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The Jets New Offense


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I have just finished watching the game again, and I have come away that this Jets offense is not your typical 50's G&P offense everyone was expecting, but more like the Jets offense under Parcells specifically 1998, TBH I really can't tell the difference between what the 1998 Jets base offense, and the current Jets base offense (non Tebow packages).

By that I don't just mean actual formations, I really mean philosophy, the 1998 Jets put pressure on the D through the air, and used that to set up the run, and used the run to kill the game in the end when the D was tired, but most importantly they always went for the score every drive, there was never any give up 3rd downs with that team they tried to pick up the 1st down no matter the distance just like the high powered offenses in the league do now.

I was extremely pleased with the play calls on 3rd down, will they always execute them as well as they did last week? I doubt it, but knowing they will be agressive in these situations is such a refreshing change, I think we can all agree on that. 3rd and 4 isnt lets try, and get 4-5 yards for the 1st down, it is now different levels of route running on the 3rd downs when it is a passing play, what I really mean here is that 3rd and 4 will more then not result in a 15+ yard play when the pass is completed, that is something we never saw with Schotty's offense 3rd and 4 ment we are trying to get 4 yards, and 4 yards only most of the time.

If Sparano stays agressive with his play calling all year, and week 1 is what this offense will try, and do (non Tebow package) this NYJ's team can play with ANYONE, and beat ANYONE! It all falls on Sanchez, and his execution, he finally has a coach willing to put the ball in his hands to make plays down the field in a real NFL passsing offense, if Sanchez succeeds, and becomes an above average QB, with Rex's defense it is not absurd to think Super Bowl,or bust.

What does everyone else feel about the new Offense? Who would you compare it to past, and present (again non Tebow packages)?

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I was overly critical on the Sparano hiring, and I based it on the last 4 years when he was the HC of the Dolphins, if this offense continues to attack the way it did on Sunday then the only conclusion I can make out of those 4 years was that Sparano was hands off with his offensive coordinators like Rex is, and only put in his influence during meetings, and had no influence on the actual system, and play calls outside of preperation during the week, because the Dolphins did not play this way on offense the last 4 years, and I don't mean production, I mean philosophy wise.

I hope this success continues, and I will gladly go face first with my hands tied behind my back into my crow pie!

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I like that they were aggressive and that they're willing to pass. Hopefully numbnuts can keep executing.

Cumberland impressed.

Do you think this offense compares to the 98 Parcells offense? It seams to me this is the closest offense to compare it to after the 1st week.

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I like that they were aggressive and that they're willing to pass. Hopefully numbnuts can keep executing.

Cumberland impressed.

This....I was very happy with the way the ball was shared among the receivers on Sunday. I liked the way cumberland got open ans was a good target for Sanchez. I will also echo many posters on this board and say how enjoyable it was to see open receivers. Since the recievers are largely the same except Hill, it could be the play design. If that's the case the Jets are in way better shape than they were last year.

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Completely agree, but I still am very concerned about the level of play we must get out of Greene for our offense to be successful. I said it Sunday, and I'll say it again, the fact that Sparano spent every second working with Sanchez and Tebow on the sideline when the Defense was on the field tells me we are in for a WAY more consistent offense this year and me LIKEY!!!!

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It helps the offensive line did a great job especially pass blocking.

That can't be overstated. Had Wayne Hunter been in the mix, Sanchez would have gotten crushed causing all the JN statisticians to whip out their acronyms to prove why Sanchez sucks.

As it stands they've been humbled - which is quite amusing.

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The offensive line was the key here I think. Why were the receivers open? Time to finish routes. Why was Sanchez accurate? Time to find his receivers. Why were we able to throw downfield? Lack of defensive pressure in the backfield and a solid running game. Put Wayne Hunter or Vlad Ducasse on the line and we're having a different conversation. Austin Howard may just have been that "shot in the dark" success this offense needed to be consistent.

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Excellent thread, and I do think that it had a ton to do with play design and it being the first game of the season. There wasnt a book on our new offense last week. This week, chapter 1 has been written and as the weeks go on it will be up to Luigi to switch up and keep defenses off balance. Now teams will be looking for us to go for the 15 yards on the 3 dn and 4 yds situation. I wont doubt our Luigi as he seems very dedicated to making sure that this offense roll hits on as many cylinders as possible. looking forward to Pitt.

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Not to compare the 1998 team to this one too much. But the Howard situation reminds me a lot of the Jason Fabini situation in 1998. He was a late round project tackle who just kept getting better as the season went on. If Howard can do the same then this is going to be a very, very good offense.

