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1. Macc obviously didn’t hire Gase, Chris Johnson and Sam Darnold did 

2. No major FA or Draft decisions are made without input from the HC and owner- the idea that Macc was allowed free reign and then fired is absurd- especially after being overruled on the HC hire

3. Gase is INTERIM gm. The idea is to hire someone to run most GM duties while allowing Gase to have final/near final say on personnel moves.

4. The greatest coaches in NFL history have all had control over the roster.

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22 minutes ago, nico002 said:

1. Macc obviously didn’t hire Gase, Chris Johnson and Sam Darnold did 

2. No major FA or Draft decisions are made without input from the HC and owner- the idea that Macc was allowed free reign and then fired is absurd- especially after being overruled on the HC hire

3. Gase is INTERIM gm. The idea is to hire someone to run most GM duties while allowing Gase to have final/near final say on personnel moves.

4. The greatest coaches in NFL history have all had control over the roster.

Didnt Gase have some GM control over the Dolphins, and he had zero ability to establish a viable relationship with players at all? Players were getting let go for stupidity, and bonafide stars like Kenyon Drake make statements like "If Gase comes back I want to be traded".

And you're telling us to relax????


F'ing circus!  The Johnson's did this completely wrong. I love the firing of Macc, but it should have been done on the same day as Bowles, so there would be NO NEED for an interim GM. 




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what pi$$es me off more than anything?  all you have been hearing about is how bad the giants are with their idiot GM, the knicks tank and can't get the #1 pick, the Mets....well they're the Mets....and when it came to the Jets?  crickets.  no news is good news.  and now we have this.  unbelievable.

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1 minute ago, RutgersJetFan said:

a keen sense of timing

This too. How the **** do you drop this midmorning on a Wednesday? Is there seriously no one in the building who thought maybe doing it at 4:50 on a Friday afternoon would be a better idea?

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1 minute ago, Legend Killa7 said:

what pi$$es me off more than anything?  all you have been hearing about is how bad the giants are with their idiot GM, the knicks tank and can't get the #1 pick, the Mets....well they're the Mets....and when it came to the Jets?  crickets.  no news is good news.  and now we have this.  unbelievable.

The NY Jets are a better team without Mike Maccagnan as GM 

He refused to address the OL 

We still need a starting CB 

Do we have a legitimate Center 

We do not have a #1 WR 

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1 minute ago, dbatesman said:

This too. How the **** do you drop this midmorning on a Wednesday? Is there seriously no one in the building who thought maybe doing it at 4:50 on a Friday afternoon would be a better idea?

I'm thinking an ultimatum might be involved somehow. 

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1 minute ago, dbatesman said:

This too. How the **** do you drop this midmorning on a Wednesday? Is there seriously no one in the building who thought maybe doing it at 4:50 on a Friday afternoon would be a better idea?

I think it’s fair to say this whole thing was probably really ugly. Gase is clearly a nutbag and Wold seems like more of a cuck than anything else. I have no idea where any of this is going to go but the way this organization manages to find a new bottom every year since Rex chased Jericho Cotchery out of town is wild. 

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10 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

The NY Jets are a better team without Mike Maccagnan as GM 

He refused to address the OL 

We still need a starting CB 

Do we have a legitimate Center 

We do not have a #1 WR 

I agree 100%.  I'm just saying it was nice not be the NY team getting roasted on talk radio, in the papers, etc.  it's always the Jets who get Tebow, have Rex guaranteeing a trip to the white house, having geno get punched in the face by a teammate, etc.  I was just getting used to the giants being the mess, and not hearing anything "bad" about us you know?

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15 minutes ago, Klecko73isGod said:

I'm thinking an ultimatum might be involved somehow. 

Kind of think this has stuff to do less with football and more about personal conduct. Because the timing football wise is very odd. 

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55 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

Didnt Gase have some GM control over the Dolphins, and he had zero ability to establish a viable relationship with players at all? Players were getting let go for stupidity, and bonafide stars like Kenyon Drake make statements like "If Gase comes back I want to be traded".

And you're telling us to relax????


F'ing circus!  The Johnson's did this completely wrong. I love the firing of Macc, but it should have been done on the same day as Bowles, so there would be NO NEED for an interim GM. 




At least - somewhat like Macc with his FA signings - they're accepting the mistake cutting their losses now, rather than trying to make it work just to save face.

