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Deshaun Watson "Wouldn't Mind" getting drafted by Jets


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Don't know if we want to draft him. It's doubtful he'll even still be there at #6, but the rumor that he doesn't want to land with Cleveland is interesting, albeit unsurprising (does anyone want to go to Cleveland?)



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1 hour ago, David Harris said:

What do they expect the kid to say? Not exactly a ringing endorsement either. 

How about something like "I'd love the opportunity"?  I'm actually glad he did answer the question that way because it kinds of let you know that he may not be a guy that can play in NY.  Not everyone can.  If he had the prerequisite media savvy, he'd know the "wouldn't mind" part would make headlines regardless of context.

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1 hour ago, Freemanm said:

Don't know if we want to draft him. It's doubtful he'll even still be there at #6, but the rumor that he doesn't want to land with Cleveland is interesting, albeit unsurprising (does anyone want to go to Cleveland?)



I'd be shocked if he gets drafted early 1st round, I can see a team like the Giants, Texans, Steelers take him late in first, or a team like Browns, Bears, 49ers, Jets trade back into late first to grab him, but most likely he goes 2nd round the earliest.

As far as saying he wants to play with the Jets, or any team in an interview what is he supposed to say nah I don't want to go there, dude wants to get drafted as high as possible so he should say yes to wanting to play there when asked for any team regardless if it's true, or not this is a non story, he isn't Elway, Manning, or Luck he does not have the luxury of dictating who wants to play for.

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I think as a general matter running/athletic QBs tend to drop as they are perceived as not being well suited for the NFL game.

That is what happened to Geno Smith.  And Russell Wilson (height issue-Watson has a frame issue).  And Paxton Lynch.

Mariotta and Cam Newton are exceptions-QBs picked high who adapted to the NFL. 

Question is how Watson ends up.  

I think Trubiskey and Kizer get picked higher than Watson because they more clearly fit NFL boxes, but that being said, I don't have the slightest idea what the Jets would do if Watson is sitting for them at 6.    

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First of all, I highly doubt he goes in the top 5. Buffalo at 10, NO at 11 and CLE at 12 are all possibilities though.

He could boost his stock leading up to the draft and be taken #2 overall by SF. But I truly believe it will be Trubisky who boosts his stock and shows that he is considerably less raw than a lot of people think and that he is not just a 'system QB'. I also think Kizer will rise as teams faun over his upside. We shall see.

Second, he denied the rumors that he doesn't want to go to CLE. So I will take him at his word.


1 hour ago, Happy Clouds said:

 I haven't given up on Hack. And I know I'm setting the bar really, really low here.

C'mon man! What is up with EVERYONE acting like Hack is a bust!!! I don't get it. AT ALL. THE KID HAS NOT PLAYED. He is young (21), smart, talented, great work ethic and leadership qualities. He has everything you want in a Franchise QB, he just needs to go out and prove himself on the field. In order to do that, he needs to get a chance. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sitting a QB his first year. Yes, he is a developmental player in that he needs to work on certain aspects of his game to be productive in the NFL. Primarily accuracy and consistency. 

And I'm not trying to pick on @Happy Clouds, but just the statement that 'I haven't given up on Hack' is silly. It would have applied to Geno in year 3. But when the kid has not even gotten a chance to play in a meaningful game,  why exactly would ANYONE 'give up' on him. It's ridiculous. 

Macc will do his due diligence in scouting QBs before the draft. There will be rumors swirling around that the Jets like this QB or that QB. And MAYBE Macc will fall in love with a QB prospect and take him at 6. But I highly doubt it. I believe in the end, the Jets WILL NOT draft a QB at 6. They will probably not draft a QB AT ALL this year. And I'm absolutely fine with that. 

Sign a cheap vet on a 1 yr deal. Have Hack and Petty battle it out. If neither show that they can step up and get a hold of the starting role, start the vet. If one of them does, that great, now you have a vet backup just in case of injury.

Draft Fournette at 6 to help out the Offense. Draft an OT in the second round. Get some secondary help and maybe a pass rusher. There's your draft.

OR trade down and take S.Jones in the teens. Use your 2 second rounders on an OT and a Pass Rusher. Maybe add a RB or WR in the 3rd/4th/5th. Maybe add more O-line or secondary depth.


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Pat Mahomes has yet to shake up the QB prospect rankings, and draft projections, none of the talk now of who is going where is remotely true, it's all just guessing based on the most popular guys in the media, and fan love, scouts and teams don't even set a board until after the combine, they start gathering useful info during the All Star game bowls, but none of the supposed top QB prospects played in them so all the rankings are just guesses.

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5 minutes ago, varjet said:

I don't have the slightest idea what the Jets would do if Watson is sitting for them at 6.    

Use him as trade bait to move down and add an extra second rounder. The Browns would be a perfect trade partner if they are interested. Or just pass on him and take a guy like L.Fournette.