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I have just finished watching the game again, and I have come away that this Jets offense is not your typical 50's G&P offense everyone was expecting, but more like the Jets offense under Parcells specifically 1998, TBH I really can't tell the difference between what the 1998 Jets base offense, and the current Jets base offense (non Tebow packages).

By that I don't just mean actual formations, I really mean philosophy, the 1998 Jets put pressure on the D through the air, and used that to set up the run, and used the run to kill the game in the end when the D was tired, but most importantly they always went for the score every drive, there was never any give up 3rd downs with that team they tried to pick up the 1st down no matter the distance just like the high powered offenses in the league do now.

I was extremely pleased with the play calls on 3rd down, will they always execute them as well as they did last week? I doubt it, but knowing they will be agressive in these situations is such a refreshing change, I think we can all agree on that. 3rd and 4 isnt lets try, and get 4-5 yards for the 1st down, it is now different levels of route running on the 3rd downs when it is a passing play, what I really mean here is that 3rd and 4 will more then not result in a 15+ yard play when the pass is completed, that is something we never saw with Schotty's offense 3rd and 4 ment we are trying to get 4 yards, and 4 yards only most of the time.

If Sparano stays agressive with his play calling all year, and week 1 is what this offense will try, and do (non Tebow package) this NYJ's team can play with ANYONE, and beat ANYONE! It all falls on Sanchez, and his execution, he finally has a coach willing to put the ball in his hands to make plays down the field in a real NFL passsing offense, if Sanchez succeeds, and becomes an above average QB, with Rex's defense it is not absurd to think Super Bowl,or bust.

What does everyone else feel about the new Offense? Who would you compare it to past, and present (again non Tebow packages)?

I liked what I saw out of this offense, a lot. I even did like the wrinkle's they were trying to run with Tebow. I'd like to see that number decreased because I do think it will be more effective with less attempts in more opportune times. It seemed like they were forcing the issue with it on Sunday. Hopefully Sparano has a better feel for it this week considering the success Tebow had vs. them in the playoffs.

Overall, I like the balance. I like shots down field. Sanchez was accurate and really never looked to check down. Love seeing WR's actually run past the 1st down market on 3rd downs. Its revolutionary for the NY Jets. I truly believe Sparano facing us twice a year was a great way to counteract how teams prepare for the Jets and their tendencies under Schotty or vs. Mark.

Also, I really dont think the Jets showed the league everything last week. I'm actually expecting a little more from a diversity in play calling stand point. Especially in the run game.

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Yes, having a competent right tackle helped, but a lot of it had to do with Sanchez just simply playing better. On downs where he was blitzed, he actually performed well, which is something he has never done. If there is anyone to thank for his performance, it's going to largely be himself, becuase he just looked more poised. Yea, the protection was better and Howard is a huge upgrade, but you saw sanchez moving safeties with his eyes and then hitting the receiver, not staring them down. There were a few balls I'm sure he would have liked back, especially that one to kerley on 3rd down in the bills red zone that was a little high, but other than that, he played as well as I've ever seen him play. I'm not sure how much of this you can attribute simply to a new RT, but either way, I like what I saw.

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I liked what I saw out of this offense, a lot. I even did like the wrinkle's they were trying to run with Tebow. I'd like to see that number decreased because I do think it will be more effective with less attempts in more opportune times. It seemed like they were forcing the issue with it on Sunday. Hopefully Sparano has a better feel for it this week considering the success Tebow had vs. them in the playoffs.

Overall, I like the balance. I like shots down field. Sanchez was accurate and really never looked to check down. Love seeing WR's actually run past the 1st down market on 3rd downs. Its revolutionary for the NY Jets. I truly believe Sparano facing us twice a year was a great way to counteract how teams prepare for the Jets and their tendencies under Schotty or vs. Mark.

Also, I really dont think the Jets showed the league everything last week. I'm actually expecting a little more from a diversity in play calling stand point. Especially in the run game.

I agree on the Tebow reps, but credit to Sparano it seemed like he wanted to get a feel for how it was working and how Buffalo was reacting early and then massively decreased the reps after the first couple of drives when he saw how well the base offense was running on its own.

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That can't be overstated. Had Wayne Hunter been in the mix, Sanchez would have gotten crushed causing all the JN statisticians to whip out their acronyms to prove why Sanchez sucks.

As it stands they've been humbled - which is quite amusing.

One game still doesn't skew those stats. I hope it's a trend but I'm not holding my breath.

