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Saleh end of season press conference (live now)

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35 minutes ago, Hex said:

"Took the next step" WTF???

Last season: scored 296 points, allowed 316 points.

This season: scored 268, allowed 355.

Same record as last season despite a much easier schedule (-0.6 SoS this season vs 2.0 SoS last, ProFootballReference), and this guy has the balls to say they improved??

I gotta give it to him, he's doing everything he can to get fired.

Salesman is so incredibly FOS.

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4 hours ago, Matt39 said:

“My goal is to get to 1,000 courses,’’ Saleh said. “I’m in the 400s somewhere now.’’ 

So, what’s next in golf for a guy who’s already played Pine Valley, Cypress Point, Shinnecock Hills, National and a number of other most top-rated courses in the world and broke 70 while playing with his oldest son? 

“I just enjoy playing,’’ Saleh said. “I really don’t have a goal.’’ 

If he is a scratch golfer.  I want him gone now more than ever.   To be scratch required hours of weekly practice and focus.  Good HC and scratch golf are mutually exclusive.   Fukk him.  

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1 hour ago, T0mShane said:

Cimini had this little Keith Carter related nugget a few weeks ago: the attempted cut blocks that got Rodgers killed in week one—that both Duane Brown and (through intermediaries) Rodgers criticized—were never seen again this season after that. Seems to me that Keith Carter was personally responsible for teaching that technique, employing it in the game plan, and for getting Rodgers killed as a result. Someone had to step in and take those out of the OL repertoire. Pauline had that blind item when Carter was hired by the Jets—that it was a “death wish.” And Saleh is keeping him around. 

Without looking at the Jets media page can anyone here even pick out Keith Carter from a police lineup let alone what his job entails.

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1 minute ago, southparkcpa said:

If he is a scratch golfer.  I want him gone now more than ever.   To be scratch required hours of weekly practice and focus.  Good HC and scratch golf are mutually exclusive.   Fukk him.  

I want to know was he playing golf in NJ or Utah 😄

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4 hours ago, HighPitch said:

7 wins without rodgers.

may have been 10 with him and a playoff spot

Next year we will really know what sally and jd are all about

Bull.  Tomlin would have gotten to 9 wins.  Maybe more.   Carson wentz was available. This organization is futile.   

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I would have fired Saleh as soon as the "Positive Vibes Only" t-shirt appeared at whatever presser that was.

I mean "All Gas, No Brake" was stupid enough.

But the PVO thing was a telltale sign the guy is a hollow fraud with no answers.

The "eagles and crows" and "Commanders vs Competitors vs Survivors" thing was downright embarrassing.

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I'd love to know what the step forward was. 

The record was the same.

The defense was overall marginally better, but the rushing defense got worse. 

The offensive production was worse this year.

The defense generated a lot more fumbles in 2023 but the offense doubled their fumbles in 2023. It's a step forward but a leap backwards. 

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3 hours ago, Alka said:

It was so insulting to hear him say that.  Does he think the media and Jets fans are idiots?  If anything, the offense took 2 steps backwards, not forwards.  We couldn't run the ball with a make-shift line, we rarely had more than one option at wide receiver with constantly throwing the ball to Wilson, and we found out that not having a legitimate backup QB can be fatal to moving the ball and scoring.  We sucked in the red zone, and were unable to score touchdowns for the majority of the year.  I think we might have led the league in taking QB sacks.  

I truly am disgusted with his bullsh*t.

Yes, he does. 

He thinks the Jets fanbase are just too impatient, too stupid to understand how a full rebuild works. Saleh knows better, because he came across from the fabled San Francisco 49ers, and we should count ourselves lucky to have him. 

“I respect the heck out of the urgency from the fans and the wanting to flip this thing, but in fairness, this is the first time this fanbase has experienced something like this,” Saleh said Monday. "Usually, it has been a quick fix followed by a scramble.”


Knew this guy was a bullsh*t artist a long time ago. 


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1 minute ago, K_O_Brien said:

Knew this guy was a bullsh*t artist a long time ago. 

He's a con artist for sure.  "Captain Slogans". In reality, he's a DC and nothing more.  And he's a stubborn one at that in his resistance to utilize Sauce to the best of his potential.  

Keeping him for '24 was a mistake.

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12 minutes ago, rex-n-effect said:

I'd love to know what the step forward was. 

The record was the same.

The defense was overall marginally better, but the rushing defense got worse. 

The offensive production was worse this year.

The defense generated a lot more fumbles in 2023 but the offense doubled their fumbles in 2023. It's a step forward but a leap backwards. 

Not sure but was punt yardage better in 2023. Didn’t the leg lead the team in scoring. All things to oh forget about it nothing positive. Sorry for trying to find a positive spin 😭

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We make a big deal how Saleh and JD are lucky not to be fired.  

I think Saleh ends up relatively better off than JD does when they do get “fired.”

