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Geno is the only player that showed any heart


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Even if it was for himself and not the betterment of the team. At least the guy showed some ******* emotion. I'd seriously rather see guys fighting in the sideline. These guys don't give two sh*ts about winning. Guys smiling after the game is a ******* joke.

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Meanwhile, fans are saying that the jets should cut him in order to send the rest of the team a "message"...like that would fix all of the Jets problems right now along with that 1-5 start.

Props to Geno. Beats being calm and low-key like Wilk after the new Contract. 


And an honorable mention to Sheldon, another guy who last week or so questioned if these guys are even giving it 100%.

And to think, these responses are coming from the 2 most hated guys on the roster by fans. Lol

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Holy carp I thought the tebow fans were delusional, but the genoites have just won the crown.  Geno was acting like an a$$hole like Beckham does and that's good.  Really? Showing up the franchise and then sh*tting the bed again.  Can't wait for this pos to be gone. It's Petty time in a week or two.  

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I don't like Geno Smith as a player, nor have I liked his attitude since he's been a Jet. If he were cut tomorrow, I wouldn't bat an eye.

That said, selfish or not, Geno seething on the sideline was the only emotion I've seen from anyone on this team or coaching staff this entire season, and frankly, it was a little refreshing.

Does anyone on this team have a pulse? At all? Has anyone shown any remote pride in doing his job well, even if it's just for himself and not the team? 

I would like to see more of our players get pissed off. Because currently the NY Jets are the most lifeless team in the entire league, and no one in the organization seems to care at all; there is zero accountability thanks to Bowles the Robot.

I'm close to not watching another game this season for that reason. 

So please, Jets fans, keep bitching about one minor chair (Geno) on the Titanic, while the entire ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean.


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Beats the shlt out of Fitz postgame, claiming he should remain as starter because the guys in the lockerroom like him.  

Yeah, thats translated into big wins.  While Geno notmallowed to show that he wants a shot at turning this around. 

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1 minute ago, Jet Nut said:

Beats the shlt out of Fitz postgame, claiming he should remain as starter because the guys in the lockerroom like him.  

Yeah, thats translated into big wins.  While Geno notmallowed to show that he wants a shot at turning this around. 

I couldn't believe he said that either pathetic on his part.

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11 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Beats the shlt out of Fitz postgame, claiming he should remain as starter because the guys in the lockerroom like him.  

Yeah, thats translated into big wins.  While Geno notmallowed to show that he wants a shot at turning this around. 

The fans play a part in this buffoonery. 


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I have no problem if he starts this week. Because the O isn't working and it's obvious the team needs changes. And Fitz has not successfully been able to run the offense. It's not working. But I've never seen a backup Qb be isolated from the starter the way he is. You always see the backup trying to help out and and be involved. I see him not involved. Is that his fault, we don't know. But combined with his tweets and his selfish behavior on the sideline don't tell me he was the only player who cares. Yeah, cares about himself. 

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I have two tickets to the game this weekend that I'm going to sell on ebay if Ryan Fitzpatrick starts. Seriously, if Bowles does start Fraudpatrick, that indicates to me that he either doesn't care about winning anymore, or is too incompetent to see that we need a QB change, or (probably) both. Why should I pay money to see this team if that's Bowles' attitude?

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Being in Missouri, I don't make it to many games. I spent the money to grab row 2 tickets behind the Jets' bench for the KC game, which was quite possibly the worst display of offensive football I've ever seen in my life. I remember multiple times just watching the players on the sideline for emotion or a reaction of any kind. And the ONLY player I saw doing anything was Brandon Marshall. I saw him gather up some of the offensive players (including the OL) and trying to amp them up and get them back in the game more than once. I watched Revis after he'd give up a play or come off the field after a drive, he looked like he couldn't care less about the score (even when it was still a close game). I saw Fitz throw his helmet and flop onto the bench pissed off (which he should've been). I saw Geno walking around behind Bowles multiple times, as if to remind him that he was there. 

But what pissed me off the most about that game was what I saw from Sheldon Richardson. I don't remember which interception it was, because I lost track of them. But after one of the 4th quarter picks, Sheldon walked from the sideline back to the bench, laughing and shaking his head. When the offense got off the field, Brandon Marshall saw him still cracking jokes on the bench and went OFF. Sheldon stayed on the bench, didn't even get up, while Marshall went off at him. Several players went over there to break it up, including Revis, but you could tell that Sheldon had pissed off multiple players, and you could definitely tell that Marshall was LIVID at him. 


At that moment, I gained a ton of respect for Marshall...and lost even more for Sheldon. Between this and his off field antics over the past couple years, he legit seems like a selfish piece of crap.  