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I was overly critical on the Sparano hiring, and I based it on the last 4 years when he was the HC of the Dolphins, if this offense continues to attack the way it did on Sunday then the only conclusion I can make out of those 4 years was that Sparano was hands off with his offensive coordinators like Rex is, and only put in his influence during meetings, and had no influence on the actual system, and play calls outside of preperation during the week, because the Dolphins did not play this way on offense the last 4 years, and I don't mean production, I mean philosophy wise.

I hope this success continues, and I will gladly go face first with my hands tied behind my back into my crow pie!

Would you compare this Offense to be like Dallas the yr Sparano and Garrett shared play calling?

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I liked what I saw out of this offense, a lot. I even did like the wrinkle's they were trying to run with Tebow. I'd like to see that number decreased because I do think it will be more effective with less attempts in more opportune times. It seemed like they were forcing the issue with it on Sunday. Hopefully Sparano has a better feel for it this week considering the success Tebow had vs. them in the playoffs.

Overall, I like the balance. I like shots down field. Sanchez was accurate and really never looked to check down. Love seeing WR's actually run past the 1st down market on 3rd downs. Its revolutionary for the NY Jets. I truly believe Sparano facing us twice a year was a great way to counteract how teams prepare for the Jets and their tendencies under Schotty or vs. Mark.

Also, I really dont think the Jets showed the league everything last week. I'm actually expecting a little more from a diversity in play calling stand point. Especially in the run game.

I agree with every word of this post.

The Tebowcat was seemed forced against the Bills, but I'm sure once they were up they kept 90% of that package under wraps, and just wanted more rushes. I want less of Sanchez at WR, though.

And, c'mon, even Gato has to recognize the difference in receivers getting downfield, open, and/or open downfield. Complete change from the Schottenheimer model. It's not just the pass protection - which was better, but was never really as bad as people made out. Sanchez got the ball out largely on time to the open man. It was fun to watch.

Jets finished with more runs than throws, but I have a feeling this team will be throwing a lot more than running - especially in games where they aren't blowing out the opponent. All the ground & pound talk looks to be a bit of rope-a-dope right now.

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I even did like the wrinkle's they were trying to run with Tebow. I'd like to see that number decreased because I do think it will be more effective with less attempts in more opportune times. It seemed like they were forcing the issue with it on Sunday.

While I dont disagree, id like to think the cushion we had enabled him to force it a little w/o revealing the ever so mentioned Tebow hr's...if they even exist.

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Jets finished with more runs than throws, but I have a feeling this team will be throwing a lot more than running - especially in games where they aren't blowing out the opponent. All the ground & pound talk looks to be a bit of rope-a-dope right now.

Agreed. I think ground and pound is a mantra they like to say out loud but its not necessarily the true philosophy.

While I dont disagree, id like to think the cushion we had enabled him to force it a little w/o revealing the ever so mentioned Tebow hr's...if they even exist.

Agreed. No doubt. I think they only gave us a sneak peak of that wrinkle. I'm sure it will be much more creative moving forward.

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Agreed. I think ground and pound is a mantra they like to say out loud but its not necessarily the true philosophy.

Agreed. No doubt. I think they only gave us a sneak peak of that wrinkle. I'm sure it will be much more creative moving forward.

I think we'll see the so-called philosophy changing on a weekly basis with the idea being to create a specific game plan based around... *gasp*... each opponent! Who would have ever thought of such a crazy thing?!?

What's even more crazy, it seems it might be possible that an offensive plan could actually change throughout a game based on, get this, what is or isn't working!

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I am looking for the JETS to run almost a completely different look this week..

I definitely agree with the push to be bold/creative (not so much tebowcatish at this point) on third and minimal/long..

Defenses presently (especially Pittsburgh ) are tailoring themselves to stop the quick slant/out for *just enough*...almost anything else has better efficacy lately, but especially using Hill/Kerley like they did Sunday..

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I agree with every word of this post.

The Tebowcat was seemed forced against the Bills, but I'm sure once they were up they kept 90% of that package under wraps, and just wanted more rushes. I want less of Sanchez at WR, though.

And, c'mon, even Gato has to recognize the difference in receivers getting downfield, open, and/or open downfield. Complete change from the Schottenheimer model. It's not just the pass protection - which was better, but was never really as bad as people made out. Sanchez got the ball out largely on time to the open man. It was fun to watch.

Jets finished with more runs than throws, but I have a feeling this team will be throwing a lot more than running - especially in games where they aren't blowing out the opponent. All the ground & pound talk looks to be a bit of rope-a-dope right now.

Genius if this is the case. I definitely agree though, even though we ran more than we passed last week it didnt feel like it. I think the fact that we were up by 20+ almost the whole game played a role in that though.

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Genius if this is the case. I definitely agree though, even though we ran more than we passed last week it didnt feel like it. I think the fact that we were up by 20+ almost the whole game played a role in that though.

