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Jets-Giants game what do want to see from our Jets?


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Would like to see offensive line obviously play better more cohesive

Also if any running backs/receivers can distinguish themselves

You named my top two, but I am also extremely interested to see how slow our LB's look this week. That one scares me. I'm obviously interested in the QB play as well.

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I want to see the first team defense stuff the jints' first team offense. Then I want the second team defense to do even better against the jints' second team offense.

And I'd like to see Sanchez not turn it over.

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I look foward to seeing Jets the defensive line giving the Giants a taste of their own medicine. I really think they have a chance to dominate this year.


Would I be asking too much to see Sanchez complete something more than a slant or dump off pass?

Judging from his preseason work and the Cincy game it appears nobody told him Schottenheimer is no longer is the OC.

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I dont have to see anything from the defense.

First downs through the air on offense and a touchdown. Preferably two. And not on some broken play either. Sanhcez stepping up in the pocket and completing a pass 15 yards down the middle of the field.

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I dont have to see anything from the defense.

First downs through the air on offense and a touchdown. Preferably two. And not on some broken play either. Sanhcez stepping up in the pocket and completing a pass 15 yards down the middle of the field.

Two touchdowns? In the same game? Do you think this is arena football?

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Anything to get a new QB out there, especially since our backup is...


both of you are morons. It is one thing not to like Sanchez, but the fact that you want him to get hurt is just wrong.

As far as what i want to see, some movement by the offense and no injuries.

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It is one thing not to like Sanchez, but the fact that you want him to get hurt is just wrong.

When your quarterback isn't playing well enough to win a Super Bowl or poorly enough to get benched, what else is there to root for?


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BTW - if we do get the first down on the first series. Prepare yourself for the thread I'm going to be starting about how the Jets have the greatest offense on earth.

Does it count if it's off a penalty? Otherwise I'm not to worried, these replacement refs can be unpredictable

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