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The Tony Pauline article is here! Come on in! JD not a big dog. Saleh still sux. Hogan the leaker.

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1 hour ago, Adoni Beast said:

Most likely due to the fact that no one else considered an upgrade would come here in a lame duck regime + they believe Rodgers, talent upgrade, and better injury luck will fix the OL.

I think Woody sitting in on these exit interviews is relatively new, possibly the first time he’s done. I can’t see this coaching staff coming back in 2025 unless they are at least the AFC Championship game (which they won’t be).

The biggest reason Saleh is here is because Woody is listening to Rodgers.

I actually expect Douglas to remain post-Saleh. Something very telling in Woody’s recent interview where he said (paraphrasing) “the talent is there we need to deploy it correctly.” That is ALL pro-Douglas and anti-Saleh.

Upgrade?  I’m just talking about firing him because he’s a net negative who everyone hates.  How could they NOT find an adequate replacement from that?

And if they were concerned with replacing someone…why fire the RBs coach instead?  Needed a “fall guy”?

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On 2/16/2024 at 11:47 AM, jetstream23 said:


The Jets now seem to have 4 partial chefs in the kitchen trying to make a dinner and they can't even agree on whether they'll be cooking Italian, Mexican, Chinese or grilling steaks.


Things seem to have gotten a lot worse since Aaron Rodgers has become a decision maker on coaching and player personnel selection.

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On 2/16/2024 at 8:06 PM, Green Ghost said:

Let’s be honest… only the homers took exception to Russini’s article.

Pauline has zero credibility.  The guy used to literally scream at people in all caps at JI who didn’t think Kyle Wilson was the next Deion Sanders


He’s like Chris Simms to jets fans except he has a way bigger temper and he has never been right about anything 

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Something to think about.  It is interesting regarding the Johnson's involvement and I will bring up a specific point.  When we had the phenomenal draft including 3 first rounders lets remember that it was Woody Johnson who gave the approval to move back into the first to go get Jermaine Johnson.  While JJ has turned into a corner stone for this team the reality is if Woody said we are not trading back into the first for him we do not get him.  So when you look at without the Rose colored glasses, while the video on 1 jets drive was exciting to see Douglas on the phones it was because of the approval of Johnson not that Douglas was aggressive making that move as the head of the draft room.

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3 minutes ago, NYDreamer said:

Something to think about.  It is interesting regarding the Johnson's involvement and I will bring up a specific point.  When we had the phenomenal draft including 3 first rounders let’s remember that it was Woody Johnson who gave the approval to move back into the first to go get Jermaine Johnson.  While JJ has turned into a corner stone for this team the reality is if Woody said we are not trading back into the first for him we do not get him.  So when you look at without the Rose colored glasses, while the video on 1 jets drive was exciting to see Douglas on the phones it was because of the approval of Johnson not that Douglas was aggressive making that move as the head of the draft room.

Love JJ, but this is also true. Woody was also presumably behind or at least endorsed the Gardner pick. It’s Woodys show.

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I keep saying the same thing, over and over. Woody is the owner. The Jets are his to do with as he likes. That’s not me defending him, it’s telling it like it is.

I get it when fans take their frustrations out on him when things don’t go well, but I find it silly when things get extreme. He’s not the hapless idiot so many here portray him to be. What he is, is an owner wants to be involved, and have a say in where his money and resources are going… I’d be the same way, and so would just about everyone of you if you were in his position.

Ownership has its privileges, and Woody is entitled to run the team the way he wants.

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54 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

I keep saying the same thing, over and over. Woody is the owner. The Jets are his to do with as he likes. That’s not me defending him, it’s telling it like it is.

I get it when fans take their frustrations out on him when things don’t go well, but I find it silly when things get extreme. He’s not the hapless idiot so many here portray him to be. What he is, is an owner wants to be involved, and have a say in where his money and resources are going… I’d be the same way, and so would just about everyone of you if you were in his position.

Ownership has its privileges, and Woody is entitled to run the team the way he wants.

If Woody isnt a "hapless idiot" can you tell us all something he has accomplished in his life other then being born into his family's wealth?

A good owner, who doesnt have a football background absolutely deserves to be part of major conversations - but being part of it while you let the football people do their jobs is very different from pushing the team to do things you want just because you are the owner.

