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Cimini - Aaron on fixing the JETS ...

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8 minutes ago, JustInFudge said:

Dont worry, you'll get to hear Rodgers every week on McAfee to help you get through it!  

I listen the first time he announced he wanted to play for the Jets. Haven’t listened since. Won’t ever again. Not my thing, rather eat your fudge. I really like it. 

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5 hours ago, Saul Goodman said:

If Rodgers was in his prime, I’d gladly accept all of the baggage that he brings. But going on 41 years old, I still don’t understand why we made a trade that has such lasting effects. We owe the guy over $50 million in 2025, that is insane. The present sucks and the future looks even worse. 

but if he holds up and plays well in 2024 and the Jets are in the payoffs and actually win a playoff game ???  If he does indeed stay on the field, the Jets may very well win the division. 

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5 hours ago, bonkertons said:

I mean, it's pretty obvious why.  He's one of the GOATs, was still playing at a level above any QB we've ever had, had a history of not missing games, the price wasn't THAT steep compared to what elite QBs typically go for(even if it cost us the 1st, since in that scenario we'd probably be a WC team right now), and Woody and Co. thought he'd be the perfect combo of guy who could help us win NOW while salvaging their 2nd overall pick investment.  


It was a risk, and it failed.  At least to this point.  Half of the plan is already dead(helping Zach).  It's still possible he can win us one, but right now sh*t ain't looking good.  Let's not pretend this move wasn't universally praised though.  Even those who thought the compensation was too high still thought he was the right guy to target.  


Other than that though I agree.  I can deal with the drama if he was on the field winning us games.  As it stands now though it's a bit much.  

He was not elite his last season in GB though. He was a middle of the pack QB.

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I for one have no problem with AA. Dudes allowed to be kooky... and I'd rather not be on Jimmy Kimmels side on anything. The egomaniacal guy who doesn't go along with anything mainstream doesn't get along with the bought and paid for unfunny egomaniacal shill..... shocking!!!! They are both annoying in there own right but at least Rodgers is/was good at his craft.

Do love that Aaron ruffles so many of your feathers though. Win lose or draw with this team I'm having fun while you guys get bent all out of shape for my entertainment.😂

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2 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I like AR8 (and love his stance and outspokenness on the vax!) but there's no getting around the fact that his GM'ing skills have been awful.  Imo, that was probably the #1 thing that held us back this year.  Let JD pick the players.

Aaron suggested those players because they probably helped try and change the culture of a losing organization. Nothing at all wrong with that !

The one single thing tha6t cost us this season was the lack of a back up QB and that falls Squarely on Woody's shoulders . Wentz would have brought this team to the playoffs and the ******* Jets sat on their hands. 

If Rodgers does not sustain a freak injury on play four of game ******* 1 we are probably not even having any of these stupid conversations.

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3 hours ago, doitny said:

95% of this board wanted him. now there all falling for these rookie QBs and dont want Rodgers anymore. how many times are we going to fall for these rookie QBs.? history has told us one maybe 2 tops out of the 5 or so 1st rd QBs will be ok to good at best.

but there so quick to want to roll that dice again with about a 20% chance of getting it right.

What's the percentage on 40 year old former superstars? 

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17 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

Aaron Rodgers takes this bullsh*t even when he's done nothing wrong .Just shocking jets fans of all people should be ******* complaining about a guy who genuinely seems to care about the team and the fans. 

He cares about feeding his ego above all else. Going from the Packers who were sick of him to the jets who treated him like he was God served that purpose.

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3 minutes ago, Prodigal Syndicate said:

He cares about feeding his ego above all else. Going from the Packers who were sick of him to the jets who treated him like he was God served that purpose.

he feeds his ego best with a fanatical need to win that leads to winning.  i like that.  

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6 hours ago, JetPotato said:

So he won't be going on McAfee next year then?


6 hours ago, jeremy2020 said:

As usual, it does not apply to the Lord Emperor himself.