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1 hour ago, nico002 said:

1. Macc obviously didn’t hire Gase, Chris Johnson and Sam Darnold did 

2. No major FA or Draft decisions are made without input from the HC and owner- the idea that Macc was allowed free reign and then fired is absurd- especially after being overruled on the HC hire

3. Gase is INTERIM gm. The idea is to hire someone to run most GM duties while allowing Gase to have final/near final say on personnel moves.

4. The greatest coaches in NFL history have all had control over the roster.

Yes lets relax because the red headed kid with two years of college football and one year of pro football help hire our coach. 

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46 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

The NY Jets are a better team without Mike Maccagnan as GM 

He refused to address the OL 

We still need a starting CB 

Do we have a legitimate Center 

We do not have a #1 WR 

No one will deny this. The problem? Chris allowed Maccagnan to spend up all of the cap money and draft another defensive lineman with a top 6 pick. 

Whatever day Bowles was given his walking papers, Macc should have also received his. 

This was even worse than what I expected. My reasoning for firing Macc back then was for the obvious reason that if the Jets didnt do well with a GM already on the hotseat then you end up firing him next year, and then you may end up firing a 1 year head coach or even worse, forcing a coach on to the new GM. 

Time and time again the Johnson's have had the opportunity to do this correctly. Hire a GM, then let the GM hire the coach, let the coach report to the GM and the GM to the owner. 

No. But instead we have this inconsistent relationship between GM/HC and it amounts to bullsh*t. 


We cant fire the Johnson's, but we can certainly watch other NFL games if we're looking for competency on the field and in the front office. 


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1 hour ago, Villain The Foe said:

Didnt Gase have some GM control over the Dolphins, and he had zero ability to establish a viable relationship with players at all? Players were getting let go for stupidity, and bonafide stars like Kenyon Drake make statements like "If Gase comes back I want to be traded".

And you're telling us to relax????


F'ing circus!  The Johnson's did this completely wrong. I love the firing of Macc, but it should have been done on the same day as Bowles, so there would be NO NEED for an interim GM. 




Ummm, do you want a coach all the players love - like Bowles or Edwards?   Or a complete a$$hole who gets the players angry like Gase and Williams.  I rather have players playing angry than one blowing kisses to their head coach.

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48 minutes ago, RutgersJetFan said:

I think it’s fair to say this whole thing was probably really ugly. Gase is clearly a nutbag and Wold seems like more of a cuck than anything else. I have no idea where any of this is going to go but the way this organization manages to find a new bottom every year since Rex chased Jericho Cotchery out of town is wild. 

Jerricho Cotchery was the last 1000 yard receiver we've originally drafted.

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58 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

This too. How the **** do you drop this midmorning on a Wednesday? Is there seriously no one in the building who thought maybe doing it at 4:50 on a Friday afternoon would be a better idea?

Also they should have sold tickets to a scheduled PR event. No imagination.

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5 minutes ago, deucebag said:

Ummm, do you want a coach all the players love - like Bowles or Edwards?   Or a complete a$$hole who gets the players angry like Gase and Williams.  I rather have players playing angry than one blowing kisses to their head coach.

Im talking about Gase as a GM. Were Bowles or Edwards in charge of the decisions around these parts? 



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There are a few back stories here that could drop like dominos. Greg Williams and the Gase speculations regarding the recently signed stars. Also, the trust factor with Gase.

Could be nothing, maybe not..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The ever present mob of SOJFs needs a target.  They always do.

Bowles is gone.  And now, so is Macc.

It's never a question that Jets fans will be angry, frustrated and want to vent at someone.  The only thing that changes is the someone.  Adam Gase better wear fire retardant clothing.

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4 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:

The ever present mob of SOJFs needs a target.  They always do.

Bowles is gone.  And now, so is Macc.

It's never a question that Jets fans will be angry, frustrated and want to vent at someone.  The only thing that changes is the someone.  Adam Gase better wear fire retardant clothing.

You act as if this organization is undeserving of the ridicule that they get. They are incompetently managed and unfortunately it starts and ends with ownership. By any conceivable metric of evaluation, wins and losses, playoff appearances, offensive and defensive rankings, drafted player success, they have fallen woefully short for years. Barring a change in ownership, what's left except to hope that the decisionmakers below them actually can make competent decisions.

We all care about this team, but some people are just unwilling to accept slop and say "thank you, may I have another" while others clearly are.



