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Woody Must Appease Fans With Big Name Coach


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Woody must appease fans with big-name coach hire

By Brian CostelloDecember 9, 2014 | 8:18pm

If Woody Johnson needs a reminder of the crisis he faces as the owner of the Jets, he should get one when he arrives at MetLife Stadium in 11 days for the Jets-Patriots game.

One segment of Johnson’s fan base is angry, evidenced by the “Fire Idzik” yellow towels being distributed for that game by the FireJohnIdzik.com guys. Another segment of the fan base, and this may bother Johnson even more, has grown apathetic. This is evidenced by empty seats and the large electronic “Tickets Available at All Gates” signs that line the MetLife parking lot these days.

It seems a given Johnson will fire coach Rex Ryan, and general manager John Idzik looks more likely to be fired with each passing week. That has become the easy part for Johnson. The tricky part comes after that, with whom he replaces them.

This is the most pivotal point of Johnson’s 15 years of ownership. His paying customers are not happy. While winning football games is paramount, Johnson also is running a business and unhappy customers are not good for business.

With this crisis in confidence among the fans, Johnson must hire a coach who is going to excite the fans and serve as the face of the franchise. The Jets currently have no star players at glamour positions whom they can market as the face.

Muhammad Wilkerson and Sheldon Richardson are great players, but no one is buying tickets to watch them play. The Jets might land a face of the franchise in the draft, but you can’t count on that in January.

That leaves Johnson having to hit a home run with this hire, not only in terms of finding a good coach, but also a marketable one. Johnson must give his fans belief he is hurting as badly as they are and give them a reason to plunk down their PSL payments for 2015.

Winning the press conference is not always important, but for Johnson and the Jets it is. When he presents his new coach next month, it has to be someone with name recognition who immediately fires up the fans. If Johnson hires a no-name assistant coach from another team, it is not going to bring the fans back.

The last time the Jets were in such a sorry state was 1996, when Rich Kotite’s team went 1-15. Leon Hess went out and got Bill Parcells from the Patriots, and the move changed the direction of the franchise.

Johnson is at a similar moment.

The most obvious coach who fits the bill this time is Jim Harbaugh. It is clear Harbaugh will not be in San Francisco next season, but there are a ton of questions to be answered. Would he be interested in coaching the Jets? Would Johnson, who has only hired first-time coaches before, be willing to pay him the $7-$8 million he is expected to seek? Will the 49ers hold out for draft picks? Is Johnson willing to turn over total control to Harbaugh, a respected coach, but one who is known to grate on people?

At the moment, it does not look like any other highly respected current coaches will be looking for new jobs, but you never know. Maybe Sean Payton gets fired by the Saints. He would be another coach to get excited about.

Johnson also could dip into the Super Bowl-winning coach pool. Jon Gruden and Bill Cowher seem to get mentioned for jobs every year and never take one, but maybe this is the job that excites them.

There is also the big-name college coach route. Could Nick Saban be lured away from Alabama? It’s doubtful, but it never hurts to ask. What about Urban Meyer? He has said in the past he does not want to coach in the NFL, but maybe he has tired of the recruiting trail.

Whichever way Johnson goes, I think the coaching hire is the most important one for him to make. If he gets one of the big-name NFL coaches, Johnson should basically allow him to hire the new GM. The Chiefs did this when they hired Andy Reid as coach and he hired John Dorsey as the GM.

Johnson has watched his team lose a lot of games this year. Now, he faces a must-win of his own. In four or five weeks he will be standing in front of the media introducing his new coach. The Jets can’t afford another loss.

For once, Jets have struck it ‘Rich’

Sheldon Richardson has been a rose stuck in the middle of a bed of weeds this year.

The second-year defensive tackle has played his tail off all season despite the Jets stinking it up for most of the year. Every week he seems to be all over the field, even if the stat sheet does not always show it. Many times Richardson pressures the quarterback, the QB moves and someone else gets the sack. But Sunday, he was the one piling up the stats with three sacks in the loss to the Vikings, including a safety.

Richardson has been everything the Jets could have hoped they would be getting when they took him with the 13th-overall pick in 2013, one of the picks they received from Tampa Bay in the Darrelle Revis trade.

In fact, if general manager John Idzik is fired after this season, Richardson will be remembered as his biggest contribution to the Jets in his two-year tenure. It was a pick that drew questions at the time about scheme fit and taking another defensive lineman, but it was absolutely the right pick.

Richardson showed his skills from the minute he arrived in Florham Park and he will be the player who always makes me question the argument that players need time to develop. This guy was a star from his first practice.

