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ha ha Im probably going to be starter week two, but i been working hard and blessed....


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seriously this guy sees him self starting, no doubt in my mind. Watch him talk, seriously look at this. its amazing. I really like when you can tell he likes what he said, he kind of laughs at his own words...

ha ha yeah I will start soon but marks a great guy and works hard. I think we have a good friendship and we wont let anyone mess that up. its so great to have this friendship. that comes before anything. No matter what anyone says, we work as a team and I'm looking forward to running this offense...

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Best part of this is the psycho looks of pseudo-shock and awe, hidden smirks and the general dooshiness of the semi-attractive woman holding a microphone wearing the tan blazer... you can see her face writing the spin/smut articles as Tebow's words come out of his mouth.

Sports journalists are about on par with political analysts.

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Does anybody else see how ridiculous this is?! Tebow says the same crap over and over. why do people care?! its not interesting, but the media gobbles it up!

Because the Media are liars and they are only out for one thing, controversy. Like the same Idiots who said Rex Ryan was comparing Demario Davis to Ray Lewis when he did no such thing. It becomes like a virus in the media. I have seen 4 news outlets totally convinced Rex compared Davis to Lewis and I wonder if they even bothered to listen to the press conference.

NFL network is the WORST when it comes to this they are like a bunch of gossiping bitches and its getting to the point I dont even want to watch them anymore. The Dumb behind that network is staggering. A good example is the top 100 players of 2012 where the Idiots who host the show talk about why would players vote for Peyton Manning when he didnt even play in 2012.... when the real Question should be... why do you Idiots even have him on the Ballot ?

And people wonder why Mark Sanchez ignores these Idiots at a charity event.

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the real kicker is going to be when Tim Tebow is hoisting the Lombardi Trophy over his head, much to the chagrin of almost every old school Jets fan. Me? I'll be happy as heck (not hell you notice). Tebow is the next QB that the league will do everything in it's power to protect and make successful-just like they have done for Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. They will even go as far as changing rules to make this happen-like Brady and Manning...

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the real kicker is going to be when Tim Tebow is hoisting the Lombardi Trophy over his head, much to the chagrin of almost every old school Jets fan. Me? I'll be happy as heck (not hell you notice). Tebow is the next QB that the league will do everything in it's power to protect and make successful-just like they have done for Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. They will even go as far as changing rules to make this happen-like Brady and Manning...

YOUR dreaming! Join the real world! What did Tebow do against the Pats last year. End of STORY!!!
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the real kicker is going to be when Tim Tebow is hoisting the Lombardi Trophy over his head, much to the chagrin of almost every old school Jets fan. Me? I'll be happy as heck (not hell you notice). Tebow is the next QB that the league will do everything in it's power to protect and make successful-just like they have done for Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. They will even go as far as changing rules to make this happen-like Brady and Manning...

If Tebow is hoisting the Lombardi Trophy this old school Jets fan won't be feeling any chagrin. The only negative thing I'll be feeling is a hang over a few days later from celebrating.

Don't think it's possible to protect Tebow the way the league protect Brady and Manning, even if he wins a few Super Bowls, he's the type that drops a shoulder and runs into people. hard to protect a QB who does that, but I agree the NFL likes that he is a media star.

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Best part of this is the psycho looks of pseudo-shock and awe, hidden smirks and the general dooshiness of the semi-attractive woman holding a microphone wearing the tan blazer... you can see her face writing the spin/smut articles as Tebow's words come out of his mouth.

Sports journalists are about on par with political analysts.

I noticed her do the same during the Sanchez interview. Damn semi-attaractive women! Cant trussem!

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the real kicker is going to be when Tim Tebow is hoisting the Lombardi Trophy over his head, much to the chagrin of almost every old school Jets fan. Me? I'll be happy as heck (not hell you notice). Tebow is the next QB that the league will do everything in it's power to protect and make successful-just like they have done for Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. They will even go as far as changing rules to make this happen-like Brady and Manning...

How? By making the forward pass illegal? LOL

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Who 'starts' at any position is a 'non-story' (except fot the media-morons and/or idiot-commentators) imoho.

Who wins or loses on the field this season WILL be the story, and always is in the final analysis.

So let's all hope that it's the Jets 'TEAM' that's winning,,, no matter who the particular starters are.


Even Steve Young couldn't carry the hapless Bucs 'team',

but he looked pretty good as a 49'er with that 'TEAM' supporting him...

And none of the current Jet QB's will do squat without a solid 'JETS TEAM' behind them!


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  • 2 months later...

YOU'RE really bad at YOUR spelling-then again, what do you expect from a Pats fan?

WRONG! PSL holder and season tix holder for 30 years!!! Just for the record why don`t you look up what the pats did to denver last year. Its amazing how someone from so. florida is going to tell me im not a jets fan.
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the real kicker is going to be when Tim Tebow is hoisting the Lombardi Trophy over his head, much to the chagrin of almost every old school Jets fan. Me? I'll be happy as heck (not hell you notice). Tebow is the next QB that the league will do everything in it's power to protect and make successful-just like they have done for Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. They will even go as far as changing rules to make this happen-like Brady and Manning...

I guess you didn't watch any Broncos' games last year. I've never seen a QB get facemasked so many times with no calls.

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the real kicker is going to be when Tim Tebow is hoisting the Lombardi Trophy over his head, much to the chagrin of almost every old school Jets fan. Me? I'll be happy as heck (not hell you notice). Tebow is the next QB that the league will do everything in it's power to protect and make successful-just like they have done for Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. They will even go as far as changing rules to make this happen-like Brady and Manning...

Skip Bayless?

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Of course he wants the starter job. If he doesn't, then he doesn't belong on this team. If Greg McElroy doesn't, then he doesn't belong on this team.

Tebow is in a crappy situtation media-wise, it's either 1) lie and get trashed for that, or 2) tell the truth and get trashed for that.

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