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Are NFL teams on the same playing field?


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I was thinking about how the Patriots are 60 million under the salary cap & how Tom Brady has played so many years at a home town discount based on his incredible income from his endorsements off the field & the fact his wife makes more than he does.

Are the Patriots actually good for the NFL or are fans just exhausted by the fact this team is always in the playoffs, always seem to get preferential treatment by the refs, and on top of that have the GOAT QB of all time making less than Brock Osweiller?

Its not a secret that NFL viewership is down & every NFL team without a franchise QB has NO CHANCE to compete for a championship. It's truly amazing the over the last 15 years the AFC has been represented by Tom Brady, Big Ben & Payton Manning in the Super Bowl. 

I bring this up because of 2 things, 1st, the NFL needs to come up with some type of system to make for a level playing field regarding the stars in this league. Darrelle Revis, our only star player held us hostage & killed our salary cap because of it. Even in free agency you have agents selling Miami over NY because of tax reasons. They've already talked about how the Raiders will be free agents targets if they move to Nevada because there is no state tax. That's HUGE when your talking about millions of dollars.

i personally think that the league has to come up with a system where 2 to 3 "Stars" are exempt from the cap in some way. It's especially difficult for the teams without franchise QBs, if they draft an amazing pass rusher, the agent knows they aren't paying a QB so to keep them they have to massively overpay them. 

A good example is Drew Brees in New Orleans. If you pay your QB, 27 million there is no way in hell your going to be able to have a competent defense. Brees greed gives them no chance to have a complete team & that sucks for Saints fans. Any knowledgable Saint fan knows deep down that they aren't winning sh*t with Brees cap number. 

I think 2016 was some of the worst NFL football I've ever witnessed & I use to watch the Vikings vs the LA Rams with the Purple people eaters facing the Fearsome Foursome. I have NEVER turned off more NFL games at halftime more than I did last year & not just Jet games but literally almost every Thursday Night game & MNF game. 

Im just curious if I'm the only NFL fan that feels this way, I'm just feeling totally indifferent more than I ever did regarding the league. Does anyone else feel this way?

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The Jets have has horrible team management as evidenced by the lack of successful draft picks, which is the fuel that drives the salary cap management long term strategy. By sucking real bad at drafting and drafting losers, the Jets have been forced to over pay in free agency for players past their prime or those that never had a prime.  

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It's the league rules making it QB friendly and pass happy that have changed the game and the enjoyment level.  Someone ought to tell the powers that be that if it ain't broke then don't fix it.  My viewership/enjoyment is down, that's for sure. 

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16 minutes ago, UnitedWhofans said:

The interesting thing about the Patriots is that they've always had this cap space, but they never have really put it to use, until this offseason.

You can't blame the Pats for having a QB that takes a ton of paycuts because he has a rich wife. That is optional

I get it but it's a huge advantage to the Patriots. Everyone knows that Belichick plays hardball because Brady can make any competent WR or TE a star, Chris Hogan? Really? BB knows that most teams will have to try & outscore the Pats because your not holding Brady down for an entire game. 

Just look at Greenbay. Aaron Rogers WILLED that team vs the Cowboys. Here's the Cowboys with probably the best Oline in football but passing rules in this game made it Dak Prescott vs Aaron Rogers. Rogers came out on top but didn't have the horses to beat a much more balanced Falcon team. How much does Rogers make vs Matt Ryan? 

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4 minutes ago, Jetster said:

I get it but it's a huge advantage to the Patriots. Everyone knows that Belichick plays hardball because Brady can make any competent WR or TE a star, Chris Hogan? Really? BB knows that most teams will have to try & outscore the Pats because your not holding Brady down for an entire game. 

Just look at Greenbay. Aaron Rogers WILLED that team vs the Cowboys. Here's the Cowboys with probably the best Oline in football but passing rules in this game made it Dak Prescott vs Aaron Rogers. Rogers came out on top but didn't have the horses to beat a much more balanced Falcon team. How much does Rogers make vs Matt Ryan? 

In terms of the logistics you're not wrong, but I don't think that's a fault of the NFL. 

As for popularity, sports are theater. And in good theater, you need a villain. In baseball, the Yankees, in basketball, the Warriors, right now. 

The Patriots are that villain now and have been for years. They took the place of the Cowboys

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Veteran players are taking less money from the Pats because they know it gives them the best chance to get a ring before they are done. Unfortunate for rest of league but don't see how you regulate that out. As far as a superstar exemption from the cap, I can't see that happening. Would prefer a discount for resigning your own players. Say a 5% discount off base salary for as many years as the player has been with the team prior to resigning.

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what's so new about this?  success breeds success. what other qb/hc combo has been together for 10 years let alone 16+.  they got a system and have enough key players to make that system work very well.  and krafty goes around making the nfl creates rules to help his team.

i would rather the nfl go back to the bump and run days and stop letting the receivers pick off db's.  of course the nfl rules for catching are kind of stupid.  some of the old circus catches were pretty cool.  and they should go back the the older kick off lines.  yeah the ko returns looked pretty frightening but they also added some excitement. and it was only a matter of time before they would kick short and force a return.



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The problem with tinkering with the cap system is that it is a function of the relationship between owners and players in the CBA.  A certain percentage of the revenue goes to paying players, which is how the cap is determined.  If you start making exceptions, you can end up in the situation where some larger market teams, or teams with richer owners, can afford to drop megabucks on players.  No small market team (or a team with a poorer owner, like Mark Davis) would ever be able to retain a QB, because someone like Paul Allen or Jerry Jones would come in and offer a monster contract.  I don't think anyone wants the NFL to turn into MLB.