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9 minutes ago, Jets Voice of Reason said:

You act as if this organization is undeserving of the ridicule that they get. They are incompetently managed and unfortunately it starts and ends with ownership. By any conceivable metric of evaluation, wins and losses, playoff appearances, offensive and defensive rankings, drafted player success, they have fallen woefully short for years. Barring a change in ownership, what's left except to hope that the decisionmakers below them actually can make competent decisions.

We all care about this team, but some people are just unwilling to accept slop and say "thank you, may I have another" while others clearly are.



Also the idea that this is in any way due to fans posting on this website is even more preposterous. 

We posted plenty about his inadequacies for years. The result was this boob survived the offseason, then a year later got an extension, and then a year later survived the firing of the other boob. That this happened another 5 months later is incidental. 

Yes the timing looks less than ideal but the last people to blame for his firing are fans. Only one you could make that case for was Idzik, and he buried himself between the drafts and that cringe-worthy presser; flying banners or no. 

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2 hours ago, nico002 said:

1. Macc obviously didn’t hire Gase, Chris Johnson and Sam Darnold did 

2. No major FA or Draft decisions are made without input from the HC and owner- the idea that Macc was allowed free reign and then fired is absurd- especially after being overruled on the HC hire

3. Gase is INTERIM gm. The idea is to hire someone to run most GM duties while allowing Gase to have final/near final say on personnel moves.

4. The greatest coaches in NFL history have all had control over the roster.


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14 minutes ago, Jets Voice of Reason said:

You act as if this organization is undeserving of the ridicule that they get. They are incompetently managed and unfortunately it starts and ends with ownership. By any conceivable metric of evaluation, wins and losses, playoff appearances, offensive and defensive rankings, drafted player success, they have fallen woefully short for years. Barring a change in ownership, what's left except to hope that the decisionmakers below them actually can make competent decisions.

We all care about this team, but some people are just unwilling to accept slop and say "thank you, may I have another" while others clearly are.


Nobody said the team doesn't deserve criticism, especially until they start winning again.  BUT, the organization is not standing still.  The worst thing a team can do is say that they're comfortable with the decisions they've made and stick to them despite evidence to the contrary.  They fired the Head Coach.  Did you want to keep him?  They just fired the GM.  Did you want to keep him?  Chris Johnson has been on the job for a year since Woody left....he's changed the Head Coach, he changed the GM, he even changed the f**king uniforms.  If you want to stay stuck in the mud then you don't make changes.  Gase hasn't coached a game here yet.  Just with that he has a better record than most Jets coaches in history.

People are criticizing CJ for the timing of his decision today.  Hindsight is 20/20, but did they want to wait and see the product on the field in 2019, with 8 new starters before deciding whether to retain Maccagnan?  The Packers rode Mike McCarthy to mediocrity for a decade with a Hall of Fame QB who has had most of his career go to waste.  The Jets are on their 3rd head coach this decade and will be on their 3rd GM shortly.  Ownership has gone it alone in decision-making and they've also tried using "outside experts" to help with decisions.  Neither has worked so far.  I have no problem with the organization and ownership making changes until something works.  We're not accepting of the slop....we're glad to see changes being made.  Put me 100% in the category of being happy to say, "Thank for your time Maccagnan, may I have another GM."


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2 hours ago, nico002 said:

1. Macc obviously didn’t hire Gase, Chris Johnson and Sam Darnold did 

2. No major FA or Draft decisions are made without input from the HC and owner- the idea that Macc was allowed free reign and then fired is absurd- especially after being overruled on the HC hire

3. Gase is INTERIM gm. The idea is to hire someone to run most GM duties while allowing Gase to have final/near final say on personnel moves.

4. The greatest coaches in NFL history have all had control over the roster.

the greatest caches in the history did not have a sub 500 record when they had control

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The ever present mob of SOJFs needs a target.  They always do.

Bowles is gone.  And now, so is Macc.

It's never a question that Jets fans will be angry, frustrated and want to vent at someone.  The only thing that changes is the someone.  Adam Gase better wear fire retardant clothing.


He’s definitely a target now, no doubt. What probably makes him sleep at night is he doesn’t seem to give a damn.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, JetsLife said:

And according to ESPN's Anita Marks, Gase had nothing to do with the firing. See link I posted in another message.

Yea thats what gotti said as well after big paul was found face down in front of the steakhouse

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