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Aaron Rodgers to the Jets rumor: Merged

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2 minutes ago, Skeptable said:

Hackett normally plays with 4 TEs... so Lewis or Tonyan coming isn't a surprise... and although I like Yaboha or however you spell his name. . I think this veterans will replace him just for the shear fact Aaron wants them.

good call 


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I expect we won't hear anything until at the earliest tomorrow before FA starts. I am not even committed to this happening until it actually happens. We don't know for sure whether this is some high stakes game Rodgers and GB are playing for Rodgers to dictate GB's roster decisions this year. We also don't know if a deal is made but everybody is holding out to make things difficult for the other teams that need QBs. 

I assume Douglas had plans in place if Rodgers fell through. If there isn't a private deal in place already, I have to assume he is already moving to explore other options in free agency. 


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42 minutes ago, Dcronin said:

A total a-hole of a QB, I mean a real, egomaniacal, anti-vax moron

Last month, the NFL and the players’ union updated protocols to loosen restrictions for fully vaccinated players and to encourage others to get the vaccine.

Unvaccinated players must continue to get daily testing, wear masks and practice physical distancing. They won’t be allowed to eat meals with teammates, can’t participate in media or marketing activities while traveling, aren’t permitted to use the sauna or steam room and may not leave the team hotel or interact with people outside the team while traveling. Vaccinated players will not have any of those restrictions.

https://apnews.com/article/sports-football-health-coronavirus-pandemic-nfl-28b509f34f24a919750dc6c20b787c79 ( July 16, 2021)

Basically made the unvaccinated, 2nd class citizens within their organizations.

Cole Beasley was publicly shamed by the Bills for NOT getting vaccinated. He was punished by losing playing time, being cut from the team and getting massive grief in public and the press (like crappy ESPN) in virtue signaling western NYS for not following the lemmings of the cliff.

The kicker is that late in this season when the Bills were hurting for wide receivers, they brought Beasley back to play down the stretch and he even had a big catch in the playoff win over the Dolphins. Suddenly, being unvaccinated wasn’t such a big deal.



Damar Hamlin is Asked What Reason Doctors Gave Him For His Heart Stopping - “.... Umm, Umm, that’s something I want to stay away from” Interview with Michael Strahan 


Yeah, why would he be so clearly concerned about saying what the doctors told him was the cause? Not his personal theory...but what the health care professionals told him what they thought was the cause!

He's either under a NDA about the shots, or he's planning on some kind of lawsuit and his lawyer told him to say nothing about it. 

That which must not be named. He said it without saying it



"Imagine what we could have done, what we could have prevented if we had all displayed some guts and had stuck together."

Indeed, and not just the vax. The insane cloth mask mandates, the closures of mom and pop shops/churches/gyms but not the big box stores/pot shops/liquor stores.
They allowed the rioters to march in large groups without "social" "distancing" or cloth masks, yet required restaurant workers to "check" the vaccination status of someone who wanted to go in and eat and required they wear a "mask" to walk through the restaurant, but could take it off to sit at a table.

All of it completely anti-science, anti-logic and anti-American.


destroying the economy, instilling fear in the public at large and i


The NFL's COVID-19 vaccination rate as of January 13 is as follows:

·         Nearly 95% of NFL players are vaccinated; nearly 100% of NFL personnel are vaccinated.

·         With such a highly vaccinated population, the NFL environment is not comparable to anywhere else in society. We will continue to work with the NFLPA with the goal of having 100% of players vaccinated.

https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/resources/press-releases/nfl-covid-19-testing-results-and-vaccination-rates-dec-26-2021-jan-8-2022 (Jan 13, 2022)

The NFL certainly did their best to "encourage" players to get vaccinated:

In a memo sent to clubs last week and obtained by the AP on Thursday, the NFL, in conjunction with the NFLPA, updated protocols to allow teams traveling to joint practices to have their daily maximum of Tier 1 and Tier 2 individuals. The traveling party will be either 100 or 140, depending on the club’s vaccination percentage. The club must limit the number of individuals traveling on the team transportation to 85 but may travel additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 staff up to the applicable daily Tier limits separately to attend the practice.

Also, beginning at the start of training camp, teams will be required to develop a method to visually identify fully vaccinated Tier 1 and Tier 2 individuals.

Utilizing color-coded wristbands or credentials are recommended but clubs are free to implement other methods.

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7 minutes ago, heymangold said:

lol now marcedes lewis.  It didn’t work in Green Bay - what’s gonna make it work here?

f Rodgers and F the cuck jets

Lewis is the best blocking TE in football and it isn’t close.   He’s like a sixth offensive linemen out there.  No wheels left but the running game will hum with him and Lazard blocking

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6 minutes ago, ptisme said:

Lewis is the best blocking TE in football and it isn’t close.   He’s like a sixth offensive linemen out there.  No wheels left but the running game will hum with him and Lazard blocking

He doesn't put up gaudy stats so that's a bad move for some here

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8 minutes ago, ptisme said:

Lewis is the best blocking TE in football and it isn’t close.   He’s like a sixth offensive linemen out there.  No wheels left but the running game will hum with him and Lazard blocking

We don’t need another blocking TE, especially an old ass one.  

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8 minutes ago, British Jet said:

This is going to count for absolutely nothing I know, but I know the guy who does the graphics for the NFL social media feeds in the UK/Europe.

He's been told the deal is done and to prepare the fancy graphics announcing it / talking about it on social media. He's sent me the Rodgers stuff that he's made. 


The way some folks around here are operating they need to see Rodgers tweet, text, e-mail, and live call-in the decision directly to Ian Rapoport for them to believe it's happened.  

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