Richardson, who just turned 24, also has a passion that you don’t usually find. Sometimes that passion leads him to voice unpopular opinions, but more often it drives his teammates.

Richardson’s was the loudest voice in the locker room after the embarrassing loss to the Bills in Detroit last month. He questioned whether teammates cared as much as he did and they heard it. The Jets needed a kick in the rear. He gave it to them.

So, as depressing as this season has been for Jets fans, know you have a young superstar whom you should be watching for many, many years.

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As usual.a media jackass is clueless

What Jet fans want the franchise to hire is NOT a big name anything to appease us

We simply want GOOD hires who can rebuild the franchise, win football games, play good football, play in the postseason and maybe win it all again someday. Actually, John Idzik's concept of sustainable success is the right one. We just need to hire people with the skills to turn that concept into reality

The Jets have tried the big names route way back.to Lou Holtz and Dick Steinberg and even Bill Parcells with limited results. We've also tried the "big splash" treat draft picks like trinkets GM guys like Tannenbaum with the same lack.of success

All we want Woody to do is hire quality people who can get the job done for once.

We are not four year old children or mongoloids like Costello, Dyer, Mehta, Cimini and Myers et al that need to be appeased with "big names and splashes" that will assure that the Jets will continue to stink for another decade

So please stop with the Cowhers,.Grudens, Sabans and Meyers and just find good football people, small names and all who can do their jobs well

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OK the Urban Meyer suggestion is ridiculous, but the premise of Costello's article is correct. Woody needs to land a big name coach to give fans a reason to be excited for the future.

He needs to go hard after Harbaugh. That's a hire that will re-energize this franchise.

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I like the responses in here. Woody just needs to hire someone who wins. Maybe someone in the front office capable of identifying and acquiring an NFL caliber QB. Harbaugh might be nice, but not for anything near the 49ers alleged asking price. Not many (any?) other coaches out there you hire first, and then let him hire his GM, either.

They need to quickly assess the Harbaugh situation, and be quick to move in another direction if/when they realize he's not coming to the swamps of New Jersey. There will be a number of head coaching openings this year, they can't get stuck waiting for someone who's just using them as a bargaining chip while all the other good candidates get snapped up. Although, as I type that, I'm feeling a little clairvoyant.

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OK the Urban Meyer suggestion is ridiculous, but the premise of Costello's article is correct. Woody needs to land a big name coach to give fans a reason to be excited for the future.

He needs to go hard after Harbaugh. That's a hire that will re-energize this franchise.


No. He needs to hire a coach who is going to win. 

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woody needs to stop bringing in business guys, and hire a football gut to run the whole show.

Who do you think your Giants should hire to replace Coughlin and Reese. bigdan?

Pretty funny really that both your Giants and our Jets have pretty much the same needs.

New GM

New HC

New QB

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Typical media crap!!!  Come up with an easy premise/idea, generate an article and

"satisfy" the sports editor for the day.  If what Costello wrote is true then all Woody

should do is hire Mike Shanahan.  I mean he's won back to back SB's and he's a

"big name" therefore the fan base will be happy.  Give me a break

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Johnson is under no pressure of any kind.


The Jets will continue to sell out no matter what he does.


And a "big name" is no sure thing (quite the contrary), the "big names" available are either unrealistic (Gruden, Cowher, neither will ever coach in the NFL again) or just as risky (Meyer, the modern Steve Spurrier) or almost assured to fail (any former Super Bowl Coach, i.e. Shannahan, etc).


No, odds are Rex will be fired along with his staff, Idzik will be retained and will hire an Offensive minded guy he likes/knows (Bevell is a good possibility), Geno Smith will be retained and will start (at first) while we draft a QB (highest we can manage, so probably the #2 guy with issues this draft) and he sits for 2-3 games before taking over.


That's the most likely Jets 2015 I can envision.

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This is plain stupid.

There are only 32 of these jobs on the planet.

You don't turn one down.

Nobody big wants the jet job as long as Idzik is here. He is the worst GM in the league. If you want Dan Quinn or Perry Fewell fine - we might win 2 games next year.

I don't even want Cowher or Gruden. What I want is substantive change which would be Holmgren or Parcells as the new GM and let them pick the new coaching staff.

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Johnson is under no pressure of any kind.


The Jets will continue to sell out no matter what he does.


And a "big name" is no sure thing (quite the contrary), the "big names" available are either unrealistic (Gruden, Cowher, neither will ever coach in the NFL again) or just as risky (Meyer, the modern Steve Spurrier) or almost assured to fail (any former Super Bowl Coach, i.e. Shannahan, etc).


