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Once Again Jets Fans, It Simply Comes Down To This


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It's the ownership of this Jets team that is to blame for this constant and seemingly never-ending cycle of losing. Woody Johnson doesn't know how to run an NFL Franchise. He is still trying to perfect what Bill Parcells told him that he should do to build a winning team. He was to find and hire some (supposedly) hot young up and coming Defensive Co-ordinator who has zero head coaching experience and let him become another Super Bowl winning genius like himself and his protege Belichik.

So.... First Woody Johnson hires Al Groh, who coaches 1 year and is gone; his choice. Herman Edwards, starts out promising  and then 5 years later has lost his way out of town (his choice IMO as the KC job was waiting for him). Then we get Eric  Mancini, who lasts 3 years and is gone after losing to Chad Pennington and a gimmick football play from Miami which pissed Johnson off so badly that he couldn't sleep that night and wakes Mike Tannenbaum up at 3AM and makes him fire Mangini NOW! Which then brings in Rex Ryan, who again starts out good and by year 6 he had lost his way out of football. Bringing in unqualified attempt #5 Todd Bowles, who like his predesessors goes 4 years and is fired but then then lucks his way onto a team with the GOAT QB and becomes a hot commodity again by no fault of his own doing. So finally Woody decides to try something new and hires an ex-HC from the other side of the field and offensive-minded guy, Adam Gase  who proves that Johnson will never learn from any mistakes he has made because THAT idea was tried before too (back in 2012) hire and ex- Miami head coach  from the offensive side of the equation Tony Sparano brought his brilliance and his one trick pony play to NJ as Ryan's OC for a season that seemed a lot worse than the 6-10 record showed. So the ONE TIME he strayed from Parcells' advice wench again find our team back to the SOS with this clown Robert Saleh who has yet to learn how to make in-game adjustments from either side of the ball and who, when losing coaches like a cigar store wooden Indian and we all sit there shaking our heads wondering why? HOW can this keep happening year after year after year after year with over a decade of high draft picks that continue to be busts...it's easy keep making the same mistakes and never learn from them. You keep doing what you did and you will keep getting what you got.                  That my friends is the Legacy of Woody Johnson

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31 minutes ago, SoFlaJets said:

It's the ownership of this Jets team that is to blame for this constant and seemingly never-ending cycle of losing. Woody Johnson doesn't know how to run an NFL Franchise. He is still trying to perfect what Bill Parcells told him that he should do to build a winning team. He was to find and hire some (supposedly) hot young up and coming Defensive Co-ordinator who has zero head coaching experience and let him become another Super Bowl winning genius like himself and his protege Belichik.

So.... First Woody Johnson hires Al Groh, who coaches 1 year and is gone; his choice. Herman Edwards, starts out promising  and then 5 years later has lost his way out of town (his choice IMO as the KC job was waiting for him). Then we get Eric  Mancini, who lasts 3 years and is gone after losing to Chad Pennington and a gimmick football play from Miami which pissed Johnson off so badly that he couldn't sleep that night and wakes Mike Tannenbaum up at 3AM and makes him fire Mangini NOW! Which then brings in Rex Ryan, who again starts out good and by year 6 he had lost his way out of football. Bringing in unqualified attempt #5 Todd Bowles, who like his predesessors goes 4 years and is fired but then then lucks his way onto a team with the GOAT QB and becomes a hot commodity again by no fault of his own doing. So finally Woody decides to try something new and hires an ex-HC from the other side of the field and offensive-minded guy, Adam Gase  who proves that Johnson will never learn from any mistakes he has made because THAT idea was tried before too (back in 2012) hire and ex- Miami head coach  from the offensive side of the equation Tony Sparano brought his brilliance and his one trick pony play to NJ as Ryan's OC for a season that seemed a lot worse than the 6-10 record showed. So the ONE TIME he strayed from Parcells' advice wench again find our team back to the SOS with this clown Robert Saleh who has yet to learn how to make in-game adjustments from either side of the ball and who, when losing coaches like a cigar store wooden Indian and we all sit there shaking our heads wondering why? HOW can this keep happening year after year after year after year with over a decade of high draft picks that continue to be busts...it's easy keep making the same mistakes and never learn from them. You keep doing what you did and you will keep getting what you got.                  That my friends is the Legacy of Woody Johnson