Saleh has his issues and has not been a complete, capable head coach.  But on the defensive side they are decently coached and have done very well scouting/finding/developing players.   The offense not so much.  For the first two years that was partly bad luck (Knapp), partly the guys Saleh picked to coach the offense were not that good.  Saleh like Bowles will be a DC again, maybe even back in SF, and then an HC again (getting SF another 3rd round diversity draft pick).

But JD and Saleh either instigated or went along with the AR8 plan.  They are under contract.  If Woody fires them, they still get paid.  They can find other jobs before the poop really hits the fan next year.  By not firing them, Woody is screwing them.   Unless they get extensions, they basically need to finish out year 2 of the AR8 program, and then they are out of jobs.  Woody gets out of another round of severance.  Genius.  AR8 can either work with the new GM/Coach in 2025, or retire.  I predict the latter.  

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24 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I was told by football guy he’s still in NY.


Liar Lie GIF by Fluffy Friends

My people are telling me that Zach Wilson is in the building and he’s also shot up to 6’4”. The coaches are amazed and delighted. 

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10 hours ago, batman10023 said:

what would a non disgrace of a HC get out of this roster?

how many games would a good HC have won this year?

For the most part this is a very good roster, underperforming thanks to “coaching”. A non disgrace could have won 2 more games 

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11 hours ago, Alka said:

It was so insulting to hear him say that.  Does he think the media and Jets fans are idiots?  If anything, the offense took 2 steps backwards, not forwards.  We couldn't run the ball with a make-shift line, we rarely had more than one option at wide receiver with constantly throwing the ball to Wilson, and we found out that not having a legitimate backup QB can be fatal to moving the ball and scoring.  We sucked in the red zone, and were unable to score touchdowns for the majority of the year.  I think we might have led the league in taking QB sacks.  


Other than that though, we improved 

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10 hours ago, Hex said:

"Took the next step" WTF???

Last season: scored 296 points, allowed 316 points.

This season: scored 268, allowed 355.

Same record as last season despite a much easier schedule (-0.6 SoS this season vs 2.0 SoS last, ProFootballReference), and this guy has the balls to say they improved??

I gotta give it to him, he's doing everything he can to get fired.

And that's what annoys me the most about this prick. He's delusional and thinks Jet fans are stupid. How anybody could think that the most disappointing year in Jets history with an offense that was historically bad was a step in the right direction is astounding. I can't stand him. 

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9 hours ago, K_O_Brien said:

Yes, he does. 

He thinks the Jets fanbase are just too impatient, too stupid to understand how a full rebuild works. Saleh knows better, because he came across from the fabled San Francisco 49ers, and we should count ourselves lucky to have him. 

“I respect the heck out of the urgency from the fans and the wanting to flip this thing, but in fairness, this is the first time this fanbase has experienced something like this,” Saleh said Monday. "Usually, it has been a quick fix followed by a scramble.”


Knew this guy was a bullsh*t artist a long time ago. 


Yes, Jet fans are so impatient. We have had so many successful years and have only been waiting 55 years for another SB appearance. How dare we expect competence from the GM and HC. I hate this guy. 

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12 hours ago, K_O_Brien said:

“I respect the heck out of the urgency from the fans and the wanting to flip this thing, but in fairness, this is the first time this fanbase has experienced something like this,” Saleh said Monday. "Usually, it has been a quick fix followed by a scramble.”


Knew this guy was a bullsh*t artist a long time ago. 

It’s like Hey Bobby, eff you, you freaking fraud.

How about you start winning or STFU

Bro’s free pass should have expired a year ago

go away gtfo GIF

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11 hours ago, Dcat said:

He's a con artist for sure.  "Captain Slogans". In reality, he's a DC and nothing more.  And he's a stubborn one at that in his resistance to utilize Sauce to the best of his potential.  

Keeping him for '24 was a mistake.

Can’t wait for the day ZW, Slogans, and the “manifester” are all gone.

Blow the whole thing up.

If you’re not going to win jack sh-t or provide entertainment value with your brand of football, at least give me a HC I can respect.

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18 hours ago, K_O_Brien said:

“I respect the heck out of the urgency from the fans and the wanting to flip this thing, but in fairness, this is the first time this fanbase has experienced something like this,” Saleh said Monday. "Usually, it has been a quick fix followed by a scramble.”

Thank goodness those days are over

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6 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Can’t wait for the day ZW, Slogans, and the “manifester” are all gone.

Blow the whole thing up.

If you’re not going to win jack sh-t or provide entertainment value with your brand of football, at least give me a HC I can respect.

why would you blow up when you have some very nice pieces.  they won 7 games with a third string QB.


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9 hours ago, RevisIsland610 said:

And that's what annoys me the most about this prick. He's delusional and thinks Jet fans are stupid. How anybody could think that the most disappointing year in Jets history with an offense that was historically bad was a step in the right direction is astounding. I can't stand him. 

did you just become a Jet fan in 2022?


How anybody could think that the most disappointing year in Jets history

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