No, odds are Rex will be fired along with his staff, Idzik will be retained and will hire an Offensive minded guy he likes/knows (Bevell is a good possibility), Geno Smith will be retained and will start (at first) while we draft a QB (highest we can manage, so probably the #2 guy with issues this draft) and he sits for 2-3 games before taking over.


That's the most likely Jets 2015 I can envision.

Then you're envisioning us going 2-14 next year and the year after that.

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 No, odds are Rex will be fired along with his staff, Idzik will be retained and will hire an Offensive minded guy he likes/knows (Bevell is a good possibility), Geno Smith will be retained and will start (at first) while we draft a QB (highest we can manage, so probably the #2 guy with issues this draft) and he sits for 2-3 games before taking over.


That's the most likely Jets 2015 I can envision.


I agree with that prediction. I can't watch that garbage. It will be nice to have all those Sundays free next year. 

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I agree with that prediction. I can't watch that garbage. It will be nice to have all those Sundays free next year.

Warfish's prediction is about as appealing as watching 2 old people f#ck. People think things are bad now wait til we average 3 wins per year the next 5 years while both the pats and giants win super bowls
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Johnson is under no pressure of any kind.


The Jets will continue to sell out no matter what he does.


And a "big name" is no sure thing (quite the contrary), the "big names" available are either unrealistic (Gruden, Cowher, neither will ever coach in the NFL again) or just as risky (Meyer, the modern Steve Spurrier) or almost assured to fail (any former Super Bowl Coach, i.e. Shannahan, etc).


No, odds are Rex will be fired along with his staff, Idzik will be retained and will hire an Offensive minded guy he likes/knows (Bevell is a good possibility), Geno Smith will be retained and will start (at first) while we draft a QB (highest we can manage, so probably the #2 guy with issues this draft) and he sits for 2-3 games before taking over.


That's the most likely Jets 2015 I can envision.


The Jets are sold out?

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I like the responses in here. Woody just needs to hire someone who wins. Maybe someone in the front office capable of identifying and acquiring an NFL caliber QB. Harbaugh might be nice, but not for anything near the 49ers alleged asking price. Not many (any?) other coaches out there you hire first, and then let him hire his GM, either.

They need to quickly assess the Harbaugh situation, and be quick to move in another direction if/when they realize he's not coming to the swamps of New Jersey. There will be a number of head coaching openings this year, they can't get stuck waiting for someone who's just using them as a bargaining chip while all the other good candidates get snapped up. Although, as I type that, I'm feeling a little clairvoyant.

Not moving in FA last year is what killed us last year. It's the reason we don't have Corners,Pass rushers or even a decent O line. We sit there and negotiate and negotiate but never get it done. So I agree 110%. If JH isn't the coach we need to move swift to the next one.
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Not moving in FA last year is what killed us last year. It's the reason we don't have Corners,Pass rushers or even a decent O line. We sit there and negotiate and negotiate but never get it done. So I agree 110%. If JH isn't the coach we need to move swift to the next one.

Oh Idzik used FA. But instead of going after Revis and Desean Jackson we got D'mitri Patterson and Jacoby Ford.

The one guy we spent money on was a 33 year old dog killing qb

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Johnson is under no pressure of any kind.

The Jets will continue to sell out no matter what he does.

And a "big name" is no sure thing (quite the contrary), the "big names" available are either unrealistic (Gruden, Cowher, neither will ever coach in the NFL again) or just as risky (Meyer, the modern Steve Spurrier) or almost assured to fail (any former Super Bowl Coach, i.e. Shannahan, etc).

No, odds are Rex will be fired along with his staff, Idzik will be retained and will hire an Offensive minded guy he likes/knows (Bevell is a good possibility), Geno Smith will be retained and will start (at first) while we draft a QB (highest we can manage, so probably the #2 guy with issues this draft) and he sits for 2-3 games before taking over.

That's the most likely Jets 2015 I can envision.

It's the most logical path, to be sure. It all depends on how Woody and his band of MBA-wielding cronies value throwing meat to the fans by "cleaning house" vs their willingness to wade back into the hiring process with Korn Ferry, trying to persuade young GM candidates that they won't be the next ones to get their own billboard 18 months later. The best case scenario is that Idzik gets a chance to hire his coach and they succeed, which would demonstrate some sort of organizational stability. The next best option would be to fire everyone, then hire a reputable NFL fixture to run the football side, if only to give the impression that the team isn't run by a bunch of country club bureaucrats.

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