The "legacy of Woody Johnson" comes down to this: 


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41 minutes ago, SoFlaJets said:

It's the ownership of this Jets team that is to blame for this constant and seemingly never-ending cycle of losing. Woody Johnson doesn't know how to run an NFL Franchise. He is still trying to perfect what Bill Parcells told him that he should do to build a winning team. He was to find and hire some (supposedly) hot young up and coming Defensive Co-ordinator who has zero head coaching experience and let him become another Super Bowl winning genius like himself and his protege Belichik.

So.... First Woody Johnson hires Al Groh, who coaches 1 year and is gone; his choice. Herman Edwards, starts out promising  and then 5 years later has lost his way out of town (his choice IMO as the KC job was waiting for him). Then we get Eric  Mancini, who lasts 3 years and is gone after losing to Chad Pennington and a gimmick football play from Miami which pissed Johnson off so badly that he couldn't sleep that night and wakes Mike Tannenbaum up at 3AM and makes him fire Mangini NOW! Which then brings in Rex Ryan, who again starts out good and by year 6 he had lost his way out of football. Bringing in unqualified attempt #5 Todd Bowles, who like his predesessors goes 4 years and is fired but then then lucks his way onto a team with the GOAT QB and becomes a hot commodity again by no fault of his own doing. So finally Woody decides to try something new and hires an ex-HC from the other side of the field and offensive-minded guy, Adam Gase  who proves that Johnson will never learn from any mistakes he has made because THAT idea was tried before too (back in 2012) hire and ex- Miami head coach  from the offensive side of the equation Tony Sparano brought his brilliance and his one trick pony play to NJ as Ryan's OC for a season that seemed a lot worse than the 6-10 record showed. So the ONE TIME he strayed from Parcells' advice wench again find our team back to the SOS with this clown Robert Saleh who has yet to learn how to make in-game adjustments from either side of the ball and who, when losing coaches like a cigar store wooden Indian and we all sit there shaking our heads wondering why? HOW can this keep happening year after year after year after year with over a decade of high draft picks that continue to be busts...it's easy keep making the same mistakes and never learn from them. You keep doing what you did and you will keep getting what you got.                  That my friends is the Legacy of Woody Johnson

Woody Johnson was in the UK

Joe Douglass hired Robert Saleh

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Woody didn’t hire Gase nor Douglas and he didn’t fire MacCagnan. That was ALL Chris Johnson AFTER he had already extended Bowles and Mac in 2018. If anything, Woody will most likely clean house to re-establish his control of the team. How many fired HC and GM contracts are the Jets STILL paying off?

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19 minutes ago, LSJF said:

The old, owner must sell the team scenario, which never happens….(except for the Mets, which was almost a fluke) .. JD has potential, so far Saleh looks like a fraud,…

Nowhere in my rant do I say that the solution is that Woody must sell-he won't.

As for Joe Douglas well lets look at just the draft records


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I had high hopes for Saleh, but so far it's not working, for whatever reason. He seems like a nice guy, but so was Bowles.  The 1 thing that is most troubling is when you have a "defensive coach" and they are still making the same dumb mistakes we saw yesterday in the secondary. The window is closing fast on the HC, as it should.

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Just now, Joe W. Namath said:

Post UK Woody has been one of the best owners in the league.  The problem is we trotted out the worst qb in the nfl yesterday and he played like it.  Flaccid should never take another snap for this team again.

and you expect Saleh to make a ballsy move like that? We all know that the only way he makes such a move is if he gets an "out" and Flacco gets hurt THEN we might see a QB who still knows how to drop back with a sense of urgency and that his legs can handle said task-apparently Flaccos can not.