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I don't like Geno Smith as a player, nor have I liked his attitude since he's been a Jet. If he were cut tomorrow, I wouldn't bat an eye.
That said, selfish or not, Geno seething on the sideline was the only emotion I've seen from anyone on this team or coaching staff this entire season, and frankly, it was a little refreshing.
Does anyone on this team have a pulse? At all? Has anyone shown any remote pride in doing his job well, even if it's just for himself and not the team? 
I would like to see more of our players get pissed off. Because currently the NY Jets are the most lifeless team in the entire league, and no one in the organization seems to care at all; there is zero accountability thanks to Bowles the Robot.
I'm close to not watching another game this season for that reason. 
So please, Jets fans, keep bitching about one minor chair (Geno) on the Titanic, while the entire ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

They say teams tend to take on the personality of their coach. We have a laid back, show little emotion guy running our team. Unfortunately, that attitude is spreading. That's why it seems so unusual to see anyone showing any passion. How times have changed. A few years ago EVERYONE would have been furious at Geno's antics. Now, there are at least a few out there that appreciate any sign of life from anyone. Have we hit rock bottom yet?
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Geno just doesn't have the pocket awareness, nor accuracy, to be a good NFL QB.  Nor does he seem like a very good leader.  He benefitted from a system in college that gave him all day to sit back and find the open receiver.  Not the case in the NFL.  This will all be proven in the next few weeks.

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2 hours ago, johnnyjet said:

Holy carp I thought the tebow fans were delusional, but the genoites have just won the crown.  Geno was acting like an a$$hole like Beckham does and that's good.  Really? Showing up the franchise and then sh*tting the bed again.  Can't wait for this pos to be gone. It's Petty time in a week or two.  

Lol ya we want backups who sit quietly on the bench not being bothered by continually watching the biggest scrub in football tank the jets season.. At least someone is showing emotion and anger of losing.. Some seem to take losing too well.. They are called " losers ". petty is not coming in until after geno gets his time.. that is fact., fitz may be cut before end of the season.. 

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3 hours ago, Jet Nut said:

Beats the shlt out of Fitz postgame, claiming he should remain as starter because the guys in the lockerroom like him.  

Yeah, thats translated into big wins.  While Geno notmallowed to show that he wants a shot at turning this around. 

Fitz came across as a complete arrogant delusional douche in the post game, actually saying confidence in the huddle was more important than performance. It was disgusting tbh.  And Geno if you watched the post game interview actually handled it really well.

Bowles should be fired if he starts Fitz again.


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4 hours ago, johnnysd said:

Fitz came across as a complete arrogant delusional douche in the post game, actually saying confidence in the huddle was more important than performance. It was disgusting tbh.  And Geno if you watched the post game interview actually handled it really well.

Bowles should be fired if he starts Fitz again.


The Maury Show applause cheering cheer standing ovation
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8 hours ago, johnnyjet said:

Holy carp I thought the tebow fans were delusional, but the genoites have just won the crown.  Geno was acting like an a$$hole like Beckham does and that's good.  Really? Showing up the franchise and then sh*tting the bed again.  Can't wait for this pos to be gone. It's Petty time in a week or two.  

First off, let me get the Petty giggle out of the way. Lol. Next, we all know who shat the bed last wk. and finally, Geno was acting pissed, something the entire team needs to do. Either act pissed or act ashamed. One or the other. Don't be smiling like the effing clowns we have become, or be emotionless like the Walking Dead zombie we have. 

But yeah, let's cut Geno n Sheldon for questioning the organization. The 1-5 organization. The 1-5 organization that has thus far refused to make a single move/benching the entire year. Kudos to you and your goon crew. 

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10 hours ago, nico002 said:

Even if it was for himself and not the betterment of the team. At least the guy showed some ******* emotion. I'd seriously rather see guys fighting in the sideline. These guys don't give two sh*ts about winning. Guys smiling after the game is a ******* joke.

The emotion he showed was petulant selfish immaturity.

And when given his opportunity, he fumbled, then threw an interception leading an unproductive drive in pressure-free garbage time.  

Classic Geno Smith, and nothing worthy of praise.  

Since it appears he may start Sunday vs. Baltimore, lets all hope he's better, and more mature, than what we say Monday night.

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10 hours ago, johnnyjet said:

Holy carp I thought the tebow fans were delusional, but the genoites have just won the crown.  Geno was acting like an a$$hole like Beckham does and that's good.  Really? Showing up the franchise and then sh*tting the bed again.  Can't wait for this pos to be gone. It's Petty time in a week or two.  

2 completely different situations. Beckham has the world by the balls and still acts like a petulant child. Geno is fighting for his very existence in the sport , he's fighting for his job like any of us would do if we were continually being passed over by inferior talent.

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1 hour ago, FidelioJet said:

Geno is probably the most unfairly treated player (by the fan base) of any player I can honestly recall.


Yeah, for sure. I mean, its all the fan bases fault he was handed the starting job 3 years he was here, sucked in two of them, and then taunted a 300 lb maniac. On top of that, its all the fan bases fault that Geno's c0ck is all over the internet, flipped off the fan base, has pretty much turned off most of his teammates, whined and complained about his lack of opportunity, and then act like a selfish pr1ck. Yes, our fan base is sooooo unfair. Meanwhile 3/4 of the posts on this forum are of posters who are clamoring to see Geno become the franchise QB he is so clearly destined to become. Wow!!!!

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Muttering to yourself and shaking your head on the sidelines is not showing character or fire or heart.

It as usual, as always came down to Geno getting yet another chance to seize the day and prove to the team and the world he could be our QB, instead he did what he always does, makes some very nice throws, looks like he has tuned that elusive corner and then he makes a couple of terrible plays, same as year one, year two, Oakland game, training camp.


Geno Smith is a 2nd round pick who had two full years to seize the job.  He had yet another opp in year three but another player smoked him, something that would be unthinkable for most QB's in this league.


The New York Jets and their fans owe him nothing at all.

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