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41 minutes ago, BCJet said:

If Woody isnt a "hapless idiot" can you tell us all something he has accomplished in his life other then being born into his family's wealth?

A good owner, who doesnt have a football background absolutely deserves to be part of major conversations - but being part of it while you let the football people do their jobs is very different from pushing the team to do things you want just because you are the owner.

I don’t think you understand the meaning of the term “hapless idiot”, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ll try to better explain what I said…

He’s the owner. It’s HIS team. He gets to decide how involved he wants to be in decisions regarding it. 

You’re the fan. You get to give his team your time and/or money, and you get to root for his team and complain about it. That’s it.

Think of the Jets as a factory you work at. Woody owns the business and he’s making money hand over fist. You contribute very little to the bottom line and can easily be replaced. You do get to complain about your plight over the lunch table though, so at least you have that.

Think of JetNation as your lunch table in the factory. 😉

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I think the articles, etc. clarified a relationship that some of us may have misunderstood.

  • I can own a business.  I can hire a GM to run that business for me.  I know little about that business.  I tell the GM they can have $200mm to spend on raw materials.  I tell the GM I want a profit of at least 10 wins and a playoff appearance.   I get periodic updates and play golf and oversee my other businesses.  Maybe the GM calls me to sign off on big decisions.  That is ok.  
  • I can own a business.  I want to be involved.  I knew nothing about the business, but I have owned it for 23 years.   I can hire a GM to help me and give me information and suggestions, but I make all decisions.   I make suggestions and have ideas.   I tell the GM to execute my ideas, even if he may understand the business better than I do.

We may have thought the Jets were more like the first scenario.  They are not.  They are the second, like the Cowboys and I am sure other teams.   Woody runs this team.  I don't know how he is going to find someone to replace JD.  He may not.  

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6 hours ago, NYDreamer said:

Something to think about.  It is interesting regarding the Johnson's involvement and I will bring up a specific point.  When we had the phenomenal draft including 3 first rounders lets remember that it was Woody Johnson who gave the approval to move back into the first to go get Jermaine Johnson.  While JJ has turned into a corner stone for this team the reality is if Woody said we are not trading back into the first for him we do not get him.  So when you look at without the Rose colored glasses, while the video on 1 jets drive was exciting to see Douglas on the phones it was because of the approval of Johnson not that Douglas was aggressive making that move as the head of the draft room.

This is a excellent point tbh 

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6 hours ago, NYDreamer said:

Something to think about.  It is interesting regarding the Johnson's involvement and I will bring up a specific point.  When we had the phenomenal draft including 3 first rounders lets remember that it was Woody Johnson who gave the approval to move back into the first to go get Jermaine Johnson.  While JJ has turned into a corner stone for this team the reality is if Woody said we are not trading back into the first for him we do not get him.  So when you look at without the Rose colored glasses, while the video on 1 jets drive was exciting to see Douglas on the phones it was because of the approval of Johnson not that Douglas was aggressive making that move as the head of the draft room.

Saleh is mostly the reason we went and got jermaine johnson.  When johnon was falling He basically said to douglas lets go get him and douglas said should we  and then made the trade.

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On 2/18/2024 at 12:26 AM, talonmm said:

Things seem to have gotten a lot worse since Aaron Rodgers has become a decision maker on coaching and player personnel selection.


Who would have thought that giving huge influence to an aging superstar who isn't in the team's plans beyond 2025 would be problematic!


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On 2/18/2024 at 4:18 PM, varjet said:

I think the articles, etc. clarified a relationship that some of us may have misunderstood.

  • I can own a business.  I can hire a GM to run that business for me.  I know little about that business.  I tell the GM they can have $200mm to spend on raw materials.  I tell the GM I want a profit of at least 10 wins and a playoff appearance.   I get periodic updates and play golf and oversee my other businesses.  Maybe the GM calls me to sign off on big decisions.  That is ok.  
  • I can own a business.  I want to be involved.  I knew nothing about the business, but I have owned it for 23 years.   I can hire a GM to help me and give me information and suggestions, but I make all decisions.   I make suggestions and have ideas.   I tell the GM to execute my ideas, even if he may understand the business better than I do.

We may have thought the Jets were more like the first scenario.  They are not.  They are the second, like the Cowboys and I am sure other teams.   Woody runs this team.  I don't know how he is going to find someone to replace JD.  He may not.  