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56 minutes ago, Sammybighead said:

I'm not a woody fan, but ownership did exactly what fans and media have been asking this time. They hired a well respected football man in Joe Douglas and gave him a long contract with complete control. JD picked his man Saleh. Saleh reports to JD who reports to ownership. This is the structure and vision we've all been clamoring for years.

In the end, the people that were chosen may not work out, but let's at least realize we got what we asked for from ownership and I can't bury the Johnsons on this.

Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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1 minute ago, kevinc855 said:

You wont respond because you know im right and your argument kidna went to poof

Yea OK Kevin, in the Year of Our Lord 2021 there is no such thing as a telephone and all the team had to communicate with was two soup cans but the strings not quite long enough top reach all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles, so the team was forced to make the decision without Woody Johnson's input. POOF

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1 minute ago, SoFlaJets said:

Yea OK Kevin, in the Year of Our Lord 2021 there is no such thing as a telephone and all the team had to communicate with was two soup cans but the strings not quite long enough top reach all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles, so the team was forced to make the decision without Woody Johnson's input. POOF

So are you saying woody Johnson hired roger Saleh not joe Douglass?

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I don't know if I want to blame the owner 100% for this cluster F%$#.  The position that needs addressing and it's glaring, is the O line...not so much the QB position because if you have a top 5 O line, an average QB can succeed.  You can go all the way back to the Namath days, this team hasn't had an O line that's been intact for at least 5 years.  Pick a decade, I don't care what decade it is, you will find a Jets O line that was good for maybe 2-3 years, but that's been it.  You would think it would be simple enough to have a top 5 O line after all these years, but regime after regime from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, 2010's and now the 2020's can't seem to build the O line.  I'm sticking with this observation because the old saying whether it's 1968 or 2022 is, IT ALL STARTS UP FRONT!  Are you telling me if Flacco (and I'm no Flacco fan) had time to throw, we couldn't have won yesterday? We have a GM who is putting in plug and play guys that are rookies and old dudes...that isn't going to work with the old guys and Becton getting put on IR...and Fant yesterday?  He's probably fed up with moving back and forth because he doesn't know week to week where he's going to line up at.  Mark my words, if the O line isn't at least adequate (give him time in the pocket) by the time ZW comes back, it will be more like yesterday.  Yes, it was one game, but it's a problem we haven't solved in decades.  I know I am repeating myself, but if Joe Namath was honest, he would tell you that maybe if he had a decent O line for a decade instead of the 2-3 years he had, we may have had a couple of more SB victories...the guy is a cripple today because of the hits he took...and those INT'S the younger fans like to point out, that was Joe forcing the ball when he was constantly under pressure...FIX THE F%$#ing line!!!  One last thing...a positive thing.  I believe we have the makings of a very good defense...maybe a LB and safety away...but they can't be running out of gas because the offense is sh*tting the bed.  I'M DONE WITH MY RANT! 

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19 minutes ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Post UK Woody has been one of the best owners in the league.  The problem is we trotted out the worst qb in the nfl yesterday and he played like it.  Flaccid should never take another snap for this team again.

If you think Flacco is the only issue from yesterday you are going to have a tough time this season. 

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2 minutes ago, kevinc855 said:

In fairness none of you would turn down an opportunity to serve your country as an ambassador for a football team. Or at least i hope so

Plenty of owners would turn down those sham positions. But at least Woody left us in good hands with his brother, Chris was a football savant. Thank you Woody and Chris!!

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2 minutes ago, kevinc855 said:

In fairness none of you would turn down an opportunity to serve your country as an ambassador for a football team. Or at least i hope so

It wasn't exactly an earned opportunity to serve the country.  It's more comparable to buying the Jets.   Thank you Robert Wood Johnson, thank you!

