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Is it just me?

Pragmatic Bus

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VG did occupy 2 blockers at a time (even in this game). VG has issues getting off blocks, but he did occupier blockers for other players to make plays, and did tackle the ballcarrier near him.

Pace, rusty, was a liability last night.

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Gholston didn't start against NE. And his participation in all but the Texans game was not what I would call being a real starter.

Texans 82%

Patriots 18%

Titans 56%

Saints 39%

Stats are not up for the Dolphins game yet.

you need to get a life...you troll other teams stats just to get a rise? really sad

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Funny thing, Pace had more tackles in one game and a couple QB pressures than VG had all season and you guys wanna call him out?

Stupidity,...I know.

Dude, hasnt played football since last year so he's rusty and I'm reading everything from him being awful to lack of roids.

Let him get 2 sacks and 6 tackles and watch how they jump back on the "you know what" like they knew it all along.

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Vernon is not a great pass rusher other than a bull rush, but he can and did set an edge when he played. His strength allows him to control the edge blocking and turn the play in or extend it out parallel to the LOS. This is something that we did not see in Miami.

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Calvin Pace is not the only reason why we played bad. Vernon was eating up gaps and playing selfless football so David Harris and Bart Scott can run freely to the ball. Without Vernon, Scott and Harris looked pretty average. I'm not saying Vernon is better than Pace but he had a bigger impact than people gave him credit for and that's a fact.

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When Vernon Gholston was the starter the past 4 games, teams had a harder time running against us. Maybe he did make an impact? :confused0082:

Pace did seem to miss a few tackles. I chalk it up to 1st game rust. Hopefully this week is better. Regardless, Gholston still stinks right now.

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The Jets defense was gassed in that last game. they were absolutely exhausted during that last drive. (the one where idiot Ryan didn't use his time outs to a) let the defense rest a bit..and B) save some time for your offense) it was really humid in that **** hole land shark stadium that night.

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Browns were shut down, and started over as an expansion. Jets and chiefs are the only two who have been there since the beginning.

that's alot of research you did for a stat that's pretty meaningless. what's the difference really? the jets have won a superbowl.....yah it was a long time ago. but so was the last time the phins won one as well. you're trying too hard to find something to piss people off. all it does is make you look like an idiot. it personally doesn't matter to me if the jets won superbowl 3 or superbowl 10. all i know is that i haven't seen them win one. exactly how long ago they did win one doesn't really matter. i'm gonna go ahead and guess you haven't seen the phins win one either. moron.

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The Jets defense was gassed in that last game. they were absolutely exhausted during that last drive. (the one where idiot Ryan didn't use his time outs to a) let the defense rest a bit..and B) save some time for your offense) it was really humid in that **** hole land shark stadium that night.

yea it's what I had been saying all week; that the weather was gonna be a factor. You go from 60 degrees in Jersey to an over 90 heat index at 11 O'clock at night and have to be on the field 7 minutes more than the home team it's gonna take it's toll. We'll see how the Dolphins fair (fare? which is it?) when they have to play in 40 degree temps in Novemeber. Remember; when it's 65 degrees down here we're all wearing our leather jackets...

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So because it was his first game back we should award him pressures? I didn't see him near the QB. Did you? I didn't say he shouldn't have rust. I said he did not have prssures. Understand?

Completely understand. You ALSO said that he didnt pressure Ronnie Brown, but he did. You may not have seen it, but I did and really...thats what counts. He did have pressure, just not as he normally does. He also missed a few tackles (two that could have been for a loss, which means pressure by the way) that normally, given the rust he would have made.

Hope I showed that I understood.

Almost forgot your initial question. No, we should not award him pressures, but we should atleast state what was, and not slightly exaggerate things given the lost that was really on Rex hands and not on Pace.

If you dont like me quoting you....please let me know. I'll make sure not to take it into consideration the next time I quote you lol.

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Completely understand. You ALSO said that he didnt pressure Ronnie Brown, but he did. You may not have seen it, but I did and really...thats what counts. He did have pressure, just not as he normally does. He also missed a few tackles (two that could have been for a loss, which means pressure by the way) that normally, given the rust he would have made.

Hope I showed that I understood.

Almost forgot your initial question. No, we should not award him pressures, but we should atleast state what was, and not slightly exaggerate things given the lost that was really on Rex hands and not on Pace.

If you dont like me quoting you....please let me know. I'll make sure not to take it into consideration the next time I quote you lol.

Actually, it showed you didn't. I was being facetious. As in, I didn't think he had any QB pressures and Ronnie Brown was playing QB in the wildcat. I didn't know that you could pressure a RB and it certainly isn't a kept statistic or what Kleckineau was talking about.

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