For all the talk of Brady taking less, he is still the highest paid player on his team every year, and his dollars per year are consistently near the top of players in the league, depending on who happened to sign a mega contract each year.  The Patriots cap situation is more largely affected by Bill Belichick's unwillingness to give out monster contracts to players.  Look how much Chandler Jones got from Arizona.  The Patriots, especially on defense, just don't give out megabucks deals.  The Gilmore deal alone feels pretty out of character.  That is why they have so much cap space.

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Basically if you exempt your stars from the cap, the rich teams will win.  You will have the equivalent of the Yankees pay Aaron Rogers and JJ Watt 50 million each, and you will have an even more unbalanced league.  The cap is designed to equalize things, so that u have situations like Brees and NO where u have to pick between him and a D.

The equality problem is basically that qbs are still the most important thing.  That's harder to fix without a rule change, but yea there are only ever 9 or 10 qbs in the league that are capable of winning a sb at an one time, so it's hard to see how u can make things fair as long as they are so dominant.

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Combine HOF players with HOF coaches , good ownership and you get a dynasty , it's how it's worked forever , that's sports. Goes all the way back to the 20's Yankees , the 60's celtics 80's islanders etc etc ..countless examples ...spend a decade trying to beat them , or a decade waiting it out while they beat your brains in , but don't figure out how to try and change the rules to prevent it . It part of what makes sports great. 

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4 hours ago, UnitedWhofans said:

The interesting thing about the Patriots is that they've always had this cap space, but they never have really put it to use, until this offseason.

You can't blame the Pats for having a QB that takes a ton of paycuts because he has a rich wife. That is optional

He's paid under the table, owns some sports company that work for the Pats. its how he gets paid. The NFL should stop it but have no balls with the Pats.

It is what it is, we just have to build from the bottom up.

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4 hours ago, 20andOut said:

Veteran players are taking less money from the Pats because they know it gives them the best chance to get a ring before they are done. Unfortunate for rest of league but don't see how you regulate that out. As far as a superstar exemption from the cap, I can't see that happening. Would prefer a discount for resigning your own players. Say a 5% discount off base salary for as many years as the player has been with the team prior to resigning.

By setting a salary floor for players with a certain amount of years? Of course, the players union wouldn't go for that as teams would just ignore certain player of a certain age more than they already do for college guys. Also, really doesn't address the heart of the issue and really just penalizes journeymen on their 2nd, 3rd contract. 

I feel bad for the players on the one hand as the NFL is probably the toughest sport on the body and the career seems the shortest, but on the other hand the hard cap leads to enough player movement that along with a 7 round draft, competent teams (unlike the Jets) should be able to turn around a bad team in about 3 years. As opposed to basketball, where it seems like a team needs to be bad/tank for about 4 years, not botch any draft at all, and then basically just be any other playoff team unless they are truly terrible in the right year and hit a home run on the first/second pick overall. 

Apples to oranges. I like either baseball's model with unlimited cap but a shared luxury tax, or on the other hand, football/NHL with hard caps, makes good vet players move around the league. NBA is in no mans land with it's salary structure, as far as I'm concerned and I'm a long time NBA fan. 



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5 hours ago, FlagmanL11 said:

The Jets have has horrible team management as evidenced by the lack of successful draft picks, which is the fuel that drives the salary cap management long term strategy. By sucking real bad at drafting and drafting losers, the Jets have been forced to over pay in free agency for players past their prime or those that never had a prime.  

I agree they're somewhat forced to pay more for FAs due to the cupboard of good team-drafted players being more barren than it should have been. However they were never forced to overpay for FAs who were past their prime, and doing so is doubly stewpid when the team doesn't even have an adequate starting QB. Within a yea or two, if it takes that long, this practice sets the team back in the same way that drafting busts puts the team back. 

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4 hours ago, thebuzzardman said:

By setting a salary floor for players with a certain amount of years? Of course, the players union wouldn't go for that as teams would just ignore certain player of a certain age more than they already do for college guys. Also, really doesn't address the heart of the issue and really just penalizes journeymen on their 2nd, 3rd contract. 

There already is a salary floor for players with a certain # f years. It is commonly refered to as the veteran minimum and yes it has absolutely hurt players on their third or 4th contract who are routinely dumped for less experienced, less capable, cheaper, younger players

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9 hours ago, UnitedWhofans said:

The interesting thing about the Patriots is that they've always had this cap space, but they never have really put it to use, until this offseason.

You can't blame the Pats for having a QB that takes a ton of paycuts because he has a rich wife. That is optional

he's not taking any paycuts. he is paid through his business that is contracted by the patriots

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I think if you suck at drafting and free agency and your GM and coach are both idiots and your owner is a boob and you don't even play in your own stadium and you haven't won anything in decades and probably never will, you should get, I dunno, an extra 2nd-round pick or something

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1 minute ago, dbatesman said:

I think if you suck at drafting and free agency and your GM and coach are both idiots and your owner is a boob and you don't even play in your own stadium and you haven't won anything in decades and probably never will, you should get, I dunno, an extra 2nd-round pick or something

I think there should be a rule in all sports that if you don't make the playoffs for a set period of seasons in a row, the owner has to sell the team. Somewhere between 5 and 10.

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34 minutes ago, RutgersJetFan said:

I think there should be a rule in all sports that if you don't make the playoffs for a set period of seasons in a row, the owner has to sell the team. Somewhere between 5 and 10.

Or better yet, they are forced to sell and use DRAFTRON 

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