When you consider the Jets attempted a grand total of 2 passes in the fourth quarter, I think that's a pretty fair assessment.

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I agree with every word of this post.

The Tebowcat was seemed forced against the Bills, but I'm sure once they were up they kept 90% of that package under wraps, and just wanted more rushes. I want less of Sanchez at WR, though.

And, c'mon, even Gato has to recognize the difference in receivers getting downfield, open, and/or open downfield. Complete change from the Schottenheimer model. It's not just the pass protection - which was better, but was never really as bad as people made out. Sanchez got the ball out largely on time to the open man. It was fun to watch.

Jets finished with more runs than throws, but I have a feeling this team will be throwing a lot more than running - especially in games where they aren't blowing out the opponent. All the ground & pound talk looks to be a bit of rope-a-dope right now.

I think that Schottenheimer's offense ran a lot of option routes. The WR has the option and the QB has to read it. I think that it became more simplified because Sanchez had trouble dealing with it. It was a bad fit for a dumb/inexperienced QB and dumb/lazy WRs. Braylon, Burress and Holmes. Not one is known for his brains and hard work and fighting back to the ball.

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Genius if this is the case. I definitely agree though, even though we ran more than we passed last week it didnt feel like it. I think the fact that we were up by 20+ almost the whole game played a role in that though.

When you consider the Jets attempted a grand total of 2 passes in the fourth quarter, I think that's a pretty fair assessment.

I think when we were up 41 to 7 the passing numbers were slightly higher but still balanced. I always looked at run pass ratio as a symptom of the game being played. Obviously if your down by a lot of points you wont be running much and if you have a big lead you should be just running the clock down.

I think that Schottenheimer's offense ran a lot of option routes. The WR has the option and the QB has to read it. I think that it became more simplified because Sanchez had trouble dealing with it. It was a bad fit for a dumb/inexperienced QB and dumb/lazy WRs. Braylon, Burress and Holmes. Not one is known for his brains and hard work and fighting back to the ball.

This is correct and a big reason why our QB and WR's never seemed to be on the same page. Funny how we didnt see any of the terrible passes missing the receiver by 5 feet this week with most blaming it on Sanchez which I thought was hysterical. If a QB is missing by that much somethings wrong with the communication between QB/WR. The type of plays Shott ran should be few and far between and designed to beat the blitz not used on every pass play since it just causes too much confusion. Its the type of system you can implement more and more of as a QB and WR group have been together for years but in our situation Im not sure Sanchez had much of a chance his first 3 years under Shotty since we thought playing musical WR's was the way to find a good fit which it NEVER is. We were lucky to get Stephen Hill who seems like he may just be the big talent weve been missing for years in this organization and the more explosive this kid gets (we hope) the more you will see Santonio Holmes become what we thought he should have been for the pas 2 seasons.

I know I have bashed the Jets talent on offense for years now and I think we do lack a little in the RB dept. But if this really did come down to Shotty, shame on this organization for not getting this guy the **** out of here a lot sooner. As for the talent I was happy the Jets made a real effort this year to get some WR talent in here I think Hill and Schilens can make a huge difference.

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I think when we were up 41 to 7 the passing numbers were slightly higher but still balanced. I always looked at run pass ratio as a symptom of the game being played. Obviously if your down by a lot of points you wont be running much and if you have a big lead you should be just running the clock down.

This is correct and a big reason why our QB and WR's never seemed to be on the same page. Funny how we didnt see any of the terrible passes missing the receiver by 5 feet this week with most blaming it on Sanchez which I thought was hysterical. If a QB is missing by that much somethings wrong with the communication between QB/WR. The type of plays Shott ran should be few and far between and designed to beat the blitz not used on every pass play since it just causes too much confusion. Its the type of system you can implement more and more of as a QB and WR group have been together for years but in our situation Im not sure Sanchez had much of a chance his first 3 years under Shotty since we thought playing musical WR's was the way to find a good fit which it NEVER is. We were lucky to get Stephen Hill who seems like he may just be the big talent weve been missing for years in this organization and the more explosive this kid gets (we hope) the more you will see Santonio Holmes become what we thought he should have been for the pas 2 seasons.

I know I have bashed the Jets talent on offense for years now and I think we do lack a little in the RB dept. But if this really did come down to Shotty, shame on this organization for not getting this guy the **** out of here a lot sooner. As for the talent I was happy the Jets made a real effort this year to get some WR talent in here I think Hill and Schilens can make a huge difference.

That's just it. I don't think it came down to Schotty being bad. Just a bad fit.

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