At 12 take S.Jones-CB, Washington

With the 2 second round picks take BA OT (Bolles?Garcia?) and BA Pass Rusher (C.Harris?, T.McKinley?). 


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41 minutes ago, UnitedWhofans said:

This is borderline offensive 

What's offensive, snowflake?  Me tying his comment that he wouldn't mind playing for the Jets to a low wonderlic score?  Based on our track record of developing QB's wouldn't my comment make sense?

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1 minute ago, Lupz27 said:

Pat Mahomes has yet to shake up the QB prospect rankings, and draft projections, none of the talk now of who is going where is remotely true, it's all just guessing based on the most popular guys in the media, and fan love, scouts and teams don't even set a board until after the combine, they start gathering useful info during the All Star game bowls, but none of the supposed top QB prospects played in them so all the rankings are just guesses.

This is true. But is is also often true that the predictions are fairly accurate, at least as far as who ends up going in what round and who ends up going top 10. Yes, there will be guys who's stock rises and falls based off combine, work outs etc. But a lot of the players projected to go high right now, will end up going high once the draft hits. 

Last year, apart from Tunsil (who slid b/c of the gas mask bong video) the top ten were pretty accurate.

In 2015 you can pretty much say the same thing. Except for E.Flowers, which was a surprise pick by the Giants.  

In 2014 it pretty much played out the same way. The top 10 were pretty much expected to go in the top 10. Except maybe for Ebron to the Lions at 10th overall. 

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6 minutes ago, PepPep said:


And I'm not trying to pick on @Happy Clouds, but just the statement that 'I haven't given up on Hack' is silly.

Believe it or not, I was actually trying to be supportive of him, Pep. Evidently, I did not phrase it correctly. I am absolutely willing to see him on the field, before I make any judgments on him. It seems like a lot of people have already written him off. I am NOT one of them. I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

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1 hour ago, Awesumtenor said:

People with low Wonderlic scores don't graduate from Clemson in 3 years. Any more ignorant stereotypes to assume ?

I think you missed the point, and are reading into it by inserting your own assumptions. I 100% read it as any QB who wouldn't mind getting drafted by the Jets has to be an idiot (i.e. low Wonderlic). Same as the first reply of 'poor dumb bastard' above it. 

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People with low Wonderlic scores don't graduate from Clemson in 3 years. Any more ignorant stereotypes to assume ?


Ok, here goes nothing...

If someone "wouldn't mind" or "would love" to play for the Jets it makes them stupid; whereas, if he had said "I'd never play for the Jets," it would make him smart.

...therein lies the joke.
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29 minutes ago, Gen X Jet said:

What's offensive, snowflake?  Me tying his comment that he wouldn't mind playing for the Jets to a low wonderlic score?  Based on our track record of developing QB's wouldn't my comment make sense?

Not really because the Wonderlic is a test for problem solving and aptitude.

It has nothing to do with business sense.

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7 minutes ago, the Claw said:



Ok, here goes nothing...

If someone "wouldn't mind" or "would love" to play for the Jets it makes them stupid; whereas, if he had said "I'd never play for the Jets," it would make him smart.

...therein lies the joke.


And it's a joke that makes no sense. Because the Wonderlic does not test for business sense

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16 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

I think you missed the point, and are reading into it by inserting your own assumptions. I 100% read it as any QB who wouldn't mind getting drafted by the Jets has to be an idiot (i.e. low Wonderlic). Same as the first reply of 'poor dumb bastard' above it. 

Poor Dumb Bastard actually makes sense

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INT. conference room. UNITEDWHOFANS and his coworkers, TOM, TERRI, and PHIL are discussing the rollout of a new product.

TOM: I don't love this ad campaign. It doesn't tell you anything about the product. We need to stop beating around the bush.

UNITEDWHOFANS: I do not comprehend, Thomas. There is no bush here, for we are indoors.

PHIL: He just means we should be more direct.

UNITEDWHOFANS: Thank you, Philip. This phrasing is much more sensible. Prithee, Thomas, speak more clearly.

TERRI: What if we split the ads and do a funny spot for TV and an informational spot for print media? That's the best of both worlds.

UNITEDWHOFANS: Theresa, there is but one world on which we exist: earth. 

TOM: Damn it, Whofans, will you cut it out and keep your eye on the ball?

UNITEDWHOFANS: I see no ball, nor do I believe that staring at said ball, were it to be produced, would materially assist our efforts.

PHIL: Guys, I know tensions are high, but let's just bite the bullet and get through this meeting.

UNITEDWHOFANS: I fear, Philip, that biting a bullet might damage my teeth, and in any event your possession of ammunition would contravene our corporate policy about weapons in the office.

TERRI: Seriously, Whofans, you have to stop. This isn't rocket science.

UNITEDWHOFANS: Finally, Theresa, we are in concordance. This company is an advertising agency, and engaging in rocket science would thus be equal parts frustrating and fruitless for us.

TOM, PHIL, TERRI: [commit suicide]

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