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Jets are 4 and 3 b#tches


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1 minute ago, CanadaSteve said:


So, me suggesting to guys who like to bitch and moan about everything should be roomies, and that means I think you're gay.

Let me say it again....WOW.

I love @Jetsfan80 but why would 2 grown a** men be “roomies” if we don’t have to. I have a nice place on Brooklyn and I’m sure  @Jetsfan80 is doing well also . 

So as a heterosexual wtf am I supposed to think if you type nonsense like this?

11 minutes ago, CanadaSteve said:

Give Oatmeal a call.  You guys would be good for each other. 


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Rooting for the laundry and will enjoy the slivers of hope for this team whenever they appear, but I will not hold my breath waiting for Zack Wilson to all of a sudden put this team on his back and deliver W's with smart, consistent play. Instead I will cross my fingers and toes hoping the defense and running game can continue to bail him out and hide his many deficiencies as a starting QB week after week.  It's the only "reasonable" way a Jets fan can root for this team the rest of the way. 


See what I did there? 😎

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6 minutes ago, CanadaSteve said:


So, me suggesting to guys who like to bitch and moan about everything should be roomies, and that means I think you're gay.

Let me say it again....WOW.

3 things are sure in life:

1. Death


3. Jets koolaid mafia gaslighting 

bet you’re a** on these three things 😂

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2 hours ago, oatmeal said:

I love @Jetsfan80 but why would 2 grown a** men be “roomies” if we don’t have to. I have a nice place on Brooklyn and I’m sure  @Jetsfan80 is doing well also . 

So as a heterosexual wtf am I supposed to think if you type nonsense like this?


Apparently, humor is not a thing for you.  Cool

Have fun not being Jetsfan's roomie, and enjoy your nice place in Brooklyn.  

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2 hours ago, Biggs said:

These guys are both lame ducks without a new deal.  Woody would turn on one of both of them in a nano-second if he thought it was good for business.  

The high draft pick is likely to be lower than last year when we took a Defensive player who is barely getting playing time. 

If he plays at an average level this team as constructed is a playoff team.  If he turns a corner it's a home run. 

Any professional GM or HC who believes the owner when they say they are safe when the team isn't openly tanking for a QB in the draft is as good as dead.

Not tire they would be lame ducks  next season, big difference 

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3 hours ago, Biggs said:

That would be a formula for making the D and special teams, the actual strength of this team much less effective.  The Bills had the best personal in football and you could make a strong argument that the hurry up was their undoing against equal competition.

Yes the O should be opened up.  If you run the hurry up and don't convert 1st downs you are killing the strength of this team.  Brady and Jim Kelly weren't one read QB's.  They didn't need to take the snap and see what develops to make a quick read.  They weren't playing against prevent D's all game long.  

They need to open up the passing games and free him up to make some tight window throws.  They don't need to go hurry up and kill the entire concept of how the team was built. 

I didn't actually call for hurry up all the time just some times. Mainly what was suggesting is no huddle no substitution football which greatly simplifies the reads and makes it easier to find mismatches.  With it you could very the tempo of the offense from down to the last couple seconds or even hurry up to keep the defense off balance. But it would still be a ball control oriented offense.

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On 11/2/2023 at 12:56 PM, JohnnyLV said:

If I were the Jets OC, I would put Zach into a combination of the Buffalo hurry up no huddle offense ran by Jim Kelly and the no hurry but no huddle offense Brady used where they lock teams into a certain defensive alignment and don't let them substitute.

Zach has shown over and over that he is quite proficient at the 2 minute drill and those philosophies should be extended to our base offense.

Saleh may think he needs to open it up against Herbert.


GTOH with this nonsense.

Zach isn’t one tenth the QB Kelly was, nor one hundredth what Brady was. He’s so bad, his coaches are terrified to let him throw the ball.

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Just now, Maxman said:

Alright, let's get this back on topic. And I know things are meant as a joke, but please don't post anything that could be construed as an attack.

Also, don't forget:

The Jets are 4 and 3, B*tches.

Thanks Max.  The W-L record reference is a good one.  This team is overachieving big time.

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13 hours ago, Maxman said:

What do you think the Jets final record will be this season? I just posted in the other thread, 10 and 7 is the low water mark at this point. With upside from there.

Curious what you think though.

I think the floor is 9-8.  There is no reason on God's green Earth why we can't go 5-5 from here.  10-7 is within reach too I suppose but I hate to get ahead of myself.    

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On our way to a division title and Aaron Rodgers comes back for the playoffs and leads us to a Super Bowl. He decides to retire, having accomplished his goal and then Zach Wilson is signed to a 5 year 150 million dollar contract, having led the Coach of the Year, Robert Saleh, to an 11-6 record and a Super Bowl victory.

Subsequently, hundreds of angry Jets fans, known for their countless attacks on the Jets new franchise QB, refuse to go to the parade, instead decide to picket at Met Life stadium, with signs that read, "Zach had a below average QBR, how can you do this JD?" They all decide to become fans of the Tennessee Titans and their new favorite QB, Will Levis, whose side arm pop ups to the secondary lead him to 30 INTs in his 2nd season, after which he is subsequently released, and signed by the Jets as a backup to Zach Wilson.

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4 hours ago, JETS SB said:

On our way to a division title and Aaron Rodgers comes back for the playoffs and leads us to a Super Bowl. He decides to retire, having accomplished his goal and then Zach Wilson is signed to a 5 year 150 million dollar contract, having led the Coach of the Year, Robert Saleh, to an 11-6 record and a Super Bowl victory.

Subsequently, hundreds of angry Jets fans, known for their countless attacks on the Jets new franchise QB, refuse to go to the parade, instead decide to picket at Met Life stadium, with signs that read, "Zach had a below average QBR, how can you do this JD?" They all decide to become fans of the Tennessee Titans and their new favorite QB, Will Levis, whose side arm pop ups to the secondary lead him to 30 INTs in his 2nd season, after which he is subsequently released, and signed by the Jets as a backup to Zach Wilson.

Damn, Robert Saleh going to do his franchise QB dirty like that and bench Zach?  Wow.  Harsh.

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5 hours ago, JETS SB said:

On our way to a division title and Aaron Rodgers comes back for the playoffs and leads us to a Super Bowl. He decides to retire, having accomplished his goal and then Zach Wilson is signed to a 5 year 150 million dollar contract, having led the Coach of the Year, Robert Saleh, to an 11-6 record and a Super Bowl victory.

Subsequently, hundreds of angry Jets fans, known for their countless attacks on the Jets new franchise QB, refuse to go to the parade, instead decide to picket at Met Life stadium, with signs that read, "Zach had a below average QBR, how can you do this JD?" They all decide to become fans of the Tennessee Titans and their new favorite QB, Will Levis, whose side arm pop ups to the secondary lead him to 30 INTs in his 2nd season, after which he is subsequently released, and signed by the Jets as a backup to Zach Wilson.

Fentanyl is a hell of a drug. I hope you get the help you need.

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