain he doesn't know offense. Well guess what if they hire an offensive coach, that guy won't know defense. there's no coach in the league (not even Belly) who is a master at both.  When guys try to switch sides, like Juan Castillo, it's rare and usually a disaster.  Hey Mangini is working with the SF offense, maybe the Jets should hire him back? 


True, but how many of them celebrate it, laugh about it, and announce that they have no interest in being a part of it?


Mangini and Herm were both defensive guys... Neither were saying, "I'm gonna stay out of the offensive meetings".  Far cry from being strong at one, and not as much in another and what Rex is and celebrates being.


The head coaches' job is to be the head coach, not to be a defensive coordinator/head cheerleader.

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Over the last four years, you can count on two absolutes: "Reality TV" will create another contest-driven show and Rex Ryan will proclaim that he's learned from the previous year's problems, making the necessary corrections for the coming season.  Good Lord, why didn't Woody show this sap the door after last season's debacle?  Now, we waste another year watching this former whale implode.

US currency?

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For this alone, he deserves a horse whipping.  


I have run the Sparano hire in my mind a hundred times.  It still makes no f**king sense.  I thought it was a joke when the team announced it.  In terms of myopic stupidity, second only to the Kotex hiring by Hess.


It makes sense like the Tebow signing makes sense...


The dolphins offense, under Chad Henne, succeeded against Ryan's defense.  Therefore, it is not the error of Ryan's defense, because that is infallible, rather, Sporano must have been some kind of genius.


Tebow scored that game winner against us, so he's great... Nothing to do with the fact that we stopped him all game long, or Sanchez threw one of his worst pick 6's and did nothing on offense all game.

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I choose to look at it like this:


Scenario 1: Rex improves as a head coach, stays on. We benefit.


Scenario 2: Rex fails to improve as a head coach, gets fired. We benefit.


I think most of us are assuming this season is lost. Therefore, none of this matters. [/fatalism] [/defeatism]


(Unmentioned Scenario 3: Rex fails to improve as a head coach, stays on. AKA doomsday scenario.)

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US currency?

I know.  But in my heart, I believe Woody (and the team) lose more keeping Rex for another year.  It just forestalls the true rebuilding process once Rex tanks again this season and we go hire the next HC. 


It makes sense like the Tebow signing makes sense...


The dolphins offense, under Chad Henne, succeeded against Ryan's defense.  Therefore, it is not the error of Ryan's defense, because that is infallible, rather, Sporano must have been some kind of genius.


Tebow scored that game winner against us, so he's great... Nothing to do with the fact that we stopped him all game long, or Sanchez threw one of his worst pick 6's and did nothing on offense all game.

Dead on.


Hi, EY.  Hope all is well.

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I know.  But in my heart, I believe Woody (and the team) lose more keeping Rex for another year.  It just forestalls the true rebuilding process once Rex tanks again this season and we go hire the next HC. 


Dead on.


Hi, EY.  Hope all is well.


Everything's great here.  Yourself?

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It's crap like that that makes me wish the Jets would go 0-16 this year just to shut that stupid moron's mouth once and for all.  He nauseates me.  Great coaches don't have to pat themselves on the back to the media.  Rex is all talk and little action.

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A few thoughts on Rex:


  • He is a hell of a coach
  • We are lucky to have him
  • Now that they are actually headed in the right direction talent wise, the results are going to be better
  • Playoffs this year.....

How do you figure Phil?


Balt, Cinci, Pitt, Houiston, Indy, NE and Denver are better teams with better QBs. Miami has improved and KC could so something. The Jets coaching staff is practically brand new and the Jets are running another new offense. If Cromartie shows signs of age its over.


Oh, and Sanchez will start game 1. Bet on that.

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Now, he just needs to figure out how to get his team back on track.



The last time I heard that was Kotite. and the press told him ''But Rich, you never were on track''



Rex hasnt taken any responsibility for the Sporano and Tebow debacles ''I was more involved in the offense last year but that wasn't my fault''

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How do you figure Phil?


Balt, Cinci, Pitt, Houiston, Indy, NE and Denver are better teams with better QBs. Miami has improved and KC could so something. The Jets coaching staff is practically brand new and the Jets are running another new offense. If Cromartie shows signs of age its over.


Oh, and Sanchez will start game 1. Bet on that.