6 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

cimini: what do the Jets need to do to turn it around?

arod: flush the BS

cimini: what about your BS?

arod: tune in tomorrow, same bat time same bat place


6 hours ago, slimjasi said:

Aaron Rodgers: Flush the bullsh*t

Also Aaaron Rodgers: Tune in tomorrow to hear me pontificate on the state of modern medicine and talk sh*t about a late night talk show host who makes fun of me sometimes.  

I’ve only gotten this far, but I have to say… I’m proud of you guys. Normally, point out this level of hypocrisy on JN is a grind. Everyone is ahead of the curve.


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10 hours ago, doitny said:

but his cap hit is 51 mil, and thats what counts. 

I don't agree with that. He's getting paid $35MM in bonus and $2.5MM in salary, and none of it is guaranteed. The cap hit is higher because of payments made in (and for) prior season(s).

If a player's cap hit is pushed forward to another season, the amount paid doesn't become less in the present. It merely puts off the result for another day.

To this very point, if they treated Rodgers's $35MM roster bonus (in 2025) as a new signing bonus to be spread among his 3 void years, his 2025 cap number would drop dramatically, down from $51MM to $11.25MM. Using the rationale "his cap hit [for that season] is 11 mil, and that's what counts," the additional 'dead cap' hit that accumulates after he retires would then be considered incidental. 

What matters is what you're paying the player for that season (and, when relevant, what further future pay is guaranteed). The cap hit is just a one-year snapshot in time that can be manipulated for as long as the player is on the team. It's why it doesn't pay to keep paying a player far more than he's worth (*coughMosleycough*) because the initial cap savings seems to be more negligible than keeping him. It doesn't pay because that dead hit is hitting whether he's kept or cut, can be offset by backloading someone else instead, and the net savings is what you're not paying the player.

Rodgers gets paid $37.5MM/year. Whether his cap hit in a given year is $9MM or $51MM is just a choice a GM makes to better fit others. It's not done without legitimate reasons (one's judgments on the wisdom of acquiring/paying him - or anybody - notwithstanding).

There are two main benefits for pushing off hits as long as possible.

  • The first, and most obvious, is self-preservation of the GM's job: he can accumulate more talent as though the cap ceiling is higher than in reality, by (effectively) writing cap-IOUs from future seasons. If Rodgers counts $10-15MM instead of $37.5MM for a couple years, he's got another ~$25MM to pay other players.
  • The other benefit is more subtle, which is that - in relative cap dollars - it costs less to pay later so long as the cap ceiling keeps rising. $37.5MM is a higher percentage of $225MM than of $255MM, so the more they can push off to the $255MM cap season, the less the team will feel it. In effect, he'd eat up a higher percentage of the team's cap to be (or rather, to seem to be) more responsible, by having everyone's cap hit amount to the average each year, which leaves no dead cap upon the player's departure from the roster.

The bill will eventually come due for Rodgers, and it'll come in a big way. The way to make it the least painful (other than winning a championship, after which they can go back to the usual business as usual, of biannual Jets resets, for some time and I wouldn't care) is to have his balloon hit - or if it's spread over two years following retirement, if he agrees to officially retire after 6/1/2026, balloon hits - coincide with the Jets starting a QB they drafted while he's on a cheaper rookie deal. The QB position cost would be higher than ideal, but wouldn't be as unwieldy as those giant dead cap hits coinciding with big hits for the next veteran starter acquired.

Anyway, they're paying him $37.5MM in 2025, assuming he is still on the team; not $51MM. 

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9 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

Aaron suggested those players because they probably helped try and change the culture of a losing organization. Nothing at all wrong with that !

The one single thing tha6t cost us this season was the lack of a back up QB and that falls Squarely on Woody's shoulders . Wentz would have brought this team to the playoffs and the ******* Jets sat on their hands. 

If Rodgers does not sustain a freak injury on play four of game ******* 1 we are probably not even having any of these stupid conversations.

I like that concept and I think that was AR8's intention but Lazard certainly didn't live up to it.  And Hackett is AR8's yes man.  

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