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22 minutes ago, kevinc855 said:

Sure. If that’s what you think…

But it’s true 

And which then goes right back to the other thing I have been saying for the past decade about Woody Johnson since the day after getting shut out 34-0 to the SF 49ers at home and our owner with the most expensive hobby in the world says this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/gameon/2012/10/01/woody-johnson-romney-jets/1606177/


Since the day that Woody Johnson admitted to the world that he didn't even really care about football that much anymore and proved it by going to work for the former president instead of staying here and showing his interest in the team he owns instead of some meaningless just for show and unimportant Ambassadorship in England the New York Jets have officially now lost MORE THAN TWICE AS MANY GAMES than they have won after yesterday's loss  putting them at 54-110 since the day he told us what was most important to him.

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Despite trying to fix it for several years, JD has failed to build a quality O-line.

Despite drafting a QB at #2 overall, we are the worst team in the NFL at the QB position.

Despite signing what feels like a dozen kickers, we're still one of the weakest teams at punting and FG kicking.

Despite being given carte blanche to hire his Head Coach, it feels like we are one of the most poorly coached teams in the NFL, sloppy and undisciplined.

People can thank Joe Douglas as much as they like, but at the end of the day, GM's are judged by wins and losses, like everyone in sports.

His fans say the Gase year doesn't count, that Gase was in change, so ok, fine.

Since then, when JD ran this show, we're 2-14, 4-13 and now 0-1 with what feels like a poor outlook in the eyes of the majority of fans.  Another 4 win season feels possible.

Few GM's survive the kind of failure JD has had.  

He's made some great trades.  And his offensive skill picks (outside of Zach, Becton and Mims) seem pretty good early.

But his team has to win.  And that O-line has to not suck.  And QB needs a massive improvement in quality of play.  And all of this needs to happen soon.

Or he will be gone like the GM's before him.

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3 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Despite trying to fix it for several years, JD has failed to build a quality O-line.

Despite drafting a QB at #2 overall, we are the worst team in the NFL at the QB position.

Despite signing what feels like a dozen kickers, we're still one of the weakest teams at punting and FG kicking.

Despite being given carte blanche to hire his Head Coach, it feels like we are one of the most poorly coached teams in the NFL, sloppy and undisciplined.

People can thank Joe Douglas as much as they like, but at the end of the day, GM's are judged by wins and losses, like everyone in sports.

His fans say the Gase year doesn't count, that Gase was in change, so ok, fine.

Since then, when JD ran this show, we're 2-14, 4-13 and now 0-1 with what feels like a poor outlook in the eyes of the majority of fans.  Another 4 win season feels possible.

Few GM's survive the kind of failure JD has had.  

He's made some great trades.  And his offensive skill picks (outside of Zach, Becton and Mims) seem pretty good early.

But his team has to win.  And that O-line has to not suck.  And QB needs a massive improvement in quality of play.  And all of this needs to happen soon.

Or he will be gone like the GM's before him.

Zach is an INC at this point. Does anyone really believe he would not have been better than Flacco yesterday. To think JD had carte blanche in hiring the head coach is wrongheaded. The OP is right in that we went and got the HV Woody always hires -the conservative, defensive minded head coach. We just rotate personalities.

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44 minutes ago, 92ShaunEllis92 said:

Woody didn’t hire Gase nor Douglas and he didn’t fire MacCagnan. That was ALL Chris Johnson AFTER he had already extended Bowles and Mac in 2018. If anything, Woody will most likely clean house to re-establish his control of the team. How many fired HC and GM contracts are the Jets STILL paying off?

Gase hired Douglas.  Woody came back to the US 1 week after Saleh was hired.  Saleh was hired 5 days after the regular season ended.  They rushed into the hire because he was cool on the SF sidelines and they were worried he would go to Detroit.  They did no due diligence on Saleh.  

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5 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

Been saying for a while now. 

Don't expect success until Woody Johnson dies and ownership changes hands.

Even Woody's death wouldn't change a thing Spuds, it must go to an ownership concern that actually CARES ABOUT FOOTBALL!. Owning a team as a hobby is not good enough. Football is now a 365 days a year business, it takes all of an owner's concentration in this age. Woody being a cool guy, a patriot and a guy who is little more than a clothing designer (read his tweets you guys) I mean this guy tweets every week about which frigging uniform the Jets will be wearing this week!  We need more, we need better.  

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