Dont mind him, hes the forever optimist

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I can use any argument I want, just like you can.  Besides, Its not like he had a lot of options.  I'd like to see another HC win with Sanchez as his QB. lulza  And when you draft a QB 5th overall and he goes on to win 4 road playoff games in his first 2 seasons...maybe, just maybe, you give him a shot to become that QB.  Typically it takes about 3-4 years, and it hasnt happened so guess what?  They drafted a QB.  Smith, Geno.  

Sure, but it's a terrible argument. Rex was here with a GM who didn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to picking players making him the guy who is responsible for the players on a roster that has gotten worse every year he's been here. BTW the horrible rational of "we made the AFC Championship games so lets ignore that any metric shows that we made it DESPITE the QB who was miserable both seasons" just shows that Rex totally bought the fools gold of those seasons which is why the rest of the roster absolutely rotted. Rex completely failed in his evaluation of the players on the team and there is no argument against that fact.

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Think this season is shaping up as a setup to fire Wrecks Ryan. Idzik probably wanted to bring in his own guy, and Johnson instead didn't want to pay 2 coaches. Idzik knows this team is doing nothing in 2013, so let Ryan take the hit and start fresh with a ton of cap room and a new HC in 2014. What's astonishing is how either Wrecks is playing along for a paycheck or if he's that dumb.The stuff coming outr his mouth about the offense this week is so delusional suprising they haven't cut power to the building as he's speaking.

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Sure, but it's a terrible argument. Rex was here with a GM who didn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to picking players making him the guy who is responsible for the players on a roster that has gotten worse every year he's been here. BTW the horrible rational of "we made the AFC Championship games so lets ignore that any metric shows that we made it DESPITE the QB who was miserable both seasons" just shows that Rex totally bought the fools gold of those seasons which is why the rest of the roster absolutely rotted. Rex completely failed in his evaluation of the players on the team and there is no argument against that fact.


Disagree.  When Rex got here the offense was literally a cast of nobodies with a great OL.  Kellen Clemens was his starter.  Him or Tanny, or whoever, wanted Sanchez.  So be it.  I hated the pick, many did.  But, they took the chance.  And they were successful with him right out the gates.  Yes, he sucked, and in a lot of ways they were winning despite him but he also led a bunch of comebacks and played well in big games (or well enough).  His 3rd year was a nightmare but he also broke the franchise records for most TD's in a season.  They were 8-5 and controlled their own destiny till Sanchez literally collapsed and has been worse and worse since.  


Point being, 4 years in just about the right amount of time to give a top 5 pick, especially QB.  Plenty of QB's dont start out with amazing stats.  Year 4 was atrocious so they drafted the best QB prospect in the draft.  Seems about right to me and that's with me absolutely hating Sanchez and never wanting to see him take another snap again. 


As far as the deterioration of the talent level...when Rex got here, he had a veteran led team with many on their last leg.  They tried to address certain positions and failed to replace them adequately, yet still remained a competitive Football team because our strength is coaching (winning despite your Qb is hard to do and typically its because you have good coaching).  It looks like they've done a better job of replacing some of those positions now, so lets see what happens.  Whether you put that on Tanny or Rex, well, that seems to be determined by whether you like Rex or not.  

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I don't know what Jets fans expect out of their coach. Parcells isn't coming back. 

How about having one that doesn't make jackass comments nearly every time he opens his mouth? Or forget about his commentary ... physically does or is evolved in something that you would expect out of an 11 year old (if they were allowed to have wives ... tattoo's ... etc..) Perhaps that's too much to ask for ...

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Trivia time: in the last 4 years who has won more games? Who has made the playoffs more? Who has gotten more 1st round bye's winning their division? Here's a better one, who has more SB appearances? Who has played in more post-season games DESPITE getting bye weeks for winning their division?


Bill has 3 playoff wins. Rex has 4. In the last 4 years. Bill has also had 3 playoff bye weeks, because he leads his team to 10+ wins every year and wins the division almost every year. The answer to your question is Rex. The relevance of your question is marginal, and ignores quite a huge amount of more telling success metrics and achievements. 


Basically, you are hinging your argument on a point lacking of true substance. You are also trying to point to history, while also ignoring it. History is an indicator of trends. Bill has consistently won. Rex won, and has been on a downward spiral. These two coaches are trending in polar opposite directions, and frankly Rex has no business being compared to Bill. None. Whatsoever.

Bill suckedwo before Brady. I we had a QB half as good as Brady Rex first two years we would have at least a championship
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