All accurate. JD is Smithers.

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On 2/16/2024 at 2:55 PM, k-met57 said:

Pauline is terrible. I just listened to 5 minutes of him on Ass-man's YouTube...and he just sounds like a bitter old jets fan. As far as i am concerned and based on track record, he's got the same amount of sources as I do inside the Jets building.

You can thank Joe Benigno for creating that franchise model.


He's really the Father of that entire genre.

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On 2/18/2024 at 2:20 PM, Green Ghost said:

I don’t think you understand the meaning of the term “hapless idiot”, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ll try to better explain what I said…

He’s the owner. It’s HIS team. He gets to decide how involved he wants to be in decisions regarding it. 

You’re the fan. You get to give his team your time and/or money, and you get to root for his team and complain about it. That’s it.

Think of the Jets as a factory you work at. Woody owns the business and he’s making money hand over fist. You contribute very little to the bottom line and can easily be replaced. You do get to complain about your plight over the lunch table though, so at least you have that.

Think of JetNation as your lunch table in the factory. 😉

Unfortunately, the factory makes 8-Track players... 

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On 2/18/2024 at 12:49 PM, Green Ghost said:

I keep saying the same thing, over and over. Woody is the owner. The Jets are his to do with as he likes. That’s not me defending him, it’s telling it like it is.

I get it when fans take their frustrations out on him when things don’t go well, but I find it silly when things get extreme. He’s not the hapless idiot so many here portray him to be. What he is, is an owner wants to be involved, and have a say in where his money and resources are going… I’d be the same way, and so would just about everyone of you if you were in his position.

Ownership has its privileges, and Woody is entitled to run the team the way he wants.

Nope.  He is an imbecile. 

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11 minutes ago, Dcat said:

Nope.  He is an imbecile. 

This is the point.  Woody is not the victim of hires that turned out bad.  Woody is not going to get it right when he finally hires the right people  

Woody is running this team, and he hires good people and makes them into worse versions of themselves.   As the Great Bill Parcells said, you are what your record says you are.  The Jets' record over the last 12 years is not Idziks, Mac's, JD's, Bowles', Gase's or Saleh's.  IT IS WOODY'S RECORD, and it stinks.,  He is responsible for the worst performing franchise in all of North America.   I am not going to propose he sell the team, because that is ridiculous.  

When Woody finds a PFO/GM who can run the team, and make better decisions, than him, than maybe we will see better results.  Woody is not making good decisions.   Looking forward the next three years, we are looking at 10-12 wins if AR8 and his support hits on all cylinders in 2024, and then dark times after.  Sustainable, quality teams do not run like that. 

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On 2/19/2024 at 4:06 PM, jetstream23 said:


Who would have thought that giving huge influence to an aging superstar who isn't in the team's plans beyond 2025 would be problematic!


It seems the Jets changed direction and became a win-now team a year ago, so actually, Rodgers and the front office should have been on the same page.  Just seems Rodgers made poor suggestions and the jets were happy to oblige. 

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11 hours ago, varjet said:

When Woody finds a PFO/GM who can run the team, and make better decisions, than him, than maybe we will see better results.  Woody is not making good decisions.  

I’m not sure that there is a team that needs and has needed a President of Football Operations more than the NYJ.

Woody absolutely cannot appropriately measure whether a GM or HC is effectively doing their respective jobs well.

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On 2/21/2024 at 2:37 AM, Adoni Beast said:

I’m not sure that there is a team that needs and has needed a President of Football Operations more than the NYJ.

Woody absolutely cannot appropriately measure whether a GM or HC is effectively doing their respective jobs well.

Jerry Jones just hired Jimmy Johnson to be football czar.  If woody had an iq above 70 he would have done something similar years ago


Dolan hired Leon Rose to be VP of Ops and the Knicks have put together a very good team and are no longer a joke.  It’s not rocket science.


I think Pete Carroll would be perfect for VP of football ops for the jets.

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This article says what people have been saying including myself the Johnson boys run this team and are main reason why this team is in the state its in. Woody forces his will on everything and Joe let's him because he is afraid of being fired. That's why Woody wont hire a Harbaugh or any established coach because they would tell Woody to sit in the corner and shut up.

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3 minutes ago, nyjets1969 said:

This article says what people have been saying including myself the Johnson boys run this team and are main reason why this team is in the state its in. Woody forces his will on everything and Joe let's him because he is afraid of being fired. That's why Woody won't hire a Harbaugh or any established coach because they won't tell Woody to sit in the corner and shut up.

Woody has nothing actually going on outside of the jets.  He’s not running a vast corporation(s) like other NFL owners.  He inherited everything he has other than the increased value of the jets and he will never sell


The guy and his brother need to get another hobby.  They have ruined the NFL for all jets fans

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2 minutes ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Woody has nothing actually going on outside of the jets.  He’s not running a vast corporation(s) like other NFL owners.  He inherited everything he has other than the increased value of the jets and he will never sell


The guy and his brother need to get another hobby.  They have ruined the NFL for all jets fans

I agree a 100% they know nothing about running a NFL team but instead of getting a professional to run the team. They bring in amateurs so they can be in charge and be like a DYI who wrecks his car or house just so they can feel important . It's sad that the fans are the ones who get hurt in this.

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49 minutes ago, nyjets1969 said:

This article says what people have been saying including myself the Johnson boys run this team and are main reason why this team is in the state its in. Woody forces his will on everything and Joe let's him because he is afraid of being fired. That's why Woody wont hire a Harbaugh or any established coach because they would tell Woody to sit in the corner and shut up.

46 minutes ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Woody has nothing actually going on outside of the jets.  He’s not running a vast corporation(s) like other NFL owners.  He inherited everything he has other than the increased value of the jets and he will never sell


The guy and his brother need to get another hobby.  They have ruined the NFL for all jets fans

They should try to hire Jerry Jones.  His team at least makes the playoffs!

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Jerry Jones just hired Jimmy Johnson to be football czar.  If woody had an iq above 70 he would have done something similar years ago
Dolan hired Leon Rose to be VP of Ops and the Knicks have put together a very good team and are no longer a joke.  It’s not rocket science.
I think Pete Carroll would be perfect for VP of football ops for the jets.
Is his title with the Cowboys Football Czar?
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On 2/18/2024 at 12:49 PM, Green Ghost said:

I keep saying the same thing, over and over. Woody is the owner. The Jets are his to do with as he likes. That’s not me defending him, it’s telling it like it is.

I get it when fans take their frustrations out on him when things don’t go well, but I find it silly when things get extreme. He’s not the hapless idiot so many here portray him to be. What he is, is an owner wants to be involved, and have a say in where his money and resources are going… I’d be the same way, and so would just about everyone of you if you were in his position.

Ownership has its privileges, and Woody is entitled to run the team the way he wants.

As fans were invested in the results.  The results say hapless idiot.  

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On 2/17/2024 at 9:34 PM, Adoni Beast said:

I actually expect Douglas to remain post-Saleh. Something very telling in Woody’s recent interview where he said (paraphrasing) “the talent is there we need to deploy it correctly.” That is ALL pro-Douglas and anti-Saleh.

I could live with that.  I'm much more positive about JD than I am about Saleh (even though I know JD hired Saleh).  My biggest fear is AR8 is going to carry the team to the playoffs next year and Saleh is going to get a long-term extension that he doesn't deserve. 

Mike Vrabel (or heck, even Pete Carroll) is sitting there waiting to be hired (though, in Vrabel's case, that probably won't be true next year).  WTF are we doing keeping Saleh?!

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3 hours ago, nyjets1969 said:

This article says what people have been saying including myself the Johnson boys run this team and are main reason why this team is in the state its in. Woody forces his will on everything and Joe let's him because he is afraid of being fired. That's why Woody wont hire a Harbaugh or any established coach because they would tell Woody to sit in the corner and shut up.

This is exactly why Mangini was fired 

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19 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I could live with that.  I'm much more positive about JD than I am about Saleh (even though I know JD hired Saleh).  My biggest fear is AR8 is going to carry the team to the playoffs next year and Saleh is going to get a long-term extension that he doesn't deserve. 

Mike Vrabel (or heck, even Pete Carroll) is sitting there waiting to be hired (though, in Vrabel's case, that probably won't be true next year).  WTF are we doing keeping Saleh?!

Yeah this is my biggest fear too, Saleh + Hackett getting carried to an extension due to Rodgers but we never win a Super Bowl and then are stuck with Saleh + Hackett for a few more seasons AFTER Rodgers.

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